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Jesus, we rest in Thee

Author: James George Deck Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Topics: The Order of Salvation Faith and Justification
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The solemn feast was spent

Author: John Brownlie Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: The solemn feast was spent, And night had spread her pall, When Christ with His disciples went Beyond the city wall; And in the dark He led the way, Towards the lone Gethsemane. He took His chosen three, And bowed with grief He saith, "Abide ye here, and watch with me, I sorrow unto death"; Then, moving forward still a pace, He fell in prayer upon His face. Ah, ill their watch they keep, For soon their eyelids close, 25 And when their Lord returned, in sleep Those weary men repose; "Awake," He said, "make prayerful call, Lest ye before the tempter fall." Thrice did the Master pray, That God His Son would save; But heaven in silence turned away, And earth no comfort gave; And still the worn disciples slept While Christ alone the vigil kept. O soul of mine, awake! Cast off thy careless sleep; To God Thy prayer for succour make And earnest vigil keep; And learn, whate'er His will may be, To do that will is best for thee.
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Accept our evening prayer

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Accept our evening prayer, O Holy Christ our Lord, And grant forgiveness of our sin According to Thy word, Who, by Thy rising, hast revealed A power that lay from man concealed. Oh come, ye people, come, Give praise to Christ your God; The glory of His rising tell To all the world abroad: For He is God, whose power hath hurled The great accuser from the world. 86 Encompass Zion round, And in her midst proclaim The glory of the Son of God, Who back from bondage came; Who burst the gates of death, to win Our freedom from the yoke of sin. Thy Passion, Lord, hath freed Our souls from passion's reign; Nor may we know corruption base, Since Thou hast risen again; Glory to Thee, O Christ the Lord, Son of our God, Incarnate Word!
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Wave, wave your banners high

Author: John Brownlie Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Wave, wave your banners high, The day of strife is done, On blood-red field the foemen lie, And victory is won; The march, the toil, the fight are o'er, Now sheathe the sword for evermore. Ah, long the strife endured, And hard the foemen pressed, But now the garland is secured, And weary warriors rest; Now hear your Captain's voice, "Well done," And take the prize your valour won. O peace, when strife is past, O rest, when toil is o'er, O City of the King, at last, And bliss for evermore; Now to the footstool of the King, Your spoils of war and triumphs bring.

Friend after friend departs:

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 228 hymnals Lyrics: Friend after friend departs: Who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts, That finds not here an end: Were this frail world our only rest, Living or dying, none were blest. Beyond the flight of time, Beyond this vale of death, There surely is some blessed clime, Where life is not a breath; Nor life's affections transient fire, Whose sparks fly upward to expire! There is a world above, Where parting is unknown; A whole eternity of love, Form'd for the good alone; And faith beholds the dying here, Translated to that happier sphere. Thus star by star declines, Till all are pass'd away, As morning high and higher shines To pure and perfect day; Nor sink those stars in empty night,-- They hide themselves in heaven's own light. Topics: Separation on earth, re-union in heaven
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Change is our portion here

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals
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The day fades into night

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: The day fades into night, The shadows lengthening fall, And see, the deepening purple light Throws on the hills its pall: Lord, be our Light when suns decline, And in our souls unclouded shine. Still is the eventide, Calm is the soft repose, When earthly toil is laid aside, And eyelids drooping, close; Lord, let Thy peace my soul possess, In everlasting restfulness. Night of my life draws near; Lord, when the light departs, Be all to me that Thou hast been To other trusting hearts, And in the calm that night bestows, Let me in peace with Thee repose. 39 The night gives place to morn, The gloom shall pass away, And an eternal day be born, Whose sun shall shine for aye; Lord, wake me when the morn is come, And let me find with Thee my home.

Oh! Valiant-for-the-Truth

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Oh! "Valiant-for-the-Truth!" Hail from Thy battle-field, A Christian warrior from thy youth, Who never knew to yield; The conquering armour here lay down, For the white robe, the palm, the crown. 271 Where earth and hell combined God's Image to defame, In darkness hold the immortal mind, In chains the mortal frame; There didst thou choose thy stormy post, Strong in the faith,--thyself a host. Not without patient care, Sore suffering, day-long toil, And many a wrestling night of prayer, Didst thou divide the spoil; Then ransom'd slaves were made to be Free from Man's yoke,--from Satan's free. Now rest upon that bed, Where once thy Captain lay, And sanctified it for the dead In Christ, till His great day; When they, though worlds around them burn, With songs to Zion shall return. In that Jerusalem above, Where all the saints shall meet; Loved with an everlasting love, Around their Saviour's feet! Oh! there with thine our souls be found In life's eternal bundle bound. Topics: Missionary death of a
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Our evening prayers attend

Author: John Brownlie Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: Our evening prayers attend, O Thou that holy art; In mercy full forgiveness send To every contrite heart; For Thou hast risen to set us free, And all mankind rejoice in Thee. Encompass Zion round, Ye people, tell His fame; Let Resurrection joy abound, And glory to His name; He is our Lord, who from the grave Arose our sinning souls to save. With resurrection lays Ye people, come, adore, And worship Him with grateful praise Who lives for evermore; He is our God, who from the grave Arose our sinning souls to save. Lord, by Thy Passion Thou Sav’st men from passions base, And by Thy Resurrection, now Dost from corruption raise. Glory to Thee we humbly bring, O Christ, who art our Heavenly King.

When in the Clouds of Heaven

Author: John Brownlie Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: I When in the clouds of heaven The Lord, the Judge, appears, When memory brings my sin to light, And conscience fills with fears,— In mercy, Lord, have mercy then, Nor rank my soul with wicked men. II I have no plea to give, The sin is all my own, I cannot bear the searching glance Nor for that sin atone; I can alone that mercy crave,— O Lord, Thine erring servant save. III Didst Thou not come to earth? Didst Thou not die for me? And all my sin in mercy bear Upon the awful tree? I claim that sacrifice, and pray, Turn not my erring soul away. IV The record of my sin, In mercy, Lord, remove, And to a place at Thy right hand Call Thou my soul, in love; That love divine I make my plea, O may that love encircle me. Hymns from the Morningland, 1911


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