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Confession of our poverty; and, Saints the best Company; or, Good Works profit Men, not God

Appears in 56 hymnals Topics: Company of saints; Company of saints First Line: Preserve me, Lord, in time of need Lyrics: 1 Preserve me, Lord, in time of need, For succour to thy throne I flee, But have no merits there to plead; My goodness cannot reach to thee. 2 Oft have my heart and tongue confest How empty and how poor I am; My praise can never make thee blest, Nor add new glories to thy name. 3 Yet, Lord, thy saints on earth may reap Some profit by the good we do; These are the company I keep, These are the choicest friends I know. 4 Let others chuse the sons of mirth, To give a relish to their wine? I love the men of heavenly birth, Whose thoughts and language are divine. Scripture: Psalm 16
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The Death and Resurrection of Christ

Appears in 47 hymnals Topics: Company of saints; Company of saints First Line: I set the Lord before my face Lyrics: 1 "I set the Lord before my face, "He bears my courage up; "My heart and tongue their joys express, "My flesh shall rest in hope. 2 "My spirit, Lord, thou wilt not leave "Where souls departed are; "Nor quit my body to the grave "To see corruption there. 3 "Thou wilt reveal the path of life, "And raise me to thy throne; "Thy courts immortal pleasure give, "Thy presence joys unknown. 4 [Thus, in the name of Christ the Lord, The holy David sung, And Providence fulfils the word Of his prophetic tongue. 5 Jesus, whom every saint adores, Was crucify'd and slain: Behold the tomb its prey restores, Behold he lives again. 6 When shall my feet arise and stand On heaven's eternal hills? There sits the Son at God's right hand, And there the Father smiles.] Scripture: Psalm 16
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Christ's All-sufficiency

Appears in 29 hymnals Topics: Company of saints; Company of saints First Line: How fast their guilt and sorrows rise Lyrics: 1 How fast their guilt and sorrows rise, Who haste to seek some idol god! I will not taste their sacrifice, Their offerings of forbidden blood. 2 My God provides a richer cup, And nobler food to live upon; He for my life has offer'd up Jesus, his best beloved Son. 3 His love is my perpetual feast; By day his counsels guide me right; And be his name forever blest, Who gives me sweet advice by night. 4 I set him still before mine eyes; At my right hand he stands prepar'd To keep my soul from all surprise, And be my everlasting guard. Scripture: Psalm 16
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Courage in Death, and Hope of the Resurrection

Appears in 71 hymnals Topics: Company of saints; Company of saints First Line: When God is nigh, my faith is strong Lyrics: 1 When God is nigh, my faith is strong, His arm is my almighty prop: Be glad my heart, rejoice my tongue, My dying flesh shall rest in hope. 2 Though in the dust I lay my head, Yet, gracious God, thou wilt not leave My soul for ever with the dead, Nor lose thy children in the grave. 3 My flesh shall thy first call obey, Shake off the dust, and rise on high; Then shalt thou lead the wondrous way Up to the throne above the sky. 4 There streams of endless pleasure flow; And full discoveries of thy grace (Which we but tasted here below) Spread heavenly joys through all the place. Scripture: Psalm 16
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Love to Enemies from the Example of Christ

Appears in 72 hymnals Topics: Company of saints; Company of saints First Line: God of mercy and my praise Lyrics: 1 God of my mercy and my praise, Thy glory is my song; Though sinners speak against thy grace With a blaspheming tongue. 2 When in the form of mortal man Thy Son on earth was found; With cruel slanders false and vain, They compass'd him around. 3 Their mis'ries his compassion move, Their peace he still pursu'd; They render hatred for his love, And evil for his good. 4 Their malice rag'd without a cause, Yet with his dying breath He pray'd for murd'rers on his cross, And bless'd his foes in death. 5 Lord, shall thy bright example shine In vain before my eyes; Give me a soul a-kin to thine, To love mine enemies. 6 The Lord shall on my side engage, And in my Saviour's name I shall defeat their pride and rage, Who slander and condemn. Scripture: Psalm 109:1-5

