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Hymnal, Number:ps1912

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The Blessedness of the Godly

Hymnal: PS1912 #1 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 1 First Line: That man is blest who, fearing God Lyrics: 1 That man is blest who, fearing God, From sin restrains his feet, Who will not stand with wicked men, Who shuns the scorners' seat. 2 Yea, blest is he who makes God's law His portion and delight, And meditates upon that law With gladness day and night. 3 That man is nourished like a tree Set by the rivers' side; Its leaf is green, its fruit is sure, And thus his works abide. 4 The wicked like the driven chaff Are swept from off the land; They shall not gather with the just, Nor in the judgment stand. 5 The Lord will guard the righteous well, Their way to Him is known; The way of sinners, far from God, Shall surely be o'erthrown. Topics: Assurance Declared; Blessedness Of Those Obeying Christ; Character Good and Bad Contrasted; Character Value of Good; Christ Communion with; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Growth of; Companions Evil; Spiritual Illumination; Judgment Day; Law of God; Meditation; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Obedience; Providence of God Over Saints; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Blessedness of; The Righteous Contrasted with the Wicked; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Separation from; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: MEDITATION
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The Righteous and Unrighteous

Hymnal: PS1912 #2a (1912) Scripture: Psalm 1 First Line: Blest is he who loves God's precepts Lyrics: 1 Blest is he who loves God's precepts, Who from sin restrains his feet, He who will not stand with sinners, He who shuns the scorners' seat. 2 Blest is he who makes the statutes Of the Lord his chief delight, In God's law, divinely perfect, Meditating day and night. 3 He is like a tree well planted By the flowing river's side, Ever green of leaf and fruitful; Thus shall all his works abide. 4 Like the driven chaff the wicked Shall be swept from off the land; With the just they shall not gather, Nor shall in the judgement stand. 5 Well the Lord will guard the righteous, For their way to Him is known; But the way of evildoers Shall by Him be overthrown. Topics: Assurance Declared; Blessedness Of Those Obeying Christ; Character Good and Bad Contrasted; Character Value of Good; Christ Communion with; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Growth of; Companions Evil; Spiritual Illumination; Judgment Day; Law of God; Meditation; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Obedience; Providence of God Over Saints; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Blessedness of; The Righteous Contrasted with the Wicked; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Separation from; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: REDEEMER
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The Righteous and Unrighteous

Hymnal: PS1912 #2b (1912) Scripture: Psalm 1 First Line: Blest is he who loves God's precepts Lyrics: 1 Blest is he who loves God's precepts, Who from sin restrains his feet, He who will not stand with sinners, He who shuns the scorners' seat. 2 Blest is he who makes the statutes Of the Lord his chief delight, In God's law, divinely perfect, Meditating day and night. 3 He is like a tree well planted By the flowing river's side, Ever green of leaf and fruitful; Thus shall all his works abide. 4 Like the driven chaff the wicked Shall be swept from off the land; With the just they shall not gather, Nor shall in the judgement stand. 5 Well the Lord will guard the righteous, For their way to Him is known; But the way of evildoers Shall by Him be overthrown. Topics: Assurance Declared; Blessedness Of Those Obeying Christ; Character Good and Bad Contrasted; Character Value of Good; Christ Communion with; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Growth of; Companions Evil; Spiritual Illumination; Judgment Day; Law of God; Meditation; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Obedience; Providence of God Over Saints; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Blessedness of; The Righteous Contrasted with the Wicked; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Separation from; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: SARDIS
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The Kingship of Jesus Christ

Hymnal: PS1912 #3 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 2 First Line: Wherefore do the nations rage Lyrics: 1 Wherefore do the nations rage And the people vainly dream That in triumph they can wage War against the King supreme? Christ His Son a scoff they make, And the rulers, plotting, say: Their dominion let us break Let us cast their yoke away, Their dominion let us break, Let us cast their yoke away. 2 But the Lord will scorn them all, Calm, He sits enthroned on high; Soon His wrath will on them fall, Sore displeased He will reply: Yet according to My will I have set My King to reign, And on Zion's holy hill My Anointed I maintain; And on Zion's holy hill My Anointed I maintain. 3 This His word shall be made known, This Jehovah's firm decree: Thou art My beloved Son, Yea I have begotten Thee. All the earth at Thy request I will give Thee for Thy own; Then Thy might shall be confessed And Thy foes be overthrown; Then Thy might shall be confessed And Thy foes be overthrown. 4 Therefore, kings, be wise, give ear, Hearken, judges of the earth; Learn to serve the Lord with fear. Mingle trembling with your mirth. Kiss the Son, lest o'er our way His consuming wrath should break; But supremely blest are they Who in Christ their refuge take; But supremely blest are they Who in Christ their refuge take. Topics: Blessedness Of Those Trusting Christ; Christ Anointed; Christ Exaltation of; Christ Godhood of; Christ Only-begotten Son; Christ Power of; Christ Worshiped; Church Christ the Head of; Civil Magistracy; Divine Decrees; Godly Fear Described; Godly Fear Exhortation to; God Sovereignty of ; Invitation and Divine Pleading; Missions Encouragements of; Missions Difficulties of; Missions Triumphs of; Nations Owe Allegiance to Christ; Nations Present Attitude of; Praise Calls to; Prayer Promise to; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers in Relation to; Royalty of Christ Divinely Conferred; Royalty of Christ Mediatorial; Royalty of Christ Nations Subject to; Rulers Duties of; Rulers Wicked; Vanity Of Sinners; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: HERALD ANGELS
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Christ's Inheritance

Hymnal: PS1912 #4 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 2 First Line: O wherefore do the nations rage Lyrics: 1 O wherefore do the nations rage, And kings and rulers strive in vain, Against the Lord of earth and heav'n To overthrow Messiah's reign? 2 Their strength is weakness in the sight Of him who sits enthroned above; He speaks, and judgments fall on them Who tempt His wrath and scorn His love. 3 By God's decree His Son receives The nations for His heritage; The conqu'ring Christ supreme shall reign As King of kings, from age to age. 4 Be wise, ye rulers of the earth, And serve the Lord with godly fear; With rev'rent joy confess the Son While yet in mercy He is near. 5 Delay not, lest His anger rise, And ye should perish in your way; Lo, all that put their trust in Him Are blest indeed, and blest for aye. Topics: Blessedness Of Those Trusting Christ; Christ Exaltation of; Christ Godhood of; Christ Only-begotten Son; Christ Power of; Christ Worshiped; Church Christ the Head of; Civil Magistracy; Divine Decrees; Godly Fear Described; Godly Fear Exhortation to; God Sovereignty of ; Invitation and Divine Pleading; Judgment Day; Missions Encouragements of; Missions Difficulties of; Missions Triumphs of; Nations Owe Allegiance to Christ; Nations Present Attitude of; Praise Calls to; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers in Relation to; Royalty of Christ Divinely Conferred; Royalty of Christ Mediatorial; Royalty of Christ Nations Subject to; Rulers Duties of; Rulers Wicked; Vanity Of Sinners; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: UXBRIDGE
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God Our Guardian

