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Fred Kaan

1929 - 2009 Topics: Agnus Dei Translator (English) of "Vos sos el destazodo en la cruz" in Agape Fred Kaan Hymn writer. His hymns include both original work and translations. He sought to address issues of peace and justice. He was born in Haarlem in the Netherlands in July 1929. He was baptised in St Bavo Cathedral but his family did not attend church regularly. He lived through the Nazi occupation, saw three of his grandparents die of starvation, and witnessed his parents deep involvement in the resistance movement. They took in a number of refugees. He became a pacifist and began attending church in his teens. Having become interested in British Congregationalism (later to become the United Reformed Church) through a friendship, he was attended Western College in Bristol. He was ordained in 1955 at the Windsor Road Congregational Church in Barry, Glamorgan. In 1963 he was called to be minister of the Pilgrim Church in Plymouth. It was in this congregation that he began to write hymns. The first edition of Pilgrim Praise was published in 1968, going into second and third editions in 1972 and 1975. He continued writing many more hymns throughout his life. Dianne Shapiro, from obituary written by Keith Forecast in Independent (

David Saint

Topics: liturgical Agnus Dei Composer of "[Lamb of God]" in Voices United Organist

Stephen Somerville

1931 - 2015 Topics: Agnus Dei Composer of "[Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world]" in Catholic Book of Worship III Somerville, Stephen Francis. (London, England, April 1, 1931-- ). Roman Catholic. University of Toronto, B.A., 1952; Laval University (Quebec), L.Th., 1956; graduate study in Rome. Pastorates (in Ontario) at Grimsby, 1957-1960; Niagara Falls, 1960-1963; Ottawa, 1977-1979; Midland, 1979-?. Taught at St. Michael's Choir School, Toronto, 1963-1970. Edited (1970-1977) Living with Christ, a "missalette" issued every six weeks, giving prayer and scripture passages for all Masses to be celebrated, and including appropriate hymns. During this time he chaired the Diocese of Ottawa's liturgical commission, and represented Canada (1968-1975) on ICEL, charged by the Pope with preparing a text for the whole liturgy which the entire English-speaking world might use. --Hugh D. McKellar, DNAH Archives

Nicolaus Decius

1485 - 1541 Person Name: Nikolaus Decius Topics: Lamm Gottes (Agnus Dei) Translator of "O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig" in Antwort Finden in alten und neuen Liedern, in Worten zum Nachdenken und Beten Decius, Nicolaus (Nicolaus a Curia or von Hofe, otherwise Hovesch, seems to have been a native of Hof, in Upper Franconia, Bavaria, and to have been originally called Tech. He became a monk, and was in 1519 Probst of the cloister at Steterburg, near Wolfenbüttel. Becoming favourable to the opinions of Luther, he left Steterburg in July, 1522, and went to Brunswick, where he was appointed a master in the St. Katherine and Egidien School. In 1523 he was invited by the burgesses of Stettin to labour there as an Evangelical preacher along with Paulus von Rhode. He became preacher at the Church of St. Nicholas; was probably instituted by the Town Council in 1526, when von Rhode was instituted to St. Jacob's; and at the visitation in 1535 was recognized as pastor of St. Nicholas'. He died suddenly at Stettin, March 21, 1541, with some suspicion of being poisoned by his enemies of the Roman Catholic faction (Koch, i. 419-421, 471, 472; ii. 483; Allg. Deutsche Biography, iii. 791-793).He seems to have been a popular preacher and a good musician. Three hymns are ascribed to him. These are versions of the “Sanctus," the "Gloria in excelsis," and the "Agnus Dei." The second and third are noted under these Latin first lines. He is also said to have composed or adapted the melodies set to them.      [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Dietrich Werner

