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Tune Identifier:"^genevan_77_bourgeois$"

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Virgin born, we bow before thee

Author: Bishop R. Heber, 1783-1826 Meter: D Appears in 31 hymnals Matching Instances: 7 Lyrics: 1 Virgin born, we bow before thee: Blessèd was the womb that bore thee: Mary, Mother meek and mild. Blessèd was she in her Child. Blessèd was the breast that fed thee: Blessèd was the hand that led thee; Blessèd was the parent's eye That watched thy slumbering infancy. 2 Blessèd she by all creation. Who brought forth the world's salvation. And blessèd they for ever blest. Who love thee most and serve thee best. Virgin born we bow before thee: Blessèd was the womb that bore thee: Mary, Mother meek and mild, Blessèd was she in her Child. Topics: The Blessed Virgin Mary; The Christian Year Festivals and Other Holy Days: Proper; The Presentation of Christ in the Temple February 2nd; St. Joseph of Nazareth March 19th; The Annunciation March 25th Used With Tune: MON DIEU, PRÊTE MOI L'OREILLE
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To My Humble Supplication

Author: Joseph Bryan Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Matching Instances: 6 Lyrics: 1 To my humble supplication, Lord, give ear and acceptation; Save Thy servant, who doth own Help and hope in Thee alone. 2 Heavenly Tutor, of Thy kindness, Teach my dullness, guide my blindness, That my steps Thy paths may tread, Which to endless bliss do lead. Amen. Topics: Service Music Choral Prayers Used With Tune: MON DIEU, PRÊTE-MOI L'OREILLE

Hear My Cry, O God, and Save Me! (Psalm 77)

Author: Michael Morgan Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals Matching Instances: 4 First Line: Hear my cry, O God, and save me! Topics: Healing; Lament; Sovereignty of God Scripture: Psalm 77 Used With Tune: GENEVAN 77

I Cried Out to God to Help Me

Author: Helen Otte Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Matching Instances: 2 Topics: Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Deliverance; Doubt; Afflictions; Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Confession of Sin; Deliverance; Doubt; Mercy; Providence; Wisdom Scripture: Psalm 77 Used With Tune: GENEVAN 77

In My Grievous Tribulation

Author: Rev. William Kuipers Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Matching Instances: 2 Topics: Prayer in Afflictions; Backsliding; Doubt; Faithfulness of God; Holiness Of God; Revival Scripture: Psalm 77 Used With Tune: REMEMBRANCE

Az Istenhez az én szómat

Appears in 2 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Scripture: Psalm 77 Used With Tune: [Az Istenhez az én szómat]
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How long shall thy fierce Anger burn

Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 How long shall thy fierce Anger burn, LORD, wilt thou never more return? How long withdraw thy Face, From us thy chosen Race? Think on the Tribes thou hast redeem'd, On Sion's Mount, by thee esteem'd, The Land that is thine own, Where once thy Glory shone. 2 Lift up thy Feet, and them destroy, Who would thy holy Place annoy; For where thy Servants pray, Their Banners they display, Amidst the Work the Artists wrought, And to such great Perfection brought; They dreadful Havock make, And with their Hammers break. 3 Thy holy Church they burnt with Flame, Tho' consecrated to thy Name; Thine House they did surround, And level to the Ground. Thy Tokens, LORD, no me see; Our Prophets from Destruction flee, Nor dost thou let us know, The End of this our Woe. and what escap'd the Flame, Has been profan'd, and quite defac'd, Part II 4 But, LORD, how long must we submit? How long, O GOD, wilt thou permit, Th'insulting foe to boast; And shall thy Name be lost? Why dost thou on thy patient Breast, Let thy Right-Hand so calmly rest, When Vengeance should o'erthrow. The bold insulting Foe. 5 Thou, as our King, hast often fought, And for us great Deliv'rance wrought; Thou didst the Sea divide, And quell the Monster's Pride. Resistless Pow'r thou didst employ, The fierce Leviathan destroy. Then vanquish'd let him lay, To savage Beasts a Prey. 5 The solid Rock thou didst divide, And soon gush'd out the cooling Tide, And Waters ceas'd to flow, To let thy People go. Thou didst create both Day and Night, The Sun and every feebler Light; The Summer's sultry Shine, And Winter's Cold are thine. Part III 7 Remember, LORD, thy People's Shame, How foolish Men blaspheme thy Name, Thy Turtle-Dove restore, Nor quite forget the Poor. LORD, make thy atient Promise good; The Land is fill'd with men of Blood: Cloath not the Poor with Shame, But let them bless thy Name. 8 Arise, O GOD! thy Cause maintain, For Fools each Day thy Name profane; Thy daring Foes encrease, Make thou their Triumphs cease. Topics: Prayers Of the Church for her Deliverance in Persecution Scripture: Psalm 74 Used With Tune: [How long shall thy fierce Anger burn]
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My GOD! my GOD! why leav'st thou me

