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Scripture:Isaiah 26

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Song of the Prophets

Author: Michael Morgan Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Isaiah 1-66 First Line: In ages past the mighty Lord Topics: Biblical Names and Places Amos; Biblical Names and Places Daniel; Biblical Names and Places Ezekiel; Biblical Names and Places Habakkuk; Biblical Names and Places Haggai; Biblical Names and Places Hosea; Biblical Names and Places Isaiah; Biblical Names and Places Jeremiah; Biblical Names and Places Joel; Biblical Names and Places Jonah; Biblical Names and Places Malachi; Biblical Names and Places Micah; Biblical Names and Places Nahum; Biblical Names and Places Obadiah; Biblical Names and Places Zechariah; Biblical Names and Places Zephaniah; Covenant Faithfulness Used With Tune: STAR OF COUNTY DOWN
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The Songs of the Prophet Isaiah: Chap. XXVI

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26 First Line: A city of exceeding strength Lyrics: 1 A city of exceeding strength Doth henceforth unto us belong, And the decreed salvation shall Like walls and bulwarks, keep it strong. 2 Set open then the city gates, That so the righteous nation That keeps the truth, may enter in, And of it take possession, 3 In perfect peace thou wilt him keep, Whose thoughtful mind is on thee staid, And that because his confidence On thee alone is ever laid. 4 Put then your trust upon the Lord Throughout eternal ages length: Because the Lord Jehovah is A rock of everlasting strength. 5 For he brought down high seated ones. The haughty city he laid low, He laid it level with the ground, And it into the dust did throw. 6 The feet of the afflicted man Triumphing trampled it upon, And it ly'th prostrate under foot, Foot of the poor and needy one. 7 Uprightness is the king's high-way, The very road the just do take: The path-way of the righteous man Thou dost for him most even make. 8 Moreover in thy judgment's way, Thee, Lord, we longing look'd to see; Our soul's desire was to thy name, And to the memory of thee. 9 In ev'ning and in morning pray'r My soul thee earnestly desir'd. Yea with my spirit in midst of me I day and night for thee inquir'd. For when thy judgments are display'd On earth, the world's inhabitants Will lay to heart thy righteous works, And learn the righteousness of saints. 10 Though for a wicked man there should Bowels of heav'nly pity yearn, Yet he the way of righteusness By no means will be brought to learn; In land of righteousness he will Still work perverse iniquity. He will not well conslder of Jehovah's glorious majesty. 11 Lord, when thine hand was lifted up In exaltation very high, Lest they should see thine hand, they did Perversely turn away their eye. But they with blushing shame shall see The zeal thou for thy people hast, And the consuming fire that shall Thine adversaries wholly waste. 12 Jehovah, thou for ever wilt Safety and peace for us ordain: For our affairs thou manage didst, And for us all our works maintain. 13 O Lord our God, thou only art Our Lord, yet others besides thee Have lorded it, and over us Have exercised tyranny. But notwithstanding henceforth we No other Lord save thee will take, And of no other name but thine, From this time will we mention make. 14 Those that opprest us now are dead, So dead that they shall live no more. Their ghosts from hence departed are, And none shall them to life restore. Because thou hast them visited, And them hast utterly destroy'd, For ever they are perished. And of all memory made void, 15 Jehovah thou the nation Hast very much increast, increast Hast thou the nation very much Thy glory is made manifest: That nation which thou hast remov'd, And far away didst send it forth, By dissipating it unto The utmost ends of all the earth. 16 O Lord, when they were in distress They did thee visit with their cries, And secret pray'r they poured out, When as thou diddest them chastize. 17 Like as a pregnant woman when Approaching child-birth comes apace Is pain'd, and in her pangs cries out, So were we, Lord, before thy face. 18 We have conceiv'd, and have been pain'd, Yet, as it were, have brought forth wind; The world's inhabitants fall not, On earth we no deliverance find. 29 Thy dead shall surely live again, With my dead body rise they must; Awake out of the sleep of death And sing ye who dwell in the dust: Because the dew that falls on thee Is like the dew that makes herbs grow And out from thence with violence The earth the Rephaims shall throw, 20 Come then my people enter in To chambers that most secret are, And after thee shut thou the doors, And fallen them with utmost care: There do thou hide thy self a-while, It shall but as a moment be, And all the indignation will Be wholly passed over thee. 21 Behold the Lord is coming forth Out of his habitation To punish their iniquity The earth's inhabitants upon. The earth shall then disclose and show The bloods in her lay buried, Her slain shall be expos'd to view, And be no longer covered.
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The Songs of the Prophet Isaiah: Chap. XXVI