Hymnal: PS1912 #5 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 3 First Line: O Lord, how are my foes increased! Lyrics: 1 O Lord, how are my foes increased! Against me many rise; How many say,In vain for help He on his God relies! 2 Thou art my shield and glory, Lord, My Saviour, O Most High. The Lord from out His holy hill Gives answer when I cry. 3 I laid me down and slept, I waked, Because the Lord sustains; Tho' many thousands compass me, Unmoved my soul remains. 4 Arise, o Lord; save me, my God; For Thou hast owned my cause, And oft hast beaten down my foes Who scorn Thy righteous laws. 5 Salvation to the Lord belongs, In Him His saints are blest; O let Thy blessing evermore Upon Thy people rest. Topics: Afflictions Deliverance from; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Blessedness Of Those Chosen of God; Blessedness Of Those Fearing God; Christ Providences of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Persecuted and Sorrowing; Comfort in Trials; Divine Election; Enemies Destruction of; Enemies Many and Mighty; Faith Act of; Faith Confidence of; God Hearer of Prayer; Morning Psalms; Praise for temporal blessings; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Protection Only from God; Providence of God Over Saints; Retribution Inflicted; The Righteous Blessedness of; The Righteous Deliverances of; Safety Enjoyed; Salvation God's Gift; Salvation Prayers for; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Persecuting Spirit of Languages: English Tune Title: DALEHURST
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A Trustful Appeal to God

Hymnal: PS1912 #6 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 4 First Line: My righteous God, Who oft of old Lyrics: 1 My righteous God, Who oft of old Hast saved from troubles manifold, Give answer when I call to Thee, Be gracious now and hear my plea. 2 How long, O men, will ye defame, How long my glory turn to shame, How long will ye vain follies prize, How long pursue deceit and lies? 3 But know, the lord has set apart The man of godly life and heart To be His favored one for aye; Jehovah hears me when I pray. 4 In rev'rence wait, from sin depart, In meditation calm your heart; Hold fast the right, be true and just, And in Jehovah put your trust. 5 O who will show us any good, Exclaims the faithless multitude; But lift on us, O lord, we pray, The brightness of Thy face this day. 6 More joy from Thee has filled my heart Than great abundance could impart; I lay me down to peaceful sleep, For Thou, O Lord, dost safely keep. Topics: Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Assurance Declared; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Saved by Grace; Contentment; Divine Election; Evening Psalms; Faith Blessedness of; Faith Confession of; Faith Confidence of; Godly Fear Exhortation to; God Hearer of Prayer; God Source of All Good; Heart Claimed of God; Joy Divinely Bestowed; Peace; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer Answers to; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Deliverance from Trouble; Prayer Promise to; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; The Righteous Joy of; Safety Enjoyed; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Trust in God Exhortation to; Trust in God Expression of; Vanity Of Sinners; Worship Private Languages: English Tune Title: REST
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Quieting Thoughts

Hymnal: PS1912 #7 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 4 First Line: On the good and faithful Lyrics: 1 On the good and faithful God has set His love; When they call He sends them Blessings from above. Stand in awe, and sin not, Bid your heart be still; Thro' the silent watches Think upon His will. 2 Lay upon God's altar Good and loving deeds, And in all things trust Him To supply your needs. Anxious and despairing, Many walk in night; But to those that fear Him God will send His light. 3 In God's love abiding, I have joy and peace More than all the wicked, Tho' their wealth increase. In His care confiding, I will sweetly sleep, For the Lord, my Saviour, Will in safety keep. Topics: Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Assurance Declared; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Debt of; Christians Saved by Grace; Contentment; Divine Election; Evening Psalms; Faith Blessedness of; Faith Confession of; Faith Confidence of; Godly Fear Blessedness of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Source of All Good; Joy Divinely Bestowed; Love For God; Peace; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer Answers to; Prayer confidence in; Prayer Promise to; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; The Righteous Joy of; Safety Enjoyed; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Trust in God Exhortation to; Trust in God Expression of Languages: English Tune Title: PENITENCE
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Faith and Peace

Hymnal: PS1912 #8 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 4 First Line: On the good and faithful Lyrics: 1 On the good and faithful God has set His love; When they call He sends them Blessings from above. 2 Stand in awe, and sin not, Bid your heart be still; Through the silent watches Think upon His will. 3 Anxious and despairing, Many walk in night; But to those that fear Him God will send His light. 4 In His care confiding, I will sweetly sleep, For the Lord, my Saviour, Will in safety keep. Topics: Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Assurance Declared; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Saved by Grace; Divine Election; Evening Psalms; Faith Blessedness of; Faith Confession of; Faith Confidence of; Godly Fear Blessedness of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Source of All Good; Peace; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer Answers to; Prayer confidence in; Prayer Promise to; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Safety Enjoyed; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Trust in God Expression of Languages: English Tune Title: MERRIAL
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An Entreaty for Guidance

Hymnal: PS1912 #9 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 5 First Line: O Jehovah, hear my words Lyrics: 1 O Jehovah, hear my words, To my tho'ts attentive be; Hear my cry, my King, my God, I will make my prayer to Thee. With the morning light, O Lord, Thou shalt hear my voice arise, And expectant I will bring Prayer as morning sacrifice. 2 Thou, Jehovah, art a God Who delightest not in sin; Evil shall not dwell with Thee, Nor the proud Thy favor win. Evil-doers Thou dost hate, Lying tongues Thou wilt defeat; God abhors the man who loves Violence and base deceit. 3 In the fulness of Thy grace To Thy house I will repair, Bowing tow'rd Thy holy place, In Thy fear to worship there. Lead me in Thy righteousness, Let my foes assail in vain; Lest my feet be turned aside, Make Thy way before me plain. Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Holiness; Christ Communion with; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Decision; Godly Fear Described; God Attributes of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Holiness of; God Kingly Character of; House of God Longed for and Loved; Morning Psalms; Prayer confidence in; Providence of God Over Saints; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Sin Hatred of; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Sin Salvation from; Temptation; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Warned; Worship Acts of Languages: English Tune Title: COMFORT
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Confident Access to God

Hymnal: PS1912 #10 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 5 First Line: In the fullness of thy grace Lyrics: 1 In the fulness of Thy grace To Thy house I will repair; Bowing tow'rd thy holy place, In Thy fear to worship there. Lead me in thy righteousness, Let my foes assail in vain; Lest my feet be turned aside, Make Thy way before me plain. 2 False and faithless are my foes, In their mouth no truth is found; Deadly are the words they speak, All their tho'ts with sin abound. Bring, O God, their plans to nought, Hold them guilty in thy sight, For against Thee and thy law They have set themselves to fight. 3 O let all that trust Thy care Ever glad and joyful be; Let them joy who love Thy Name, Safely guarded, Lord, by Thee. For a blessing from Thy store To the righteous Thou wilt yield; Thou wilt compass him about With Thy favor as a shield. Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Holiness; Assurance Declared; Christ Light and Guide; Christ Love to; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Decision; Faith Blessedness of; Godly Fear Described; God Attributes of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Holiness of; Grace Abounding; House of God Longed for and Loved; Love For God; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Praise for temporal blessings; Prayer confidence in; Providence of God Over Saints; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; The Righteous Joy of; Safety Assured; Sin Salvation from; Trust in God Blessedness of; The Wicked Character of; The Wicked Prayers for Punishment of Languages: English Tune Title: MARTYN
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Prayer and Protection

