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Text Identifier:"^we_bear_the_strain_of_earthly_care$"

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We Bear the Strain of Earthly Care

Author: Ozora S. Davis Meter: Appears in 42 hymnals First Line: We bear the strains of earthly care Lyrics: 1. We bear the strains of earthly care, But bear it not alone; Beside us walks our Brother Christ, And makes our task His own. 2. Through din of market, whirl of wheels, And thrust of driving trade, We follow where the Master leads, Serene and unafraid. 3. The common hopes that make us men Were His in Galilee; The tasks He gives are those He gave Beside the restless sea. 4. Our brotherhood still rests in Him, The Brother of us all, And through the centuries we hear The Master’s winsome call. Used With Tune: AZMON


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Meter: Appears in 1,003 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Carl G. Gläser; Lowell Mason Tune Key: A Flat Major Incipit: 51122 32123 34325 Used With Text: We bear the strain of earthly care


Appears in 225 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Thomas Tallis Incipit: 13455 66551 76651 Used With Text: We bear the strain of earthly care


Appears in 878 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Conrad Kocher Tune Key: A Flat Major Incipit: 17121 44367 16555 Used With Text: Daw pwys gofalon ar ein pen (We bear the strain of earthly care)


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We Bear the Strain of Earthly Care

Author: Ozora Stearns Davis Hymnal: The Hymnbook #227 (1955) Meter: Lyrics: 1 We bear the strain of earthly care, But bear it not alone; Beside us walks our Brother Christ And makes our task His own. 2 Through din of market, whirl of wheels, And thrust of driving trade, We follow where the Master leads, Serene and unafraid. 3 The common hopes that make us men Were His in Galilee; The tasks He gives are those He gave Beside the restless sea. 4 Our brotherhood still rests in Him, The Brother of us all, And o'er the centuries still we hear The Master's winsome call. Amen. Topics: Brotherhood; Christ Presence; Common Duties and Things; Labor Day; Jesus Christ His Presence Scripture: Philippians 4:19 Tune Title: AZMON

We Bear the Strain of Earthly Care

Author: Ozora S Davis, 1866-1931 Hymnal: The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal #234 (1999) Meter: Lyrics: 1 We bear the strain of earthly care, But bear it not alone; Beside us walks our Brother Christ And makes our task His own. 2 Through din of market, whirl of wheels, And thrust of driving trade, We follow where the Master leads, Serene and unafraid. 3 The common hopes that make us men Were His in Galilee; The tasks He gives are those He gave Beside the restless sea. 4 Our brotherhood still rests in Him, The Brother of us all, And o'er the centuries still we hear The Master's winsome call. AMEN. Topics: Kingdomtide Languages: English Tune Title: AZMON
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We Bear the Strain of Earthly Care

Author: Ozora S. Davis Hymnal: The Worshipbook #621 (1972) Meter: Lyrics: 1 We bear the strain of earthly care, But bear it not alone; Beside us walks our brother Christ And makes our task his own. 2 Through din of market, whirl of wheels, And thrust of driving trade, We follow where the Master leads, Serene and unafraid. 3 The common hopes that make us men Were his in Galilee; The tasks he gives are those he gave Beside the restless sea. 4 Our brotherhood still rests in Him, The brother of us all, And o'er the centuries still we hear The Master's winsome call. Amen. Topics: Service for the Lord's Day After Creed; Service for the Lord's Day Conclusion of Worship; Acts of the Church Confirmation; Other Observances Mission; Other Observances World Communion Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 Tune Title: AZMON


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Authors, composers, editors, etc.

C. G. Gläser

1784 - 1829 Person Name: Carl G. Gläzer, 1784-1829 Composer of "AZMON" in A Hymnal for Friends Carl Gotthelf Gläser Germany 1781-1829. Born at Weissenfels, Burgenlandkreis, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, he received musical training from his father, after which he attended St. Thomas school in Leipzig. He became an author and composer. At Barmen he taught voice, piano, and violin. He also wrote and conducted chorale music. He died at Barmen. John Perry

Ozora Stearns Davis

1866 - 1931 Person Name: Rev. Ozora Stearns Davis Author of "We bear the strain of earthly care" in The Hymnal Born: Ju­ly 30, 1866, Wheel­ock, Ver­mont. Died: March 15, 1931, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. Davis grew up in White Ri­ver Junc­tion, Ver­mont, and by age 15 was an ex­pert tel­e­graph op­er­at­or. He at­tend­ed St. Johns­bu­ry Acad­e­my and grad­u­at­ed from Dart­mouth Coll­ege, Han­o­ver, New Hamp­shire, in 1889. With the aid of a fel­low­ship from Hart­ford The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary, he earned a PhD in Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny. He pas­tored in Spring­field, Ver­mont; New­ton­ville, Mas­sa­chu­setts, and New Bri­tain, Con­nec­ti­cut. From 1909-29, he was pres­i­dent of Ch­i­ca­go The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary. In 1927 he be­came Mod­er­at­or of the Na­tion­al Coun­cil of Congrega­tion­al Church­es. His works in­clude: John Ro­bin­son–The Pil­grim Pas­tor, 1903 Elihu Bur­ritt (New Bri­tain: 1907) The Pil­grim Faith, 1913 Using the Bi­ble in Pub­lic Ad­dress, 1916 Meeting the Mas­ter, 1917 International As­pects of Chris­ti­an­i­ty, 1919 Comrades in the Great Cause The Gos­pel in the Light of the Great War, 1919 Evangelistic Preach­ing, 1921 Preaching and the So­cial Gos­pel, 1922 Davis died near Kansas City, Missouri, while traveling with Grace, his wife, from Los Angeles to Chicago.

Daniel Hughes

Person Name: D. H. Translator (stanza 4) of "Daw pwys gofalon ar ein pen (We bear the strain of earthly care)" in Mawl a chân = praise and song