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Isaiah 26 First Line: We have a city very strong Lyrics: 1 We have a city very strong; (The church of God is it) Salvation to it all along For walls and works he'l set. 2 Set open ye the gates, and then The righteous nation, who Do constantly the truth maintain, Shall enter thereinto. 3 In peace thou such an one, in peace Wilt ever have to be, Whose mind on thee intirely stays, Because he hopes in thee. 4 Repose in the Eternal now The hope of all your mind: For in the Lord Jehovah you A rock eternal find. 5 He brings down them who dwell on high Lays the proud city low, Twice low till ev'n with earth it lie; To dust that city throw. 6 It shall be trodden down; it shall By feet be trodden down; The feet of men, tho' poor and small Trod by the needy one. 7 Sure of the righteous one the way Is very righteousness: And thou, O righteous One, dost weigh Rightly each path of his. 8 In the way of thy judgments we On thee do wait and will; With souls thy name desiring, thee, Lord, to remember still. 9 By night I've thee desir'd, O God; My soul seeks early thee; Thy judgments being on earth abroad, Men justice then will see. 10 Shall favour on the wicked shine? Justice he will not learn: He'll in the land of judgment sin, God's glory not discern. 11 Lord, thy uplifted hand these men Won't see, but see they shall With shame they spite at thine; and then Thy foes fire burn them all. 12 A well-establis'd peace,0 Lord, Thou dost for us prepare; All our works for us we're assur'd, By thee produced are. 13 O Lord our God, strange lords on us Have had dominion: But now thy name we'll mention thus, Thy name by thee alone 14 They're gone, and shall not rise; they're dead To life returning not; Thy visit them destroy'd and made Their memory to rot. 15 The nation, Lord, increasing thou Cur nation dost increase; So thou art prais'd; and it unto AH parts extended is. 16 Lord thee they humbly visited In an afllicted hour; Chastened, an humble pray'r they did To thee in secret pour. 17 As she that is to travail near, In pains and pangs doth cry. In such a state, O Lord, we were; God saw it, God on high. 18 We have conceiv'd, and come to throws, Yet nothing's in the birth; Deliverance none in earth; and those Fall not who fill the earth. 19 Yet thy dead men must live and rise; So my dead body must Wake now and sing, whoever is Mine sleeping in the dust. A dew from heav'n does on thee come, Of springing plants a dew: The earth which doth the dead entomb, Shall yield dead not a few. 20 Come now into thy chambers; shut Thy doors about thee fall: Hide there a while my people: but A while, till wrath be past. 21 Lo from his place God comes again The world for sin to smite; Earth will her bloods reveal; her slain Earth will bring forth to light.
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City of God

Author: Samuel Johnson Meter: Appears in 166 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1 First Line: City of God, how broad and far Lyrics: 1 City of God, how broad and far Outspread thy walls sublime! The true thy chartered freemen are Of every age and clime. 2 One holy Church, one army strong, One steadfast high intent, One working band, one harvest song, One King omnipotent! 3 How purely hath thy speech come down From man's primeval youth; How grandly hath thine empire grown Of freedom, love, and truth! 4 How gleam thy watch-fires through the night With never-fainting ray! How rise thy towers, serene and bright, To meet the dawning day! 5 In vain the surge's angry shock, In vain, the drifting sands: Unharmed upon th' eternal rock Th' eternal city stands. Amen. Topics: Church, The; Church, The Church Triumphant; Dedication Services Of a Church; Heritage; Unity Used With Tune: RICHMOND
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Jerusalem, my happy home