Hymnal: PS1912 #11 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 5 First Line: O Jehovah, hear my words Lyrics: 1 O Jehovah, hear my words, To my tho'ts attentive be; Hear my cry, my King, my God, I will make my prayer to Thee. 2 With the morning light, O Lord, Thou shalt hear my voice arise, And expectant I will bring Prayer as morning sacrifice. 3 O let all that trust thy care Ever glad and joyful be; Let them joy who love Thy Name, Safely guarded, Lord, by Thee. 4 For a blessing from Thy store To the righteous Thou wilt yield; Thou wilt compass him about With thy favor as a shield. Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Holiness; Assurance Declared; Christ Communion with; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Decision; Faith Blessedness of; God Attributes of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Kingly Character of; Love For God; Morning Psalms; Prayer confidence in; Providence of God Over Saints; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; The Righteous Joy of; Safety Assured Languages: English Tune Title: REDHEAD
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Divine Chastisement

Hymnal: PS1912 #12 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 6 First Line: Lord, rebuke me not in anger Lyrics: 1 Lord, rebuke me not in anger; Chastened sore I waste away; Pity my distress and hear me; Lord, how long wilt Thou delay? 2 Come, O Lord, my soul deliver, In Thy loving-kindness save. Shall the dead Thy Name remember? Who shall praise Thee in the grave? 3 Pity, Lord, my sad condition; I am weary and distressed; Many adversaries vex me, Weeping, I can find no rest. 4 Now the foes that seek to harm me, Quickly put to shame, shall flee, For the Lord hath heard my weeping, And He will regard my plea. Topics: Afflictions Complaint of; Afflictions From God; Afflictions Many and Severe; Afflictions Prayer in; Afflictions Refuge in; Anger of God Deprecated; Aspirations For Holiness; Church Afflicted; Death Deprecated; Despondency; God Hearer of Prayer; Patience; Penitence; Prayer Complaint in; Prayer For Deliverance from Death; Sin Conviction of; Spiritual Darkness; The Wicked Fate of Languages: English Tune Title: ZENO
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Confidence in Divine Justice

Hymnal: PS1912 #13 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 7 First Line: Jehovah, my God, on Thy help I depend Lyrics: 1 Jehovah, my God, on Thy help I depend; From all that pursue me O save and defend; Lest they like a lion should rend me at will, while no one is near me their raging to still. 2 When wronged without cause I have kindness returned; But if I my neighbor maltreated and spurned, My soul let the enemy seize for his prey, My life and my honor in dust let him lay. 3 O Lord, in Thy wrath stay the rage of my foes; Awake, and Thy judgment ordained interpose. Let peoples surround Thee and wait at Thy feet, While o'er them for judgment Thou takest Thy seat. 4 All nations of men shall be judged by the Lord; To me, O Jehovah, just judgment accord, As faithful and righteous in life I have been, And ever integrity cherished within. 5 Establish the righteous, let evil depart, For God Who is just tries the tho'ts of the heart. In God for defense I have placed all my trust; The upright He saves and He judges the just. 6 The Lord with the wicked is wroth every day, And if they repent not is ready to slay; By manifold ruin for others prepared They surely at last shall themselves be ensnared. 7 Because He is righteous His praise I will sing, Thanksgiving and honor to Him I will bring, Will sing to the Lord on Whose grace I rely, Extolling the Name of Jehovah Most High. Topics: Afflictions Watchfulness in; Anger of God Invoked; Assurance Declared; Assurance Desired; Christian Charity; Christians Conflicts of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Persecuted and Sorrowing; Faith Confidence of; God the judge; Judgment Day; Judgments On the Wicked; Prayer Imprecations in; Retribution Threatened; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Safety Assured; The Wicked Character of; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Self-Destroyed Languages: English Tune Title: PAULINA
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The Name of the Lord

Hymnal: PS1912 #14 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 8 First Line: O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth Lyrics: 1 O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth, How excellent Thy Name! Thy glory Thou hast spread afar In all the starry frame. 2 From lips of children, Thou, O Lord Hast mighty strength ordained, That adversaries should be stilled And vengeful foes restrained. 3 When I regard the wondrous heav'ns, Thy handiwork on high, The moon and stars ordained by Thee, O what is man, I cry. 4 O what is man, in Thy regard To hold so large a place, And what the son of man, that Thou Dost visit him in grace. 5 On man Thy wisdom hath bestowed A pow'r well nigh divine; With honor Thou hast crowned his head With glory like to Thine. 6 Thou hast subjected all to him, And lord of all is he, Of flocks and herds, and beasts and birds, And all within the sea. 7 Thy mighty works and wondrous grace Thy glory, Lord, proclaim, O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth, How excellent Thy Name. Topics: Adoration; Baptism; Christ Birth and Manhood of; Christ Exaltation of; Enemies Restrained; Evening Psalms; Glory of God In Creation; God Adored and Exalted; God Creator of All; God Works of; Grace Sovereign ; Humility; Man Dignity of; Nature Revelation of God in; Orphans; The Poor Remembered by God; Praise For Works of Creation; Royalty of Christ Mediatorial; Royalty of Christ Universal Domain of; The Sea Languages: English Tune Title: CLINTON
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God's Glory in His Works

Hymnal: PS1912 #15 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 8 First Line: Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name Lyrics: 1 Lord, our Lord, thy glorious Name All thy wondrous works proclaim; In the heav'ns with radiant signs Evermore thy glory shines. Infant lips Thou dost ordain Wrath and vengeance to restrain; Weakest means fulfill Thy will, Mighty enemies to still. 2 Moon and stars in shining height Nightly tell their Maker's might; When thy wondrous heav'ns I scan, Then I know how weak is man. What is man that he should be Loved and visited by Thee, Raised to an exalted height, Crowned with honor in Thy sight? 3 With dominion crowned he stands O'er the creatures of Thy hands; All to him subjection yield In the sea and air and field. Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name All Thy wondrous works proclaim; Thine the Name of matchless worth, Excellent in all the earth. Topics: Adoration; Baptism; Christ Birth and Manhood of; Christ Exaltation of; Enemies Restrained; Evening Psalms; Glory of God In Creation; God Adored and Exalted; God Creator of All; God Works of; Humility; Man Dignity of; Nature Revelation of God in; Orphans; Praise For Works of Creation; Royalty of Christ Mediatorial; Royalty of Christ Universal Domain of; The Sea Languages: English Tune Title: THANKSGIVING
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The Lord the Righteous Judge

