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Scripture:Psalm 65

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Psalm 65 Part 2

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 137 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: 'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand Lyrics: 'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand, God of eternal power; The sea grows calm at thy command, And tempests cease to roar. Thy morning light and ev'ning shade Successive comforts bring; Thy plenteous fruits make harvest glad, Thy flowers adorn the spring. Seasons and times, and moons and hours, Heav'n, earth, and air, are thine; When clouds distil in fruitful showers, The Author is divine. Those wand'ring cisterns in the sky, Borne by the winds around With wat'ry treasures well supply The furrows of the ground. The thirsty ridges drink their fill, And ranks of corn appear; Thy ways abound with blessings still, Thy goodness crowns the year. Topics: Prayer heard; Providence in air, earth, and sea; God his being, attributes, and providence; Gentiles church; Blessings of the country; God of nature and grace; Praise and prayer public; Praise for rain; Prayer and praise, public; Psalm for husbandmen; Public prayer and praise; Rain from heaven; Seasons of the year; Spring and summer; Spring of the year; Summer; Weather
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The seasons crowned with goodness

Meter: Appears in 373 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65:11 First Line: Eternal source of every joy! Lyrics: 1 Eternal source of every joy! Well may thy praise our lips employ, While in thy temple we appear To hail thee, sovereign of the year. 2 Wide as the wheels of nature roll, Thy hand supports and guides the whole; The sun is taught by thee to rise, And darkness when to veil the skies. 3 The flowery spring, at thy command, Perfumes the air and paints the land; The summer rays with vigor shine, To raise the corn, and cheer the vine. 4 Thy hand, in autumn, richly pours Thro' all our coasts redundant stores; And winters, soften'd by thy care, No more their face of horror wear. 5 Seasons and months, and weeks, and days Demand successive songs of praise; And be the grateful homage paid, With morning light, and evening shade. 6 Here in thy house let incense rise, And circling sabbaths bless our eyes, 'Till to those lofty heights we soar, Where days and years revolve no more. Topics: Times and Seasons New Year's Day; Seasons crowned with goodness; Year crowned with goodness

Psalm 65 Part 3

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 106 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: Good is the Lord, the heav'nly King Lyrics: Good is the Lord, the heav'nly King, Who makes the earth his care; Visits the pastures ev'ry spring, And bids the grass appear. The clouds, like rivers raised on high, Pour out at thy command Their wat'ry blessings from the sky, To cheer the thirsty land. The softened ridges of the field Permit the corn to spring; The valleys rich provision yield, And the poor lab'rers sing. The little hills, on every side, Rejoice at falling showers; The meadows, dressed in all their pride, Perfume the air with flowers. The barren clods, refreshed with rain, Promise a joyful crop; The parching grounds look green again, And raise the reaper's hope. The various months thy goodness crowns; How bounteous are thy ways! The bleating flocks spread o'er the downs, And shepherds shout thy praise. Topics: Prayer heard; Providence in air, earth, and sea; God his being, attributes, and providence; Gentiles church; Blessings of the country; God of nature and grace; Praise and prayer public; Praise for rain; Prayer and praise, public; Psalm for husbandmen; Public prayer and praise; Rain from heaven; Seasons of the year; Spring and summer; Spring of the year; Summer; Weather

Psalm 65: Praise waits for thee in Sion, Lord

Meter: Appears in 33 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: Praise waits for thee in Sion, Lord: Lyrics: 1Praise waits for thee in Sion, Lord: to thee vows paid shall be. 2O thou that hearer art of pray’r, all flesh shall come to thee. 3Iniquities, I must confess, prevail against me do: But as for our transgressions, them purge away shalt thou. 4Bless’d is the man whom thou dost chuse, and mak’st approach to thee, That he within thy courts, O Lord, may still a dweller be: We surely shall be satisfy’d with thy abundant grace, And with the goodness of thy house, ev’n of thy holy place. 5O God of our salvation, thou, in thy righteousness, By fearful works unto our pray’rs thine answer dost express: Therefore the ends of all the earth, and those afar that be Upon the sea, their confidence, O Lord, will place in thee. 6Who, being girt with pow’r, sets fast by his great strength the hills. 7Who noise of seas, noise of their waves, and people’s tumult, stills. 8Those in the utmost parts that dwell are at thy signs afraid: Th’ outgoings of the morn and ev’n by thee are joyful made. 9The earth thou visit’st, wat’ring it; thou mak’st it rich to grow With God’s full flood; thou corn prepar’st, when thou provid’st it so. 10Her rigs thou wat’rest plenteously, her furrows settelest: With show’rs thou dost her mollify, her spring by thee is blest. 11So thou the year most lib’rally dost with thy goodness crown; And all thy paths abundantly on us drop fatness down. 12They drop upon the pastures wide, that do in deserts lie; The little hills on ev’ry side rejoice right pleasantly. 13With flocks the pastures clothed be, the vales with corn are clad; And now they shout and sing to thee, for thou hast made them glad.

