New Gospel Quartets for Men's Voices

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Wandering one, hear the Savior say[Wandering one, hear the Savior say]Page Scan
2I have a Friend to guide me lest I stray[I have a Friend to guide me lest I stray]Page Scan
3Are you in darkness, oppressed by the night?[Are you in darkness, oppressed by the night?]Page Scan
4Oh, the brighter, better day[Oh, the brighter, better day]Page Scan
5A pilgrim and a stranger here[A pilgrim and a stranger here]Page Scan
6There is a light that shines afar[There is a light that shines afar]Page Scan
7Courage! Brother, stand![Courage! Brother, stand!]Page Scan
8Jesus, my Savior, to Bethlehem came[Jesus, my Savior, to Bethlehem came]Page Scan
9Come unto me, when shadows darkly gather[Come unto me, when shadows darkly gather]Page Scan
10Let the love in your heart shine wherever you go[Let the love in your heart shine wherever you go]Page Scan
11I am coming to the cross[I am coming to the cross]Page Scan
12Do what you can![Do what you can!]Page Scan
13Too long now your burden you've carried[Too long now your burden you've carried]Page Scan
14Jesus came from heav'n to die upon the tree[Jesus came from heav'n to die upon the tree]Page Scan
15Were you there when they crucified my Lord[Were you there when they crucified my Lord]
16Are you spent with toil thro' the long, long night?[Are you spent with toil thro' the long, long night?]
17Savior, teach me, day by day[Savior, teach me, day by day]
18Go ye out to meet Him, God is drawing near[Go ye out to meet Him, God is drawing near]
19Dear Lord, I bring my life to thee[Dear Lord, I bring my life to thee]
20When my soul is tempest-toss'd[When my soul is tempest-toss'd]
21You can have the sunbeams[You can have the sunbeams]
22Light is breaking from the sky[Light is breaking from the sky]
23There's joy in the homeland, there's plenty and peace[There's joy in the homeland, there's plenty and peace]
24When I need some one to guide me, and to lead me on[When I need some one to guide me, and to lead me on]
25God watches over us, ev'ry day[God watches over us, ev'ry day]
26The peace of God is in my soul today[The peace of God is in my soul today]
27Life-time is working time, spend no idle days[Life-time is working time, spend no idle days]
28We are plowmen, working in the fields of God[We are plowmen, working in the fields of God]
29Brave men are needed for Christ today[Brave men are needed for Christ today]
30Whate'er the time, where'er the place[Whate'er the time, where'er the place]
31Do you long to journey onward, where the skies are always blue[Do you long to journey onward, where the skies are always blue]Page Scan
32I've got a robe, you've got a robe[I've got a robe, you've got a robe]Page Scan
33Thro' the long, long years He is near you[Thro' the long, long years He is near you]Page Scan
34Ye who are thirsting for water of life[Ye who are thirsting for water of life]Page Scan
35Will you lift a little on a tired world's load[Will you lift a little on a tired world's load]Page Scan
36There is a voice I cannot still[There is a voice I cannot still]Page Scan
37I've a guest most precious in my life[I've a guest most precious in my life]Page Scan
38Some of these days all the skies will be brighter[Some of these days all the skies will be brighter]Page Scan
39I do not know why oft 'round me[I do not know why oft 'round me]Page Scan
40With gladness we toil in the work of the Lord[With gladness we toil in the work of the Lord]Page Scan
41Within the Father's house tonight[Within the Father's house tonight]Page Scan
42Jesus needs some one to sing of his love[Jesus needs some one to sing of his love]Page Scan
43The cross for only a day[The cross for only a day]Page Scan
44When bowed down with burdens and lost in the night[When bowed down with burdens and lost in the night]Page Scan
45Forward! Forward! Oh, hear ye not His calling[Forward! Forward! Oh, hear ye not His calling]Page Scan
46When I think of how the Savior died for me[When I think of how the Savior died for me]Page Scan
47On our way rejoicing[On our way rejoicing]Page Scan
48When the shadows slowly gather[When the shadows slowly gather]Page Scan
49There is no song like the old, old song[There is no song like the old, old song]Page Scan
50Have you ever tried to bear your burdens[Have you ever tried to bear your burdens]Page Scan
51Just beyond the earthly shadows[Just beyond the earthly shadows]Page Scan
52There's a harbor bright and fair[There's a harbor bright and fair]Page Scan