Appears in 2 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 My GOD! my GOD! why leavst thou me, When I with Anguish call on thee? Why dost thou me neglect, And my loud Pray'r reject? All Day, but all the day in vain, To thee, O LORD, do I complain: All Night have I implor'd Thy Help to me restor'd. 3 Yet thou, O LORD, art ever just, Relieving those, who in thee trust; Therefore shalt Israel raise To thee, continual Praise: On Thee our Ancestors rely'd, And in thy Strength their Foes defy'd; To thee their Pray'rs address'd, And with Success were bless'd. of Innocence oppress'd; 3 Thy sure Deliv'rance, LORD, they found, When Dangers gather'd thickest round; Thine Ears their Cries receiv'd, And they were soon reliev'd; But I, like none of human Birth, Am made the scoffing Rabble's Mirth; Ev'n like a Reptile base, They hold me in Disgrace. Part II 4 My Agonies, the gazing Crowd, Survey with Scorn and Laughter loud, They mock whilst I complain, And thus my Woes disdain: "He boasted, he was Heav'n's Delight, "Let GOD relieve his Favourite; "Let him Assistance send, "His Servant to defend. 5 But thou didst from my Mother's Womb, Make me a living Offspring come; Thy Care thou didst extend, Me helpless to defend: My Youth thou didst from Danger shield, And Guardian-like Protection yield; In thee I will confide, For thou wert still my Guide. 6 Withdraw not then, O GOD, Most high! Thy Aid, when Trouble is so nigh: Do thou that Help extend, On which I still depend. High-pamper'd Bulls, a frowning Throng, From Basan's Forest, fierce and strong, Prepare with growing Rage, Against me to engage. 7 They gape on me, and to my Fears, Each Mouth, a yawning Grave appears; Wide open to devour My Soul, when in their Pow'r: The desart Lion's savage Roar, Could not increase my Horrors more. In Compact close combin'd, They have my Fall design'd. Part III 8 My Joints are rack'd, and out of Frame; My Heart like Wax before the Flame. Within my Bosom glows; My Blood like Water flows: My Strength is parch'd' like Potter's Clay, My fault'ring Tongue forgets to play; My Soul all Hope resigns, And to the Grave declines. 9 Like Blood-hounds, they assembled round, My harmless Hands and Feet they wound; And through my constant Pain, I languish and complain; That all my Bones may well be told; Yet this as Pastime they behold. And still their Pleasure shew, At each Increase of Woe. 10 As Spoil, my Garments they divide: By Lots their Portions they decide; Therefore thy Arm extend, And kind Protection send. From their sharp Sword defend thou me, And let my Life from Danger free; Nor leave my Soul o'erpower'd, By Dogs to be devour'd. 11 To me, O GOD! Assistance send, My Life from Lions fierce defend; As once thy Strength prevail'd, When Unicorns assail'd, Then to my Brethren I'll proclaim The Triumphs of thy holy Name; And to the Saints repair, Thy Glory to declare. 12 "Praise ye the LORD in Songs divine, "Ye num'rous Race of Israel's Line; "To him with Fervour pray, "And low Obeisance pay: "His People he hath ne'er disdain'd, "Or turn'd his Face when they complain'd; "But to their humble Pray'r, "Doth lend a gracious Ear. 13 Thus in thy Courts, thy Name I'll bless, And in loud Songs my Thanks express; And to thy Saints declare, Thy providential Care. The meek Companions of my Grief, Shall at my Table find Relief; And all who seek thy Face, Shall find refreshing Grace. 14 Then shall the World their Homage pay, To GOD, and his Commands obey; His Pow'r they shall confess, And Pray'rs to him address. From Kings Submission to receive, In his supreme Prerogative, Who doth the Worlds sustain; And over all Things reign. 15 The Rich his Bounty must confess, The Poor their gen'rous Patron bless; To him they all resort, For Succour and Support: Then shall a Race exalt his Name, And to their Heirs his Truth proclaim, "Till Heav'n and Earth combin'd, Are all to GOD resign'd. Topics: Prayers When surrounded by Enemies; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Humiliation and Exultation Scripture: Psalm 22 Used With Tune: [My God! my God! why leav'st thou me]
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Save me, O GOD, from Floods that roll

Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 Save me, O GOD, from Floods that roll, And press to overwhelm my Soul; In the deep Mire I tread, And Waves o'erflow my Head. With constant Cries my Spirits faint, My Voice is hoarse with long Complaint; My Sight with Pain decays, Whilst GOD his Help delays. 2 My Hairs, tho' num'rous, are but few, Compar'd with Foes that me pursue And strive with lawless Might, To execute their Spite, Thy force me, guiltless, to resign, As Rapine, what by Right was mine. But thou my Wrongs dost see, My Sins are known to thee. 3 LORD, GOD of Hosts, take timely Care, Lest for my sake thy Saints despair; Since I have for thy Name. Endur'd Reproach and Shame. A Stranger to my Country grown, And to my Kindred quite unknown; Those of my Mother born, Are treating me with Scorn. 4 For Zeal to thy lov'd House and Name, Consumes me, like devouring Flame; Vex'd at their Slights of thee, More than their Scorn of me. My very Tears and Abstinence. They construe in spiteful Sense; When Mourning for their Sake, Their Mocks at me they make. 5 Their Judges make my Wrongs their Jest, Those Wrongs they ought to have redress'd; Drunkards my Sorrows see, And make their Songs on me. But, LORD! to thee I will repair For Help, with humble timely Pray'r, O from thy boundless Store: Display thy Truth and Pow'r. 6 From threat'ning Dangers me relieve, And from the Mire my Feet retrieve, My Soul in Safety keep, And snatch me from the Deep; Controul the Deluge e'er it spread, And roll it's Waves around my Head; And from th'expecting Grave, My Soul in Mercy save. 7 LORD, hear the humble Pray'r I make, For thy transcending Goodness Sake; And from thy Mercy's Store, Relieve my Soul once more Nor from thy Servant hide thy Face, Make Haste, for desp'rate is my Case; Thy Succour interpose, And shield me from my Foes. 8 Thou know'st what Infamy and Scorn I from my Enemies have borne; Nor can their secret Spite, Or Plots escape thy Sight. Reproach and Grief have broke my Heart: I look'd for some to take my Part, But look'd, alas! in vain, None would relieve my Pain. 9 With Hunger faint, for Food I call; Instead of Food, they give me Gall, And Vinegar to drink, Whene'er my Spirits sink, The Tables therefore they prepare, Shall prove to them a fatal Snare; Darkness shall seize their Eyes, And sudden Fears surprize. 10 On them thou shalt thy Fury pour, 'Till thy fierce Wrath their Race devour, And make their House a Cell, Where none will dare to dwell; For new Afflictions they procur'd For him who had thy Stripes endur'd; And with a sharper Scorn, Thy tender Hearts have torn. 11 Sin shall to Sin their Steps betray, 'Till they to Truth have lost the Way; Their Souls shall Ruin see, Nor with the Righteous be. But me, how'er distrest and poor, Thy strong Salvation shall restore; Thy Pow'r I will proclaim, And celebrate thy Name. 12 Our GOD shall this more highly prize, Than Herds or Flocks in Sacrifice; And Saints shall hope to see, The like Redress with me. For GOD regards the Poor's Complaint, Sets Pris'ners free from close Restraint; And Heav'n and Earth shall raise, Their voice to sound his Praise. 13 For GOD will Sion's Walls erect, Fair Judah's Cities he'll protect, 'Till all her Sons repair And gain Possession there. This Blessing they shall at their Death, To their religious Heirs bequeath; And GOD shall sure restore, Those who his Name adore. Topics: Prayers When surrounded by Enemies; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Humiliation and Exultation; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 69 Used With Tune: [Save me, O God, from Floods that roll]
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Thy chast'ning wrath, O LORD, restrain

