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Godfrey Thring

1823 - 1903 Person Name: Rev. Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 Author of "Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring" in Hymnal of the Church of God Godfrey Thring (b. Alford, Somersetshire, England, 1823; d. Shamley Green, Guilford, Surrey, England, 1903) was born in the parsonage of Alford, where his father was rector. Educated at Balliol College, Oxford, England, he was ordained a priest in the Church of England in 1847. After serving in several other parishes, Thring re­turned to Alford and Hornblotten in 1858 to succeed his father as rector, a position he retained until his own retirement in 1893. He was also associated with Wells Cathedral (1867-1893). After 1861 Thring wrote many hymns and published several hymnals, including Hymns Congregational (1866), Hymns and Sacred Lyrics (1874), and the respect­ed A Church of England Hymn Book Adapted to the Daily Services of the Church Throughout the Year (1880), which was enlarged as The Church of England Hymn Book (1882). Bert Polman ================ Thring, Godfrey, B.A., son of the Rev. J. G. D. Thring, of Alford, Somerset, was born at Alford, March 25, 1823, and educated at Shrewsbury School, and at Balliol College, Oxford, B.A. in 1845. On taking Holy Orders he was curate of Stratfield-Turgis, 1846-50; of Strathfieldsaye, 1850-53; and of other parishes to 1858, when he became rector of Alford-with-Hornblotton, Somerset. R.D. 1867-76. In 1876 he was preferred as prebend of East Harptree in Wells cathedral. Prebendary Thring's poetical works are:— Hymns Congregational and Others, 1866; Hymns and Verses, 1866; and Hymns and Sacred Lyrics, 1874. In 1880 he published A Church of England Hymnbook Adapted to the Daily Services of the Church throughout the Year; and in 1882, a revised and much improved edition of the same as The Church of England Hymn Book, &c. A great many of Prebendary Thring's hymns are annotated under their respective first lines; the rest in common use include:— 1. Beneath the Church's hallowed shade. Consecration of a Burial Ground. Written in 1870. This is one of four hymns set to music by Dr. Dykes, and first published by Novello & Co., 1873. It was also included (but without music) in the author's Hymns & Sacred Lyrics, 1874, p. 170, and in his Collection, 1882. 2. Blessed Saviour, Thou hast taught us. Quinquagesima. Written in 1866, and first published in the author's Hymns Congregational and Others, 1866. It was republished in his Hymns & Sacred Lyrics, 1874; and his Collection, 1882. It is based upon the Epistle for Quinquagesima. 3. Blot out our sins of old. Lent. Written in 1862, and first published in Hymns Congregational and Others

Juan Bautista Cabrera Ivars

1837 - 1916 Person Name: J. B. Cabrera, 1837-1916 Translator of "De la Iglesia el Fundamento" in Cántico Nuevo Juan Bautista Cabrera Ivars was born in Benisa, Spain, April 23, 1837. He attended seminary in Valencia, studying Hebrew and Greek, and was ordained as a priest. He fled to Gibraltar in 1863 due to religious persecution where he abandoned Catholicism. He worked as a teacher and as a translator. One of the works he translated was E.H. Brown's work on the thirty-nine articles of the Anglican Church, which was his introduction to Protestantism. He was a leader of a Spanish Reformed Church in Gibraltar. He continued as a leader in this church when he returned to Spain after the government of Isabel II fell, but continued to face legal difficulties. He then organized the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church and was consecrated as bishop in 1894. He recognized the influence of music and literature on evangelism which led him to write and translate hymns. Dianne Shapiro, from Real Academia de la Historia ( and Himnos Cristanos ( (accessed 7/30/2021)

Christopher Wordsworth

1807 - 1885 Person Name: Chr. Wordsworth Author of "See The Conqueror Mounts In Triumph" in Hymnal for Church and Home Christopher Wordsworth--nephew of the great lake-poet, William Wordsworth--was born in 1807. He was educated at Winchester, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A., with high honours, in 1830; M.A. in 1833; D.D. in 1839. He was elected Fellow of his College in 1830, and public orator of the University in 1836; received Priest's Orders in 1835; head master of Harrow School in 1836; Canon of Westminster Abbey in 1844; Hulsean Lecturer at Cambridge in 1847-48; Vicar of Stanford-in-the-Vale, Berks, in 1850; Archdeacon of Westminster, in 1865; Bishop of Lincoln, in 1868. His writings are numerous, and some of them very valuable. Most of his works are in prose. His "Holy Year; or, Hymns for Sundays, Holidays, and other occasions throughout the Year," was published in [1862], and contains 127 hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872. =================== Wordsworth, Christopher, D.D., was born at Lambeth (of which parish his father was then the rector), Oct. 30, 1807, and was the youngest son of Christopher Wordsworth, afterwards Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Priscilla (née Lloyd) his wife. He was educated at Winchester, where he distinguished himself both as a scholar and as an athlete. In 1826 he matriculated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where his career was an extraordinarily brilliant one. He swept off an unprecedented number of College and University prizes, and in 1830 graduated as Senior Classic in the Classical Tripos, and 14th Senior Optime in the Mathematical, won the First Chancellor's Medal for classical studies, and was elected Fellow of Trinity. He was engaged as classical lecturer in college for some time, and in 1836 was chosen Public Orator for the University. In the same year he was elected Head Master of Harrow School, and in 1838 he married Susan Hatley Freere. During his head-mastership the numbers at Harrow fell off, but he began a great moral reform in the school, and many of his pupils regarded him with enthusiastic admiration. In 1844 he was appointed by Sir Robert Peel to a Canonry at Westminster; and in 1848-49 he was Hulsean lecturer at Cambridge. In 1850 he took the small chapter living of Stanford-in-the-Vale cum Goosey, in Berkshire, and for the next nineteen years he passed his time as an exemplary parish priest in this retired spot, with the exception of his four months' statutable residence each year at Westminster. In 1869 he was elevated to the bishopric of Lincoln, which he held for more than fifteen years, resigning it a few months before his death, which took place on March 20th, 1885. As bearing upon his poetical character, it may be noted that he was the nephew of the poet-laureate, William Wordsworth, whom he constantly visited at Rydal up to the time of the poet's death in 1850, and with whom he kept up a regular and lengthy correspondence. Christopher Wordsworth was a very voluminous writer, his principal works being:— (1) Athens and Attica, 1836; (2) Pompeian Inscriptions, 1837; (3) Greece Pictorial and Descriptive, 1839; (4) King Edward VIth's Latin Grammar, 1841; (5) Bentley's Correspondence, 1842; (6) Theophilus Anglicanus, 1843; (7) Memoirs of William Wordsworth, 1851; (8) Hippolytus, 1853; (9) Notes at Paris, 1854; (10) A Commentary on the whole Bible, 1856-1870; (11) The Holy Year, 1862; (12) Church History, 1881-1883; many volumes of Sermons, and an enormous amount of Pamphlets, Addresses, Letters, Speeches, on almost every subject in which the interests of the church were concerned, and also on subjects connected with classical literature. Of his many works, however, the only one which claims notice from the hynmologist's point of view is The Holy Year, which contains hymns, not only for every season of the Church's year, but also for every phase of that season, as indicated in the Book of Common Prayer. Dr. Wordsworth, like the Wesleys, looked upon hymns as a valuable means of stamping permanently upon the memory the great doctrines of the Christian Church. He held it to be "the first duty of a hymn-writer to teach sound doctrine, and thus to save souls." He thought that the materials for English Church hymns should be sought (1) in the Holy Scriptures, (2) in the writings of Christian Antiquity, and (3) in the Poetry of the Ancient Church. Hence he imposed upon himself the strictest