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Text Identifier:en_presencia_estar_de_cristo

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Cara a cara espero verle

Author: Carrie Ellis Breck; Vicente Mendoza Appears in 26 hymnals First Line: En presencia estar de Cristo


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Appears in 190 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Grant Colfax Tullar Tune Key: G Major or modal Incipit: 55653 11721 76565 Used With Text: En presencia estar de Cristo


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En presencia estar de Cristo

Author: Carrie E. de Breck; Vicente Mendoza Hymnal: Libro de Liturgia y Cántico #453 (1998) Lyrics: 1 En presencia estar de Cristo, ver su rostro, ¿qué será, cuando al fin en pleno gozo mi alma le contemplará? Estribillo: Cara a cara espero verle más allá del cielo azul, cara a cara en plena gloria he de ver a mi Jesús. 2 Sólo tras oscuro velo, hoy lo puedo aquí mirar, mas ya pronto viene el día, que su gloria ha de mostrar. [Estribillo] 3 Cuánto gozo habrá con Cristo cuando no haya más dolor, cuando cesen los peligros y ya estemos en su amor. [Estribillo] 4 Cara a cara, ¡cuán glorioso ha de ser así vivir! Ver el rostro de quien quiso nuestras almas redimir. [Estribillo] Topics: Esperanza Cristiana Languages: Spanish Tune Title: [En presencia estar de Cristo]

En Presencia Estar de Cristo

Author: Mrs. Frank A. Breck; Vicente Mendoza Hymnal: Himnos de Fe y Alabanza #149 (1966) Refrain First Line: Cara a cara espero verle Languages: Spanish Tune Title: [En presencia estar de Cristo]
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En presencia estar de Cristo

Author: V. Mendoza Hymnal: Himnario Adventista #165 (1962) Refrain First Line: Cara a cara espero verle Languages: Spanish Tune Title: [En presencia estar de Cristo]


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Authors, composers, editors, etc.

Carrie Ellis Breck

1855 - 1934 Person Name: Carrie E. de Breck Author of "En presencia estar de Cristo" in Libro de Liturgia y Cántico Carrie Ellis Breck was born 22 January 1855 in Vermont and raised in a Christian home. She later moved to Vineland, New Jersy, and then to Portland, Oregon. She wrote verse and prose for religious and household publications, In 1884 she married Frank A. Breck. She has written between fourteen and fifteen hundred hymns. Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916) See also Mrs. Frank A. Breck.

Vicente P. Mendoza

1875 - 1955 Person Name: Vicente Mendoza Translator of "En presencia estar de Cristo" in Libro de Liturgia y Cántico Vicente Mendoza Born: De­cem­ber 24, 1875, Guad­a­la­ja­ra, Mex­i­co. Died: 1955, Mex­i­co Ci­ty, Mex­i­co. Mendoza stu­died in­i­tial­ly un­der Don Au­re­lio Or­te­ga. At age of 11 he went to work in a Pro­test­ant print shop in Mex­i­co Ci­ty and helped pro­duce El Evan­gel­is­ta Mex­i­ca­no (The Mex­i­can Evan­gel­ist) for the Meth­od­ist Church of the South; he rose to be­come its di­rect­or for 17 years. Look­ing to im­prove him­self, Men­do­za en­tered a night school for work­ers, but lat­er feel­ing the call to preach the Gos­pel, he en­tered the Pres­by­ter­i­an Sem­in­a­ry in Mex­i­co Ci­ty. When the sem­in­a­ry closed temp­o­rar­i­ly, Men­do­za en­tered the Meth­od­ist In­sti­tute of Pueb­la, where he fin­ished the course in the­ol­o­gy. In 1898 he be­came a mem­ber of the An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Mex­i­can Meth­od­ist Church. From 1915 to 1917, he be­longed to the South­ern Meth­od­ist Con­fer­ence of Cal­i­for­nia. Men­do­za worked on sev­er­al per­i­od­i­cals, in­clud­ing El Mun­do Crist­i­a­no (The Chris­tian World), El Abo­ga­do Crist­i­a­no (The Chris­tian Ad­vo­cate), and El Evan­gel­is­ta Crist­i­a­no (The Chris­tian Evan­gel­ist). © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

Grant Colfax Tullar

1869 - 1950 Composer of "[En presencia estar de Cristo]" in Libro de Liturgia y Cántico Grant Colfax Tullar was born August 5, 1869, in Bolton, Connecticut. He was named after the American President Ulysses S. Grant and Vice President Schuyler Colfax. After the American Civil War, his father was disabled and unable to work, having been wounded in the Battle of Antietam. Tullar's mother died when he was just two years old so Grant had no settled home life until he became an adult. Yet from a life of sorrow and hardship he went on to bring joy to millions of Americans with his songs and poetry. As a child, he received virtually no education or religious training. He worked in a woolen mill and as a shoe clerk. The last Methodist camp meeting in Bolton was in 1847. Tullar became a Methodist at age 19 at a camp meeting near Waterbury in 1888. He then attended the Hackettstown Academy in New Jersey. He became an ordained Methodist minister and pastored for a short time in Dover, Delaware. For 10 years he was the song leader for evangelist Major George A. Hilton. Even so, in 1893 he also helped found the well-known Tullar-Meredith Publishing Company in New York, which produced church and Sunday school music. Tullar composed many popular hymns and hymnals. His works include: Sunday School Hymns No. 1 (Chicago, Illinois: Tullar Meredith Co., 1903) and The Bible School Hymnal (New York: Tullar Meredith Co., 1907). One of Grant Tullar's most quoted poems is "The Weaver": My Life is but a weaving Between my Lord and me; I cannot choose the colors He worketh steadily. Oft times He weaveth sorrow And I, in foolish pride, Forget He sees the upper, And I the under side. Not til the loom is silent And the shuttles cease to fly, Shall God unroll the canvas And explain the reason why. The dark threads are as needful In the Weaver's skillful hand, As the threads of gold and silver In the pattern He has planned. He knows, He loves, He cares, Nothing this truth can dim. He gives His very best to those Who chose to walk with Him. Grant Tullar --, from Bolton Community News, August 2006.