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Scripture:Psalm 96:10-13

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Psalm 96

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 199 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96:10-13 First Line: Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands Lyrics: Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands, Ye tribes of every tongue; His new-discovered grace demands A new and nobler song. Say to the nations, Jesus reigns, God's own almighty Son; His power the sinking world sustains, And grace surrounds his throne. Let heav'n proclaim the joyful day, Joy through the earth be seen; Let cities shine in bright array, And fields in cheerful green. Let an unusual joy surprise The islands of the sea: Ye mountains, sink; ye valleys, rise; Prepare the Lord his way. Behold, he comes, he comes to bless The nations as their God; To show the world his righteousness, And send his truth abroad. But when his voice shall raise the dead, And bid the world draw near, How will the guilty nations dread To see their Judge appear! Topics: Signs of Christ's coming; Gentiles owning the true God; God his power and majesty; Conversion of Jews and Gentiles; Jehovah reigns; Christ first and second coming, or his incarnation, kingdom, and judgment

Psalm 96: Great Is the Lord

Author: The Grail Appears in 28 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96 First Line: O sing a new song to the Lord Refrain First Line: Great is the Lord, worthy of praise Topics: Seasons and Feasts Christ the King; Ordinary Time Second Sunday; Ordinary Time Twenty-Ninth Sunday Used With Tune: [Great is the Lord, worthy of praise]

Psalm 96

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 166 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96 First Line: Let all the earth their voices raise Lyrics: Let all the earth their voices raise To sing the choicest psalm of praise, To sing and bless Jehovah's name: His glory let the heathens know, His wonders to the nations show, And all his saving works proclaim. The heathens know thy glory, Lord, The wond'ring nations read thy word, In Britain is Jehovah known: Our worship shall no more be paid To gods which mortal hands have made; Our Maker is our God alone. He framed the globe, he built the sky, He made the shining worlds on high, And reigns complete in glory there: His beams are majesty and light; His beauties, how divinely bright! His temple, how divinely fair! Come the great day, the glorious hour, When earth shall feel his saving power, And barb'rous nations fear his name; Then shall the race of man confess The beauty of his holiness, And in his courts his grace proclaim. Topics: Signs of Christ's coming; Gentiles owning the true God; God his power and majesty; Conversion of Jews and Gentiles; Jehovah reigns; Christ first and second coming, or his incarnation, kingdom, and judgment
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Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 1,869 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96 Lyrics: 1 Joy to the world! the Lord is come: let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven, and heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth! the Savior reigns: let all their songs employ, while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy, repeat, repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sin and sorrow grow nor thorns infest the ground; he comes to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found, far as, far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness and wonders of his love, and wonders of his love, and wonders, wonders of his love. Topics: King, God/Christ as; Songs for Children Hymns; Christmas; Advent; Christmas; King, God/Christ as Used With Tune: ANTIOCH

Psalm 96: O sing a new song to the Lord

Meter: Appears in 21 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96 First Line: O sing a new song to the Lord: sing all the earth to God Lyrics: 1O sing a new song to the Lord: sing all the earth to God. 2To God sing, bless his name, shew still his saving health abroad. 3Among the heathen nations his glory do declare; And unto all the people shew his works that wondrous are. 4For great’s the Lord, and greatly he is to be magnify’d; Yea, worthy to be fear’d is he above all gods beside. 5For all the gods are idols dumb, which blinded nations fear; But our God is the Lord, by whom the heav’ns created were. 6Great honour is before his face, and majesty divine; Strength is within his holy place, and there doth beauty shine. 7Do ye ascribe unto the Lord, of people ev’ry tribe, Glory do ye unto the Lord, and mighty pow’r ascribe. 8Give ye the glory to the Lord that to his name is due; Come ye into his courts, and bring an offering with you. 9In beauty of his holiness, O do the Lord adore; Likewise let all the earth throughout tremble his face before. 10Among the heathen say, God reigns; the world shall stedfastly Be fix’d from moving; he shall judge the people righteously. 11Let heav’ns be glad before the Lord, and let the earth rejoice; Let seas, and all that is therein, cry out, and make a noise. 12Let fields rejoice, and ev’ry thing that springeth of the earth: Then woods and ev’ry tree shall sing with gladness and with mirth 13Before the Lord; because he comes, to judge the earth comes he: He’ll judge the world with righteousness, the people faithfully.
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Sing to the Lord a new-made Song