limitations in his own compositions. He did not select a subject which seemed to him most adapted for poetical treatment, but felt himself bound to treat impartially every subject, and branch of a subject, that is brought before us in the Church's services, whether of a poetical nature or not. The natural result is that his hymns are of very unequal merit; whether his subject inspired him with poetical thoughts or not, he was bound to deal with it; hence while some of his hymns (such as "Hark! the sound of holy voices," &c, “See the Conqueror mounts in triumph," &c, "O, day of rest and gladness") are of a high order of excellence, others are prosaic. He was particularly anxious to avoid obscurity, and thus many of his hymns are simple to the verge of baldness. But this extreme simplicity was always intentional, and to those who can read between the lines there are many traces of the "ars celans artem." It is somewhat remarkable that though in citing examples of early hymnwriters he almost always refers to those of the Western Church, his own hymns more nearly resemble those of the Eastern, as may be seen by comparing The Holy Year with Dr. Mason Neale's Hymns of the Eastern Church translated, with Notes, &c. The reason of this perhaps half-unconscious resemblance is not far to seek. Christopher Wordsworth, like the Greek hymnwriters, drew his inspiration from Holy Scripture, and he loved, as they did, to interpret Holy Scripture mystically. He thought that ”the dangers to which the Faith of England (especially in regard to the Old Testament) was exposed, arose from the abandonment of the ancient Christian, Apostolic and Patristic system of interpretation of the Old Testament for the frigid and servile modern exegesis of the literalists, who see nothing in the Old Testament but a common history, and who read it (as St. Paul says the Jews do) ‘with a veil on their heart, which veil' (he adds) 'is done away in Christ.'" In the same spirit, he sought and found Christ everywhere in the New Testament. The Gospel History was only the history of what "Jesus began to do and to teach" on earth; the Acts of the Apostles and all the Epistles were the history of what he continued to do and to teach from Heaven; and the Apocalypse (perhaps his favourite book) was "the seal and colophon of all." Naturally he presents this theory, a theory most susceptible of poetical treatment, in his hymns even more prominently than in his other writings. The Greek writers took, more or less, the same view; hence the resemblance between his hymns and those of the Eastern Church. [Rev. J. H. Overton, D.D.] During the time that Bishop Wordsworth was Canon of Westminster, and Vicar of Stanford-in-the-Vale cum Goosey, he published his collection of hymns as:— The Holy Year; or Hymns for Sundays and Holy-days, And other Occasions. London, Rivingtons, 1862. This work contained an extended Preface; a Calendar of Hymns; 117 Original Compositions; and a Supplement of 82 hymns from other sources. In the 3rd edition, 1863, the Supplement was omitted, and the Original hymns were increased to 127. Several of these hymns are annotated under their respective first lines, the rest in common use are:— From The Holy Year, first edition, 1862:— 1. Five pebbles from the brook. Temptation. Stanza ix. added in 1863. 2. Giver of law is God's [Thy] dear Son. Circumcision. Doxology added in 1863. 3. Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost. Quinquagesima. 4. Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of Hosts, Eternal King. Holy Trinity. 5. Holy of Holies! awful name. Epistle 5th Sunday in Lent. 6. How blest are hearts which Christ the Lord. Holy Matrimony. In 1863 in two parts, Pt. ii. being "Bless these Thy servants, gracious Lord." 7. How blessed is the force of prayer. St. Peter. In 1863, in two parts, Pt. i. being "Behold! at hand is Herod's doom." 8. How wondrous and mysterious are. Holy Baptism. In the 1863 ed. it is divided into four parts:— Pt. ii. "In Jordan Thou didst sanctify"; Pt. iii. "Thee, risen in triumph from the grave"; Pt. iv." Baptized in Christ we put on Christ." The cento, "By Water and the Holy Ghost," is also from this hymn. 9. In sorrow and distress. Ash Wednesday. 10. In Thy glorious Resurrection . Easter. In the 1863 ed. it begins, "Lord, Thy glorious Resurrection," and the doxology was added. 11. Lord, may we never, save to One. Against False Worship. Stanza viii. was added in 1863. 12. Lord not with [by] poor and paltry gifts. Offertory. 13. Lord, Who didst the Prophets teach. 2nd Sunday in Advent, or, Holy Scripture. The doxology was added in 1863. 14. Man fell from grace by carnal appetite. Gospel 1st S. in Lent. 15. Mankind in Adam fell. Good Friday. In the 1863 ed. it is divided into three parts: Pt. ii. being "We fell by Adam's sin;" and Pt. iii. "Thy Cross a Trophy is." 16. Not bound by chains, nor pent in cells. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost. This hymn is preceded by a special note on the Holy Spirit and His gifts. 17. Not gifts of prophecy can save. Self Discipline, or, 8th Sunday after Trinity. 18. 0 Jerusalem beloved, joyful morn has dawned on Thee. Purification of Blessed Virgin Mary, or, The Presentation. In the 1863 edition it is divided into two parts, Pt. ii. Being “Light the Gentile world to lighten, and thy glory Israel." 19. 0 Saviour, Who at Nain's gate. The Raising of the Widow's Son. 20. 0 Son of God, the Eternal Word. The Queen's Accession. 21. Once all the nations were as one. Babel and Sion a Contrast. 22. Sing, 0 sing this blessed morn. Christmas. In the 1863 edition a doxology was added, and the hymn was divided into two parts, Pt. ii. being, "God comes down that man may rise." 23. The banner of the Cross. Missions. In the 1863 ed. it is in three parts, Pt. ii., "Now for the Lord our God"; Pt. iii. "The earth from East to West." 24. The Galilean Fishers toil. Collect 4th Sunday in Advent. From this "0 Lord, when storms around us howl" is taken. 25. Thou bidd'st us visit in distress. The Promise of the Comforter, or, Sunday before Ascension. In the 1863 edition it is in two parts, Pt. ii. being “At Thy first birth, Thou, Lord, didst wait." 26. Thou hast a Temple founded. The Christian Temple; or, Epistle 11th Sunday after Trinity. 27. To-day, 0 Lord, the Holy James. St. James. In the 1863 ed. in two parts, Pt. ii. being "God in His word does not display." 28. Today with bright effulgence shine. Conversion of St. Paul. In the 1863 ed. it begins "Today in Thine Apostle shine," and is in two parts, Pt. ii being "From East to West, from North to South." 29. Upon the sixth day of the week. Easter Eve. Stanzas x., xi. of the 1863 text were added then, and the hymn was given in two parts, Pt. ii. being "By tasting the forbidden fruit." 30. We hear the tolling bell. Burial. The doxology was added in 1863, and the hymn was divided, Pt. ii. being "0 gracious Lord, to Thee." The cento "We see the open grave" is from this hymn. 31. When from the City of our God. The Good Samaritan. From this is taken “What beams of grace and mercy, Lord." 32. When Thou, 0 Lord, didst send the Twelve. SS. Simon and Jude. In the 1863 ed. stanza x. is new, and Pt. ii. begins, "Zeal, swollen with passion's cloudy smoke." ii. From the Holy Year, 3rd ed., 1863. 33. Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing. For Schools. In extensive use. 34. Holy, holy, holy Lord, Maker of this worldly frame. Septuagesima. Based on the Epistle and Gospel of the week. 35. Lo He comes! Whom every nation. Advent. This is headed "The First Advent of Christ, coming to save." 36. 0 fear not though before thee lies. Communion of the Sick. Pt. ii. begins, "The Resurrection and the Life." 37. On every new-born babe of earth. Churching of Women. Pt. ii. begins, "Bright angels of the King of kings." 38. Peace to this house! O Thou Whose way. Visitation of the Sick. Pt. ii. "0 Conqueror by suffering; Pt. iii. "Restore us to Thine house of prayer." 39. The day is gently sinking to a close. Evening. A beautiful hymn. 40. We all, 0 God, unrighteous are. The Lord our Righteousness. Sometimes "We all, O Lord, unrighteous are." Based upon the Epistle of the Sunday next before Advent. Pt. ii. begins "Behold the day, the glorious day." In addition to many of the hymns in the 1863 edition of The Holy Year being divided into parts, the texts of most of them were revised by the author, and are authorized. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Wordsworth, Bp. C. (Lincoln) , p. 1294, i. Of his hymns, noted on p. 1294, i., ii., we find that No. 39 appeared in his Holy Year in 1864; and Nos. 34, 35, and 40 in 1862. The first edition in which the longer hymns were divided into parts was that of 1868. With regard to the date of Bp. Wordsworth's death, we find this reference thereto in his Biography: "He expired soon after midnight on Friday, March 20, or perhaps, it might be said, early on the Saturday morning." This gives the date of his death as March 21, 1885. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) =========================== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Thomas H. Gill

