Bob Hurd

Short Name: Bob Hurd
Full Name: Hurd, Bob, 1950-
Birth Year: 1950 does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Bob Hurd (99)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A ti, Señor, me acojo (In you, O LORD, I take refuge)Bob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author (English verses 2-4))English, Spanish4
In you, O LORD I take refuge; Let me never be put to shame (CCD)Bob Hurd (Author (English vs. 2-4))English1
Al verme se burlan de mí (I am scorned by all who see me)Bob Hurd (Author (English verses))English, Spanish4
Alaben al SeñorBob Hurd (Author)English, Spanish3
AlleluiaBob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author)English, German2
[Alive in One Spirit]Bob Hurd (Author)English2
Alleluia! Alleluia! Give the glory and the honor to the LordBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English3
As we partake of this bread of lifeBob Hurd (Author)English2
Athirst my soul for you, the God who is my life!Bob Hurd (b. 1950) (Paraphraser)English9
Ayúdanos a preparar un buen hogar (Help us make room for your coming, Lord)Bob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish2
Behold the cross on which was hungBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English3
Blessed are you, blessed and holy (Eres bendito, tú eres santo)Bob Hurd (Translator)English, Spanish2
Pan parael viaje, Pan de la vida (Bread for the journey, strength for our years)Bob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish11
Bread of life broken, cup of life poured outBob Hurd (Author)Spanish2
Canten al Señor un cántico nuevo, Porque ha hecho maravillasBob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author (English verses))Spanish2
Canten al Señor un cántico nuevo (Sing, sing to the Lord a new song)Bob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author (English verses))English, Spanish3
Christ is the light of the worldBob Hurd (Author)English3
Come, Lord Jesus, into our livesBob Hurd (Author)2
Contigo, mi Dios, piedad (With you, O God, mercy)Bob Hurd (Adapter)English, Spanish2
Cristo a la muerte venció (Jesus has overcome death)Bob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish2
Desde lo hondo a ti grito, SeñorBob Hurd, n. 1950 (Respuesta y estrofas 3 y 4 en inglés)Spanish4
From the depths I cry to you, O LordBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author (English refrain))English2
Dios viene al mundo a través de nosotrosBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English12
Down from heights of gloryBob Hurd (Author)English4
Draw us forth to the table of lifeBob Hurd (Author)8
El Señor es el lote de mi heredad y mi copa (O Lord, my allotted portion and my cup)Bob Hurd, n. 1950 (Inglés)English, Spanish4
El señor es mi pastor (My shepherd is the Lord, I shall want nothing)Bob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author (Spanish refrain))English, Spanish9
En el agua de vida (In the living water)Bob Hurd (Author)English, Spanish6
For all the church: may it be Christ's compassionBob Hurd (Author)English2
Gather us to yourself, O LordBob Hurd (Author)English2
Glory, glory to God most highBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English5
Have mercy on me, God, In your compassionBob Hurd (Author)English5
Hear our prayer. Hear our prayer. God of mercyBob Hurd (Author)English2
Heart of Jesus, holy myst'ryBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English3
How can we make a returnBob Hurd (Author)English5
How I rejoiced to hear them sayBob Hurd (Author)English5
How lovely your dwelling place, LORD of hostsBob Hurd (Author)English3
[I am the Resurrection and the Life] (Hurd)Bob Hurd (Author)English2
I saw the souls of the saints beneath the altarBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English3
I will hear what God proclaims: Peace to the people (Hurd)Bob Hurd (Author)English2
I will put my spirit within youBob Hurd (Author)English3
If you love, then you must root yourselfBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)3
In his own body, by his own woundsBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Adapter)English6
In our distress, God has grasped us by the handBob Hurd (Author)English2
In you, O LORD, I take refuge, Let me not be put to shame (A ti, Señor, me acojo)Bob Hurd (Author (English verses))English, Spanish4
Kyrie eleisonBob Hurd, b.1950 (Author)Greek2
Led by the Spirit of our GodBob Hurd (Author)English5
Let it be done to us according to your wordBob Hurd (Author)English2