Psalm 65 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 80 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65:1-5 First Line: The praise of Zion waits for thee Lyrics: The praise of Zion waits for thee, My God, and praise becomes thy house; There shall thy saints thy glory see, And there perform their public vows. O thou whose mercy bends the skies To save when humble sinners pray, All lands to thee shall lift their eyes, And islands of the northern sea. Against my will my sins prevail, But grace shall purge away their stain; The blood of Christ will never fail To wash my garments white again. Blest is the man whom thou shalt choose, And give him kind access to thee; Give him a place within thy house, To taste thy love divinely free. Let Babel fear when Zion prays; Babel, prepare for long distress, When Zion's God himself arrays In terror and in righteousness. With dreadful glory God fulfils What his afflicted saints request; And with almighty wrath reveals His love, to give his churches rest. Then shall the flocking nations run To Zion's hill, and own their Lord; The rising and the setting sun Shall see the Savior's name adored. Topics: Prayer heard; Providence in air, earth, and sea; God his being, attributes, and providence; Gentiles church; Blessings of the country; God of nature and grace; Praise and prayer public; Praise for rain; Prayer and praise, public; Psalm for husbandmen; Public prayer and praise; Rain from heaven; Seasons of the year; Spring and summer; Spring of the year; Summer; Weather

Psalm 65 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 64 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for thee Lyrics: Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for thee; There shall our vows be paid: Thou hast an ear when sinners pray; All flesh shall seek thine aid. Lord, our iniquities prevail, But pard'ning grace is thine; And thou wilt grant us power and skill To conquer every sin. Blest are the men whom thou wilt choose To bring them near thy face, Give them a dwelling in thine house, To feast upon thy grace. In answ'ring what thy church requests Thy truth and terror shine, And works of dreadful righteousness Fulfil thy kind design. Thus shall the wond'ring nations see The Lord is good and just; And distant islands fly to thee, And make thy name their trust. They dread thy glitt'ring tokens, Lord, When signs in heav'n appear; But they shall learn thy holy word, And love as well as fear. Topics: Prayer heard; Providence in air, earth, and sea; God his being, attributes, and providence; Gentiles church; Blessings of the country; God of nature and grace; Praise and prayer public; Praise for rain; Prayer and praise, public; Psalm for husbandmen; Public prayer and praise; Rain from heaven; Seasons of the year; Spring and summer; Spring of the year; Summer; Weather
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Sing to the Lord of Harvest

Author: John S. B. Monsell Meter: Appears in 121 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65:9-13 Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord of harvest, sing songs of love and praise; with joyful hearts and voices your alleluias raise. By him the rolling seasons in fruitful order move; sing to the Lord of harvest a joyful song of love. 2 God makes the clouds drop fatness, the deserts bloom and spring; the hills leap up in gladness, the valleys laugh and sing. He fills from his great fullness all things with large increase; he crowns the year with goodness, with plenty, and with peace. 3 Heap on his sacred altar the gifts his goodness gave, the golden sheaves of harvest, the souls Christ died to save. Your hearts lay down before him when at his feet you fall, and with your lives adore him who gave his life for all. Topics: Commitment & Dedication; Songs for Children Hymns; Creation and Providence; Commitment & Dedication; Creation; Harvest; Offering; Providence; Salvation; Thanksgiving & Gratitude Used With Tune: WIE LIEBLICH IST DER MAIEN
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All good gifts around us

Author: Matthias Claudius (1740-1815); Jane Montgomery Campbell (1817-1878) Meter: D with refrain Appears in 457 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65:9-13 First Line: We plough the field and scatter Lyrics: 1 We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand; he sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain, the breezes and the sunshine and soft refreshing rain. [Refrain:] All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above; then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all his love. 2 He only is the Maker of all things near and far; he paints the wayside flower, he lights the evening star; the wind and waves obey him, by him the birds are fed; much more to us, his children, he gives our daily bread. [Refrain] 3 We thank you then, O Father, for all things bright and good, the seed-time and the harvest, our life, our health, our food. Accept the gifts we offer for all your love imparts, with what we know you long for: our humble, thankful hearts. [Refrain] Topics: Our Response to God in times and seasons; Gratitude; Harvest; Offering of gifts; Providence; Summer; Winter Used With Tune: WIR PFLÜGEN

Glory and Praise to Our God

Author: Dan Schutte, b. 1947 Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: We, the daughters and sons of him Used With Tune: [We are the daughters and sons of him]
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America the Beautiful

Author: Katherine L. Bates, 1859-1929 Meter: D Appears in 512 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65:5-13 First Line: O beautiful for spacious skies Lyrics: 1 O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain; For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea. 2 O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law. 3 O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness And ev'ry gain divine. 4 O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea. Used With Tune: MATERNA


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