1819 - 1906 Author of "He Who Suns and Worlds Upholdeth" in The Cyber Hymnal Gill, Thomas Hornblower, was born at Bristol Road, Birmingham, Feb. 10th, 1819. His parents belonged to English Presbyterian families which, like many others, had become Unitarian in their doctrine. He was educated at King Edward's Grammar School under Dr. Jeune, afterwards Bishop of Peterborough. He left the school in 1838, and would have proceeded to the University of Oxford, but was prevented by his hereditary Unitarianism (long since given up), which forbade subscription to the Articles of the Church of England then necessary for entrance to the University. This constrained him to lead the life of an isolated student, in which he gave himself chiefly to historical and theological subjects. Hence his life has been singularly devoid of outward incident; and its interest gathers about his hymns, and the seasons of overmastering thought and feeling which gave them birth. The only events that can be chronicled are the publications of his books (see below). It is in the singular combination of influences which has formed his character and determined his thinking that the real interest of his life consists. Here is to be found the true key to the understanding of his hymns. To his Puritan ancestry may be traced their deep religiousness; to his Unitarian training their ethical earnestness; and to his poetical temperament their freeness from conventionality. Delight in the divine songs of Watts was his earliest intellectual enjoyment; and in after years the contrast between their native force and fulness and their dwindled presentation in Unitarian hymnbooks began that estrangement from his hereditary faith which gradually became complete. These various influences mingled in his own hymns and have conspired to render him what Dr. Freeman Clarke calls him, "a more intellectual Charles Wesley." He belongs to the small company of really original hymnists. His hymns are marked by a remarkable absence of, and even opposition to, all antiquarian and sacerdotal ideas of Christianity, a keen discernment of the spirit rather than the mere letter of the Gospel; and profound thought on Scripture themes, so that some of his hymns are too subtle for use in the ordinary worship of the Church. Their style is characterized by a certain quaintness of expression reminding one of George Wither or John Mason, but modified by the influence of Watts's warmth of feeling. They have great sweetness of melody, purity of diction, and happy adaptation of metre and of style to the subject of each hymn. They are almost exclusively used by Nonconformists. Dale's English Hymnbook contains 39; the Baptist Hymnal, 19; Horder's Congregational Hymns, 11; Martineau's Hymns of Praise & Prayer, 11; and the Congregational Church Hymnal, 14. The following are Mr. Gill's published works:— (1) The Fortunes of Faith, 1841; (2) The Anniversaries (Poems in commemoration of great Men and great Events), 1858; (3) The Papal Drama (an historical essay), 1866; (4) The Golden Chain of Praise Hymns by Thomas H. Gill, 1869; (5) Luther's Birthday (Hymns), 1883; (6) The Triumph of Christ (Memorials of Franklin Howard), 1883. Mr. Gill's hymns number nearly 200. Of these, over 80 are in common use in Great Britain and America. The most widely used of these:— "Everlasting, changing never"; "O mean may seem this house of clay"; "O wherefore, Lord, doth Thy dear praise"; “Our God, our God, Thou shinest here"; "The glory of the spring, how sweet"; and "Thou biddest, Lord, Thy sons be bold"; are annotated under their respective first lines, the rest are noted below. [Rev. W. Garrett Horder] The 75 hymns which follow are all annotated from the author's manuscript notes, kindly supplied for use in this work:— 1. Ah tremblers, fainting and forlorn. Eternal Youth. Written in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 149, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In 1873 Martineau gave stanzas iv.-ix. in his Hymns, &c, No. 256, as, "Young souls, so strong the race to run." These were repeated in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, as No. 862. 2. Alas the outer emptiness. Consecration of the Heart. Contributed to G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 121, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It was introduced to the American Unitarian collections through Hedge & Huntington's Hymns for the Church of Christ, 1853, No. 619. 3. Alas these pilgrims faint and worn. Whitsuntide. Written in 1853, and first published in his Anniversaries, 1858, p. 73, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines, then in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1862, the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 107, &c. 4. Alone with Thee, with Thee alone. Worship in Solitude. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain , &c, 1869, p. 26, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 5. And didst thou, Lord, our sorrows take? Passiontide. Written in 1849, and published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 45, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several English collections. 6. Behold the everlasting Son. Ascension. Written in 1862, and first printed in the Hagley Magazine, and then in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1862, and the Golden Chain, 1869, p. 47, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 7. Break, newborn year, on glad eyes break. New Year. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 144, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is one of the most popular of the author's hymns, and is found in many collections. 8. Bright Presence! may my soul have part. Witness of the Spirit. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 100, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines. It is repeated in The Songs of the Spirit, N. Y., 1871. 9. Bright Thy presence when it breaketh. Public Worship. Written in 1856, and first publised in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 27, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. In the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, and in Dale's English Hymnbook it is in an abridged form. 10. Day divine! when sudden streaming. Whit-Sunday. Written on Whit-Sunday, 1850, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1859, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 97, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. In some American collections, as the Dutch Reformed Hymns of the Church, 1869, it is given as "Day divine, when in the temple." 11. Dear Lord and Master mine. Resignation. Written in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 162, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in somewhat extensive use both in Great Britain and America. 12. Dear Lord, Thou art not sorry. Passiontide. Written in 1866, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 58, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. 13. Dear Lord, Thy light Thou dost not hide . Christian Labours . No. 125 in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 178, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines on the text, "Let your light so shine before men," &c, and was written in 1855. 14. Do we only give Thee heed . Jesus the Gladdener of Life. Written in 1849, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again in the Golden Chain, &c, No. 145, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. In use in Great Britain and America. 