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Tune Identifier:"^old_martyrs$"

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Showing 1 - 10 of 10Results Per Page: 102050

My Soul Lies Cleaving To The Dust

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 95 hymnals Lyrics: 1 My soul lies cleaving to the dust; Lord, give me life divine; From vain desires and every lust Turn off these eyes of mine. 2 I need the influence of Thy grace To speed me in Thy way, Lest I should loiter in my race, Or turn my feet astray. 3 When sore afflictions press me down, I need Thy quickening powers; Thy Word that I have rested on Shall help my heaviest hours. 4 Are not Thy mercies sovereign still, And Thou a faithful God? Wilt Thou not grant me warmer zeal To run the heav’nly road? 5 Does not my heart Thy precepts love, And long to see Thy face? And yet how slow my spirits move Without enlivening grace! 6 Then shall I love Thy Gospel more, And ne’er forget Thy Word, When I have felt its quickening power, To draw me near the Lord. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: The Psalms of David, 1719

He Comes, The Royal Conqueror Comes

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751 Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 He comes, the royal conqueror comes, His legions fill the sky; Angelic trumpets rend the tombs, And loud proclaim Him nigh. 2 Ye rebel hosts, how vain your rage Against this sovereign Lord! What madness bears you to engage The terrors of His sword? 3 Bring forth, He cries, those sons of pride, That scorned My gentle sway, To prove the arm they once defied Omnipotent to slay. 4 Tremendous scene of wrath divine! How wide the vengeance spreads! His pointed darts of lightning shine Round their defenseless heads. 5 Now let the rebels seek that face From which they cannot flee! And thou, my soul, adore the grace That sweetly conquered thee. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: Published posthumously in Hymns Founded on Various Texts in the Holy Scriptures, by Job Orton (J. Eddowes and J. Cotton, 1755)

The Fig Tree Near The Wayside Showed

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 The fig tree near the wayside showed Its bright leaves from afar, But those green leaves, which looked so fair, Now sere and blighted are. 2 Green leaves it had, but fruit had none; Christ came and looked for fruit; "Let none e’er eat of thee," He said; It withered to the root. 3 "Have faith in God"—yon city now Shines brightly in the sun; Christ searches it; it shows much leaf, But fruit of faith has none. 4 Soon Christ Himself will withered seem By that proud city’s scorn; But Passion-tide will lead Him forth To a bright Easter morn. 4 "Have faith in God." Be not perplexed By Calvary’s suffering; From that dark winter Christ revives To an eternal spring. 5 "Have faith in God"; that city proud— That leafy, barren tree— Will, by the lightnings of His Word, Withered for ever be. 6 The hypocrite and evil man May flourish in the breeze Of wayside earthly fame; but God Will blight all barren trees. 7 Root us in faith, make us bear fruit Of holiness and love; So may we ever flourish, Lord, In paradise above. 8 To Father, Son and Holy Ghost Eternal glory be; O praise and bless with songs of joy One God, and Persons Three. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: The Holy Year (London: Rivingtons: 1862)

Sinner, That Slumb'rest On The Brink

Author: Joseph Hart Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: Sinner, that slumb’rest on the brink Lyrics: 1 Sinner, that slumb’rest on the brink Of hell’s devouring lake, O think on death, on judgment think; What mean’st thou, sleeper? Wake. 2 Soon shall the Lord Himself descend, The clouds before Him driv’n: A sudden shout the earth shall rend, And shake the powers of Heaven. 3 Myriads of angels bright shall wait, His orders to obey; And ransomed saints triumphant meet, As bright and blest as they. 4 The King shall send His summons forth, His messenger shall speed, From east and west, from south and north, To cite the quick and dead. 5 But, ah! what pale, what ghastly looks! When guilty wretches come, To hear from God’s unerring books, Their just tho’ dreadful doom! 6 Convinced of every wanton word, Of every daring sin, Of speeches hard against the Lord, And thoughts and acts unclean. 7 Save us, O Jesus, by Thy death, And cleanse us in Thy blood; Give us to live and die in faith, And wait the trump of God. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: Hymns Composed on Various Subjects, 1822

When Sodom's Rich But Guilty Plains

Author: John Needham Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: When Sodom’s rich but guilty plains Lyrics: 1 When Sodom’s rich but guilty plains To wrath divine were doomed, Abr’am the patriarch interposed And thus his plea assumed. 2 “Shall good and bad together fall And undistinguished lie? Far be this ever from the God That rules above the sky. 3 "Shall not the judge of all the earth Whom righteous acts delight; Shall not the spring whence justice flows Do ever what is right?" 4 Thus did the holy patriarch plead When zeal, with pity warm; And saw with joy just Lot preserved From the sulfurous storm. 5 Let God in wrath destroy a land, Or drown in floods a world; Guilty they were and did deserve In ruin to be hurled. 6 What tho’ the faint sometimes may smart Beneath a heavier rod? He that inflicts the blow is still A just and righteous God. 7 The ways of Heaven, dark as they seem, Are not without their light; The last, that brightest day of truth Will show that all is right. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: Hymns Devotional and Moral on Various Subjects (Bristol, England: S. Farley, 1768)

