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Scripture:Psalm 80:8-19

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Psalm 80

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 91 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 First Line: Great Shepherd of thine Israel Lyrics: Great Shepherd of thine Israel, Who didst between the cherubs dwell, And lead the tribes, thy chosen sheep, Safe through the desert and the deep; Thy church is in the desert now, Shine from on high and guide us through; Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be saved and sigh no more. Great God, whom heav'nly hosts obey, How long shall we lament and pray, And wait in vain thy kind return? How long shall thy fierce anger burn? Instead of wine and cheerful bread Thy saints with their own tears are fed: Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be saved, and sigh no more. Hast thou not planted with thy hands A lovely vine in heathen lands? Did not thy power defend it round, And heav'nly dews enrich the ground? How did the spreading branches shoot, And bless the nations with the fruit! But now, dear Lord, look down and see Thy mourning vine, that lovely tree. Why is its beauty thus defaced? Why hast thou laid her fences waste? Strangers and foes against her join, And every beast devours the vine. Return, Almighty God, return, Nor let thy bleeding vineyard mourn; Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be saved, and sigh no more. Lord, when this vine in Canaan grew, Thou wast its strength and glory too; Attacked in vain by all its foes, Till the fair Branch of Promise rose: Fair Branch, ordained of old to shoot From David's stock, from Jacob's root; Himself a noble vine, and we The lesser branches of the tree. 'Tis thy own Son; and he shall stand Girt with thy strength at thy right hand; Thy first-born Son, adorned and blest With power and grace above the rest. O for his sake attend our cry, Shine on thy churches lest they die; Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be saved, and sigh no more. Topics: Persecuted saints their prayer and faith; Persecutors complained of; Church prayer in distress; Prayer in church's distress; Vineyard of God wasted

Great Shepherd Who Leadest Thy people in Love

Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 Topics: Persecution Of Believers; Shepherd, God, Christ As Used With Tune: CARITAS

Psalm 80: Hear, Isr'el's Shepherd! like a flock

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 First Line: Hear, Isr'el's Shepherd! like a flock Lyrics: 1Hear, Isr’el’s Shepherd! like a flock thou that dost Joseph guide; Shine forth, O thou that dost between the cherubims abide. 2In Ephraim’s, and Benjamin’s and in Manasseh’s sight, O come for our salvation; stir up thy strength and might. 3Turn us again, O Lord our God, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe. 4O Lord of hosts, almighty God, how long shall kindled be Thy wrath against the prayer made by thine own folk to thee? 5Thou tears of sorrow giv’st to them instead of bread to eat; Yea, tears instead of drink thou giv’st to them in measure great. 6Thou makest us a strife unto our neighbours round about; Our enemies among themselves at us do laugh and flout. 7Turn us again, O God of hosts, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe. 8A vine from Egypt brought thou hast, by thine outstretched hand; And thou the heathen out didst cast, to plant it in their land. 9Before it thou a room didst make, where it might grow and stand; Thou causedst it deep root to take, and it did fill the land. 10The mountains vail’d were with its shade, as with a covering; Like goodly cedars were the boughs which out from it did spring. 11Upon the one hand to the sea her boughs she did out send; On th’ other side unto the flood her branches did extend. 12Why hast thou then thus broken down, and ta’en her hedge away? So that all passengers do pluck, and make of her a prey. 13The boar who from the forest comes doth waste it at his pleasure; The wild beast of the field also devours it out of measure. 14O God of hosts, we thee beseech, return now unto thine; Look down from heav’n in love, behold, and visit this thy vine: 15This vineyard, which thine own right hand hath planted us among; And that same branch, which for thyself thou hast made to be strong. 16Burnt up it is with flaming fire, it also is cut down: They utterly are perished, when as thy face doth frown. 17O let thy hand be still upon the Man of thy right hand, The Son of man, whom for thyself thou madest strong to stand. 18So henceforth we will not go back, nor turn from thee at all: O do thou quicken us, and we upon thy name will call. 19Turn us again, Lord God of hosts, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe.
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O Thou Who the Shepherd of Israel Art

