Meter: in 420 hymnalsTune Sources: Gotha, 1715Tune Key: G MajorIncipit: 55112 23155 64253 Used With Text: God, my King, Thy might confessing
Appears in 124 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Felix Mendelssohn BartholdyIncipit: 55651 32176 71432 Used With Text: God, my King, Thy might confessing
Meter: 8.7Appears in 136 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: BeethovenTune Key: F MajorIncipit: 17123 54323 33654 Used With Text: God, my King, Thy might confessing
Meter: in 20 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: S. SmithTune Key: F MajorIncipit: 53642 53117 65427 Used With Text: God, my King, Thy might confessing