Appears in 24 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 Thy chast'ning Wrath, O Lord, restrain, Though I deserve it all; Nor let on me the Storm Of thy Displeasure fall. In ev'ry wretched Part of me I feel thy Arrows deep remain; Thy Hand's afflicting Weight, I can no more sustain. 2 My Flesh is one continued Wound, Because thy Wrath so fiercely glows; Betwixt my Pain and Guilt, My Bones have no Repose: My Sins, which to a Deluge swell, My sinking Head almost o'erflow; And for my Strength to bear, Too great a Burden grow. 3 Stench and Corruption fill my Wounds, My foul Offences just Return; In Trouble I am brought, And all Day long I mourn. A loath'd Disease afflicts my Loins, Infecting ev'ry inward Part; And constantly I groan, Through Anguish of my Heart. Part II 4 But, LORD, before thy searching Eyes, All my Desires must sure appear; My Groans have been too loud, Not to have reach'd thine Ear. My Heart's oppress'd, my Strength decay'd, My feeble Eyes depriv'd of Light: My Friends and Kinsmen gaze On such a dismal Sight. 5 Mean while, the Foes that seek my Life, Their secret Snares to take me set; And all the Day contrive To forge some new Deceit. But I, as if both deaf and dumb, Nor heard, nor once reply'd, Like one whose silent Tongue By conscious Guilt is ty'd. 6 For LORD! to thee, I do appeal, My clouded Innocence to clear; For Thou, the righteous GOD, My injur'd Cause wilt hear. "Hear me, said I, lest my proud Foes, "A spiteful Triumph should display; "If they should see my Foot, "But once to go astray. 7 Lo! with continual Grief oppress'd, To sink, I must at length begin; To thee I will confess, To Thee bewail my Sin: But whilst I languish, my proud Foes, Still of their Strength and Vigour boast; And they, who trouble me Are grown a dreadful Host. 8 Ev'n they whom I oblig'd, return My loving Kindness with Despite; And hate me, but because, I chuse the Path that's right. Forsake me not, oh LORD my GOD! Nor from me, in Distress, depart; Haste thou to my Relief, Who my Salvation art. Topics: Prayers When sick; Prayers Of a Sinner to obtain Forgiveness of Sins Scripture: Psalm 38 Used With Tune: [Thy chast'ning Wrath, O Lord, restrain]
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Thy dreadful Anger, LORD, restrain

Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 Thy dreadful Anger, Lord, restrain, Nor let thy Wrath on me remain, For 'tis not to be borne: Oh, spare a Wretch forlorn. Instead of Justice, which I fear, Let me the Voice of Mercy hear. Who can the Stroke withstand, Of thine afflicting Hand? 2 Have Mercy LORD! for I grow faint, Oh listen to my sad Complaint! And as thou know'st my Grief, Vouchsafe a kind Relief. The Anguish of my aking Bones, Extort from me continual Groans; And thou alone can'st cure, The Torments I endure. 3 My anxious Soul is troubled Sore, Do thou oh LORD, my Peace restore; My Heart within my Breast, Can find no solid Rest: But LORD how long must I sustain These heavy woes? how long complain? To me in Mercy turn, Nor let thine Anger burn. 4 Thy wonted Goodness, LORD, extend; To me thy kind Assistance lend, For my unequall'd Grief, Oh send some quick Relief. And for thy wond'rous Mercy's sake, On my Distress some Pity take; Vouchsafe to make me whole, And ease my trouble Soul. 5 For after Death I can no more, Thy loving Kindness, LORD, implore, No more in Anthems raise, My Voice to sing thy Praise; None in the dreary Tomb confin'd, Who hath his fleeting Breath resign'd, Can thy great Deeds proclaim, And magnify thy name. 6 With Groaning faint, and tir'd with Pain, I cease not loudly to complain; My Nights in Grief I spend, In Grief that knows no End. My Tears that never cease to flow, Are Marks of undissembled Woe; From Anguish never free, No Hope of Ease I see. 7 My Sight grows dim, my Beauty fades, Old Age my tott'ring Fram invades, My feeble Eyelids close; My soul no comfort knows, Whilst I with ever anxious Care, My angry Foes insulting hear, Who daily me annoy, And my distress enjoy. on my insulting Foes. 8 Depart, ye Wicked, far from me, Ye shall no more my Sorrows see, Nor with exulting Voice, In all my Wrongs rejoice. For GOD, I find accepts my Tears, The LORD will soon dispel my Fears, He hears when I implore And will my Strength restore. 9 The LORD at length vouchsafes to hear, My mournful Cry, and humble Pray'r; My Life he will retrieve, My Soul from Death relieve; And those who wish'd my Fall to see, Shall soon with Shame confounded be, And know, with humbled Pride, That GOD is on my Side. Topics: Prayers When sick; Prayers Of a Sinner to obtain Forgiveness of Sins; Prophecies Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked Scripture: Psalm 6 Used With Tune: [Thy dreadful anger Lord restrain]
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To God my loud Complaints I made

Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 To God my loud Complaints I made, And he vouchsaf'd his powerful Aid; He to my humble Pray'r. Did lend a gracious Ear. All Night my fest'ring Wound did ragem, No Med'cine could the Pain assuage: My Soul indulg'd her Grief, Nor would accept Relief. 2 I thought on God, but then distress'd, I found my Spirits quite oppress'd; The more i did complain, The more encreas'd my Pain; My Grief is swell'd to such a Height, That thro' each tedious Watch of Night, Mine Eyes are kept awake; I sigh, but cannot speak. 3 I call'd to Mind those ancient Days, When I, exalted, sung thy Praise; Those Years so much renown'd; With signal Favours crown'd; By Night I recollect the Song That to my Trimphs did belong, And once such Joy impart, Then thus consult my Heart. 4 "Hath GOD withdrawn His Favour quite, "Is Mercy lost in endless Night? "Will he his promis'd Love "For evermore remove?" I said My Weakness doth supply These Fears, but in the LORD most high I shall securely stand, Protected by his Hand. 5 His Works of old I will relate, On them my Heart shall meditate; My Tongue shall them recite, The Wonders of his Might. Thy Promise, LORD, is ever sure, Thy Ways are holy, just, and pure, And deep thy Counsels are, Who can with thee compare? 6 Thou art the LORD, that dost display Amazing Wonders every Day, And all the World shall own, That thou art GOD alone; And Jacob's Seed and Joseph's Line, Have known thy Strength and Pow'r divine, Who didst thy Arm extend, And them with Might defend. 7 When thee, O GOD, the Waters saw, The troubled Deep was struck with Awe, The frigten'd Billows shrunk, And in their Channels sunk: The Clouds pour'd down, while rending Skies, Fill'd Earth and Heav'n with dread Surprize, And forth thine Arrows came, Wing'd with avenging Flame 8 Broad Sheets of livid Blaze appear; Thy Thunders roll, Earth shakes with Fear, Thy Paths in Waters lie; Nor can thy Steps descry: Thy People from hard Bondage freed, Thou didst by skillful Moses lead, And Aaron's sacred Hand, Safe thro' a desart Land. Topics: Description of Storms and Stress of Weather; Prayers When sorely afflicted Scripture: Psalm 77 Used With Tune: [To God, my loud Complaints I made]
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To my Complaint thine Ear incline

Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 To my Complaint thine Ear incline, O GOD, for no Relief but thine, Can free me from Distress; And all my Wrongs redress: Thy Servant keep, O LORD, for I On thee alone for Help rely: Do thou my Soul restore, That does thy Name adore. 2 Comfort thy Servant; for to thee, For Succour, LORD, I daily flee, To me thy Love extend; For I on thee depend: Thy Goodness, LORD, from Day to Day, To all Mankind thou dost display; And thou wilt pardon too, Those who for Mercy sue. 3 To my repeated humble Pray'r, Bow down, O GOD, thy gracious Ear; Do thou attentive be, For still I call on thee; Among the Gods none can display Such Pow'r; as much inferior they, As are their Works to thine, O LORD, alone Divine! 4 The Nations therefore shall restore Thy Praise, O LORD! thy Name adore, And at the Footstool fall Of him who made them all. They shall confess thee GOD supreme, Thy wond'rous Works shall be their Theme, Shall see what thou hast done, And own thee GOD alone. Part II 11 Teach me, O LORD, thy sacred Way, That from thy Truth I may not stray: To me thy Grace impart, Unite my wand'ring Heart To fear, continually thy Name. Thy Praise, my GOD, I will proclaim, And with a Soul sincere Thee constantly revere. 6 Thy boundless Mercy who can tell, For thou hast sav'd my Soul from Hell, And when I call'd on thee, Thy Goodness set me free: The Sons of Pride against me rise, Not setting thee before their Eyes; And with a wicked Strife, Seek to destroy my Life. 7 But thou didst thy Assistance bring, Of Truth thou everlasting Spring; Thy Patience and thy Love, LORD, thou shalt ne'er remove: Turn thee, O GOD, some Signal show, And let all those who hate me, know, That thou wilt Pow'r extend, Thy Servants to defend. Topics: Prayers When percecuted Scripture: Psalm 86 Used With Tune: [To my Complaint thine Ear incline]
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To thee, my GOD and Saviour, I

Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 To Thee, my GOD and Saviour, I By Day and Night address my Cry; To me incline thine Ear, And my Distresses hear; For Seas of Trouble me invade, My Soul draws nigh to Death's cold Shade. Like one whose Strength is fled, I'm number'd with the Dead. 2 Like those who shrowded in the Grave From thee no more Remembrance have, Rejected from thy Care, And plung'd in dark Despair. Thy Wrath has hard upon me lain, Afflicting me with restless Pain; Me all thy Waves have prest, Too weak to bear the least. 3 Remov'd from Friends, I sigh'd alone, In a loath'd Dungeon laid, where none Vouchsafes to visit me, Past Hopes of Liberty. My Eyes from weeping never cease, They waste, but still my Griefs increase, Yet LORD, to thee I've pray'd, And still invok'd thy Aid. 4 Wilt thou by Miracle revive The Dead, whom thou forsook'st alive? And them, thy Praise to sing, From their Confinement bring? Shall the mute Grave thy Love confess, A mould'ring Tomb thy Faithfulness? Thy Works renown obtain, Where Shades and Silence reign? 5 To thee, O LORD, I cry, forlorn, My Pray'r prevents the early Morn; Why hidest thou thy Face, And leav'st me in Disgrace? Prevailing Sorrows bear me down, Which from my Youth with me have grown, With constant Grief opress'd, Thy Terrors fill my Breast. 6 Thy Wrath hath burst upon my Head, My troubled Soul is fill'd with Dread, And Woes on ev'ry Side, Like Waves, are multiply'd. My Lovers, Friends, Familiars, all Remove from Sight and out of Call, Daily I make my Moan, Neglected and alone. Topics: Prayers When sorely afflicted Scripture: Psalm 88 Used With Tune: [To thee, my God and Saviour, I]
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When I pour out my Soul in Pray'r

Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 When I pour out my Soul in Pray'r, Do thou, O LORD, incline thine Ear; And let my sad Cry ascend, To thee, my only Friend: Hide not thy Face from my Distress, Do thy my Sorrows soon redress; And when I call on thee, Vouchsafe to comfort me. 2 My Days like scatter'd Smoke expire, My Bones consume in constant Fire, My Heart is parch'd with Heat, And I forget to eat: By Reason of repeated Groans, My Flesh will scarce cleave to my Bones; Like mournful Owls, am I, That through the Desarts cry. 3 I watch, and like a Sparrow mourn, That on the House-top sits forlorn; My Foes revile all Day, And Snares in secret lay. Ashes I've eat, oppress'd with Fears, My Drink is mix'd with briny Tears; Because thy Wrath doth lie, On me, once seated high. 4 My Days are like an Ev'ning Shade, And like a drooping Flow'r I fade; But LORD, thy glorious Name, For ever is the same: Thou shalt disperse thy Sion's Gloom, For now her Days of Mercy's come; Because it grieves the Just. To see her laid in Dust. 5 The Heathen Kings his Name shall fera, When Sion shall restor'd appear; When him the Poor address, And he their Pray'r shall bless: This shall be written on Record That those to come may praise the LORD; That future Nations may, His mignty Acts display. 6 For from his holy Dwelling Place, The LORD survey'd the human Race, That he might hear the Cry, Of Wretches doom'd to die. His mighty Arm did interpose, To release them from all their Foes, And set the Mourners free, From long Captivity. 7 That thro' glad Sion they might sing, His Praise, who did Deliv'rance bring; And at Jerusalem Adore his gracious Name. When all the Tribes assembling there, And Kingdoms joining in the Pray'r, To him their Vows address, And GOD their LORD confess. 8 But at his Wrath my Life decays, His Hand cuts short my hopeful Days; And allmy Strength is gone, E'er yet my Race is run; LORD, end not thus my Years, said I, When scarcely half have passed by; But thou from Change secure, Shalt evermore endure. 9 The Earth's Foundations thou hast laid, Thy Hands the lofty Heav'ns have made; And they shall pass away, But thou shalt ne'er decay: They all shall like a Garment fail, And Time shall over them prevail; But thou shalt never waste, Thy Years for ever last. 10 The Children of thy Saints shall stand, Supported by thy pow'rful hand; And in they Sight remain, Whilst thou dost them sustain. Topics: Prayers Of the Church for her Deliverance in Persecution Scripture: Psalm 102 Used With Tune: [When I pour out my Soul in Pray'r]

Lord, by your cross and resurrection

Appears in 25 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Topics: Order of Mass Eucharistic Prayer Used With Tune: [Lord, by your cross and resurrection]

In the Midst of Dreaming, Warning

Author: John Core Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Topics: Biblical Names and Places Herod; Biblical Names and Places Mary; Biblical Names and Places Joseph; Biblical Names and Places Egypt; Christmas/Birth of Christ; Enemies and Persecution; Epiphany and Ministry of Christ ; Incarnation of Christ; Intercessory Prayer; Jesus Christ Life of Scripture: Matthew 2:13-23 Used With Tune: GENEVAN 77
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Soll ich mich denn täglich kränken

Author: Ph. Jak. Spener Appears in 3 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: [Soll ich mich denn täglich kränken]

Mighty Man, Why Boast of Evil?

Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Topics: Confidence; Falsehood; Falsehood; Gratitude; Humanity Depravity of; Imprecatory Psalms; Riches Vanity of Scripture: Psalm 52 Used With Tune: GENEVAN 77 Text Sources: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 1973; alt.

Neig zu mir, Herr, deine Ohren

Author: Matthias Jorissen Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: [Neig zu mir, Herr, deine Ohren]


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