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Showing 1 - 10 of 242Results Per Page: 102050
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A Revived Church and Mission

Appears in 38 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ In His Church; Royalty of Christ Universal Domain of First Line: O God, to us show mercy Lyrics: 1 O God, to us show mercy And bless us in Thy grace, Cause Thou to shine upon us The brightness of Thy face; That so Thy way most holy On earth may soon be known, And unto ev'ry people Thy saving grace be shown. 2 O God, let all men praise Thee, Let all the nations sing; In ev'ry land let praises And songs of gladness ring; For Thou shalt judge the people In truth and righteousness, And through the earth the nations Shall Thy just rule confess. 3 O God, let people praise Thee, Let all the nations sing. For earth in rich abundance To us her fruit will bring. The Lord our God shall bless us, Our God will blessing send, And all the earth will fear Him To its remotest end. Scripture: Psalm 67 Used With Tune: AURELIA
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Longing for Revival

Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ In His Church First Line: Great Shepherd Who leadest Thy people in love Lyrics: 1 Great Shepherd Who leadest Thy people in love, 'Mid cherubim dwelling, shine Thou from above; In might come and save us, Thy people restore, And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more. 2 O haste, Lord, to hear us and pity our woes, Affliction our portion, despised by our foes; O Lord God Almighty, in mercy restore, And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more. 3 When Thou shalt revive us Thy Name we will praise, And nevermore, turning, depart from Thy ways; O Lord God Almighty, in mercy restore, And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more. Scripture: Psalm 80 Used With Tune: CARITAS
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Joyful Worship

Appears in 28 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of First Line: It is good to sing Thy praises Lyrics: 1 It is good to sing Thy praises And to thank Thee, O Most High, Showing forth Thy loving-kindness When the morning lights the sky. It is good when night is falling Of Thy faithfulness to tell, While with sweet, melodious praises Songs of adoration swell. 2 Thou hast filled my heart with gladness Thro' the works Thy hands have wrought; Thou hast made my life victorious; Great Thy works and deep Thy thought. Thou, O Lord, on high exalted, Reignest evermore in might; All Thy enemies shall perish, Sin be banished from Thy sight. 3 But the good shall live before Thee, Planted in Thy dwelling-place, Fruitful trees and ever verdant, Nourished by Thy boundless grace. In His goodness to the righteous God His righteousness displays; God my rock, my strength and refuge, Just and true are all His ways. Scripture: Psalm 92 Used With Tune: ELLESDIE
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The Church's Doxology

Appears in 23 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Mediatorial First Line: Now blessed be Jehovah, God Scripture: Psalm 72:17-18 Used With Tune: [Now blessed be Jehovah, God]
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God's Faithfulness to Covenant Promises

Appears in 23 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Bible His Law; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers His Ministers; Royalty of Christ For the Salvation of His People; Royalty of Christ Judgment His Prerogative; Royalty of Christ Providential First Line: Give thanks to God, call on His name Scripture: Psalm 105 Used With Tune: [Give thanks to God, call on His name]
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Overshadowing Protection

Meter: Appears in 39 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Providential First Line: The man who once has found abode Lyrics: 1 The man who once has found abode, Within the secret place of God Shall with Almighty God abide, And in His shadow safely hide. 2 I of the Lord my God will say, He is my refuge and my stay; To Him for safety I will flee, In Him my constant trust shall be. 3 The Lord with His protecting care Shall keep thee from the hidden snare; When fearful plagues around prevail Thy life the scourge shall not assail. 4 Thou shalt beneath His wings abide, And safe within His care confide; His faithfulness shall ever be A sure protection unto thee. 5 No nightly terrors shall alarm, No deadly shaft by day shall harm; Nor pestilence that walks by night, Nor plagues that waste in noonday light. 6 At thy right hand, though thousands die, No harm shall unto thee come nigh; But thou secure, unharmed, shalt see What wicked men's reward shall be. Scripture: Psalm 91 Used With Tune: ZEPHYR
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The Enthroned Christ