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 Lyrics: 1 O thou who the Shepherd of Israel art, give ear to our pray'r and thy favor impart; thou leader of Joseph, thou guide of his way, 'mid cherubim dwelling, thy glory display. 2 In Ephraim's, Manasseh's and Benjamin's sight, O come thou and save us; awake in thy might. O God, give us favor, restore to thy grace; and then we shall live in the light of thy face. 3 From Egypt's dark border a vine thou didst take; destroying the heathen didst room for it make. Where planted it grew at thy sov'reign command, with roots deeply set and boughs filling the land. 4 The axe hews it down; it is burned in the fire; they perish, rebuked in thy terrible ire. O lay then thy hand on the Man of thy might, The Son of Man made to stand strong in thy sight. 5 No more shall we wander, delighting in shame; revive us, O Lord, we will call on thy name. O Lord God of hosts, us restore to thy grace, and then we shall live in the light of thy face. Topics: The Church The Church of Christ; God Wrath of; Grace Refreshing; Israel In the Desert Used With Tune: JOANNA (or ST. DENIO) Text Sources: Associate Reformed Presbyterian Psalter, 1931

We Praise You

Author: Mike Balhoff, b. 1946 Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80:9-16 First Line: Your wisdom made the heavens and the earth, O Lord Refrain First Line: We praise you, O Lord, for all your works are wonderful Topics: Rites of the Church Marriage Used With Tune: [Your wisdom made the heavens]

O Thou Great Shepherd of Thy Chosen Race

Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 Topics: Persecution Of Believers; Shepherd, God, Christ As Used With Tune: LANGRAN
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O Isr'l's Shepherd, Joseph's guide

Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 Lyrics: 1 O Isr'els Shepherd, Joseph's Guide, Our Pray'rs to thee vouchsafe to hear; Thou that do'st on the Cherubs ride, Again in solemn State appear. 2 Behold how Benjamin expects, With Ephraim and Manasseh join'd, In our Deliv'rance, the Effects Of thy resistless Strength to find. 3 Do thou convert us, Lord, do thou The Lustre of thy Face display; And all the Ills we suffer now, Like scatter'd Clouds shall pass away. 4 O thou, whom heav'nly Hosts obey, How long shall thy fierce Anger burn? How long thy suff'ring People pray, And to their Pray'rs have no Return? 5 When hungry, we are fotc'd to drench Our scanty Food in Floods of Woe; When dry, our raging thirst we quench With Streams of Tears that largely flow. 6 For us the heathen Nations round, As for a common Prey, contest: Our Foes with spiteful Joy abound, And at our lost Condition jest. 7 Do thou convert us, Lord, do thou The Lustre of thy Face display, And all the Ills we suffer now, Like scatter'd Clouds shall pass away. Part II 8 Thou brought'st a Vine from Egypt's Land; And casting out the Heathen Race, Didst plant it with thine own right Hand, and firmly fix'd it in their Place. 9 Before it thou prepar'dst the Way, and mad'st it take a lasting Root, Which, bless'd with thy indulgent Ray, O'er all the Land did widely shoot. 10,11 The Hills were cover'd with its Shade, its goodly Boughs did Cedars seem: Its Branches to the Sea were spread, And reach'd to proud Euphrates Stream. 12 Why then hast thou its Hedges o'erthrown, Which thou hadst made so firm and strong? Whilst all its Grapes, defenceless grown, Are pluck'd by those that pass along. 13 See how the bristling forest Boar With dreadful Fury lays it waste: Hark how the savage Monsters roar, And to their helpless Prey make haste. Part III 14 To thee, O God of Hosts, we pray; Thy wonted Goodness, Lord, renew: From Heav'n thy Throne this Vine survey, And her sad State with Pity view. 15 Behold the Vineyard, made by thee, Which thy right Hand did guard so long; And keep that Branch from Danger free, Which for thyself thou mad'st so strong. 16 To wasting Flames 'tis made a Prey, And all its spreading Boughs cut down; At thy Rebuke they soon decay, And perish at thy dreadful Frown. 17 Crown thou the King with good Success, By thy right Hand secur'd from Wrong: The Son of Man in Mercy bless, Whom for thy self thou mad'st so strong. 18 So shall we still continue free From whatsoe'er deserves thy Blame; And if once more reviv'd by thee, Will always praise thy holy name. 19 Do thou convert us, Lord, do thou The Lustre of thy Face display, And all the Ills we suffer now, Like scatter'd Clouds shall pass away.

