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Showing 1 - 20 of 58Results Per Page: 102050

O Holy City, See of John

Author: W. Russell Bowie, 1882-1969 Meter: Appears in 89 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: O Holy City, seen of John Scripture: Revelation 21:1-4 Used With Tune: MORNING SONG

O God of Every Nation

Author: William W. Reid, b. 1923 Meter: D Appears in 32 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: O God of ev'ry nation Scripture: Isaiah 2:4 Used With Tune: PASSION CHORALE

Lord of All Hopefulness

Author: Jan Struther, 1901-1953 Meter: Appears in 78 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy Used With Tune: SLANE

Praise and Thanksgiving (Te Damos Gracias)

Author: Albert F. Bayly, 1901-1984; Dimas Planas-Belfort, 1934-1992 Meter: D Appears in 32 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work Scripture: Psalm 104 Used With Tune: BUNESSAN

They'll Know We Are Christians

Author: Peter Scholtes, b. 1938 Meter: with refrain Appears in 49 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: We are one in the Spirit Refrain First Line: And they'll know we are Christians Scripture: John 13:35 Used With Tune: ST. BRENDAN'S

We Must Work

Author: Keith C. Laws Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: We must work while it is day Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 Used With Tune: [We must work while it is day]

Close to Thee

Author: Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915 Meter: with refrain Appears in 423 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: Thou my everlasting portion Refrain First Line: Close to thee, Close to thee Lyrics: 1 Thou my everlasting portion, More than friend or life to me. All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with thee. Refrain: Close to thee, Close to thee, Close to thee, Close to thee; All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with thee. 2 Not for ease or worldly pleasure, Nor for fame my prayer shall be: Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with thee. [Refrain] 3 Lead me through the vale of shadows, Bear me o'er life's fitful sea; Then the gate of life eternal May I enter, Lord, with thee. [Refrain] Scripture: Psalm 23:4 Used With Tune: CLOSE TO THEE

Lord, When You Came (Pescador de Hombres)

Author: Cesáreo Gabaráin, 1936-1991; Willard Francis Jabusch, b. 1930 Appears in 50 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: Lord, when you came to the seashore (Tú has venido a la orilla) Refrain First Line: O Lord in my eyes you were gazing (Señor, me has mirado a los ojos) Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22 Used With Tune: [Lord, when you came to the seashore]

Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun

Author: Thomas Ken, 1637-1711 Meter: Appears in 891 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work Lyrics: 1 Awake, my soul, and with the sun thy daily stage of duty run; shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise to pay thy morning sacrifice. 2 All praise to thee, who safe hast kept and hast refreshed me while I slept. Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless light partake. 3 Lord, I my vows to thee renew. Disperse my sins as morning dew; guard my first springs of thought and will; and with thyself my spirit fill. 4 Direct, control, suggest, this day, all I design or do or say, that all my pow'rs, with all their might, in thy sole glory may unite. 5 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heav'nly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Used With Tune: MORNING HYMN

Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly

Author: Roland F. Palmer, 1891-1985 Meter: D Appears in 42 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work Scripture: Luke 2:7 Used With Tune: PLEADING SAVIOR

God Is Here!

Author: Fred Pratt Green, 1903-2000 Meter: D Appears in 47 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: God is here! As we your people Lyrics: 1 God is here! As we your people meet to offer praise and prayer, may we find in fuller measure what it is in Christ we share. Here, as in the world around us, all our varied skills and arts wait the coming of the Spirit into open minds and hearts. 2 Here are symbols to remind us of our lifelong need of grace; here are table, font, and pulpit; here the cross has central place. Here in honesty of preaching, here in silence, as in speech, here, in newness and renewal, God the Spirit comes to each. 3 Here our children find a welcome in the Shepherd's flock and fold; here as bread and wine are taken, Christ sustains us as of old. Here the servants of the Servant seek in worship to explore what it means in daily living to believe and to adore. 4 Lord of all, of church and kingdom, in an age of change and doubt, keep us faithful to the gospel; help us work your purpose out. Here, in this day's dedication, all we have to give, receive; we, who cannot live without you, we adore you! We believe! Used With Tune: ABBOT'S LEIGH

Forth in Thy Name, O Lord

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 346 hymnals Topics: Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace Social Holiness; Particular Times of Worship Closing of Worship; Christian Perfection; Closing Hymns; Discipleship and Service; Eternal Life; Installation Services; Stewardship; Work, Daily Lyrics: 1. Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go, my daily labor to pursue; thee, only thee, resolved to know in all I think or speak or do. 2. The task thy wisdom hath assigned, O let me cheerfully fulfill; in all my works thy presence find, and prove thy good and perfect will. 3. Thee may I set at my right hand, whose eyes mine inmost substance see, and labor on at thy command, and offer all my works to thee. 4. For thee delightfully employ what e'er thy bounteous grace hath given; and run my course with even joy, and closely walk with thee to heaven. Used With Tune: DUKE STREET

As Saints of Old

Author: Frank von Christierson, 1900-1996 Meter: D Appears in 30 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: As saints of old their first-fruits brought Lyrics: 1 As saints of old their first-fruits brought of orchard, flock, and field to God, the giver of all good, the source of bounteous yield, so we today first-fruits would bring, the wealth of this good land, of farm and market, shop and home, of mind and heart and hand. 2 A world in need now summons us to labor, love, and give; to make our life an offering to God, that all may live. The church of Christ is calling us to make the dream come true: a world redeemed by Christ-like love; all life in Christ made new. 3 In gratitude and humble trust we bring our best today to serve your cause and share your love with all along life’s way. O God, who gave yourself to us in Jesus Christ your Son, teach us to give ourselves each day until life's work is done. Used With Tune: FOREST GREEN

Here Am I

Author: Nolan Williams, Jr., b.1969 Meter: with refrain Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: God has no hands but those that strive to mend Refrain First Line: Here am I, Lord, send me Scripture: Isaiah 6:8 Used With Tune: HERE AM I

Sent Forth by God's Blessing (Con sus Bendiciones)

Author: Omer Westendorf, 1916-1997; Dimas Planas-Belfort, 1934-1992 Meter: D Appears in 43 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work Scripture: Psalm 133:1 Used With Tune: ASH GROVE

Lord, Be Glorified

Author: Bob Kilpatrick, b.1952 Appears in 37 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: In my life, Lord, be glorified, be glorified Used With Tune: [In my life, Lord, be glorified, be glorified]

The Master Came to Bring Good News (Vino el Maestro para Dar)

Author: Ralph Finn, b. 1941; Georgina Pando-Connolly, b. 1946 Meter: with refrain Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work Refrain First Line: Father, forgive us! ("Patre, perdoana") Scripture: Matthew 9:11-13 Used With Tune: ICH GLAUB AN GOTT

Come to the Water

Author: John Foley, SJ, b. 1939 Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: O let all who thirst Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2 Used With Tune: [O let all who thirst]

A Nuptial Blessing (Una Bendición Nupcial)

Author: Vicki Klima, b. 1952; Michael Joncas, b. 1951; George Szews, b. 1951; Jorge Lockward, b. 1965 Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: May God satisfy your longing, be refreshment at your table (Que Dios cumpla sus anhelos, les dé el pan de cada día) Refrain First Line: May God bless you, hold and keep you (Dios les guarde, les bendiga) Scripture: Numbers 6:24 Used With Tune: [May God satisfy your longing, be refreshment at your table]

Go in Peace, Go in Love

Author: Mary Louise Bringle, b. 1953 Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Daily Life and Work First Line: Go in peace Used With Tune: GIPGIL


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