Author: F. B. P. Meter: Appears in 843 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1 Lyrics: 1 Jerusalem, my happy home, name ever dear to me, when shall my labours have an end, thy joys when shall I see? 2 When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walls and pearly gates behold, thy bulwarks with salvation strong, and streets of shining gold? 3 Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there around my Saviour stand; and all I love in Christ below will join the glorious band. 4 Jerusalem, my happy home, when shall I come to thee? When shall my labours have an end, thy joys when shall I see? 5 O Christ, do thou my soul prepare for that bright home of love; that I may see thee and adore, with all thy saints above. Topics: Proper 14 Year C Used With Tune: SOUTHWELL (IRONS)

Great is our redeeming Lord

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1 Topics: Covenant, Commitment and Dedication; Life and Unity in the Church Used With Tune: JOSIAH
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Why should I fear the darkest hour

Author: John Newton Meter: 8.8.8 Appears in 44 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-4 Topics: The Christian Life Courage and Cheer Used With Tune: ST. AIDAN

My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone

Author: David J. Diephouse Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-4 Topics: Difficult Times; God As Refuge/Safety/Shelter; Grateful Living; Lament Individual; Rest Used With Tune: THIRD MODE MELODY

In you is gladness

Author: Johann Lindemann, 1549-1631; Henry F. W. Proeve, 1918-; David Arthur Schubert, 1942- Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-4 Topics: Adversity; Celebration of Faith; Death; Inner Peace; Jesus Christ Friend and Companion; Jesus Christ Redeemer; Joy; Liberation; Longing for God; People of God; Protection; Saints Days and Holy Days St Mary Magdalene; Satan; Trust in God Used With Tune: IN DIR IST FREUDE

Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy

Author: Joyce Placzek ('Jan Struther'), 1901-53 Meter: Appears in 78 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-4 Topics: Daily Work; Eternity of God; Evening; Family Life; God's Love to Us; Humility; Inner Peace; Jesus Christ Coming today; Jesus Christ Friend and Companion; Jesus Christ Lordship; Joy; Justice; Morning; Name/s of God; Name/s of Jesus; Trust in God Used With Tune: SLANE (2)

Confiado Estoy

Author: Jordi Roig Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-4 First Line: Se oculta el sol Refrain First Line: Confiado estoy en mi Señor Topics: Andar Cristiano; Christian Walk; Confianza; Confidence; Himnos Vespertinos; Evening hymns; Libertad Espiritual; Spiritual Liberty; Paz; Peace; Presencia Divina; Divine Presence; Relación con Cristo; Relationship with Christ Used With Tune: CATALUÑA

Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-4 Lyrics: Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor, Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor, Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor, Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor. Porque tú eres mi buen pastor, me alimentas con tu amor, y tu Palabra me da vigor, seguro estoy; Porque tú eres mi buen pastor, me alimentas con tu amor, y tu Palabra me da vigor, seguro estoy. Topics: Amor de Dios; Love Of God; Biblia; Bible; Comunión con Dios; Communion with God; Cuidado Divino; Divine Care Used With Tune: PENSAMIENTO Text Sources: Basada en Salmo 34:1

Arise, my soul, my joyful powers

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 110 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-4 Lyrics: 1 Arise, my soul, my joyful powers, And triumph in thy God; Awake, my voice, and loud proclaim His glorious grace abroad. 2 He raised me from the depths of sin, The gates of gaping hell; And fixed my standing more secure Than ’twas before I fell. 3 The arms of everlasting love Beneath my soul he placed, And on the Rock of Ages set My slippery footsteps fast. 4 The city of my blest abode Is walled around with grace; Salvation for a bulwark stands, To shield the sacred place. 5 Satan may vent his sharpest spite, And all his legions roar; Almighty mercy guards my life, And bounds his raging power. 6 [Arise, my soul! awake my voice, And tunes of pleasure sing; Loud hallelujahs shall address My Saviour and my King.] Topics: Redemption