Hymnal: PS1912 #16 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 9 First Line: Wholehearted thanksgiving to Thee will I bring Lyrics: 1 Wholehearted thanksgiving to Thee I will bring; In praise of Thy marvelous works I will sing, In Thee I will joy and exultingly cry Thy Name I will praise, O Jehovah Most High. 2 My enemies turn and are scattered in fear, They stumble and perish because Thou art near; For Thou hast defended my right and my cause, Thou sittest in judgment, upholding Thy laws. 3 Rebuked are the nations, the wicked destroyed, Their memory perished, their dwelling-place void; Enthroned and eternal, Jehovah shall reign, The peoples to judge and the right to maintain. 4 Thou, Lord, art a refuge for all the oppressed; All trust Thee who know Thee, and trusting are blest; For never, O Lord, did Thy mercy forsake The soul that has sought of Thy grace to partake. 5 Give praise to Jehovah, the mighty deeds tell Of Him Who has chosen in Zion to dwell, Of Him to Whom justice and vengeance belong, Who visits the lowly and overthrows wrong. 6 Behold my affliction, Thy mercy accord, And back from death's portals restore me, O Lord, That I in the gates of Thy Zion may raise My song of salvation and show forth Thy praise. 7 The sins of the nations their ruin have wrought, Their own evildoing destruction has brought; In this the Lord's justice eternally stands, That sinners are snared in the work of their hands. 8 The wicked shall perish, the nations shall fall Forgetting their God, Who is God over all; But God will remember the prayer of the weak, Most surely fulfilling the hope of the meek. 9 Arise in Thy justice, O Lord, and Thy might, No longer let sinners prevail in Thy sight; Great Judge of the nations, in judgment appear To humble the proud and to teach them to fear. Topics: Afflictions Deliverance from; Afflictions Promises for; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Assurance Declared; Assurance Desired; Christians Saved by Grace; Enemies Destruction of; Faith Confidence of; Glory of God In Providence; God Adored and Exalted; God the judge; God Our Refuge; Grace Quickening; Grace Redeeming; Hell; Humility; Judgment Day; Judgments On the Wicked; Meekness; Missions Encouragements of; Missions Need for; Patience; Praise Calls to; Praise For Works of Providence; Retribution Inflicted; Retribution Threatened; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Safety Assured; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Prayers for Punishment of; The Wicked Self-Destroyed; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: FREDERICK
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Whole-Hearted Praise

Hymnal: PS1912 #17a (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 9 First Line: O Lord Most High with all my heart Lyrics: 1 O Lord Most High, with all my heart Thy wondrous works I will proclaim; I will be glad and give Thee thanks And sing the praises of Thy Name, And sing the praise of Thy Name. 2 The Lord, the everlasting King, Is seated on His judgment throne; The righteous judge of all the world Will make His perfect justice known, Will make His perfect justice known. 3 Jehovah will a refuge prove, A refuge strong for all oppressed, A safe retreat, where weary souls In troublous times may surely rest, In troublous times may surely rest. 4 All they, O Lord, that know Thy Name Their confidence in Thee will place, For Thou hast ne’er forsaken them Who earnestly have sought Thy face, Who earnestly have sought Thy face. 5 Sing praises to the Lord Most High, To Him who does in Zion dwell; Declare His mighty deeds abroad, His deeds among the nations tell, His deeds among the nations tell. Topics: Afflictions Promises for; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Christians Saved by Grace; Glory of God In Providence; God Adored and Exalted; God Our Guardian; God the judge; God Our Refuge; Judgment Day; Missions Encouragements of; Praise Calls to; Praise For Works of Providence; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Safety Assured; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: ANVERN
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Whole-Hearted Praise

Hymnal: PS1912 #17b (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 9 First Line: O Lord Most High with all my heart Lyrics: 1 O Lord Most High, with all my heart Thy wondrous works I will proclaim; I will be glad and give Thee thanks And sing the praises of Thy Name, And sing the praise of Thy Name. 2 The Lord, the everlasting King, Is seated on His judgment throne; The righteous judge of all the world Will make His perfect justice known, Will make His perfect justice known. 3 Jehovah will a refuge prove, A refuge strong for all oppressed, A safe retreat, where weary souls In troublous times may surely rest, In troublous times may surely rest. 4 All they, O Lord, that know Thy Name Their confidence in Thee will place, For Thou hast ne’er forsaken them Who earnestly have sought Thy face, Who earnestly have sought Thy face. 5 Sing praises to the Lord Most High, To Him who does in Zion dwell; Declare His mighty deeds abroad, His deeds among the nations tell, His deeds among the nations tell. Topics: Afflictions Promises for; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Christians Saved by Grace; Glory of God In Providence; God Adored and Exalted; God Our Guardian; God the judge; God Our Refuge; Judgment Day; Missions Encouragements of; Praise Calls to; Praise For Works of Providence; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Safety Assured; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: RIVAULX
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Complaint Against the Wicked

Hymnal: PS1912 #18 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 10 First Line: Why standest Thou afar, O Lord Lyrics: 1 Why standest Thou afar, O Lord, Why art Thou hid in trouble's hour? The wicked persecute the poor In haughty pride and reckless pow'r. 2 Let their devices work their fall, For in their shame is all their pride; And while they seek unrighteous gain The Lord of justice is defied. 3 The wicked thinks, in foolish pride, There is no God Who will repay; He has no fear of God or man Because God's judgments long delay. 4 Unmoved by fear of coming doom, On fraud and wickedness intent, With craft he lurks and waits to catch The helpless and the innocent. 5 A lion crouching for his prey, He waits the poor to overthrow; He thinks that God remembers not, Or hides His face and will not know. 6 Arise, O Lord, lift up Thy hand, O God, protect the poor and meek; Why should the proud Thy justice doubt, And words of bold defiance speak? 7 O Lord, Thou wilt indeed requite, The sin and sorrow Thou dost see; The helpless and the fatherless Commit themselves, O Lord, to Thee. 8 Break Thou the pow'r of wicked men And let their works no longer stand; The Lord is King for evermore, Who drove the nations from His land. 9 Lord, Thou hast heard the lowly prayer, The fainting heart Thou wilt restore, The helpless cause Thou wilt maintain, That mortal man may boast no more. Topics: Afflictions Deliverance from; Afflictions From the Wicked; Character Vicious; Christians Persecuted and Sorrowing; Covetousness; God Denial of; God Fatherhood of; God Our Guardian; God Hearer of Prayer; God Kingly Character of; God Our Refuge; Heart God the Strength of; Judgments On the Wicked; Missions Encouragements of; Nations Dependence on God; Nations Ultimate Subjection of; Orphans; The Poor Remembered by God; Prayer Imprecations in; Pride; Retribution Belongs to God; Retribution Threatened; The Righteous Forsaken by God; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Temperance Songs; Temptation; Vanity Of Sinners; The Wicked Condemnation of; The Wicked Persecuting Spirit of; The Wicked Prayers for Punishment of; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: BRIGGS
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Prayer for the Oppressed

Hymnal: PS1912 #19 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 10 First Line: Why dost Thou stand afar Lyrics: 1 Why dost Thou stand afar, O Lord,in our distress? And why dost Thou conceal Thyself When troublous times oppress? 2 Do Thou, O Lord, arise; O God, lift up Thy hand; Forget Thou not the suff'ring poor, The humble in the land. 3 Their foes Thou dost behold, Their wrongs Thou wilt repay; The poor commit themselves to Thee, Thou art the orphan's stay. 4 Thou, Lord, hast heard their prayer With humble hearts drew nigh; Thou also wilt revive their strength And ever hear their cry. 5 Defend the fatherless And all who are oppressed, That they by human pride and pow'r May be no more distressed. Topics: Afflictions Deliverance from; Christians Persecuted and Sorrowing; God Our Guardian; God Hearer of Prayer; God Our Refuge; Heart God the Strength of; Humility; Judgments On the Wicked; Nations Rebuked in Wrath; Orphans; The Poor Remembered by God; Pride; Retribution Belongs to God; Temperance Songs; The Wicked Persecuting Spirit of; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: CLIFTON
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Unshaken Faith Amid Danger

