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Scripture:Galatians 6

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Scripture: Galatians 6:2 Author (Spanish) of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds (Sagrudo es el amor)" in Santo, Santo, Santo In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

Speros Demetrios Athans

1883 - 1969 Person Name: S. D. Athans, 1883-1969 Scripture: Galatians 6:14 Translator of "The Old Rugged Cross (En el monte Calvario)" in Santo, Santo, Santo Speros Demetrios Athans was born 1883 in Turkey. Raised in the Greek Or­tho­dox Church, Ath­ans left home at age 15, af­ter his fa­ther’s death. He spent two years on the is­land of Cor­fu, Greece, and two more in Egypt, then went to Great Bri­tain, where he worked as a sail­or. In 1903 he went to Am­er­i­ca, and dur­ing im­mi­gra­tion pro­cess­ing, some­one gave him a New Tes­ta­ment in Greek. A year lat­er, he joined a Naz­a­rene church in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. He then en­rolled in a Bi­ble school and un­i­ver­si­ty. While in school in Ca­li­for­nia, he be­gan to stu­dy Span­ish and to work with the La­ti­no com­mu­ni­ty. In 1910 he de­cid­ed to work in ev­an­gel­ism. In 1931, he joined the Me­thod­ist mis­sion­ary work in La­tin Am­er­i­ca, re­tir­ing in 1949. © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

James Allen

1734 - 1804 Scripture: Galatians 6:14 Author of "Sweet the Moments" in The Hymnal of The Evangelical United Brethren Church Allen, James, born at Gayle, Wensleydale, Yorkshire, June 24, 1734, and educated with a view to taking Holy Orders, first with two clergymen at different times, and then for one year at St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Leaving the University in 1752 he became a follower of Benjamin Ingham, the founder of the sect of the Inghamites, but subsequently joined himself to the Sandemanians; and finally built a chapel on his estate at Gayle, and ministered therein to the time of his death; died 31st Oct., 1804. He published a small volume, Christian Songs, containing 17 hymns, and was the editor and a principal contributor to the Kendal Hymn Book, 1757, and Appendix to the 2nd edition, 1761. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

B. D. Ackley

1872 - 1958 Person Name: Bentley D. Ackley Scripture: Galatians 6:14 Composer of "[Once my way was dark and dreary]" in Hymns of Faith Bentley DeForrest Ackley was born 27 September 1872 in Spring Hill, Pennsylvania. He was the oldest son of Stanley Frank Ackley and the brother of A. H. Ackley. In his early years, he traveled with his father and his father's band. He learned to play several musical instruments. By the age of 16, after the family had moved to New York, he began to play the organ for churches. He married Bessie Hill Morley on 20 December 1893. In 1907 he joined the Billy Sunday and Homer Rodeheaver evangelist team as secretary/pianist. He worked for and traveled with the Billy Sunday organization for 8 years. He also worked as an editor for the Homer Rodeheaver publishing company. He composed more than 3000 tunes. He died 3 September 1958 in Winona Hills, Indiana at the age of 85 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Warsaw, Indiana, near his friend Homer Rodeheaver. Dianne Shapiro (from by Ed Ackley and Allen C. Ackley)

Chester G. Allen

1838 - 1878 Person Name: C. G. Allen Scripture: Galatians 6:14 Composer of "THE PENITENT" in Hymns and Tunes Chester G. Allen was known as a teacher, composer and musical writer. He taught music in Cleveland, Ohio public schools. He also edited and compiled collections of music for schools and churches, containing many of his own compositions. Nancy Naber

Charlotte Abbey

Scripture: Galatians 6:14 Author of "Nearer the Cross" in The Crowning Day

Lizzie Ashbaugh

Scripture: Galatians 6:9 Author of "Press Boldly On" in Heavenly Carols Or Lizzie Ashbach, Late 19th Century

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