Hymn 8

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 49 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-6 First Line: How honorable is the place Lyrics: How honorable is the place Where we adoring stand! Zion, the glory of the earth, And beauty of the land! Bulwarks of mighty grace defend The city where we dwell; The walls, of strong salvation made, Defy the assaults of hell. Lift up the everlasting gates, The doors wide open fling; Enter, ye nations that obey The statutes of our King. Here shall you taste unmingled joys, And live in perfect peace, You that have known Jehovah's name. And ventured on his grace. Trust in the Lord, for ever trust, And banish all your fears; Strength in the Lord Jehovah dwells, Eternal as his years. [What though the rebels dwell on high, His arm shall bring them low; Low as the caverns of the grave Their lofty heads shall bow.] [On Babylon our feet shall tread In that rejoicing hour; The ruins of her walls shall spread A pavement for the poor.]

All Will Be Well

Author: Julian of Norwich; Steven C. Warner; Melissa Haupt Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-6 Topics: Difficult Times; Walk with God Used With Tune: ALL WILL BE WELL Text Sources: Refrain text from Revelations of Divine Love

Isaiah 26:1-7: How glorious Sion's courts appear

Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-7 First Line: How glorious Sion's courts appear Lyrics: How glorious Sion’s courts appear, the city of our God! His throne he hath established here here fixed his loved abode. Its wall, defended by his grace no pow’r shall e’er o’erthrow, Salvation is its bulwark sure against th’ assailing foe. Lift up the everlasting gates, the doors wide open fling; Enter, ye nations, who obey the statutes of our King. Here shall ye taste unmingled joys, and dwell in perfect peace, Ye, who have known JEHOVAH’s name, and trusted in his grace. Trust in the Lord, for ever trust, and banish all your fears; Strength In the Lord JEHOVAH dwells eternal as his years. What though the wicked dwell on high, his arm shall bring them low; Low as the caverns of the grave their lofty heads shall bow. Along the dust shall then be spread their tow’rs, that brave the skies: On them the needy’s feet shall tread, and on their ruins rise.
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Noche de paz

Author: Joseph Mohr; Federico Fliedner Appears in 46 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-9 First Line: ¡Noche de paz, noche de amor! Lyrics: 1 ¡Noche de paz, noche de amor! Todo duerme en derredor. Entre los astros que esparcen su luz, bella anunciando al niñito Jesús, brilla la estrella de paz, brilla la estrella de paz. 2 ¡Noche de paz, noche de amor! Oye humilde el fiel pastor Coros celestes que anuncian salud, gracias y glorias en gran plenitud, por nuestro buen Redentor, por nuestro buen Redentor. 3 ¡Noche de paz, noche de amor! Ved qué bello resplandor Luce en el rostro del niño Jesús, en el pesebre, del mundo la luz, astro de eterno fulgor, astro de eterno fulgor. Topics: Advenimiento; Advent Used With Tune: STILLE NACHT

Confiad en Jehová

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-9 First Line: Tú guardarás en completa paz Topics: Confianza; Confidence; Paz; Peace Used With Tune: CONFIAD

He the Pearly Gates Will Open

Author: Frederick A. Blom; Nathaniel Carlson Appears in 39 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:2 First Line: Love divine, so great and wondrous Lyrics: 1 Love divine, so great and wondrous, Deep and mighty, pure, sublime; Coming from the heart of Jesus-- Just the same thro' tests of time. Chorus: He the pearly gates will open, So that I may enter in; For He purchased my redemption, And forgave me all my sin. 2 Like a dove when hunted, frightened, As a wounded fawn was I, Brokenhearted, yet He healed me-- He will heed the sinner’s cry. (Chorus) 3 Love divine, so great and wondrous-- All my sins He then forgave, I will sing His praise forever, For His blood, His pow'r to save. (Chorus) 4 In life’s eventide, at twilight, At His door I’ll knock and wait; By the precious love of Jesus, I shall enter heaven’s gate. (Chorus) Topics: Christ Love; Christ Love Used With Tune: [Love divine, so great and wondrous]
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Throw Open the Gates

Author: L. E. Jones Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 26:2 First Line: Throw open the gates of the city Refrain First Line: Throw open the gates of the city Topics: Gospel; Miscellaneous Used With Tune: [Throw open the gates of the city]


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