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Around You, O Lord Jesus

Author: Frans Michael Franzén; Joel W. Lundeen; Olof Olsson Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals

I Long for Your Commandments (Psalm 119)

Author: Jean Janzen Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: I long for your commandments Topics: Christian Life; God's Covenant with Israel; Judgment; Justice; The Word; Wisdom Scripture: Psalm 119 Used With Tune: WOHL DENEN, DIE DA WANDELN
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Great Joy and Consolation

Author: Johan Olof Wallin; James Moody Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Great joy and consolation I find, O Christ, in Thee, For Thou art my Salvation, Thy passion sets me free; Upon the cross Thy precious blood Was sacrificed for sinners To give me peace with God. 2 Beneath Thy cross I tarry, O teach me in Thy death Humbly my own to carry Along the hallowed path That Thou for all mankind hast trod To purchase our salvation And give us peace with God. 3 I see Thee serve and labor In love to save mankind; So may I help my neighbor Whom needy I may find; And though ungrateful he may prove, O let me not grow weary In Christlike deeds of love. 4 And when my days are ended, And all my struggles cease, Thine arms I see extended To give eternal peace. Whoever here confesses Thee Shalt Thou confess in glory Where we shall dwell with Thee. Amen. Topics: Missions Inner-Charities; Inner Missions Used With Tune: O JESU! ÄN DE DINA

I Will Delight in singing

Author: John J. Overholt; Felix Mantz, drowned 1527 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: I will delight in singing (Mit Lust so will ich singen) Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; The Church Hymns of Martyrs (Ausbund) Scripture: Psalm 59:16 Used With Tune: FOUNDLAND NEW Text Sources: the 16th Century Anabaptist Ausbund, Hymn No. 6, From
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The Lord To Thee Appealeth

Author: N. F. S. Grundtvig Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord to thee appealeth To be His servant true, And if thou wilt He sealeth His covenant anew. Then do thou clasp His willing hand, Which He to thee revealeth From yonder happy land. 2 His hand thy soul retrieveth From all the pangs of death; Its sacred blessing leaveth With thee His life an breath; It giveth thee communion-right, Through whig thy heart receiveth A wealth of grace and light. 3 The rod and staff it wieldeth, How comforting in need! From perils sore it shieldeth Thy trembling soul indeed; At last it rends the azure sky, The earth thy body yieldeth To join thy soul on high. 4 The crown of life is given To thee who faithful art, Who earnestly hast striven To serve with trusting heart. God moveth thee thy voice to raise, And sendeth thee from heaven Sweet tunes, His name to praise. 5 With voices sweetly ringing We therefore bless his hand, To Christ our tribute bringing With heaven's joyful band. He is the victor in the strife; His praises ever singing, We pass through death to life. Topics: Confirmation Used With Tune: [The Lord to thee appealeth]
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O Lord, when condemnation

Author: J. Gesenius Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Lord, when condemnation And guilt oppress my soul, Then let Thy bitter passion The rising storm control: Remind me that Thy blood was spilt For me, O most unworthy! To take away my guilt. 2 O wonder passing measure To faith's enlightened eye! For slaves it ws the pleasure Of their own Lord to die! The mighty God stoops from on high For me, lost, ruined creature, And deigns as man to die. 3 My sins rise up to heaven,-- And countless is their lost; But Christ Himself hath given, And paid the mighty cost: Since then on Him my sins were laid, Of hell and all its torments, I am no more afraid. 4 Henceforth my heart shall bless Thee Whilst here its pulses move; Its songs of praise address Thee For all Thy dying love: Thy wrongs and last deep agony Shall be my meditation Till I am called to Thee. 5 Lord, let Thy bitter passion My soul with strength inspire To flee with indignation All sinful, low desire: Ah! never would I, Lord, forget The greatness of that ransom Which paid my endless debt. 6 Should earthly griefs assail me, If need be, shame and scorn, Let patience never fail me To bear as Thou hast borne: Grant that the world I may forsake, And Thee for my example, Oh! may I daily take. 7 Still let me do to others As Thou hast done to me, And look on all as brothers, Their willing servant be: O may I never seek my own, But help as Thou hast helped, With purest love alone. 8 At length when I am bidden With all things here to part, The wounds in which I'm bidden Speak peace into my heart; Relying then upon Thy blood, O give me full assurance That I shall see my God. Topics: The Church Year Third Sunday in Lent; The Church Year Third Sunday in Lent; Redemption Used With Tune: [O Lord, when condemnation]

Lord God! to Thee be Blessing

Author: Georg Blaurock, burnt 1529; John J. Overholt Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Lord God! to Thee be blessing (Herr Gott! dich will ich loben) Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; The Church Hymns of Martyrs (Ausbund) Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:17 Used With Tune: SCHWNENLIED Text Sources: the 16th Century Anabaptist Ausbund, Hymn No. 30, from

O Lord, When My Sins Grieve Me

Author: Justus Gesenius; Arthur T. Russell Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 O Lord, when my sins grieve me, Then let my faith again With thoughts of Thee relieve me, And of Thy dying pain. Upon the holy cross’ wood My weight of sin sustaining, The Lord my surety stood. 2 O wonder without measure In faith’s enlightened eye! For servants ’twas the pleasure Of Christ their Lord to die! The true—the sovereign Lord of Heaven For me His ruined creature Himself to death hath given. 3 Therefore shall my glad spirit Now and through all my days, For all Thy suffering merit, O Jesu! bring Thee praise, Lord, for Thy death so sinless, Thy love and truth most high! 4 Lord, may Thy cross attend me Through all my mortal day, And from all thoughts defend me That lead the heart astray; That it may ne’er forgotten be, How great the price Thou gavest, O Lord, to set me free! Used With Tune: WENN MEINE SÜND Text Sources: Hanover Gesang Buch, 1646; Tr.: Psalms and Hymns (Cambridge, England: John Deigthon, 1851)
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Thine own, O Loving Saviour

Author: Frans Michael Franzen, 1772-1847 Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thine own, O loving Saviour, Thou bidst come near to Thee, Thy passion's fruits, Thy favor, Thy grace, Thou givest free. To them who by Thy grace and love Are members of Thy kingdom Now here and there above. 2 To us on earth yet dwelling; Thou dost descend to give, In love all love excelling, Thyself that we may live, And sayest ever kind and good: "Take, eat, this is My body, Take, drink, this is My blood." 3 We hear Thine invitation; We hear, O Lord, Thy call, The word of consolation, It is for us, for all; It draws us to Thy loving heart, It brings to us Thy blessing, It does Thy peace impart. 4 Thy heart is in all anguish, A refuge to the poor, Thy heart for us did languish, And bitter death endure. Thy heart yet filled with peace and rest, With comfort and salvation Draws near to every breast. 5 Thou still in loving favor To us, thine own, art near, To lead us as our Saviour Unto a Father dear, A Father willing to forgive The children Thou didst ransom, Those who through Thee shall live. 6 Thine own we are, and ever, Until our latest breath, Will we remain, and never In joy, in grief, in death. Depart from Thee; and all our days Thou art with us here present As Thine own promise says. Topics: The Lord's Supper Used With Tune: O JESU! ÄN DE DINA

When Over My Sins I Sorrow

Author: Justus Gesenius; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals


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