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When blooming youth is snatch'd away

Meter: Appears in 287 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances On the Death of Relatives and Friends Lyrics: 1 When blooming youth is snatch'd away By death's resistless hand, Our hearts the mournful tribute pay, Which pity must demand. 2 While pity prompts the rising sigh, O may this truth, imprest With awful pow'r,--I too must die, Sink deep in ev'ry breast. 3 Let this vain world delude no more; Behold the gaping tomb! It bids us seize the present hour; To-morrow death may come. 4 The voice of this alarming scene, May ev'ry heart obey; Nor be the heav'nly warming vain, Which calls to watch and pray.
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All praise to thee, my God! this night

Meter: Appears in 1,049 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Evening Lyrics: 1 All praise to thee, my God! this night, For all the blessings of the light. Keep me, O keep me, King of kings! Beneath thy own almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, through thy dear Son, The ill that I have ever done; That with the world, myself, and thee, I, e'er I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed; To die, that this frail body may Rise glorious at the awful day.
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Awake, my soul! and with the sun

Meter: Appears in 891 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Morning Lyrics: 1 Awake, my soul! and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run; Shake off dull sloth, and early rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. 2 By influ'nce of the light divine, Let thy own light to others shine; Reflect all heav'ns propitious rays, I ardent love and cheerful praise. 3 Lord! I my vows to thee renew: Disperse my sins as morning dew; Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with thyself my spirit fill. 4 Direct, control, suggest, this day, All I design to do or say; That ll my pow'rs, with all their might, In thy sole glory may unite. 5 All praise to thee, who safe hast kept, And hast refresh'd me, while I slept! Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless light partake.
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Thus spake the Saviour, when he sent

Meter: Appears in 34 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For a Congregation Lyrics: 1 Thus spake the Saviour, when he sent His ministers to preach his word; They through the world obedient went, And spread the gospel of their Lord. 2 "Go forth, ye heralds, in my name; Bid the whole earth my grace receive; The gospel jubilee proclaim, And call them to repent and live. 3 "The joyful news to all impart, And teach them where salvation lies; Bind up the broken bleeding heart, And wipe the tear from weeping eyes. 4 "Be wise as serpents where you go, But harmless as the peaceful dove; And let your heav'n-taught conduct show, That you're commission'd from above. 5 "Freely from me ye have receiv'd; Freely in love to others give: Thus shall your doctrines be believ'd, And by your labour sinners live." 6 Happy those servants of the Lord, Who thus their Master's will obey How rich, how full is their reward, Reserv'd until the final day!
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And will the great eternal God

Meter: Appears in 193 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For a Congregation Lyrics: 1 And will the great eternal God On earth establish his abode? And will he, from his radiant throne, Regard our temples for his own? 2 We bring the tribute of our praise; And sing that condescending grace, Which to our notes will lend an ear, And call us sinful mortals near. 3 Our Father's watchful care we bless, Which guards our house of pray'r in peace, That no tumultuous foes invade, To fill the worshippers with dread. 4 These walls we to thy honour raise; Long may they echo with thy praise; And thou, descending, fill the place With choicest tokens of thy grace. 5 And in the great decisive day, When God the nations shall survey, May it before the world appear That crowds were born to glory here!
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Sov'reign of life, I own thy hand

Meter: Appears in 59 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 Sov'reign of life, I own thy hand In ev'ry chast'ning stroke; And while I smart beneath thy rod, Thy presence I invoke. 2 To thee in my distress I cried, And thou hast bow'd thy ear; Thy pow'rful word prolong'd my life, And brought salvation near. 3 Unfold, ye gates of righteousness, That, with the pious throng, I may record my solemn vows, And tune my grateful song. 4 Praise to the Lord, whose gentle hand Renews our lab'ring breath: Praise to the Lord, who makes his saints Triumphant e'en in death. 5 My God, in thine appointed hour Those heav'nly gates display, Where pain and sin, and fear and death For ever flee away. 6 There, while the nations of the bless'd, With raptures bow around; My anthems to deliv'ring grace, In sweeter strains shall sound.
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Interval of grateful shade

Meter: Irregular Appears in 43 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Evening Lyrics: 1 Interval of grateful shade, Welcome to my weary head! Welcome, slumber, to my eyes, Tir'd with glaring vanities. 2 My great Master still allows Needful periods of repose: By my heav'nly Father blest, Thus, I give y pow'rs to rest. 3 Heav'nly Father! gracious name! Night and day his love the same! Far be each suspicious thought, Ev'ry anxious care forgot! 4 Thou my ever-bounteous God! Crown'st my days with various good. Thy kind eye, which cannot sleep, My defenseless hours shall keep. 5 What if death my sleep invade? Should I be of death afraid? While encircled by thine arm, Death may strike, but cannot harm. 6 With thy heav'nly presence blest, Death is life, and labour rest. Welcome sleep or death to me, Still secure, for still with thee!
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Happy is he, whose early years

Meter: Appears in 143 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For the Young, And Old Lyrics: 1 Happy is he, whose early years Receive instructions well; Who hates the sinner’s path, and fears The road that leads to hell. 2 ’Tis easier work, if we begin To serve the Lord betimes; While sinners, who grow old in sin, Are harden’d by their crimes. 3 It saves us from a thousand snares To mind religion young: With joy it crowns succeeding years, And makes our virtue strong. 4 To thee, almighty God! to thee Our hearts we now resign: ’Twill please us, to look back and see, That our whole lives were thine! 5 Let the sweet work of pray'r and praise Employ our daily breath: Thus we're prepar'd for future days, Or fit for early death.
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Now, in the heat of youthful blood

Meter: Appears in 118 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For the Young, And Old Lyrics: 1 Now, in the heat of youthful blood, Remember your Creator, God. Behold, the months come hast'ning on, When you shall say, "My joys are gone!" 2 God from on high beholds your thoughts; His book records your secret faults: The works of darkness men have done Must all appear before the sun. 3 Behold, the aged sinner goes, Laden with guilt and heavy woes, Down to the regions of the dead, With bitt'rest curses on his head. 4 The dust returns to dust again; The soul, in agonies of pain, Ascends to God, not there to dwell, But hears her doom, and sinks to hell. 5 God of the young! turn off their eyes From earth's alluring vanities; And let the warnings of thy word Awake their souls to fear the Lord!
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My God, my everlasting hope!

Meter: Appears in 116 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For the Young, And Old Lyrics: 1 My God, my everlasting hope! I live upon thy truth; Thine hands have held my childhood up, And strengthen'd all my youth. 2 My flesh was fashion'd by thy pow'r, And shows thy skill divine; And from my mother’s painful hour, I’ve been entirely thine. 3 Still has my life new wonders seen In each revolving year: Behold, my days that yet remain, I trust them to thy care. 4 Cast me not off, when strength declines, When hoary hairs arise: And round me let thy glory shine, Whene’er thy servant dies.


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