Oh Dios, restáuranos (Lord, make us turn to you)

Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 Topics: First Sunday of Advent B; Primer Domingo de Adviento B Used With Tune: [Oh Dios, restáuranos]

O Hear Our Cry, O Lord

Author: Fred R. Anderson Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 Used With Tune: VINEYARD HAVEN

Psalm 80: The Vineyard of the Lord

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80:8-19 First Line: You brought a vine out of Egypt Refrain First Line: The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel Topics: Salvation History; Ordinary Time Twenty-Seventh Sunday Used With Tune: [The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel]

Psalm 80: The Vineyard of the Lord (Lord, Make Us Turn to You

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80:9 First Line: A vine from Egypt you transplanted (O shepherd of Israel, hearken) Refrain First Line: The vineyard of the Lord (Lord, make us turn to you) Topics: Vine; Advent 1 Year B; Advent 4 Year C; Twenty-Seventh Year A; Service Music for Mass Responsorial Psalm; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Responsorial Psalm Used With Tune: [A vine from Egypt you transplanted]

Save Us, O Lord

Author: Bob Dufford, SJ, b. 1943 Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 First Line: O Shepherd of Israel, hear us Topics: Evening; Longing for God; Petition/Prayer; Salvation; Second Coming; Rites of the Church Penance (Reconciliation); The Liturgical Year Advent (Sundasy and Weekdays); The Liturgical Year Lent (Sundays and Weekdays) Used With Tune: [O Shepherd of Israel, hear us]

Salmo 79: Señor, Restáuranos

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80:15-16 First Line: Pastor de Israel, escucha Refrain First Line: Señor, Dios nuestro, restáuranos Topics: Salmos Used With Tune: [Señor, Dios nuestro, restáuranos]

You Are All We Have

Author: Francis Patrick O'Brien, b. 1958 Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80:4-8 First Line: Protect me, Lord; I come to you for safety Used With Tune: [Protect me, Lord; I come to you for safety]

Psalm 80/85/Luke 1: Lord, Make Us Turn to You

Author: Marty Haugen Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 First Line: Shepherd of Israel, hearken from your throne Refrain First Line: Lord, make us turn to you Topics: Seasons and Feasts Advent; Advent I; Advent IV Used With Tune: [Shepherd of Israel, hearken]
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To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, Eduth, A Psalm of Asaph