Appears in 23 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers in Relation to; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Royalty of Christ In His Church; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Royalty of Christ Mediatorial; Royalty of Christ Nations Subject to; Royalty of Christ Ultimate Acknowledgement of; Royalty of Christ Universal Domain of First Line: Christ shall have dominion Refrain First Line: Christ shall have dominion Lyrics: 1 Christ shall have dominion Over land and sea, Earth's remotest regions Shall His empire be; They that wilds inhabit Shall their worship bring; Kings shall render tribute, Nations serve our King. Chorus: Christ shall have dominion Over land and sea, Earth's remotest regions Shall His empire be. 2 When the needy seek Him, He will mercy show; Yea, the weak and helpless Shall His pity know. He will surely save them From oppression's might, For their lives are precious In His holy sight. [Chorus] 3 Ever and forever Shall His name endure; Long as suns continue It shall stand secure; And in him forever All men shall be blest, And all nations hail Him King of kings confessed. [Chorus] 4 Unto God Almighty Joyful Zion sings; He alone is glorious, Doing wondrous things. Evermore, ye people, Bless His glorious name, His eternal glory Thro' the earth proclaim. [Chorus] Scripture: Psalm 72 Used With Tune: ST. GERTRUDE
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God a Very Present Help

Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Royalty of Christ Nations Subject to; Royalty of Christ Providential; Royalty of Christ Ultimate Acknowledgement of First Line: God is our refuge and our strength Lyrics: 1 God is our refuge and our strength, Our ever present aid, And therefore, though the earth remove, We will not be afraid; Though hills amid the seas be cast, Though foaming waters roar, Yea, though the mighty billows shake The mountains on the shore. 2 A river flows whose streams make glad The city of our God, The holy place wherein the Lord Most High has His abode; Since God is in the midst of her, Unmoved her walls shall stand, For God will be her early help, When trouble is at hand. 3 The nations raged, the kingdoms moved, But when His voice was heard The troubled earth was stilled to peace Before His mighty word. The Lord of Hosts is on our side, Our safety to secure; The God of Jacob is for us A refuge strong and sure. 4 O come, behold what wondrous works Jehovah's hand has wrought; Come, see what desolation great He on the earth has brought. To utmost ends of all the earth He causes war to cease; The weapons of the strong destroyed, He makes abiding peace. 5 Be still and know that I am God, O'er all exalted high; The subject nations of the earth My Name shall magnify. The Lord of Hosts is on our side, Our safety to secure, The God of Jacob is for us A refuge strong and sure. Scripture: Psalm 46 Used With Tune: MATERNA
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A Missionary Prayer

Meter: Appears in 48 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ In His Church; Royalty of Christ Universal Domain of First Line: Lord, bless and pity us Lyrics: 1 Lord, bless and pity us, Shine on us with Thy face, That all the earth Thy way may know And men may see Thy grace. 2 Thy praise, O gracious God, Let all the nations sing; Let all men worship Thee with joy And songs of gladness bring. 3 The nations Thou wilt judge And lead them in Thy ways; Let all men praise Thy Name, O God, Let all the people praise. 4 The earth her fruit shall yield, For God, our God will bless; We shall be blest, and all the world His glory shall confess. Scripture: Psalm 67 Used With Tune: LABAN
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Our Only Saviour

Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Universal Domain of First Line: To God, my earnest voice I raise Lyrics: 1 To God my earnest voice I raise, To God my voice imploring prays; Before His face my grief I show And tell my trouble and my woe. 2 When gloom and sorrow compass me, The path I take is known to Thee, And all the toils that foes do lay To snare Thy servant in his way. 3 All unprotected, lo, I stand, No friendly guardian at my hand, No place of flight or refuge near, And none to whom my soul is dear. 4 O Lord, my Saviour, now to Thee, Without a hope besides, I flee, To Thee, my shelter from the strife, My portion in the land of life. 5 Be Thou my help when troubles throng, For I am weak and foes are strong; My captive soul from prison bring, And thankful praises I will sing. 6 The righteous then shall gather round To share the blessing I have found, Their hearts made glad because they see How richly God has dealt with me. Scripture: Psalm 142 Used With Tune: HAMBURG


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