15. Embrace your full Salvation. Heaven. Written in 1870, and first printed in The Congregationalist, 1873, in 9 stanzas of 8 lines. On including it in his English Hymnbook, 1874, Dr. Dale transposed some of the stanzas. 16. Farewell, delightful day. Sunday Evening . Written in 1867, and published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 19, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Church Praise Book, N. Y., 1882, st. i., viii., ix., are given with the alteration of the opening line as, "Holy, delightful day." Dr. Hatfield, in his Church Hymnbook, N. Y., 1872, has the same opening, but he omits stanzas iv.-vi. of the original. 17. Father, glorious with all splendour. Holy Trinity. This hymn of great merit was written in 1860, and published in the Golden Chain, &c, in 1869, No. 4, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. In some American collections, including Hymns & Songs of Praise, N. Y., 1874, No. 17, stanzas iv., vi., vii., are given as "Father, Thine elect who lovest." 18. Father, hast Thou not on me. Eternal Love . A Trinitarian hymn on eternal love, composed in 1867, and published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 139, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. In 1869, stanzas v.-vii. were given in the Supplement to the New Congregational Hymn Book, as "Mighty Quickener, Spirit blest." 19. Full many a smile, full many a song. Joy in God the Father. Written in 1854, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 8, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, No. 21, st. ii., which applied personally to the author alone, was omitted. 20. How can I, Lord, abide with Thee? Prayer. “Produced in 1856. Struck with the didactic character of Cowper's and Montgomery's hymns, ‘What various hindrances we meet,’ and ‘Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,’ I greatly wished to set forth the soul's view of prayer, simply, naturally, poetically, and achieved this hymn with much aspiration and satisfaction." Printed in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 119, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "Pray without ceasing." 21. How, Lord, shall vows of ours be sweet? Public Worship. The author's earliest hymn. It was written in 1845, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 114, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 2. It is in several American hymnbooks. 22. Is earth too fair, is youth too bright? Consecration of Youth to God. Written in 1848, and first pub. in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 102, in 13 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "The Hymn of Youth." 23. Is not my spirit filled with Thine. God glorious in His works. "Written in the summer of 1846 among the hills and streams of Derbyshire," and first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 15, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "God glorious in His works." 24. Let bolder hearts the strife require. Prayer against Temptation. No. 218 in Martineau's Hymns of Praise and Prayer, 1873. It was written in 1851, and first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 25. Lift thy song among the nations. National Hymn. Written in 1853, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. When repeated in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 62, an additional stanza (iii.) was given, and it was entitled "England's Hymn." It is a spirited hymn and worthy of greater circulation than it now has. The 1869 text is given in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, No. 1239. 26. Lord, am I precious in Thy sight. Grieve not the Holy Spirit. Composed in 1850, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853. In 1869 it was included in the Golden Chain , &c, No. 70, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common in America. A cento is also in the Supplement to the New Congregational, 1869, No. 1095. It is composed of stanzas iii., v., vi. much altered, and not improved, and begins, "O Holy Spirit, dost thou mourn?" 27. Lord, comes this bidding strange to us ? Invitation to Rejoice. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 144, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines. 28. Lord, dost Thou ne'er Thy servants bless? Free Grace. Written in 1855, on the words of Oliver Cromwell as used by him in a letter to his "beloved cousin Mrs. St. John," dated "Ely, 13th October, 1638. "Truly no poor creature hath more cause to put him self forth in the cause of his God than I. I have had plentiful wages beforehand; and I am sure I shall never earn the least mite." (Carlyle's Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, &c, Letter ii.) The hymn was first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 29. Lord, from Thee, what grace and glory. National Hymn. This cento in Vince's Collection, 1870, No. 450, is from the poem, on St. George's Day, written in 1853, and published in the author'sAnniversaries, 1858, p. 47. 30. Lord, from these trembling souls of ours. Praise. Composed in 1859, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 3, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. 31. Lord God, by Whom all change is wrought. God Eternal. Written in 1869, the keynote being the words of St. Augustine, "Immutabilis mutans omnia," and first printed in the Songs of the Spirit, N. Y., 1871. In 1874 it was included in Dale's English Hymn Book; and, in 4 stanzas, in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879. 32. Lord God of old, who wentest. Public Worship. Composed in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 30, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. 33. Lord, if our dwelling place thou art Communion of Saints. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 150, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. The hymn, "Death has no bidding to divide," in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, begins with stanzas ii., and omits stanzas i., iv. of this hymn. 34. Lord, in this awful fight with sin. Victory through Christ. Written in 1857, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c., 1869, No. 128, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. 35. Lord, in Thy people Thou dost dwell. Unity of Christ and His people. Written in 1864, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. 36. Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place. National Hymn. "Begun among the Waldenses, 1864," and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 59, in 8 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled, "The hymn of the Waldenses," and supplemented with the note, "This hymn as a whole belongs to the Waldenses only, among whom it was begun, but all the people of God have an interest in the first two and the last verses." Acting upon this suggestion of the author, these stanzas were given in the Supplement to the New Congregational, 1869, as No. 1025. 37. Lord, Thou wouldst have us like to Thee. Holiness desired. Written in 1846, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 120, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several American collections. 38. Lord, Thy gracious voice hath spoken. Christ our Caesar. Written in 1849, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. 39. Lord, when I all things would possess. Humility. Written in 1850, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 111, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. In Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, No. 304, stanzas ii., iv., vii. are omitted. This hymn is also in common use in America. 40. Lord, when we come at Thy dear call. The Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier. No. 72 in his Golden Chain, 1869, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines, was written in 1856, and is given in the Songs of the Spirit, N. Y., 1871. 41. May we not, Father, meetly mourn? Burial. No. 151 in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 9 st. of 4 lines, was written in 1855. 42. Methought my soul had learned to love. Resignation. "Composed in 1852 and first printed in Golden Chain, 1869. It came from the very depths of my own heart, was inspired by a suppressed trouble which turned out one of the greatest blessings of my life." In the Golden Chain, &c, No. 114, it is given in 7 st. of 4 lines, and is headed, "Not my will but Thine be done." 43. My God, I do not flee from Thee. Joy. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c., 1869, No. 10, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. The New Congregational, 1369, No. 1119, begins with stanza ii., "Father, Redeemer, Quickener mine," and also omits stanza iv. 44. My God, my Majesty divine. Child of God. Written in 1845, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 116, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, and again, after revision, in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 135. The original text is in common use in America. 45. Not, Lord, Thine ancient works alone. Public Worship. Written in 1874, and first printed in The Congregational, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, and entitled, "The Living God." In Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, st. iii. is omitted. 46. Not yet I love my Lord. Lent. Written in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 86, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several collections, including Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, No. 199. 47. Not yet, ye people of His grace. Here and Hereafter. A hymn on the "The Vision Beatific," No. 165, in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines. It was written in 1866, and is in American common use. 48. 0 height that doth all height excel. Written in 1853, and "was born of the words of Augustine in the outset of the Confessions, ‘Secretissime et Praesentissime,' and was the first of several hymns inspired by his wonderful antitheses about God." It was first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 13, in 9 stanzasof 4 lines. It is in English and American common use. 49. 0 Holy Ghost, Who down dost come. Whitsuntide. "Written at Malvern on Whitsunday, 1863; a day of singular spiritual enjoyment, and outward loveliness." It was first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 74, in 1 stanza of 4 lines, and headed, "A Breathing after the Holy Spirit," and is in several collections. In Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, No. 251, it begins with st. ii., "Spirit of Truth, Who makest bright," st. i. and vi. being omitted. 50. 0 not alone in saddest plight. Divine Guidance desired. Composed in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 120, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 51. 0 not to fill the mouth of fame. A Servant of Christ. "Composed in 1849, and printed first in a small collection of poems entitled, I think, “The Violet." In 1853 it was given in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns; and in 1869, in the Golden Chain, &c, No. 121, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. Its use is mainly confined to America. 52. 0 not upon our waiting eyes. Divine Love. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 29, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. 53. 0 saints of old, not yours alone. Seeking God. Written in 1848, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again, after revision, in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 126, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. The American hymnbooks have usually the original text, but in Dale's English Hymn Book , 1875, and Holder's Congregational Hymn Book1884, the text is abridged from the Golden Chain. 54. 0 smitten soul that cares and conflicts wring. Heaven desired. Written in 1854, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869. No. 75, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 55. 0 Spirit, sweet and pure. Constant Presence of the Holy Spirit desired. Written in 1868, and given in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, as No. 127, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. 56. 0 time, ne'er resteth thy swift wing. Worth of Time. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 98, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 57. 0 wherefore hath my spirit leave? Spiritual Changes. "Composed with great ardour and stir of soul in 1847, and first printed in the Golden Chain, 1869," No. 85, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 58. O'er fulness of grace, blest Britain rejoice. National Hymn. Composed in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 61, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled, "The Thanksgiving Song of Protestant Britain”; to which was added the words of Milton: "Let us all go, every true Protestant Briton, throughout the three kingdoms, and render thanks to God the Father of Light, and to His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 59. Saviour, needs the world no longer! Christ All in All. "Written in 1847... it was inspired partly by my contemplation of Shelley's hapless, Christless life." It was first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns 1853, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 35, in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, and headed, "Lord, to whom shall we go." Its use is limited, and far less than its merits deserve. 60. Saviour, Who from death didst take. The Resurrection of Christ, a cause of Confidence. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 96, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines. 61. Sweet Spirit, would Thy breath divine. The Holy Ghost, the Purifier, desired. Written in 1856, and given as No. 71 in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. 62. The happy fields, the heavenly host. Heaven. Written in 1848, first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 157, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. 63. Thy happy ones a strain begin. Joy in God. Written in 1846, and published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 118, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 146, the text is slightly changed. The text in common use in Great Britain and America is from the original. 64. Too dearly, Lord, hast Thou redeemed. Lent. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 97, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 65. Unto thy rest return. Lent. Written in 1866, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 92, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. 66. We come unto our fathers'God. God our Abode. "The birthday of this hymn, November 22nd, 1868 (St. Cecilia's Day), was almost the most delightful day of my life. Its production employed the whole day and was a prolonged rapture.....It was produced while the Golden Chain was being printed, just in time to be a link therein, and was the latest, as ‘How, Lord, shall vows of ours be sweet?' was the earliest song included therein." In the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, it is No. 129, in 7 stanzas of 7 lines, and is entitled, "The People of God." 67. We triumph in the glorious grace. Citizens of Heaven. Written in 1855, and first published in his Anniversaries, 1858, and again in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 153, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. 68. What sweetness on Thine earth doth dwell. Nature revealing God. [Summer.] Written in 1850, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 69. When shall I, Lord, a journey take. Lent. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 80, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common use in Great Britain and America. 70. Whence this naming joy that maketh! The Prodigal's Return. "Written in 1853 just before the hymn beginning 'Thrice blessed soul, who still hath made,' with the text 'Son, thou art ever with me' (Golden Chain, No. 134), which is its completement; and first printed in the Golden Chain," 1869, No. 81, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. 71. Would the Spirit more completely? The Gifts of the Spirit. Written in 1849, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 67. in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. 72. Ye children of the Father. Spiritual Worship. Written in 1867, and first published in his Golden Chain. &c, 1869, No. 23, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. 73. Ye of the Father loved. Praise. Written in 1862, and first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 5, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines. 74. Ye people of the Lord, draw near. Holy Communion. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 127, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 75. Ye souls, the Father's very own. Holy Diligence. Composed in 1867, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 142, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. These hymns are usually abridged in the hymnbooks, the length of most of them being against their use in their full form. Although they are gradually growing in popular esteem, the extent of their use is much more limited than their merits deserve. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Gill, T. H. , pp. 421-3. Additional hymns to those annotated are in common use:—(l) "O dreadful glory that doth make," a cento from No. 48, p. 423, ii.; (2) "O mystery of Love Divine " (The Love of Christ); (3) " Ye souls for whom the Saviour died" (Electing Love). These are all from his Golden Chain of Praise, 1869. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ======================== Gill, T. H. , pp. 421, i.; 1565, ii. &c. During the past ten years Mr. Gill's hymns have been widely used, especially in America, the result being that the following have to be added to the long lists already annotated as above:— 1. Ah! wherefore fall my tears so fast? [The World Overcome.] Published in his Golden Chain of Praise, 1869, p. 167. The hymn, "O Thou for Whom the strife was strong," in the American Hymns for Church and Home, 1895, is composed of sts. iii.-vii. of this hymn. 2. Dear Lord, Thou bringest back the morn. [Morning.] From his Golden Chain of Praise, 1869, p. 145. 3. I would not give the world my heart. This, in the Amer.Baptist Sursum Corda, 1898, No. 379, is a cento from "With sin I would not make abode," p. 1288, ii. 4. Not only when ascends the song. This in the Amer. Hymns of the Ages, 1904, No. 80, is a cento from “0 Saints of old, not yours alone," p. 423, i. 53. 5. Walk with the Lord! along the road. Composed of sts. v., vii.-ix., of "Ah ! tremblers, fainting and for¬lorn," p. 421, ii. 1. Included in the American Unitarian Hymns for Church and Home, 1895. 6. We would not dare their bliss to mourn. This in the Amer.Unit. Hymns for Church and Home, 1895 is composed of sts. v.-viii. of "May we not, Father, meetly mourn?" p. 422, ii. 41. 7. Wherefore faint and fearful ever. [ God is for us.] Published in the 2nd edition of his Golden Chain of Praise, 1894, No. xiii., in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, and dated 1880. In Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1904, in 5 stanzas. The cento "He Who suns and worlds upholdeth," is composed of stanzas ii., iii., and vii. of the original hymn. Mr. Gill died in 1906. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Timothy Dudley-Smith

1926 - 2024 Author of "Fill your hearts with joy and gladness" in Complete Mission Praise Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) Educated at Pembroke College and Ridley Hall, Cambridge, Dudley-Smith has served the Church of England since his ordination in 1950. He has occupied a number of church posi­tions, including parish priest in the diocese of Southwark (1953-1962), archdeacon of Norwich (1973-1981), and bishop of Thetford, Norfolk, from 1981 until his retirement in 1992. He also edited a Christian magazine, Crusade, which was founded after Billy Graham's 1955 London crusade. Dudley-Smith began writing comic verse while a student at Cambridge; he did not begin to write hymns until the 1960s. Many of his several hundred hymn texts have been collected in Lift Every Heart: Collected Hymns 1961-1983 (1984), Songs of Deliverance: Thirty-six New Hymns (1988), and A Voice of Singing (1993). The writer of Christian Literature and the Church (1963), Someone Who Beckons (1978), and Praying with the English Hymn Writers (1989), Dudley-Smith has also served on various editorial committees, including the committee that published Psalm Praise (1973). Bert Polman

John Bowring

1792 - 1872 Author of "Children praise him!" in Services and Songs James Bowring was born at Exeter, in 1792. He possessed at an early age a remarkable power of attaining languages, and acquired some reputation by his metrical translations of foreign poems. He became editor of "The Westminster Review" in 1825, and was elected to Parliament in 1835. In 1849, he was appointed Consul at Canton, and in 1854, was made Governor of Hong Kong, and received the honour of knighthood. He is the author of some important works on politics and travel, and is the recipient of several testimonials from foreign governments and societies. His poems and hymns have also added to his reputation. His "Matins and Vespers" have passed through many editions. In religion he is a Unitarian. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ======================================= Bowring, Sir John, LL.D., a distinguished man of letters, was born at Exeter, Oct. 17, 1792. His studies extended to philology, poetry, politics, and other branches of learning, whilst as editor of the Westminster Review for some years (he received the appointment in 1825) he did considerable work as a reviewer. He held several official appointments under the Government as Commissioner to France on commercial matters (1831-5); British Consul at Hong Kong (1849); and Governor of Hong Kong (1854). He was twice Member of Parliament, and was knighted in 1854. He died Nov. 23rd, 1872. His published works are very numerous, and display an astonishing acquaintance with various languages. Those specially bearing on poetry include:— (1) Russian Anthology, with Biographical and Critical notices of the Poets of Russia, 1821; (2) Specimens of the Russian Poets, 1823; (3) Ancient Poetry and Romance of Spain, 1824; (4) Batavian Anthology, or Specimens of Dutch Poets, 1824; (5) Servian Popular Poetry, 1821; (6) Specimens of Polish Poets, 1827; (1) Poetry of the Magyars, 1830; (8) History of the Poetical Literature of Bohemia, 1832, &c. In addition to these works, which are mainly translations, Sir John Bowring wrote original verse. This was published interspersed with a few translations, as follows:— (1) Matins and Vespers with Hymns and Occasional Devotional Pieces, Lond., 1823; 2nd edition, enlarged, 1824; 3rd edition, again enlarged, 1841; and the 4th, still further enlarged, in 1851. (2) Hymns: as a Sequel to the Matins, 1825. In addition he contributed to a few Unitarian hymnals, especially that of the Rev. J. R. Beard of Manchester, 1837. In that Collection many of the hymns added to the 3rd edition of Matins, &c, 1841, were first published A selection from these, together with a biographical sketch, was published by Lady Bowring in 1873, as a Memorial Volume of Sacred Poetry. This work contains hymns from the Matins and Vespers, together with others from Periodicals, and from his manuscripts. Of his hymns a very large percentage have come into common use. A few have been adopted by almost all denominations, as, "God is love, His mercy brightens;" "How sweetly flow'd the gospel sound;" "In the Cross of Christ I glory;" "Watchman, tell us of the night;"; and others, but the greater portion are confined to the Unitarian collections of Great Britain and America, of which denomination he was a member. In addition to the more important, which are annotated under their first lines, there are also the following in common use:—- 1. Clay to clay, and dust to dust. Burial. From his Hymns, 1825, into the Hymn & Tune Book, Boston, U.S., 1868, &c. 2. Come the rich, and come the poor. Divine Worship. Contributed to Beard's Collection, 1837, No. 290, and repeated in Bowring's Matins, &c., 3rd edition, 1841. It is in a few American collections. 3. Drop the limpid waters now. Holy Baptism. From Matins and Vespers, 3rd edition, 1841, into Kennedy, 1863. 4. Earth's transitory things decay. The Memory of the Just. From his Hymns, 1825, into Beard, 1837; the American Plymouth Collection, 1855; and the Songs for the Sanctuary, N.Y., 1865, &c. 5. Father, glorify Thy name. The Father glorified. Also from Hymns, 1825, into Beard, 1837; the Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, U.S., 1864, &c. 6. Father and Friend, Thy light, Thy love. Omnipresence. From Matins and Vespers, 2nd edition, 1824, into several collections, and sometimes in an abbreviated form. 7. Father of Spirits, humbly bent before Thee. Also in Hymns, 1825, and Dr. Martineau's Hymns of Praise & Prayer, 1873. In Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, U.S., 1864, it is given as, "Father of Spirits, gathered now before Thee." 8. From all evil, all temptation. Preservation implored. Contributed to Beard's Collection, 1837. 