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80 First Line: Thou that leadest Joseph Lyrics: 1 Thou that lead'st Joseph as a flock, O Israel's shepherd hear, Who dwell'st between the cherubims, O shine thou forth most clear. 2 Ephraim before, and Benjamin, Manasseh's tribe also. O stir thou up thy strength and come, For us salvation show. 3 O God return thou us again, And cause thy countenance To shine forth upon us, that we May have deliverance. 4 Lord God of hosts, how long wilt smoke Against thy people's pray'rs? 5 Thou makest them to feed upon The bread of mournful tears. And giv'st them many tears to drink. 6 Our neighbours strife likewise Thou mak'st us, and among themselves Do laugh our enemies 7 O God of hosts turn us again, And cause thy countenance To shine forth upon us, so we Shall have deliverance. [2] 8 From Egypt thou hast brought a vine, Forth also thou didst cast The heathen people, in their room The same thou planted hast. 9 Yea, thou before it didst prepare A room where it may stand, Thou didst it cause deep root to take, And it did fill the land. 10 Her shade spread hills, her boughs also, Like goodly cedars stood. 11 She sent her boughs into the sea, Her branches to the flood. 12 O why then hast thou broken down Her hedges utterly, So that all those do pluck at her Who in the way pass by? 13 The boar out of the wilderness Doth wasting it annoy. And wild beasts of the field the same Devouringly destroy. 14 We do beseech thee to return, O God of hosts incline To look from heaven, and behold, And visit thou this vine, 15 The vineyard which thou hast also With thy right hand set fast; That branch likewise which for thy self Confirm'd thou strongly hast. 16 It is consumed with the fire, And utterly cut down; They perish do, and that because Thy countenance doth frown. 17 Upon the man of thy right hand Thine hand let present be, Upon the son of man whom thou Hast made so strong for thee. 18 So from henceforth we never will From thee go back at all: O do thou quicken us and we Upon thy name will call. 19 Lord God of hosts turn us again, And cause thy countenance To shine forth upon us, so we Shall have deliverance.

Psalm 80

Author: David Mowbray (b. 1938) Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80:7-10 First Line: God of hosts, you chose a vine Lyrics: 1 God of hosts, you chose a vine meant to bear the finest wine, set it in a promised land, nurtured by your careful hand. 2 Like a cedar, it grew strong, deep its roots, its tendrils long; yet, in envy, those around stripped its branches to the ground. 3 Desolate, to God we cry: 'Spare us from the enemy!' God of hosts, turn back again, all such wickedness restrain. 4 Turn us too, for we have failed, faithfulness has not prevailed; visit, Lord, and heal your vine, on its fruit let glory shine! Topics: Penitence Used With Tune: ST BEES
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To thee, our God, we fly

Author: William Walsham How, 1823-1897 Meter: Appears in 91 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80:19 Lyrics: 1 To thee, our God, we fly for mercy and for grace; O hear our lowly cry, and hide not thou thy face. Refrain: O Lord, stretch forth thy mighty hand, and guard and bless our native land. 2 Arise, O Lord of hosts! Be jealous for thy name, And drive from out our coasts The sins that put to shame. [Refrain] 3 Thy best gifts from on high in rich abundance pour, that we may magnify And praise thee evermore. [Refrain] 4 The pow'rs ordained by thee with heav'nly wisdom bless; may they thy servants be, and rule in righteousness. [Refrain] 5 Give peace, Lord, in our time, O let no foe draw nigh, nor lawlessness and crime insult thy majesty. [Refrain] 6 The Church of thy dear Son inflame with love's pure fire, bind her once more in one; with life and truth inspire. [Refrain] Topics: Protection; The Nation Used With Tune: LATCHFORD

There's a Quiet Understanding

Author: Tedd Smith Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80:18 Lyrics: 1 There's a quiet understanding when we're gathered in the Spirit, It's a promise that He gives us, when we gather in His name. There's a love we feel in Jesus, there's a manna that He feeds us; It's a promise that He gives us, When we gather in His name. 2 And we know when we're together, sharing love and understanding, That our brothers and our sisters feel the oneness that He brings. Thank You, thank You, thank You, Jesus, for the many ways You lead us, for the many ways You lead us, Thank You, thank You, Lord. Topics: Choir; Fellowship of Believers; Choir; Fellowship of Believers Used With Tune: [There's a quiet understanding]

Jesus, Saviour, Lord, now to you I fly

Meter: Irregular Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 80:19 First Line: From my enemies to you I flee Topics: Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Devotion; Dedication of people; Multi-cultrual and World-church Songs; Salvation and Redemption Used With Tune: SARANAM Text Sources: Sri Lankan text; English version Church Hymnary, Fourth Edition, 2005


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