Appears in 26 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96 Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord a new-made Song; Let Earth in one assembled Throng, Her common Patron's Praise resound. 2 Sing to the Lord, and bless his Name, From Day to day his Peace proclaim, Who us has with Salvation crown'd. 3 To Heathen Lands his Fame rehearse, His Wonders to the Universe. 4 He's great, and greatly to be prais'd: In Majesty and Glory rais'd Above all other Deities; 5 For Pageantry and Idols all Are they whom Gods the Heathen call: He only ruses who made the Skies. 6 With Majesty and Honour crown'd, Beauty and Strength his Throne surround: 7 Be therefore both to him restor'd, By you, who have false Gods ador'd, Ascribe due Honour to his Name; 8 Peace-Off'rings on his Altar lay, Before his Throne your Homage pay, Which he, and he alone, can claim. 9 To worship at his sacred Court, Let all the trembling World resort. 10 Proclaim aloud, Jehovah reigns, Whose Pow'r the Universe sustains, And banish'd Justice will restore: 11 Let therefore Heav'n new Joys confess, And heav'nly Mirth let Earth express, Its loud Applause the Ocean roar; Its mute Inhabitants rejoice, And for his Triumph find a Voice. 12 For Joy let fertile Vallies sing, The chearful Groves their Tribute bring; The tuneful Choir of Birds awake, 13 The Lord's Approach to celebrate, Who now sets out with awful State, His Circuit through the Earth to take. From Heav'n to judge the World he's come, With Justice to reward and doom.
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Sing to the LORD, Sing His Praise

Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96 First Line: Sing to the LORD, sing his praise all you peoples Lyrics: 1 Sing to the LORD, sing his praise, all you peoples; new be your song as new honors you pay. Sing of his majesty, praise him forever, show his salvation from day to day. 2 Tell of his wondrous works, tell of his glory till through the nations his name is revered. Praise and exalt him, for he is almighty; God over all, let the LORD be feared. 3 Vain are the idols and gods of the nations; God made the heavens, and his glory they tell. Splendor and majesty shine out before him; glory and strength in his temple dwell. 4 Give unto God Most High glory and honor; come with your offerings and humbly draw near. Worship the LORD in all beauty and splendor; tremble before him with godly fear. 5 Say to the nations, "The LORD reigns forever." Earth is established as he did decree. Righteous and just is the King of the nations, judging the peoples with equity. 6 Let heaven and earth be glad; oceans, be joyful; forest and field, exultation express. For God is coming, the judge of the nations, coming to judge in his righteousness. Topics: King, God/Christ as; Return of Christ; Christmas; Joy; Judgment; King, God/Christ as; Music; Return of Christ Used With Tune: WESLEY Text Sources: Psalter, 1912, alt.

Psalm 96: Proclaim to All the Nations

Author: David Haas Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96:1-10 First Line: Sing to the Lord a new song Refrain First Line: Proclaim to all the nations (Give to the Lord glory and honor) Topics: Seasons and Feasts Christ the King; Holy Name; Ordinary Time Second Sunday; Ordinary Time Twenty-Ninth Sunday Used With Tune: [Proclaim to all the nations]

Salmo 95: Nos Ha Nacido un Salvador

Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96:11-13 First Line: Canten al Señor un cántico nuevo Refrain First Line: ¡No ha nacido un Salvador, el Mesías, el Señor! Topics: Salmos Used With Tune: [¡No ha nacido un Salvador, el Mesías, el Señor!]

The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns

Author: John Brownlie, 1857-1925 Meter: Appears in 95 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 96:13 Lyrics: 1 The King shall come when morning dawns And light triumphant breaks, When beauty gilds the eastern hills And life to joy awakes. 2 Not, as of old, a little child, To suffer and to die, But crowned with glory like the sun That lights the morning sky. 3 The King shall come when morning dawns And earth's dark night is past; O haste the rising of that morn Whose day shall ever last. 4 And let the endless bliss begin, By weary saints foretold, When right shall triumph over wrong, And truth shall be extolled. 5 The King shall come when morning dawns And light and beauty brings. Hail, Christ, the Lord! Your people pray: Come quickly, King of kings. Topics: Advent Season; Christ the King; Funeral Sacraments; Eternal Life; Hope; Morning; Petition, Prayer; Second Coming Used With Tune: MORNING SONG


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