Hymnal: PS1912 #20 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 11 First Line: In God will I trust, tho' my counselors say Lyrics: 1 In God will I trust, tho' my counselors say, O flee as a bird to your mountain away; The wicked are strong and the righteous are weak, Foundations are shaken, yet God will I seek. 2 The Lord in His temple shall ever abide; His throne is eternal, whatever betide. The children of men He beholds from on high, The wicked to punish, the righteous to try. 3 The Lord is most righteous, the Lord loves the right, the evil He hates and will surely requite; The wicked His anger will drive from their place, The upright in rapture shall gaze on His face. Topics: Access to God; Afflictions For sin; Afflictions From God; Christians Conscious of Safety; Comfort in Trials; Faith Confidence of; Faith Walking by; God Holiness of; God the judge; God Righteousness of; Hell; Judgment Day; Judgments On the Wicked; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Royalty of Christ Providential; Sin Hatred of; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: PROTECTION
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Assurance for Evil Days

Hymnal: PS1912 #21 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 12 First Line: O Lord, be Thou my helper true Lyrics: 1 O Lord, be Thou my helper true, For just and godly men are few; The faithful who can find? From truth and wisdom men depart, With flatt'ring lips and double heart They speak their evil mind. 2 The lips that speak, the truth to hide, The tongues of arrogance and pride, That boastful words employ, False-speaking tongues that boast their might, That own no law, that know no right, Jehovah will destroy. 3 Because the poor are sore oppressed, Because the needy are distressed, And bitter are their cries, The Lord will be their helper strong; To save them from contempt and wrong Jehovah will arise. 4 Jehovah's promises are sure, His words are true, His words are pure As silver from the flame. Tho' base men walk on ev'ry side, His saints are safe, whate'er betide, Protected by His Name. Topics: Backsliding; Bible Perfect and Pure; Character Vicious; Covenant False; Glory of God In Providence; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Sustaining; Heart Evil, Hard, and Stubborn; Prayer For Divine Favor; Prayer Promise to; Retribution Threatened; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Rulers Wicked; Sin Indwelling; Vanity Of Sinners; The Wicked Fate of Languages: English Tune Title: BREMEN
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Trust in the Mercy of God

Hymnal: PS1912 #22 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 13 First Line: How long wilt thou forget me Lyrics: 1 How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, Thou God of grace? How long shall fears beset me, While darkness hides Thy face? How long shall griefs distress me And turn my day to night? How long shall foes oppress me And triumph in their might? 2 O Lord my God, behold me, And hear my earnest cries; Lest sleep of death enfold me, Enlighten Thou mine eyes; Lest now my foe insulting Should boast of his success, And enemies exulting Rejoice in my distress. 3 But I with expectation Have on Thy grace relied; My heart in Thy salvation Shall still with joy confide. And I with voice of singing Will praise the Lord above, Who, richest bounties bringing, Has dealt with me in love. Topics: Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Assurance Desired; Christians Conflicts of; Comfort in Trials; Death Deprecated; Despondency; Enemies Many and Mighty; Faith Act of; Faith Blessedness of; Faith Confidence of; Grace Redeeming; Heart God the Strength of; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Spiritual Illumination; Patience; Praise For God's Mercy; Prayer Complaint in; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Deliverance from Death; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer Pleas in; The Righteous Forsaken by God; Sin Salvation from; Spiritual Darkness Languages: English Tune Title: OLIVA
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Human Corruption

Hymnal: PS1912 #23a (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: The God Who sits enthroned on high Lyrics: 1 The God Who sits enthroned on high The foolish in their heart deny; Not one does good; corrupt in tho't, Unrighteous works their hands have wrought. 2 From heav'n the Lord with searching eye Looked down the sons of men to try, To see if any understood And sought for God, the only good. 3 From righteousness they all depart, Corrupt are all, and vile in heart; yea, ev'ry man has evil done; Not one does good, not even one. 4 Has knowledge with the wicked failed, That they My people have assailed, That they delight in works of shame, And call not on Jehovah's Name? 5 Thy lowly servant they despise, Because he on the Lord relies; But they shall tremble yet in fear, For to the righteous God is near. 6 O that from Zion His abode Salvation were on us bestowed! When God His exiles shall restore, They shall in song His grace adore. Topics: Character New Birth Essential to Good; Character Vicious; Church Afflicted; Church Triumph of; Deliverance From Enemies; God Denial of; Heart Evil, Hard, and Stubborn; Man Sinful and Lost Condition; Missions Difficulties of; Missions Need for; Prayer For the Church; The Righteous Deliverances of; The Wicked Condemnation of; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: BLACKBURN
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Human Corruption

Hymnal: PS1912 #23b (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 14 First Line: The God Who sits enthroned on high Lyrics: 1 The God Who sits enthroned on high The foolish in their heart deny; Not one does good; corrupt in tho't, Unrighteous works their hands have wrought. 2 From heav'n the Lord with searching eye Looked down the sons of men to try, To see if any understood And sought for God, the only good. 3 From righteousness they all depart, Corrupt are all, and vile in heart; yea, ev'ry man has evil done; Not one does good, not even one. 4 Has knowledge with the wicked failed, That they My people have assailed, That they delight in works of shame, And call not on Jehovah's Name? 5 Thy lowly servant they despise, Because he on the Lord relies; But they shall tremble yet in fear, For to the righteous God is near. 6 O that from Zion His abode Salvation were on us bestowed! When God His exiles shall restore, They shall in song His grace adore. Topics: Character New Birth Essential to Good; Character Vicious; Church Afflicted; Church Triumph of; Deliverance From Enemies; God Denial of; Heart Evil, Hard, and Stubborn; Man Sinful and Lost Condition; Missions Difficulties of; Missions Need for; Prayer For the Church; The Righteous Deliverances of; The Wicked Condemnation of; The Wicked Warned Languages: English Tune Title: LAUDS
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Tests of Christian Character

Hymnal: PS1912 #24 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 15 First Line: Who, O Lord, with Thee abiding Lyrics: 1 Who, O Lord, with Thee abiding, In Thy house shall be Thy guest? Who, his feet to Zion turning, In Thy holy hill shall rest? He that ever walks uprightly, Does the right without a fear, When he speaks, he speaks not lightly, But with truth and love sincere. 2 He that slanders not his brother, Does no evil to a friend; To reproaches of another He refuses to attend. Wicked men win not his favor, But the good who fear the Lord; From his vow he will not waver, Tho' it bring him sad reward. 3 Freely to the needy lending, No excess he asks again; And the innocent befriending, He desires not praise of men. Doing this, and evil spurning, He shall nevermore be moved: This the man with Thee sojourning, This the man by Thee approved. Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Heaven; Benevolence; Character Tests of; Christ Communion with; Christians Duties of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Fidelity; Lord's Supper; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Character of; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; The Wicked Separation from; Worship Sincerity in Languages: English Tune Title: HELEN
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The Godly Man

Hymnal: PS1912 #25 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 15 First Line: Lord, who shall come to Thee Lyrics: 1 Lord, who shall come to Thee, And stand before Thy face? Who shall abide, a welcome guest, Within Thy holy place? 2 The man of upright life, Sincere in word and deed, Who slanders neither friend nor foe, Nor idle tales will heed. 3 Who honors godly men, But scorns the false and file, Who keeps his promised word to all, Thought loss be his the while. 4 Who loves not usury, Nor takes a base reward; Unmoved forever he shall be, And stand before the Lord. Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Heaven; Character Tests of; Christ Communion with; Christians Duties of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Fidelity; Lord's Supper; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Character of; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; The Wicked Separation from; Worship Sincerity in Languages: English Tune Title: LISBON
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An Ideal Worshiper

