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Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain

Author: L. Helmbold ; Matthias Loy Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals


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Meter: Appears in 225 hymnals Tune Sources: The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941 (Setting) Tune Key: G Major Incipit: 11161 27667 12567 Used With Text: Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain


Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Composer and/or Arranger: Jacob B. Weber, b. 1988 Tune Key: d minor or modal Used With Text: Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain


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Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain

Author: Matthias Loy; Ludwig Helmbold Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #288 (1941) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, help us ever to retain The Catechism's doctrine plain As Luther taught the Word of Truth In simple style to tender youth. 2 Help us Thy holy Law to learn, To mourn our sin, and from it turn In faith to Thee and to Thy Son And Holy Spirit, Three in One. 3 Hear us, dear Father, when we pray For needed help from day to day That as Thy children we may live, Whom Thou in Baptism didst receive. 4 Lord, when we fall and sin doth stain, Absolve and lift us up again; And thro' the Sacrament increase Our faith till we depart in peace. Amen. Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17 Languages: English Tune Title: HERR JESU CHRIST, MEIN'S

Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain

Author: Ludwig Helmbold, 1532–98; Matthias Loy, 1828–1915 Hymnal: One and All Rejoice #317 (2020) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, help us ever to retain The Catechism’s doctrine plain As Luther taught the Word of truth In simple style to tender youth. 2 Help us Your holy Law to learn, To mourn our sin and from it turn In faith to You and to Your Son And Holy Spirit, Three in One. 3 Hear us, dear Father, when we pray For needed help from day to day That as Your children we may live, Whom You baptized and so received. 4 Lord, when we fall or go astray, Absolve and lift us up, we pray; And through the Sacrament increase Our faith till we depart in peace. Topics: Christian Education Tune Title: TENDER YOUTH

Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain

Author: Ludwig Helmbold, 1532-98; Matthias Loy, 1828-1915 Hymnal: Lutheran Worship #477 (1982) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, help us ever to retain The Catechism's doctrine plain As Luther taught the Word of truth In simple style to tender youth. 2 Help us your holy Law to learn, To mourn our sin and from it turn In faith to you and to your Son And Holy Spirit, Three in One. 3 Hear us, dear Father, when we pray For needed help from day to day That as your children we may live, Whom you baptized and so received. 4 Lord, when we fall or go astray, Absolve and lift us up, we pray; And through the Sacrament increase Our faith till we depart in peace. Topics: Christian Education; Confirmation; Proclamation; Scriptures Languages: English Tune Title: HERR JESU CHRIST, MEINS


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Matthias Loy

1828 - 1915 Person Name: M. Loy, 1828-1915 Translator of "Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Loy, M., President of the Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, contributed several original hymns, and translations from the German, to the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. Published by Order of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and Other States. Columbus, Ohio, 1880. The translations may be found through the Index of Authors, &c.; the original hymns are the following:— 1. An awful mystery is here. Holy Communion. 2. At Jesus' feet our infant sweet. Holy Baptism. 3. Come, humble soul, receive the food. Holy Communion. 4. Give me, 0 Lord, a spirit lowly. Humility desired. 5. God gave His word to holy men. Inspiration of Holy Scripture. 6. God of grace, Whose word is sure. Faithfulness. 7. How matchless is our Saviour's grace. Holy Baptism. 8. I thank Thee, Saviour, for the grief. Lent. 9. Jesus took the lambs and blest them. Holy Baptism. 10. Jesus, Thou art mine for ever. Jesus, All and in All. 11. Launch out into the deep. Call to Duty. 12. Listen to those happy voices. Christmas. 13. O Great High Priest, forget not me. Confirmation. 14. O Lord, Who hast my place assigned. Daily Duties. 15. Our Shepherd of His ransomed flock. Holy Communion. 16. The gospel shows the Father's grace. Holy Scripture. 17. The law of God is good and wise. Holy Scripture. 18. Though angels bright escape our eight. St. Michael and All Angels. 19. When Rome had shrouded earth in night. The Reformation. 20. When souls draw near the holy wave. Confirmation. Several of these hymns, together with some of his translations, previously appeared in the Ohio Synod's preceding Collection of Hymns (3rd ed., 1858; 4th, 1863). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Loy, Matthias, D.D., p. 700, i. Dr. Loy was born in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1828. He studied at the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary at Columbus, Ohio, of which he became Professor of Theology in 1365. He was appointed President of the Capital University in 1880. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ================== See also in: Wikipedia