Topics: Agnus Dei Translator (German) of "Lamb of God" in Agape

Richard Hillert

1923 - 2010 Topics: Service Music Agnus Dei Composer of "[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world]" in Worship (3rd ed.) Richard Hillert was born in Granton, Clark County, Wis., on March 14, 1923. There he attended parochial and public schools and later enrolled at Concordia Teachers College (now Concordia University Chicago), River Forest, where he received the Bachelor of Science degree in Education. He served as teacher and music director for parishes in St. Louis, Mo., Wausau, Wis., and Chicago and Westchester, Ill. He received both the Master of Music and the Doctor of Music degrees in composition from Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. His teachers included Matthew Nathaniel Lundquist, Anthony Donato, Alan Stout, Arrand Parsons, Emil Nolte, and John Ohl. He studied composition with the Italian composer, Goffredo Petrassi, at Aaron Copland’s Berkshire Music Center, Tanglewood, Mass. Richard Hillert was a noted Lutheran composer. He was Distinguished Professor of Music Emeritus at Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Ill. He was best known for his work as a composer and teacher of composition. Among his most frequently performed liturgical works for congregation is Worthy Is Christ, with its antiphon, “This is the Feast of Victory” which was written as an alternate Song of Praise for inclusion in Setting One of the Holy Communion in Lutheran Book of Worship (1978) and Lutheran Worship (1982). "This is the Feast" is now widely published in more than 20 recent worship books of many denominations, most recently in Lutheran Service Book (2006) and Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006). Other major liturgical works include a setting of Evening Prayer (1984) and a Eucharistic Festival Liturgy (1983), which was first performed at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. He wrote liturgical pieces and hymns and served as music editor for Worship Supplement(1969) and Lutheran Book of Worship (1978). His compositions and publications include an array of pieces of liturgical music for congregation, choral motets, hymns and hymn anthems, psalm settings and organ works, concertatos, and cantatas, including settings of The Christmas Story According to Saint Luke and The Passion According to Saint John. He edited eleven volumes of the Concordia Hymn Prelude Series. Hillert's career as Professor of Music at Concordia (now Concordia University Chicago) spanned four decades, from 1959 to 1993. During this time he taught classes in music theory and composition, music literature, 20th century music, orchestration, keyboard instruction, comparative arts and liturgical worship. He served in various capacities in the music department, as chair in 1964-65 and from 1986–89, as coordinator of the Master of Church Music program, and as associate editor of the journal Church Music (1966–80). Non-liturgical compositions include symphonic works for orchestra (Symphony in Three Movements, Variations for Orchestra, Suite for Strings), chamber works for small orchestra and ensembles (Alternations for Seven Instruments, Divertimento I and II) as well as many works for keyboard, instrumental solos and songs. The latter include Sonata for Piano (1961), a violin sonata, and two sonatas for flute and keyboard. Major organ works include Prelude and Toccata, Ricercata, Passacaglia on Innocent Sounds, Partita on Picardy, and Partita on Atkinson. There are also concert works with sacred texts, such as Five Canticles from the Exodus (1958), Te Deum for two pianos, percussion, and wind instruments (1962), The Alleluiatic Sequence (1980), and Seven Psalms of Grace for baritone solo and chamber orchestra (1998). Extended choral works, many written for Concordia’s Kapelle conducted by Thomas Gieschen, include the Cantata: "May God Bestow on Us His Grace" (1964), "Motet for the Day of Pentecost" for choir, vibraphone, and prepared electronic tape (written for the round-the-world tour in 1969), "Motet for the Time of Easter" for double choir, percussion, and harp (1971), and "Agnus Dei" for three choirs and percussion instruments (1974). Richard Hillert authored numerous scholarly articles and reviews for the periodicals such as Church Music, CrossAccent, and Currents in Theology and Mission, and other professional books and journals. He received an honorary Doctor of Sacred Music degree from Valparaiso University, and honorary Doctor of Letters degrees from Concordia University at Seward, Nebraska, and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He was an honorary life member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. His former students throughout the land have careers as practicing church musicians, elementary and secondary school teachers, teachers in higher education, music editors and publishers, and composers. Richard Hillert was married to Gloria Bonnin Hillert. They had three children: Kathryn Brewer, Virginia and Jonathan Hillert.

Communauté de Taizé

Person Name: Taizé Community Topics: Service Music Agnus Dei Composer of "[Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi]" in Worship (3rd ed.)

Jacques Berthier

1923 - 1994 Topics: Service Music Agnus Dei Composer of "[Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi]" in Worship (3rd ed.) Jacques Berthier (b. Auxerre, Burgundy, June 27, 1923; d. June 27, 1994) A son of musical parents, Berthier studied music at the Ecole Cesar Franck in Paris. From 1961 until his death he served as organist at St. Ignace Church, Paris. Although his published works include numerous compositions for organ, voice, and instruments, Berthier is best known as the composer of service music for the Taizé community near Cluny, Burgundy. Influenced by the French liturgist and church musician Joseph Gelineau, Berthier began writing songs for equal voices in 1955 for the services of the then nascent community of twenty brothers at Taizé. As the Taizé community grew, Berthier continued to compose most of the mini-hymns, canons, and various associated instrumental arrangements, which are now universally known as the Taizé repertoire. In the past two decades this repertoire has become widely used in North American church music in both Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions. Bert Polman

David Hurd

b. 1950 Topics: Setting Three Agnus Dei Composer of "[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world]" in Worship (3rd ed.) David Hurd (b. Brooklyn, New York, 1950) was a boy soprano at St. Gabriel's Church in Hollis, Long Island, New York. Educated at Oberlin College and the University of North Carolina, he has been professor of church music and organist at General Theological Seminary in New York since 1976. In 1985 he also became director of music for All Saints Episcopal Church, New York. Hurd is an outstanding recitalist and improvisor and a composer of organ, choral, and instrumental music. In 1987 David Hurd was awarded the degree of Doctor of Music, honoris causa, by the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. The following year he received honorary doctorates from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley, California, and from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois. His I Sing As I Arise Today, the collected hymn tunes of David Hurd, was published in 2010. Bert Polman and Emily Brink

Richard Proulx

1937 - 2010 Topics: Setting One Agnus Dei Composer of "[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world]" in Worship (3rd ed.) Richard Proulx (b. St. Paul, MN, April 3, 1937; d. Chicago, IL, February 18, 2010). A composer, conductor, and teacher, Proulx was director of music at the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois (1980-1997); before that he was organist and choirmaster at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church in Seattle, Washington. He contributed his expertise to the Roman Catholic Worship III (1986), The Episcopal Hymnal 1982, The United Methodist Hymnal (1989), and the ecumenical A New Hymnal for Colleges and Schools (1992). He was educated at the University of Minnesota, MacPhail College of Music in Minneapolis, Minnesota, St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, and the Royal School of Church Music in England. He composed more than 250 works. Bert Polman


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