The New Harp of Columbia: a system of musical notation, with a note for each sound, and a shape for each note; containing a variety of most excellent psalm and hymn tunes, odes and anthems, happily...

Editor: M. L. Swan
Publisher: Publishing House of M.E. Church, South. Smith & Lamar, Publishing Agents., Nashville; Dallas; Richmond, VA, 1921
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
11Before Jehovah's awful throneOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
12Come, ye who love the Lord, And let your joys be knownALBIONPage Scan
13Blest be the dear uniting loveREFLECTIONPage Scan
14In God's own house pronounce his praiseMEARPage Scan
15Why should we start and fear to die?PROSPECTPage Scan
16How tedious and tasteless the hoursGREENFIELDSPage Scan
17As on the cross the Saviour hungNEWPORTPage Scan
18Broad is the road that leads to deathWINDHAMPage Scan
19Ye nations round the earth rejoiceWELLSPage Scan
20tThe heav'ns declare thy glory, LordUXBRIDGEPage Scan
20bThus far the Lord hath led me onHEBRONPage Scan
21tThy praise, O Lord, shall tune the lyreROCKINGHAMPage Scan
21bOh, praise the Lord in that blest placeMENDONPage Scan
22tYe Christian heroes, go proclaimMISSIONARY CHANTPage Scan
22bHow sweet the light of Sabbath eveORFORDPage Scan
23tAwake, my tongue, thy tribute bringDANVERSPage Scan
23bLord, when thou didst ascend on highDUKE STREETPage Scan
24Come, humble sinner, in whose breastSALVATIONPage Scan
25My Saviour and my KingNINETY-THIRDPage Scan
26On Jordan's stormy banks I standERINPage Scan
27tJesus, Master, hear me nowTHEY THAT CONQUERPage Scan
27bSwell the anthem, raise the songCHORAL SONGPage Scan
28tAwake, my soul, to joyful laysLOVING-KINDNESSPage Scan
28bFather of mercies, God of loveMAYSVILLEPage Scan
29tWatchman, tell us of the nightCONVOYPage Scan
29bCome, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCOME, YE DISCONSOLATEPage Scan
30Glorious things of thee are spokenSION'S SECURITYPage Scan
31My country! 'tis of theeNATIVE COUNTRYPage Scan
32The time is swiftly rolling onFAREWELLPage Scan
33tWhy should the children of a KingEBENEZERPage Scan
33bO for a thousand tongues to singHOLSTONPage Scan
34tTriumphant Zion, lift thy headANVERNPage Scan
34bSoon may the last glad song ariseMIGDOLPage Scan
35When I can read my title clearNINETY-FIFTHPage Scan
36tWithin thy house, O Lord our GodWATTSPage Scan
36bBless, O my soul, the living GodUPTONPage Scan
37When rising from the bed of deathHOPEWELLPage Scan
38My drowsy pow'rs, why sleep you so?BRADLEYPage Scan
39tThee, we adore, Eternal NameCHINAPage Scan
39bUnite my roving thoughts, uniteST. MARTINSPage Scan
40When I can read my title clearAURORAPage Scan
41tThe Lord my pasture shall prepareSUDBURYPage Scan
41bI love the volume of thy wordNASHVILLEPage Scan
42Blow ye the trumpet, blowLENOXPage Scan
43And let this feeble body failPLEASANT HILLPage Scan
44Come, ye that love the LordIDUMEAPage Scan
45Here, in thy name, eternal GodKEDRONPage Scan
46Ye objects of sense and enjoyments of timeCONCORDPage Scan
47Come, let us use the grace divineTHE PROMISED LANDPage Scan
48O when shall I see JesusCHRISTIAN CONTEMPLATIONPage Scan
49In songs of sublime adoration and praiseLONE PILGRIMPage Scan
50Sinners, turn, why will you die?BENEVENTOPage Scan
51Hark! how the choral song of heav'nMOUNT OLIVETPage Scan
52tOh, happy is the man who hearsBALLERMAPage Scan
52b'Tis by thy strength the mountains standHENRYPage Scan
53tLord, in the morning thou shalt hearWARWICKPage Scan
53bLet not despair, nor fell revengeDUNDEEPage Scan
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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