Ludwig Helmbold

1532 - 1598 Person Name: L. Helmbold, 1532-98 Author of "Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Helmbold, Ludwig, son of Stephan Helmbold, woollen manufacturer at Muhlhausen, in Thuringia, was born at Mühlhausen, Jan. 13, 1532, and educated at Leipzig and Erfurt (B.A. in 1550). After two years' headmastership of the St. Mary's School at Mühlhausen, he returned to Erfurt, and remained in the University (M.A. 1554) as lecturer till his appointment in 1561 as conrector of the St. Augustine Gymnasium at Erfurt. When the University was reconstituted in 1565, after the dreadful pestilence in 1563-64, he was appointed dean of the Philosophical Faculty, and in 1566 had the honour of being crowned as a poet by the Emperor Maximilian II., but on account of his determined Protestantism he had to resign in 1570. Returning to Mühlhausen, he was appointed, in 1571, diaconus of the St. Mary's Church, and 1586, pastor of St. Blasius's Church and Superintendent of Mühlhausen. He died at Mühlhausen, April 8, 1598. (Koch, ii. 234-248; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xi. 701-702; Bode, pp. 87-88, &c.) Helmbold wrote many Latin hymns and odes, and numerous German hymns for school use, including a complete metrical version of the Augsburg Confession. His Hymns for church use are mostly clear and concise paraphrases of Scripture histories and doctrines, simple and earnest in style. Lists of the works in which his hymns appeared (to the number of some 400) are given by Koch and Bode. His hymns translated into English are:— i. Herr Gott, erhalt uns für und für. Children. On the value of catechetical instruction as conveyed in Luther's Catechism for Children. First published in Helmbold's Dreyssig geistliche Lieder auff die Fest durchs Jahr. Mühlhausen, 1594 (preface to tenor, March 21, 1585), and thence in Wackernagel, iv. p. 677, and Mützell, No. 314, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines in Porst's Gesang-Buch, ed. 1855, No. 977. The only translation in common use is:— O God, may we e'er pure retain, in full, by Dr. M. Loy, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. ii. Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren. Grace after Meat. Included in his Geistliche Lieder, 1575, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, and thence in Wackernagel, iv. p. 647, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 500. The translations are: (1) To God the Lord be rendered," as No. 326 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "Now let us praise with fervour," in the Supplement to German Psalmody, ed. 1765, p. 75. (3) "To God the Lord be praises," as No. 778 in the Moravian Hymn Book 1789 (1849, No. 1153). iii. Von Gott will ich nicht lassen. Trust in God. Lauxmann in Koch, viii. 365-370, thus relates the origin of this the best known hymn by Helmbold:— In 1563, while Helmbold was conrector of the Gymnasium at Erfurt, a pestilence broke out, during which about 4000 of the inhabitants died. As all who could fled from the place, Dr. Pancratius Helbich, Rector of the University (with whom Helmbold bad formed a special friendship, and whose wife was godmother of his eldest daughter), was about to do so, leaving behind him Helmbold and his family. Gloomy forebodings filled the hearts of the parting mothers. To console them and nerve them for parting Helmbold composed this hymn on Psalm lxxiii. v. 23. The hymn seems to have been first printed as a broadsheet in 1563-64, and dedicated to Regine, wife of Dr. Helbich, and then in the Hundert Christenliche Haussgesang, Nürnberg, 1569, in 9 stanzas of 8 lines Wackernagel, iv. pp. 630-33, gives both these forms and a third in 7 stanzas from a MS.[manuscript] at Dresden. Included in most subsequent hymnbooks, e.g. as No. 640 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. The translations in common use are:— 1. From God the Lord my Saviour, by J. C. Jacobi, in his Psalmodia Germanica, 1722, p. 139, omitting st. vii. (1732, p. 134), repeated slightly altered (and with st. vi., lines 1-4 from vii., lines 1-4 of the German) as No. 320 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. Stanzas i.-iii., v., rewritten and beginning "From God, my Lord and Saviour," were included in the American Lutheran General Synod's Collection, 1850-52, No. 341. 2. Ne'er be my God forsaken. A good translation of stanzas i., ii., iv., by A. T. Russell in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851, No. 229. 3. From God shall nought divide me. A good translation, omitting st. ii., vii. by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 140. Partly rewritten in her Christian Singers, 1869, p. 154. Other translations are: (l)"God to my soul benighted," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 179). (2) "From God I will not sever," by Dr. N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 202. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Jacob B. Weber

b. 1988 Person Name: Jacob B. Weber, b. 1988 Composer of "TENDER YOUTH" in One and All Rejoice American Lutheran organist and composer Jacob B. Weber is an editor in the music department at Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Missouri. He has earned degrees in church music and organ from Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minnesota (BA), and Concordia University Wisconsin (MCM). A prolific composer, he has dozens of keyboard collections and choral settings in print. In 2021, he was awarded the biennial Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition by the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) for his original choral setting, "Festival Gloria" (CPH), set in Latin for SATB, organ, and brass. He served as the editor of the children's hymnal, "One and All Rejoice" (Concordia Publishing House, 2020).