Lord, Thou Hast Scourged Our Guilty Land

Author: Joel Barlow Meter: Appears in 54 hymnals First Line: Lord Thou hast scourged our guilty land Lyrics: 1 Lord Thou hast scourged our guilty land, Behold Thy people mourn; Shall vengeance ever guide Thy hand? And mercy ne’er return? 2 Beneath the terrors of Thine eye, Earth’s haughty towers decay; Thy frowning mantle spreads the sky, And mortals melt away. 3 Our Zion trembles at Thy stroke, And dreads Thy lifted hand! Oh, heal the people Thou hast broke, And save the sinking land. 4 Exalt Thy banner in the field, For those that fear Thy name; From barbarous hosts our nation shield, And put our foes to shame. 5 Attend our armies to the fight, And be their guardian God; In vain shall numerous powers unite, Against Thy lifted rod. 6 Our troops beneath Thy guiding hand, Shall gain a glad renown: ’Tis God who makes the feeble stand, And treads the mighty down. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: Psalms Carefully Suited to the Christian Worship in the United States of America, Being Dr. Watts' Imitation of the Psalms of David, as Improved by Mr. Barlow (Hartford, Conn.: Nathaniel Patten, printer, 1785)

O Holy Father, Righteous God!

Author: Paul B. Henkel Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Holy Father, righteous God! Our souls are filled with fear; Thy punishments, Thy scourge and rod, Have now approachèd near. 2 Distressèd and alarmed we stand, To see our awful state; Thy judgments on our guilty land, Are what we must await. 3 Thy punishments are very just, O Lord, we must confess; We should be humbled to the dust, Who have abused Thy grace. 4 How long have we abused Thy Word, And run the sinful course; Well we deserve to feel the sword With all its weight and force. 5 In many ways have we been warned To turn from these our ways; But all Thy mercies we have spurned, And slighted all Thy grace. 6 But O, the time is come at last, When we must feel the shock; God’s righteous sentence now is passed, And justice strikes the stroke. 7 O, whither can such creatures flee? Such as we are indeed! But unto Thee, O Lord! to Thee Whose promises we plead. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: Church Hymn Book (New Market, VA: Solomon Henkel, printer, 1816)

Arrayed Against Our Church And Faith

Author: Harriet Auber Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Arrayed against our church and faith, The powers of darkness rage, And the proud tyrants of the earth Unholy warfare wage. 2 They say, O God, Thou wilt not hear, Thou, Lord, will not regard; But each dark crime is known to Thee, And meets its just reward. 3 The Father of the fatherless, The helper of the weak, Thy hand shall every wrong redress, Thy voice shall comfort speak. 4 And soon shall dawn that blessèd day, When sin and woe shall cease, And earth, beneath Messiah’s sway, Enjoy perpetual peace. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: Spirit of the Psalms, 1829

Quickly My Days Have Passed Away

Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Quickly my days have passed away, [or, How quick my days have passed away,] How soon alas, they’re gone! Life’s gay­est scenes de­cline in haste, Just like the set­ting sun. 2 Always in mo­tion, ne’er at rest, My min­utes on­ward roll; Swift to pur­sue their des­tined course, And soon will reach the goal. 3 Eternal pains or end­less joys Stand wait­ing at the door; The mo­ments past or those to come, Are not with­in my pow­er. 4 God of my strength and of my hope, In whom I live and move, Help me by Thine in­struct­ive grace The pre­sent to im­prove. 5 And if through this re­volv­ing year, Thou shouldst my life pro­long, Oh may Thy wis­dom guide my steps, Thy praise em­ploy my tongue. Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: Hymns Adapted to Public Worship (London: Burton and Briggs,1818)

With Radiant Beams The Sun Arose

Author: Thomas Haweis Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 With radiant beams the sun arose On Sodom’s fated towers; In pleasure’s round, and false repose, They spend the cheerful hours. 2 Lot’s warning voice they mocking heard, Their hearts, elate with pride, No joy withheld, no danger feared— The prophet they deride. 3 In vain he pleads, "Fly, sinner fly… Behold destruction near!" "Empty enthusiast," they reply, And ridicule his fear. 4 But sudden o’er the trembling ground, The heav’ns tremendous lower; And streams of fire and brimstone round, In torrents downward pour. 5 They scream…they fly…no hope remains— Blaspheme—in flames expire; Lot, safe in Zoar a refuge gains— "A brand plucked from the fire." 6 Sinner, behold—the warning take; This moment hear and fear: For if the righteous scarce escape, O where wilt thou appear? Used With Tune: OLD MARTYRS Text Sources: A New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns by John Dobell (London: Williams & Smith, 1806)

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