9. From the recesses of a lowly spirit. Prayer of trust. From Matins and Vespers, 1st edition, 1823, into several American collections. 10. Gather up, 0 earth, thy dead. Published in his Matins & Vespers, 3rd ed., 1841, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines and repeated, slightly altered, in Kennedy, 1863, No. 753. 11. Gently the shades of night descends Evening. A cento from his poem on "Sunday Evening," in the Matins, &c, 1st edition, 1823, p. 6. It is given in the Boston Hymns of the Spirit, 1864; the Boston Hymn & Tune Book, 1868, and other collections. 12. How dark, how desolate. Hope. 1st published in his Matins, &c, 1823, p. 246. In Dr. Martineau's Hymns of Praise & Prayer, 1873, it is No. 515. 13. How shall we praise Thee, Lord of Light! Evening. A cento from the same poem as No. 7 above. It is given in the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and other American collections. 14. Lead us with Thy gentle sway. Divine Guidance desired. Hymns, 1825, into Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and others. 15. Lord, in heaven, Thy dwelling-place. Praise. Contributed to Beard's Collection, 1837, No. 70, repeated in the author's Matins, &c, 3rd edition 1841, p. 235, and given in a few American collections. In the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, it is altered to "Lord of every time and place." 16. 0 let my [thy] trembling soul be still. Resignation. From the 1st edition of the Matins, &c, 1823, p. 251, in 3 stanzas of 6 lines, into Beard's Collection, 1837; the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and others. It is sometimes given as, "0 let thy," &c. 17. 0, sweet it is to feel and know. Monday Morning. A poem in 16 stanzas of 4 lines, given in his Matins, &c, 1823, p. 60. In 1837 stanzas i.-iii. were given in Beard's Collection as No. 448, and entitled "God near in sorrow." In the 3rd edition of the Matins, &c, 1841, this cento was repeated (p. 245), with the same title, notwithstanding the full poem was in the same book. 18. On the dust I'm doomed to sleep. Resurrection. Appeared in his Matins, &c, 1st edition, 1823, p. 252, in 2 stanzas of 8 lines. In the 2nd edition, 1824, p. 232, it was altered to "In the dust," &c. This was repeated in 1841. In some hymnals it reads:— 19. The heavenly spheres to Thee, 0 God. Evening. This "Hymn to the Deity" appeared in the 2nd edition of his Matins, &c, 1824, pp. 235-6, in 4 stanzas of 4 double lines. It is also in the 3rd edition, 1841; the Boston Hymns of the Spirit, 1864 and other American collections. 20. When before Thy throne we kneel. Divine Worship. From his Hymns, 1825, into Beard's Collection, 1837, No. 93; the Boston Hymn & Tune Book, 1868, No. 21, and others. 21. Where is thy sting, 0 death! Death. Also from the Hymns, 1825, into the same collections as No. 20 above. It will be noted that Beard's Collection, 1837, is frequently named above. The full title of that hymnal is— A Collection of Hymns for Public and Private Worship. Compiled by John R. Board, Lond., John Green, 1837. The Rev. John Relly Beard was an Unitarian Minister in Manchester, and the collection is dedicated "To the Manchester Meeting of Ministers." It contained a large number of original hymns. Bowring contributed 82, of which 33 were published therein for the first time. Some of his hymns are of great merit, and most of them are characterised by great earnestness and deep devotion. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Bowring, Sir John, p. 166, i. In the article on Bowring the hymns numbered therein as 4 and 20 are stated to have appeared in his Hymns, 1825, but in error. The earliest date to which we can positively trace them is Beard's Collection, 1837. From the Hymns, 1825, we find, however, that the following are in modern hymnals:— 1. Our God is nigh. Divine Presence. 2. 'Tis not the gift; but 'tis the spirit. Outward and Inward Virtue. 3. When the storms of sorrow gather. God our Guide. From the various editions of his Matins and Vespers additional hymns arc also in modern use:— 4. If all our hopes and all our fears. Heaven Anticipated. (1823.) 5. In Thy courts let peace be found. Public Worship. (1841.) 6. The offerings to Thy throne which rise. Heart Worship. (1824.) 7. Who shall roll away the stone? Easter. In Beard's Collection, 1837, and Matins & Vespers, 1841. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Ludämiliä Elisabeth Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt

1640 - 1672 Person Name: Ludämilia Elizabeth of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt Author of "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus only" in Evangelical Lutheran hymnal Ludämilia Elisabeth, second daughter of Count Ludwig Gunther I. of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, was born April 7, 1640, at the castle of Heidecksburg, near Rudolstadt, and was educated there along with her cousin Emilie Juliane (q.v.). In 1665 she went with her mother to the dowager castle of Friedensburg near Leutenberg; but after her mother's death, in 1670, she returned to Rudolstadt, where, on Dec. 20, 1671, she was formally betrothed to Count Christian Wilhelm of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. At this time measles was raging in the district, and her eldest sister, Sophie Juliane, was seized, and died Feb. 14, 1672. By attending on her, Ludämilia and the youngest sister, Christiane Magdalene, caught the infection, and both died at Rudolstadt on March 12,1672. (Koch, iv. 50-56; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xix. 365-367, &c.) She received a careful and pious training, was a good Latin scholar, and well read in divinity and other branches of learning. Her hymns show her to have been of a deeply pious nature, and of intense love to Jesus. They were composed rather for her own edification than for use in public worship. Ten of them were included in the Budolstadt Gesang-Buch, 1682. They, were collected, to the number of 206, and edited by her cousin Emilie (probably assisted by A. Fritsch) as Die Stimme der Freundin, das ist: Geistliche Lieder welche, aus brünstiger und biss ans Ende beharrter Jesus Liebe verfertiget und gebraucht, &c. Rudolstadt, 1687. This was reprinted, with an introduction by W. Thilo, at Stuttgart, 1856. Three of those hymns have been translated viz.:— i. Jesus, Jesus, nichts als Jesus. [Love to Christ] 1687, No. 104, p. 312, in 5 st. of 6 1., entitled “Resignation to the Will of God." The initials of the stanzas form the word Jesus, and each stanza ends, "Herr, wie du willt." It seems to have appeared in the 2nd edition of A. Fritsch's Jesus Lieder (not in the first edition of 1668. No copy of the 2nd edition is now known), and in the 3rd edition, Jena, 1675, is No. 43, Rambach, iii. 188, gives it from the Vermehrtes Gesang-Büchlein, Halberstadt, 1673. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. The translation in common use is :__ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus only. In full, by A. Crull, as No. 282 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are :—(1) "Jesus, Jesus, nought but Jesus, Shall my wish and," in the Supplement to German Psal., ed. 1765, p. 11. (2) "Jesus, 'tis my aim divine," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 107. (3) “ 'Tis Jesus that's my sole desire," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 92. (4) "Jesus, Jesus, naught but Jesus, Can my," by R. Massie, in the British Herald, July, 1865, p. 103, and in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 393. (5) "Jesus, Jesus, nought but Jesus, Shall my wish be," in Cantica Sanctorum, 1880, No. 97. ii. Jesu Blut komm über mich. [Holy Communion.] A Passiontide Hymn on the Blood of Jesus. 1687, p. 45, No. 14, in 8 st. In the Blätter für Hymnologie, 1886, p. 180, it is cited as in the 2nd ed., 1679, of A. Fritsch's Himmels-Lust (1st ed., 1670, does not contain it); and as there marked "S. J. G. Z. S. V. H.," the initials of the elder sister, Sophie Juliane. Translated as:-—"Jesus' Blood come over me," as No. 448, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. iii. Sorge, Vater! sorge du. [Morning.] 1687, No. 168, in 7 st., entitled "On Resignation to the Care of God," and founded on 1 Peter v. 7. Previously in the Rudolstadt Gesang-Buch,1682, p. 692. Translated as:—"Care, O Father, care for me," in the Monthly Packet, xiv., 1872, p. 211. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Martin Madan