Hymnal: PS1912 #26 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 15 First Line: Who, O Lord, shall dwell with Thee Lyrics: 1 Who, O Lord, shall dwell with Thee In the temple of Thy grace? Who Thy constant guest shall be In Thy high and holy place? 2 He who walks in righteousness, All his actions just and clear; He whose words the truth express, Spoken from a heart sincere. 3 He to whom does not belong Tongue of malice or deceit, Who will not his neighbor wrong, Nor a slanderous tale repeat. 4 Who the wicked man will spurn, Honor those that fear the Lord; Nor will from his promise turn Though but loss be his reward. 5 Who no usury will claim, Nor with bribes pollute his hand; He who thus his life shall frame Shall unmoved forever stand. Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Heaven; Character Tests of; Christ Communion with; Christians Duties of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Fidelity; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Lord's Supper; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Character of; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Sincerity; The Wicked Separation from; Worship Sincerity in Languages: English Tune Title: INNOCENTS
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God the Highest Good

Hymnal: PS1912 #27 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 15 First Line: O God, preserve me, for in Thee Lyrics: 1 O God, preserve me, for in Thee Alone my trust has stood; My soul has said, Thou art my Lord. My chief and only good. 2 I love thy saints, who fear Thy Name And walk as in Thy sight; They are the excellent of earth, In them is my delight. 3 Their sorrows shall be multiplied Who worship aught but Thee; I share not in their offerings, Nor join their company. 4 The Lord is my inheritance, The Lord alone remains The fulness of my cup of bliss; The Lord my lot maintains. 5 The lines are fallen unto me In places large and fair; A goodly heritage is mine, Marked out with gracious care. Topics: Assurance Declared; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Communion with; Christ Confessing; Christ The Saviour; Christians Believers; Christians Christ the Life of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Companions Good; Faith Blessedness of; Faith Confession of; Fidelity; God Source of All Good; Idolatry; Joy Reasons for; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies; Preservation; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward; The Wicked Separation from; Zeal False Languages: English Tune Title: ST. PETER
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Fellowship with God

Hymnal: PS1912 #28 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 16 First Line: When in the night I meditate Lyrics: 1 When in the night I meditate On mercies multiplied, My grateful heart inspires my tongue to b less the Lord, my Guide. 2 Forever in my thought the Lord Before my face shall stand; Secure, unmoved, I shall remain, With Him at my right hand. 3 My inmost being thrills with joy And gladness fills my breast; Because on Him my trust is stayed, My flesh in hope shall rest. 4 I know that I shall not be left Forgotten in the grave, And from corruption, Thou, O Lord, Thy holy one wilt save. 5 The path of life Thou showest me; Of joy a boundless store Is ever found at Thy right hand, and pleasures evermore. Topics: Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Declared; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Burial of; Christ Communion with; Christ Confessing; Christ Ressurection of; Christ The Saviour; Christians Believers; Christians Christ the Life of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Death of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Etermal Life; Faith Act of; Faith Blessedness of; God Omnipotence of; God Source of All Good; Heaven; Immortality; Joy Divinely Bestowed; Joy Reasons for; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward Languages: English Tune Title: MAITLAND
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Immortality and Resurrection

Hymnal: PS1912 #29 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 16 First Line: To Thee, O Lord, I fly Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O Lord, I fly And on Thy help depend; Thou art my Lord and King Most High; Do Thou my soul defend. I praise the Lord above Whose counsel guides aright; My heart instructs me in His love In seasons of the night. 2 I keep before me still The Lord Whom I have proved; At my right hand He guards from ill, And I shall not be moved. My heart is glad and blest, My soul its joy shall tell; And, lo, my flesh in hope shall rest, And still in safety dwell. 3 My soul in death's dark pit Shall not be left by Thee; corruption Thou wilt not permit Thy holy one to see. Life's pathway Thou wilt show, To Thy right hand wilt guide, Where streams of pleasure ever flow, And boundless joys abide. Topics: Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Declared; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Burial of; Christ Communion with; Christ Confessing; Christ Providences of; Christ Ressurection of; Christ The Saviour; Christians Believers; Christians Christ the Life of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Death of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Etermal Life; Faith Act of; Faith Blessedness of; God Omnipotence of; God Source of All Good; Heaven; Immortality; Joy Divinely Bestowed; Joy Reasons for; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward Languages: English Tune Title: LEOMINSTER
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The Lord Our Inheritance

Hymnal: PS1912 #30 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 16 First Line: To Thee, O Lord I fly Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O Lord, I fly And on Thy help depend; Thou art my Lord and King Most High; Do Thou my soul defend. A heritage for me Jehovah will remain; My portion rich and full is He, My right He will maintain. 2 The lot to me that fell Is beautiful and fair; The heritage in which I dwell Is good beyond compare I praise the Lord above Whose counsel guides aright; My heart instructs me in His love In seasons of the night. 3 I keep before me still The Lord Whom I have proved; At my right hand He guards from ill, And I shall not be moved. Life's pathway Thou wilt show, To Thy right hand wilt guide, Where streams of pleasure ever flow, And boundless joys abide. The Psalter: with the doctrinal standards and liturgy of the Christian Reformed Church, 1912 Topics: Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Declared; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Confessing; Christ Ressurection of; Christians Believers; Christians Christ the Life of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Etermal Life; Faith Act of; Faith Blessedness of; God Omnipotence of; God Source of All Good; Heaven; Immortality; Joy Divinely Bestowed; Joy Reasons for; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward Languages: English Tune Title: MARY
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The Prayer of the Righteous

Hymnal: PS1912 #31 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 17 First Line: Lord, hear the right, regard my cry Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the right, regard my cry, My prayer from lips sincere; Send Thy approval from on high, My righteousness make clear. Thou in the night my heart hast tried, Nor found it turned from Thee aside. 2 With steadfast courage I design No wrong to speak or do; Thy path of life I choose for mine And walk with purpose true. For help, O God, I cry to Thee, Assured that Thou wilt answer me. 3 O Thou that ever savest those Whose trust on Thee is stayed, Preserving them from all their foes By Thy almighty aid, Let me Thy loving-kindness see, Thy wondrous mercy, full and free. 4 O guard me well as one doth guard The apple of the eye; While deadly foes are pressing hard, To Thee, to Thee I cry. Do Thou my rest and refuge be, O let Thy wings o'er shadow me. 5 My enemy, grown strong in pride, Would take my life away, A lion lurking by my side, Most greedy for his prey. Confront and cast him down, O Lord, From evil save me by Thy sword. 6 Defend me from the men of pride, Whose portion is below, Who, with life's treasures satisfied, No better portion know; They, with earth's joys and wealth content, Must leave them all when life is spent. 7 When I in righteousness at last Thy glorious face shall see, When all the weary night is past, And I awake with Thee To view the glories that abide, Then, then I shall be satisfied. Topics: Afflictions From the Wicked; Aspirations For Heaven; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Character Good and Bad Contrasted; Character Vicious; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Death Comfort In; Decision; Enemies Many and Mighty; Etermal Life; Fidelity; God Our Guardian; God Our Guide; God Hearer of Prayer; God Righteousness of; Heart Searching of; Heaven; Nature Sinners Typified in; Patience; Perseverance; Prayer Complaint in; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies; Prayer Pleas in; Prayer Promise to; Prayer Sincerity in; Preservation; Prosperity Without God's Blessing; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward; Riches; The Righteous Contrasted with the Wicked; Sin Salvation from; Sincerity; Temptation; Trust in God Blessedness of; The Wicked Condemnation of; Worship Sincerity in Languages: English Tune Title: CALM
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Our Need of Divine Help