Let us go rejoicing, Rejoicing to the house of GodBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English3
Let us sing a new song For the wondrous deeds of GodBob Hurd (Author)English5
Like a dry weary land without waterBob Hurd (Author)English2
¿Quién le puede dar de comer (Like the child whose fishes and loaves)Bob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish10
Lord, I mean to thank You with all the breath in meBob Hurd (Author)2
Lord, when did we see you hungry and forsakenBob Hurd (Author)English2
Make me to know your ways, O GodBob Hurd (Author)English6
Many though we areBob Hurd (Author)3
María escapas la espada en terror (Mother, refugee from Herod's sword)Bob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish2
Mi amparo, mi refugio (My refuge, my stronghold)Bob Hurd (Adapter)English, Spanish2
Mi Dios, mi Dios, ¿porqué me has dejado?Bob Hurd (Author)Spanish2
Miserere nobisBob Hurd (Author)English, Latin, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese2
Misericordia, Dios mío (Have mercy on me, God)Bob Hurd, n. 1950 (Inglés)English, Spanish3
Mother, refugee from Herod's swordBob Hurd (Author)English, Spanish4
O God, hear usBob Hurd (Author)2
O God, hear us, hear our prayerBob Hurd (Author)English2
O sacred head surrounded By crown of piercing thornBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author (vs. 3-4))English3
O Spirit of the living GodBob Hurd (Author)English, Spanish4
On this new day may we be gatheredBob Hurd (Author)English3
Óyenos, Señor. Dinggin mo kami. Listen to your peopleBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese3
Óyenos, Señor, Óyenos, SeñorBob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish2
Óyenos, te rogamos, Señor (Heat the prayer of your people, O Lord)Bob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish4
Por la iglesia peregrina (For your pilgrim church)Bob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author (refrain))English, Spanish2
Praise with the trumpetBob Hurd (Adapter)2
Ready the way of the Lord!Bob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English6
Señor, enséñame tus caminosBob Hurd (Estrofas en inglés)Spanish4
Señor, enséñame tus caminos (Make me to know your ways, Lord)Bob Hurd (Author (English verses))English, Spanish2
Sing to the Lord a new song. Let all the earth rejoiceBob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish3
Te alabamos, Señor, Aurora celestial (We praise you, O Lord, Dawn from on high)Bob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author)English, Spanish3
Te rogamos, SeñorBob Hurd, n. 1950 (Author)Spanish4
The love of Christ joins us together (Unidos como un solo cuerpo)Bob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author (vss. 3-4))English, Latin, Spanish8
The more that I call, the farther you wanderBob Hurd (Adapter)English2
The will of your love (Tu voluntad)Bob Hurd (Translator (Spanish))English, Spanish2
There are deeds you alone must doBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English3
Tu muerte en una cruz (You gave yourself for us)Bob Hurd (Author)English, Spanish2
Tú que habitas al amparo (You who live in the shelter)Bob Hurd (Author (English vs. 2-4))English, Spanish6
Two were bound for Emmaus, disheartened and lostBob Hurd (Author)English5
Spirit of the living God, burn in our heartsBob Hurd, n. 1950 (Adapter (English stanzas)English11
Washed in the waters of rebirthBob Hurd (Author)English5
We are the dwelling of God (Ustedes me llaman "Señor")Bob Hurd (Author)English, Spanish17
We have come to this feastBob Hurd (Author)English2
When my foes surround meBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)10
When your hour had come and they pierced you, LordBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English3
Where two or three are gatheredBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author (vs. 1-2, 5, 7-10))English4
Wilderness and dry land will exultBob Hurd (Author)English2
With all the saints, with prophets and martyrsBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English3
Yo los he amado a ustedes (As the Father loves me)Bob Hurd, n. 1950 (Adapter)Spanish1
You have called us each by nameBob Hurd (Author)English2
You pass through doors that keep us locked in fear and despairBob Hurd (Author)English2
You who chose the lowlyBob Hurd, b. 1950 (Author)English3
You will be mine and I will be your GodBob Hurd (Author)English5
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