1726 - 1790 Alterer of "Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending" in The Celebration Hymnal Madan, Martin, son of Colonel Martin Madan, and brother of Dr. Spencer Madan, sometime Bishop of Peterborough, was born in 1726. He was to have qualified for the Bar, but through a sermon by J. Wesley on the words "Prepare to meet thy God," the whole current of his life was changed. After some difficulty he received Holy Orders, and subsequently founded and became chaplain of the Lock Hospital, Hyde Park Corner. He was popular as a preacher, and had no inconsiderable reputation as a musical composer. He ceased preaching on the publication of his work Thelyphthora, in which he advocated the practice of polygamy. He died in 1790. He published A Commentary on the Articles of the Church of England; A Treatise on the Christian Faith, &c, and:- A Collection of Psalms and Hymns Extracted from Various Authors, and published by the Reverend Mr. Madan. London, 1760. This Collection contained 170 hymns thrown together without order or system of any kind. In 1763 he added an Appendix of 24 hymns. This Collection, referred to as Madam’s Psalms & Hymns, had for many years a most powerful influence on the hymnody of the Church of England. Nearly the whole of its contents, together with its extensively altered texts, were reprinted in numerous hymnbooks for nearly one hundred years. At the present time many of the great hymns of the last century are in use as altered by him in 1760 and 1763. Although several hymns have been attributed to him, we have no evidence that he ever wrote one. His hymnological labours were employed in altering, piecing, and expanding the work of others. And in this he was most successful. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================

Thomas Olivers

1725 - 1799 Author of "O Thou God of My Salvation" in Hymns for Praise and Service Thomas Olivers was born in Tregonan, Montgomeryshire, in 1725. His youth was one of profligacy, but under the ministry of Whitefield, he was led to a change of life. He was for a time apprenticed to a shoemaker, and followed his trade in several places. In 1763, John Wesley engaged him as an assistant; and for twenty-five years he performed the duties of an itinerant ministry. During the latter portion of his life he was dependent on a pension granted him by the Wesleyan Conference. He died in 1799. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872. ================== Olivers, Thomas, was born at Tregynon, near Newtown, Montgomeryshire, in 1725. His father's death, when the son was only four years of age, followed by that of the mother shortly afterwards, caused him to be passed on to the care of one relative after another, by whom he was brought up in a somewhat careless manner, and with little education. He was apprenticed to a shoemaker. His youth was one of great ungodliness, through which at the age of 18 he was compelled to leave his native place. He journeyed to Shrewsbury, Wrexham, and Bristol, miserably poor and very wretched. At Bristol he heard G. Whitefield preach from the text "Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?" That sermon turned the whole current of his life, and he became a decided Christian. His intention at the first was to join the followers of Whitefield, but being discouraged from doing so by one of Whitefield's preachers, he subsequently joined the Methodist Society at Bradford-on-Avon. At that town, where he purposed carrying on his business of shoemaking, he met John Wesley, who, recognising in him both ability and zeal, engaged him as one of his preachers. Olivers joined Wesley at once, and proceeded as an evangelist to Cornwall. This was on Oct. 1, 1753. He continued his work till his death, which took place suddenly in London, in March 1799. He was buried in Wesley's tomb in the City Road Chapel burying ground, London. Olivers was for some time co-editor with J. Wesley of the Arminian Magazine, but his lack of education unfitted him for the work. As the author of the tune Helmsley, and of the hymn “The God of Abraham praise," he is widely known. He also wrote “Come Immortal King of glory;" and "O Thou God of my salvation," whilst residing at Chester; and an Elegy on the death of John Wesley. His hymns and the Elegy were reprinted (with a Memoir by the Rev. J. Kirk) by D. Sedgwick, in 1868. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Cennick

1718 - 1755 Author, st. 3 of "Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending" in Baptist Hymnal 1991 John Cennick was born at Reading, Berkshire, in the year 1717. He became acquainted with Wesley and Whitefield, and preached in the Methodist connection. On the separation of Wesley and Whitefield he joined the latter. In 1745, he attached himself to the Moravians, and made a tour in Germany to fully acquaint himself with the Moravian doctrines. He afterwards ministered in Dublin, and in the north of Ireland. He died in London, in 1755, and was buried in the Moravian Cemetery, Chelsea. He was the author of many hymns, some of which are to be found in every collection. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ======================= Cennick, John, a prolific and successful hymnwriter, was descended from a family of Quakers, but brought up in the Church of England. He assisted J. Wesley and then G. Whitefield in their labours for a time, and then passed over to, and died as a minister of, the Moravian Church. Born at Reading, Dec. 12, 1718, he was for some time a land surveyor at Reading, but becoming acquainted with the Wesleys in 1739, he was appointed by J. Wesley as a teacher of a school for colliers' children at Kingswood in the following year. This was followed by his becoming a lay preacher, but in 1740 he parted from the Wesleys on doctrinal grounds. He assisted Whitefield until 1745, when he joined the Mora¬vians, and was ordained deacon, in London, in 1749. His duties led him twice to Germany and also to the North of Ireland. He died in London, July 4, 1755. In addition to a few prose works, and some sermons, he published:— (1) Sacred Hymns, for the Children of God in the Days of their Pilgrimage, Lond., J. Lewis, n.d. (2nd ed. Lond., B. Milles, 1741), Pts. ii., iii., 1742; (2) Sacred Hymns for the Use of Religious Societies, &c, Bristol, F. Farley, 1743; (3) A Collection of Sacred Hymns, &c, Dublin, S. Powell, 3rd ed., 1749; (4) Hymns to the honour of Jesus Christ, composed for such Little Children as desire to be saved. Dublin, S. Powell, 1754. Additional hymns from his manuscripts were published by his son-in-law, the Rev. J. Swertner, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789, of which he was the editor. There are also 16 of his hymns in his Sermons, 2 vols., 1753-4, some being old hymns rewritten, and others new. Many of Cennick's hymns are widely known, as, "Lo, He cometh, countless trumpets;" “Brethren, let us join to bless;" "Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone;" "Children of the heavenly King;" "Ere I sleep, for every favour;" "We sing to Thee, Thou Son of God;" and the Graces: " Be present at our table, Lord;" and "We thank Thee, Lord;" &c. Some of the stanzas of his hymns are very fine, but the hymns taken as a whole are most unequal. Some excellent centos might be compiled from his various works. His religious experiences were given as a preface to his Sacred Hymns, 1741. In addition to the hymns named, and others annotated under their first lines, the following are in common use:— 1. Be with me [us] Lord, where'er I [we] go. Divine Protection. [1741.] 2. Cast thy burden on the Lord. Submission. [1743.] 3. Not unto us, but Thee alone. Praise to Jesus. [1743.] 4. Thou dear Redeemer, dying Lamb. Priesthood of Christ. [1743.] 5. We sing to Thee, Thou Son of God. Praise to Jesus. [1743.] 6. When, 0 dear Jesus, when shall I? Sunday Evening. [1743.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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