Hymnal: PS1912 #32 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 17 First Line: Lord, hear the right, regard my cry Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the right, regard my cry, My prayer from lips sincere; Send Thy approval from on high, My righteousness make clear. Thou in the night my heart hast tried, Nor found it turned from Thee aside. 2 With steadfast courage I design No wrong to speak or do; Thy path of life I choose for mine And walk with purpose true. For help, O God, I cry to Thee, Assured that Thou wilt answer me. 3 O Thou that ever savest those Whose trust on Thee is stayed, Preserving them from all their foes By Thy almighty aid, Let me Thy loving-kindness see, Thy wondrous mercy, full and free. 4 When I in righteousness at last Thy glorious face shall see, When all the weary night is past, And I awake with Thee To view the glories that abide, Then, then I shall be satisfied. Topics: Aspirations For Heaven; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Death Comfort In; Decision; Etermal Life; Fidelity; God Hearer of Prayer; God Righteousness of; Heart Searching of; Heaven; Patience; Perseverance; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies; Prayer Pleas in; Prayer Promise to; Prayer Sincerity in; Preservation; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward; Sin Salvation from; Sincerity; Trust in God Blessedness of; Worship Sincerity in Languages: English Tune Title: LONGFELLOW
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Our Refuge in the Lord

Hymnal: PS1912 #33a (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 17 First Line: Lord, hear the right, attend my cry Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the right, attend my cry, And to my prayer give ear, My prayer that riseth unto Thee From heart and lips sincere. 2 I shunned the ways of sicken men, For I Thy word obey; Upon Thy paths my steps held fast, My feet slipped not away. 3 On Thee, O God, again I call, For Thou wilt answer me; Incline Thy ear and hear the prayer That I direct to Thee. 4 Thy wondrous loving-kindness show, Thou Who by Thy right hand Defendest those who trust in Thee From all who them withstand. 5 Soon I in glorious righteousness Shall see Thee as Thou art; Thy likeness, Lord, when I awake Shall satisfy my heart. Topics: Aspirations For Heaven; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Death Comfort In; Etermal Life; Fidelity; God Hearer of Prayer; God Righteousness of; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Heaven; Patience; Perseverance; Prayer For Pardon; Prayer Pleas in; Prayer Sincerity in; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward; Sin Salvation from; Sincerity; Trust in God Blessedness of; The Wicked Separation from; Worship Sincerity in Languages: English Tune Title: AGAWAM
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Our Refuge in the Lord

Hymnal: PS1912 #33b (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 17 First Line: Lord, hear the right, attend my cry Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the right, attend my cry, And to my prayer give ear, My prayer that riseth unto Thee From heart and lips sincere. 2 I shunned the ways of sicken men, For I Thy word obey; Upon Thy paths my steps held fast, My feet slipped not away. 3 On Thee, O God, again I call, For Thou wilt answer me; Incline Thy ear and hear the prayer That I direct to Thee. 4 Thy wondrous loving-kindness show, Thou Who by Thy right hand Defendest those who trust in Thee From all who them withstand. 5 Soon I in glorious righteousness Shall see Thee as Thou art; Thy likeness, Lord, when I awake Shall satisfy my heart. Topics: Aspirations For Heaven; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Death Comfort In; Etermal Life; Fidelity; God Hearer of Prayer; God Righteousness of; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Heaven; Patience; Perseverance; Prayer For Pardon; Prayer Pleas in; Prayer Sincerity in; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward; Sin Salvation from; Sincerity; Trust in God Blessedness of; The Wicked Separation from; Worship Sincerity in Languages: English Tune Title: HERMANN
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God's Strength Our Protection

Hymnal: PS1912 #34 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 18 First Line: I love the lord, His strength is mine Lyrics: 1 I love the Lord, His strength is mine; He is my God, I trust His grace; My fortress high, my shield divine, My Savior and my hiding-place. 2 My prayer to God shall still be raised When troubles thick around me close; The lord, most worthy to be praised, Will rescue me from all my foes. 3 When, floods of evil raging near, Down nigh to dearth my soul was brought I cried to God in all my fear; He heard and great deliv'rance wrought. 4 He came: the earth's foundations quake, The hills are shaken from their place, Thick smoke and fire devouring break In anger dread before His face. 5 Descending through the bending skies, With gloom and darkness under Him, Forth through the storm Jehovah flies As on the wings of cherubim. 6 Thick darkness hides Him from the view, And swelling clouds His presence veil, Until His glorious light breaks through In lighting flash and glistening hail. 7 Jehovah's thunders fill the heaven, The dreadful voice of God Most High; With shafts of light the clouds are riven, His foes, dismayed, in terror fly. 8 The raging torrents overflow, And sweep the world's foundations bare, Because Thy blasts of anger blow, O Lord of earth and sea and air. 9 He took me from the whelming waves Of bitter hate and sore distress; The Lord, my stay and helper, saves, Thought mighty foes around me press. 10 From direful straits He set me free, He saved the man of His delight; For good the Lord rewarded me, Because I kept His ways aright. Topics: Adoration; Afflictions Deliverance from; Angels; Christ Love to; Christ Power of; Christ Preciousness of; Christ Providences of; Christians Conflicts of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Death Deprecated; Deliverance From Enemies; Glory of God In Providence; God Adored and Exalted; God Our Guardian; God Hearer of Prayer; God Invisibility of; God Our Refuge; God Works of; Love For God; Nature Revelation of God in; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Praise For Works of Providence; Prayer Answers to; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies; Prayer For Deliverance from Trouble; Prayer For Pardon; Preservation; Providence of God Over Saints; Retribution Belongs to God; The Righteous Deliverances of; Safety Assured; Safety Enjoyed; Trust in God Expression of Languages: English Tune Title: MENDON
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Holiness and Divine Favor

Hymnal: PS1912 #35 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 18 First Line: Since with my God with perfect heart Lyrics: 1 Since with my God with perfect heart I walk and make His word my guide, And from iniquity depart, The Lord His blessing will provide. 2 The merciful shall know Thy grace, The perfect Thy perfection see, The pure shall see Thy own pure face, The froward find a foe in Thee. 3 To smite the proud and bring them low, To save the poor is Thy delight. The Lord will cause my lamp to glow, My God will make my darkness light. 4 From God the vict'ry I receive; Most perfect is His holy way; His word is tried, they who believe Will find the Lord their shield and stay. 5 For who is God, and strong to save, Beside the Lord our God of might? 'Tis He that makes me strong and brave, The Lord Who guides my steps aright. 6 Thy free salvation is my shield, My sure defense in every strait; Thy hand upholds me, lest I yield; Thy gentleness has made me great. Topics: Afflictions Promises for; Afflictions Watchfulness in; Aspirations For Holiness; Bible Spirit's Aid in Study of; Character Value of Good; Christ Confessing; Christ Light and Guide; Christ Providences of; Christ Righteousness of; Christians Conquerors; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Graces of; Comfort in Trials; Deliverance From Enemies; Glory of God In Providence; God Adored and Exalted; God Attributes of; God Gentleness of; God Righteousness of; Gospel Freeness of ; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Spiritual Illumination; Perseverance; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Pardon; Providence of God Over Saints; Safety Assured; Sin Salvation from; Sincerity; Trust in God Expression of; Worship Sincerity in Languages: English Tune Title: CLOLATA
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Our Source of Strength

