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Scripture:Psalm 14

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Showing 1 - 10 of 43Results Per Page: 102050

Psalm 14 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 62 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: Fools in their heart believe and say Lyrics: Fools in their heart believe and say "That all religion's vain; There is no God that reigns on high, Or minds th' affairs of men." From thoughts so dreadful and profane, Corrupt discourse proceeds; And in their impious hands are found Abominable deeds. The Lord from his celestial throne Looked down on things below, To find the man that sought his grace, Or did his justice know. By nature all are gone astray, Their practice all the same; There's none that fears his Maker's hand; There's none that loves his name. Their tongues are used to speak deceit, Their slanders never cease; How swift to mischief are their feet, Nor know the paths of peace! Such seeds of sin (that bitter root) In every heart are found; Nor can they bear diviner fruit, Till grace refine the ground. Topics: Atheism practical; Persecutors their folly; Practical atheism; Sin of nature; Sin universal; Wickedness of man

Psalm 14 Part 2

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 35 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: Are sinners now so senseless grown Lyrics: Are sinners now so senseless grown That they the saints devour? And never worship at thy throne, Nor fear thine awful power? Great God! appear to their surprise; Reveal thy dreadful name; Let them no more thy wrath despise, Nor turn our hope to shame. Dost thou not dwell among the just? And yet our foes deride, That we should make thy name our trust; Great God! confound their pride. O that the joyful day were come To finish our distress! When God shall bring his children home Our songs shall never cease. Topics: Atheism practical; Persecutors their folly; Practical atheism; Sin of nature; Sin universal; Wickedness of man
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O that the Lord's salvation

Author: H. F. Lyte Meter: Appears in 131 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14:7 Used With Tune: HEIDELBERG

The God Who Sits Enthroned on High

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: The God who sits entroned on high Topics: Character, Evil; Fools; Total Depravity; Omniscience, God'S Used With Tune: EISENACH

The Foolish in Their Hearts Deny

Author: Marie J. Post Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14 Topics: Deliverance; Deliverance Used With Tune: MAPLE AVENUE
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Sure, wicked fools must needs suppose

Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14 Lyrics: 1 Sure, wicked Fools must needs suppose, That God is nothing but a Name: Corrupt and lewd their Practice grows, No Breast is warm'd with holy Flame. 2 The Lord look'd down from Heav'n's high Tow'r And all the sons of Men did view, To see if any own'd his Pow'r'; If any Truth or Justice knew. 3 But all, he saw, were gone aside, All were degen'rate grown, and base: None took Religion for their Guide, Not one of all the sinful Race. But can these workers of Deceit Be all so dull and senseless grown, That they, like Bread, my People eat, And God's Almighty Pow'r disown? 5 How will they tremble then for Fear, When his just Wrath shall them o'ertake! For, to the righteous, God is near, And never will their Cause forsake. 6 Ill Men, in vain, with Scorn expose the Methods which the Good pursue; Since God a Refuge is for those Whom his just eyes with Favour view. 7 Would he his saving Pow'r employ, To break his People's servile Band; Then Shouts of universal Joy Shall loudly eccho through the Land.

Psalm 14: That there is not a God, the fool

Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: That there is not a God, the fool Lyrics: 1That there is not a God, the fool doth in his heart conclude: They are corrupt, their works are vile; not one of them doth good. 2Upon men’s sons the Lord from heav’n did cast his eyes abroad, To see if any understood, and did seek after God. 3They altogether filthy are, they all aside are gone; And there is none that doeth good, yea, sure there is not one. 4These workers of iniquity do they not know at all, That they my people eat as bread, and on God do not call? 5There fear’d they much; for God is with the whole race of the just. 6You shame the counsel of the poor, because God is his trust. 7Let Isr’el’s help from Sion come: when back the Lord shall bring His captives, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall sing.
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A Psalm of David

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: Fools, in their hearts, say there's no GOD Lyrics: 1 Fools in their hearts say, there's no GOD, and so corrupt they grow, Abominable sins commit, and nothing good they do. 2 From heav'n JEHOVAH looked down on sons of men, to see If any who do understand, or seek to GOD there be. 3 They altogether filthy are; they all are backward* gone; There are not any that do good, no verily, not one. 4 The workers of iniquity, do they not know at all? That they my people eat as bread, nor on the LORD will call. 5 Yet they shall with a grievous fear appalled greatly be, When GOD among the righteous race they once shall come to see. 6 The counsel of the poor oppress'd, ye mock'd and try'd to shame; Because the LORD their refuge is, and they hope in his name. 7 Who will from Zion Isr'el save? when back the LORD shall bring His captives; Jacob will rejoyce, and Isr'el gladly sing.

Psalm 14 (A Responsorial Setting)

Author: Robert Robinson Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it Topics: Atheism; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Blessing; Church Year Lent; Foolishness; God as Refuge; God's Seeing; God's Way; People of God / Church Suffering; Salvation; Temptation And Trial; Ten Commandments 1st Commandment (worship God alone); The Fall; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 24-30; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17 Used With Tune: BEACH SPRING (fragment) Text Sources: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)
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Dixit insipiens

Author: T. S. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: There is no God as foolish men Lyrics: 1 There is no God as foolish men affirme in their mad mood: Their drifts are all corrupt and vaine, not one of them doth good. 2 The Lord beheld from heaven high the whole race of mankind, And saw not one that sought indeed the living God to find. 3 They went all wide and were corrupt, and truly there was none That in the world did any good, I say, there was not one. 4 Is all their judgement so farre lost, that all work mischief still? Eating my people even as bread, not one to seek God's will? 5 When they thus rage, then suddenly great feare on them shall fall: For God doth love the righteous men, and will maintaine them all. 6 Ye mock the doings of the poore, to their reproach and shame: Because they put their trust in God, and call upon his name. 7 But who shall give thy people health, and when wilt thou fulfill Thy promise made to Israel, from out of Sion hill? 8 Even when thou shalt restore againe such as were captive led: Then Jacob shall therein rejoyce, and Israel shall be glad.


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