53Lord, whene'er I hear thee calling[Lord, whene'er I hear thee calling]Page Scan
54Oh, hasten away with the gospel of light[Oh, hasten away with the gospel of light]Page Scan
55You've wandered far o'er deserts wild[You've wandered far o'er deserts wild]Page Scan
56Are you redeemed and by grace made whole?[Are you redeemed and by grace made whole?]Page Scan
57Strong arm of God, make known thy power[Strong arm of God, make known thy power]Page Scan
58If Jesus leads the way for me[If Jesus leads the way for me]Page Scan
59God bless our native land![God bless our native land!]Page Scan
60Amid life's busy, hurrying throng[Amid life's busy, hurrying throng]Page Scan
61In the warfare that is raging[In the warfare that is raging]Page Scan
62When the world is in trouble and anguish and doubt[When the world is in trouble and anguish and doubt]Page Scan
63Seems your task a heavy load?[Seems your task a heavy load?]Page Scan
64Go in faith, O weary heart[Go in faith, O weary heart]Page Scan
65There is a haven safe and sure[There is a haven safe and sure]Page Scan
66Who will serve today, when our Captain leads the way[Who will serve today, when our Captain leads the way]Page Scan
67The Father gave his only Son[The Father gave his only Son]Page Scan
68A stranger so long to the grace of God[A stranger so long to the grace of God]Page Scan
69I can sing along the way, and be happy ev'ry day[I can sing along the way, and be happy ev'ry day]Page Scan
70Men have fought for fame and glory, some for gold and silver, too[Men have fought for fame and glory, some for gold and silver, too]Page Scan
71There is a green hill far away[There is a green hill far away]Page Scan
72Somebody told the sweet story to you[Somebody told the sweet story to you]Page Scan
73Close, close to the side I'm clinging[Close, close to the side I'm clinging]Page Scan
74Where the right and the true live forever anew[Where the right and the true live forever anew]Page Scan
75What a change within our hearts[What a change within our hearts]Page Scan
76I know the Savior died upon the cross[I know the Savior died upon the cross]Page Scan
77When my soul was sore and bleeding[When my soul was sore and bleeding]Page Scan
78Go forth in faith, tho' darkness may surround thee[Go forth in faith, tho' darkness may surround thee]Page Scan
79He is pleading, gently pleading[He is pleading, gently pleading]Page Scan
80Living for Jesus in the light of true and love[Living for Jesus in the light of true and love]Page Scan
81Oh, how sweet the blessed story[Oh, how sweet the blessed story]Page Scan
82Tho' oft tempest-toss'd, when all seems to be lost[Tho' oft tempest-toss'd, when all seems to be lost]Page Scan
83In the day of salvation[In the day of salvation]Page Scan
84Jesus is my Friend so true[Jesus is my Friend so true]Page Scan
85Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace[Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace]Page Scan
86I know no brighter sunshine than my Savior's smiling face[I know no brighter sunshine than my Savior's smiling face]Page Scan
87I sing of the love that is matchless and free[I sing of the love that is matchless and free]Page Scan
88Out of the darkness there shineth a light[Out of the darkness there shineth a light]Page Scan
89There's a church in the valley by the wildwood[There's a church in the valley by the wildwood]Page Scan
90God from his heaven is calling today[God from his heaven is calling today]Page Scan
91If you only knew my Savior[If you only knew my Savior]Page Scan
92Light is the burden I bear for the King[Light is the burden I bear for the King]Page Scan
93Lord I wandered in sin far away from the fold[Lord I wandered in sin far away from the fold]Page Scan
94There are foes here and there, many trials to bear[There are foes here and there, many trials to bear]Page Scan
95Christian, seek not yet repose[Christian, seek not yet repose]Page Scan
96In shame o'er my guilt and my sin-stains[In shame o'er my guilt and my sin-stains]Page Scan
97Morning till ev'ning a glad song I'd sing[Morning till ev'ning a glad song I'd sing]Page Scan
98Oh, what a wonderful Savior is Jesus![Oh, what a wonderful Savior is Jesus!]Page Scan
99Do not stand and wait with folded hands[Do not stand and wait with folded hands]Page Scan
100When I think of the love of my Savior so dear[When I think of the love of my Savior so dear]Page Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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