Psalm 119 Part 13

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 70 hymnals Topics: Company of saints First Line: With my whole heart I've sought thy face: Lyrics: With my whole heart I've sought thy face: O let me never stray From thy commands, O God of grace, Nor tread the sinner's way. Thy word I've hid within my heart To keep my conscience clean, And be an everlasting guard From every rising sin. I'm a companion of the saints Who fear and love the Lord; My sorrows rise, my nature faints, When men transgress thy word. While sinners do thy gospel wrong My spirit stands in awe; My soul abhors a lying tongue, But loves thy righteous law. My heart with sacred rev'rence hears The threat'nings of thy word; My flesh with holy trembling fears The judgments of the Lord. My God, I long, I hope, I wait, For thy salvation still; While thy whole law is my delight, And I obey thy will. Scripture: Psalm 119
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Shall atheists dare insult the cross

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 39 hymnals Topics: Company of saints Lyrics: Shall atheists dare insult the cross Of our Redeemer, God? Shall infidels reproach his laws, Or trample on his blood? What if he choose mysterious ways To cleanse us from our faults? May not the works of sovereign grace Transcend our feeble thoughts? What if his gospel bids us fight With flesh, and self, and sin, The prize is most divinely bright That we are called to win. What if the foolish and the poor His glorious grace partake, This but confirms his truth the more, For so the prophets spake. Do some that own his sacred name Indulge their souls in sin? Jesus should never bear the blame, His laws are pure and clean. Then let our faith grow firm and strong, Our lips profess his word; Nor blush nor fear to walk among The men that love the Lord. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
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Support and Counsel from God without Merit

Appears in 25 hymnals Topics: Company of saints; Company of saints First Line: Save me, O Lord, from every foe Lyrics: 1 Save me, O Lord, from every foe; In thee my trust I place, Though all the good that I can do Can ne'er deserve thy grace; 2 Yet if my God prolong my breath, The saints may still rejoice, The saints, the glory of the earth, The people of my choice. 3 Let heathens to their idols haste, And worship wood or stone; But my delightful lot is cast Where the true God is known. 4 His hand provides my constant food, He fills my daily cup; Much am I pleas'd with present good, But more rejoice in hope. 5 God is my portion and my joy; His counsels are my light: He gives me sweet advice by day, And gentle hints by night. 6 My soul would all her thoughts approve To his all-seeing eye; Not death nor hell my hope shall move While such a friend is nigh. Scripture: Psalm 16:1-8

Psalm 101

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 48 hymnals Topics: Company of saints First Line: Mercy and judgment are my song Lyrics: Mercy and judgment are my song; And since they both to thee belong, My gracious God, my righteous King, To thee my songs and vows I bring. If I am raised to bear the sword, I'll take my counsels from thy word; Thy justice and thy heav'nly grace Shall be the pattern of my ways. Let wisdom all my actions guide, And let my God with me reside; No wicked thing shall dwell with me Which may provoke thy jealousy. No sons of slander, rage, and strife Shall be companions of my life; The haughty look, the heart of pride, Within my doors shall ne'er abide. [I'll search the land, and raise the just To posts of honor, wealth, and trust; The men that work thy holy will Shall be my friends and fav'rites still.] In vain shall sinners hope to rise By flatt'ring or malicious lies; And while the innocent I guard, The bold offender sha'n't be spared. The impious crew, that factious band, Shall hide their heads or quit the land; And all that break the public rest, Where I have power, shall be suppressed. Scripture: Psalm 101
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Whence do our mournful thoughts arise?

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 75 hymnals Topics: Company of saints Lyrics: Whence do our mournful thoughts arise? And where's our courage fled? Have restless sin and raging hell Struck all our comforts dead? Have we forgot th' almighty name That formed the earth and sea? And can an all-creating arm Grow weary or decay? Treasures of everlasting might In our Jehovah dwell; He gives the conquest to the weak And treads their foes to hell. Mere mortal power shall fade and die, And youthful vigor cease: But we that wait upon the Lord Shall feel our strength increase. The saints shall mount on eagles' wings, And taste the promised bliss, Till their unwearied feet arrive Where perfect pleasure is. Scripture: Isaiah 40:27-30


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