Collection of Hymns: designed for the use of the Cchurch of Christ by the Reformed Mennonite Church

Publisher: New Era Printing House, Lancaster, Penn., 1895
Denomination: Reformed Mennonite Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Alas poor man, stop now and thinkPage Scan
2At the close of thy careerPage Scan
3Awaken, thou that sleepestPage Scan
4Be faithful to your Saviour's callPage Scan
5Behold, O frail and dying manPage Scan
6Come, all ye weary pilgrimsPage Scan
7Dear children, come and help to singPage Scan
8Dost thou heed those tender callingsPage Scan
9It is a solemn thoughtPage Scan
10Jerusalem, Oh, blest abodePage Scan
11Mortal man, what is your stationPage Scan
12Oh let not Christ, for sinners slainPage Scan
13O think upon Christ's sufferingPage Scan
14O man! can you not now decidePage Scan
15O mortal man! beholdPage Scan
16O my dear friends, do warning takePage Scan
17Our fleeting life will soon be pastPage Scan
18The gift of grace, who will refusePage Scan
19Time passes with incessant speedPage Scan
20Why yet refuse the path to choosePage Scan
21Jehovah speaks, who would not hear?Page Scan
22O great Redeemer! Prince of PeacePage Scan
23The Lord is worthy of all praisePage Scan
24Lord bless Thy Word, this day declaredPage Scan
25O Lord, Thy Word, the heav'nly seedPage Scan
26Our inmost thanks arisePage Scan
27Our imperfections, Lord, revealPage Scan
28Thou Fountain of all holinessPage Scan
29Thy Word has been declaredPage Scan
30Assembled with us here are nowPage Scan
31Hear, all ye sons of Adam's racePage Scan
32On bended knee, O Lord, on highPage Scan
33The ark a figure is, indeedPage Scan
34With grateful hearts, now may we bringPage Scan
35Ye ransomed souls from guilt and shamePage Scan
36According to command, dear LordPage Scan
37By Thy grace, Thou hast permittedPage Scan
38Come, ye that love to joinPage Scan
39Come, ye that truly seekPage Scan
40Gracious Lord, we come before TheePage Scan
41In hope we now together meetPage Scan
42Let Thy blessing, Lord, be with usPage Scan
43Lord, in Thy holy name we meetPage Scan
44Now with true hearts let us draw nearPage Scan
45O grant this day, Thy blessing, LordPage Scan
46O help us Lord to worship TheePage Scan
47Oh, may this day Thy blessing, LordPage Scan
48O Lord, we do Thy mercies ownPage Scan
49Thy presence, Lord, we humbly seekPage Scan
50We've met today in Jesus' namePage Scan
51A star was seen, a song was heardPage Scan
52Awake, Oh my soul, to sweet raptures of lovePage Scan
53Behold, a dawning star appearsPage Scan
54Immanuel, Thy welcome birthPage Scan
55The birth of King ImmanuelPage Scan
56The heav'nly host in words of praisePage Scan
57In prospect of future delightPage Scan
58Oh how fain would I goPage Scan
59O resting place, for thee I longPage Scan
60The time is flying rapid onPage Scan
61A church was established on earth here belowPage Scan
62A list'ning ear, Oh come and givePage Scan
63Blest is the saint's abodePage Scan
64Behold upon Mount ZionPage Scan
65Where'er on earth the saints do meetPage Scan
66Zion's daughter, why thy moaning?Page Scan
67Come, all who feel your wantsPage Scan
68Come all ye souls in trials greatPage Scan
69Come seek relief, thou troubled soulPage Scan
70Fainting trav'ler, troubled spiritPage Scan
71Great are the mercies of our GodPage Scan
72How sweet thou art, O heav'nly restPage Scan
73In times of distress to our God we repairPage Scan
74I am a valiant pilgrimPage Scan
75Oh let not your hearts be troubledPage Scan
76Oh soul stirring tidings to saints in distressPage Scan
77Oh troubled soul, to God alonePage Scan
78The Lord, my Shepherd is, and IPage Scan
79There is a balm for every woundPage Scan
80There is a land of peace and restPage Scan
81Trust in Jesus, sinner pardonedPage Scan
82What hope, what joy it is to mePage Scan
83Ye chosen, royal nationPage Scan
84Ye ransomed souls, ye happy fewPage Scan
85Brethren and sisters let us singPage Scan
86My soul surveys the 'mazing sightPage Scan
87Now in our Saviour's blessed namePage Scan
88O Lord, upon Mount CalvaryPage Scan
89Ransomed souls in silence ponderingPage Scan
90Had Christ alone the cross to bearPage Scan
91The way of life in Christ doth leadPage Scan
92The way of truth in faith I'll treadPage Scan
93By faith the saints are justifiedPage Scan
94Enlivened nature's spacious fieldPage Scan
95Faith is a shield and substance greatPage Scan
96Hope is the anchor for my soulPage Scan
97In faith I look to TheePage Scan
98O blessed hope, like angel sentPage Scan
99Salvation's born through faith secur'dPage Scan
100The children of the risen LordPage Scan

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