Hymnal: PS1912 #36 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 18 First Line: As Thou, O Lord, hast made me strong Lyrics: 1 As Thou, O Lord, hast made me strong To overcome my mighty foe, So now to fight against the wrong And conquer in Thy Name I go. 2 From strife Thou wilt deliver me, And make the nations own my sway; Strange peoples when my pow'r they see, Shall come with trembling and obey. 3 Jehovah lives, and blest is He, My rock, my refuge and defense, My Saviour Who delivers me, And will the wicked recompense. 4 For grace and mercy ever near, For foes subdued and victories won, All nations of the earth shall hear My praise for what the Lord has done. 5 To David, His anointed king, And to his sons upon his throne, The Lord will great salvation bring And ever make His mercy known. Topics: Christian Activity; Christ Anointed; Christ Confessing; Christ Power of; Christians Conquerors; Christians Conscious of Safety; Comfort in Trials; Deliverance From Enemies; Glory of God In Providence; God Adored and Exalted; God Our Refuge; God Works of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Missions Encouragements of; Nations Conversion of; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Praise For Works of Providence; Prayer For Pardon; Providence of God Over Saints; The Righteous Deliverances of; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers in Relation to; Royalty of Christ Divinely Conferred; Safety Assured; Trust in God Expression of; Christian warfare Languages: English Tune Title: MOZART
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Nature's Tribute to God

Hymnal: PS1912 #37 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 19 First Line: The spacious heav'ns declare Lyrics: 1 The spacious heav'ns declare The glory of our God, The firmament displays His handiwork abroad; Day unto day proclaims His might, And night His wisdom tells to night. 2 Aloud they do not speak, They utter forth no word, Nor into language break Their voice is never heard; Yet through the world the truth they bear And their Creator's pow'r declare. 3 The clouds of heav'n are spread, A tent to hold the sun, And like a bridegroom fair Comes forth the mighty one, Rejoicing in his strength and grace To run his wondrous daily race. 4 His daily going forth Is from the end of heav'n; The firmament to him Is for his circuit giv'n; His journey reaches to its ends, And ev'rywhere his heat extends. Topics: Glory of God In Creation; God Creator of All; God Works of; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Nature Revelation of God in; Praise By Universe; Prayer For Pardon Languages: English Tune Title: ARTHUR'S SEAT
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The Perfect Law of God

Hymnal: PS1912 #38 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 19 First Line: Jehovah's perfect law Lyrics: 1 Jehovah's perfect law Restores the soul again; His testimony sure Gives wisdom unto men; The precepts of the Lord are right, And fill the heart with great delight. 2 The Lord's commands are pure, They light and joy restore; Jehovah's fear is clean, Enduring evermore; His statutes, let the world confess, Are wholly truth and righteousness. 3 They are to be desired Above the finest gold; Than honey from the comb More sweetness far they hold; With warnings they Thy servant guard, In keeping them is great reward. 4 His errors who can know? Cleanse me from hidden stain; Keep me from willful sins, Nor let them o'er me reign; And then I upright shall appear And be from great transgressions clear. 5 When Thou dost search my life, May all my tho'ts within And all the words I speak Thy full approval win. O Lord, Thou art a rock to me, And my Redeemer Thou shalt be. Topics: Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Bible A Guide; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Perfect and Pure; Bible Precious; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Prophetic Office of; Christians Duties of; Godly Fear Described; God Our Guide; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Spiritual Illumination; Law of God; Obedience; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Sin Salvation from Languages: English Tune Title: HADDAM
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The Witness of Nature to God

Hymnal: PS1912 #39 (1912) Meter: 8.8.8. Scripture: Psalm 19 First Line: The heav'ns in their splendor declare Lyrics: 1. The heav'ns in their splendor declare The might and the glory of God, For day unto day speaks His praise, And night tells His wisdom abroad. 2 They speak not with audible word, Yet clear is the message they send; Their witness goes out thro' the earth, Their word to the world's farthest end. 3 Forsaking his tent in the sky, Arrayed as a bridegroom, the sun Comes forth in his glorious strength, Rejoicing his circuit to run. 4 He tells thro' the length of the heav'ns His Maker's great wisdom and might, And nothing is all of the earth Is hid from his heat and his light. Topics: Glory of God In Creation; God Creator of All; God Works of; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Nature Revelation of God in; Praise By Universe Languages: English Tune Title: OLENA
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The Divine Law

Hymnal: PS1912 #40 (1912) Meter: 8.8.8. Scripture: Psalm 19 First Line: The law that the Lord has ordained Lyrics: 1 The law that the Lord has ordained Is perfect, the soul to restore; His truth makes the simple most wise, The truth that is sure evermore. 2 His precepts are righteous and just, Rejoicing the heart and the mind; And all His commandments are pure, Enlight'ning the eyes of the blind. 3 The fear of the Lord is most clean, Forever unmoved it has stood; His judgments are perfectly true, In all things most righteous and good. 4 Such treasure no gold can supply, Such sweetness no honey afford; Their warnings none heed and obey But find most abundant reward. 5 O who can his errors discern? From hidden faults, Lord, keep me free; Let pride never reign in my heart, And clear of great sin I shall be. 6 I pray that my words and my thoughts May all with Thy precepts accord, And ever be pleasing to Thee, My rock, my Redeemer, my Lord. Topics: Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Bible A Guide; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Perfect and Pure; Bible Precious; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Prophetic Office of; Christians Duties of; Godly Fear Described; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Spiritual Illumination; Law of God; Obedience; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Sin Salvation from Languages: English Tune Title: ESKRIDGE
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The Value of Holy Scripture

Hymnal: PS1912 #41 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 19 First Line: Most perfect is the law of God Lyrics: 1 Most perfect is the law of God, Restoring those that stray; His testimony is most sure, Proclaiming wisdom's way. 2 The precepts of the Lord are right; With joy they fill the heart; The Lord's commandments all are pure, And clearest light impart. 3 The fear of God is undefiled And ever shall endure; The statutes of the Lord are truth And righteousness most pure. 4 They warn from ways of wickedness Displeasing to the Lord, And in the keeping of His Word There is a great reward. 5 What man can know his evil heart, Discerning all his sin? O cleanse me, Lord, from hidden faults, And make me pure within. 6 From willful sins Thy servant keep, No vantage let them gain; From great transgressions thus made free, I upright shall remain. 7 The words which from my mouth proceed, The thoughts within my heart, Accept, O Lord, for Thou my Rock And my Redeemer art. Topics: Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Perfect and Pure; Bible Precious; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Prophetic Office of; Christians Duties of; Godly Fear Described; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Spiritual Illumination; Law of God; Obedience; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Sin Salvation from Languages: English Tune Title: MOUNT AUBURN
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Love for God's Word

Hymnal: PS1912 #42 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 19 First Line: Most perfect is the law of God Refrain First Line: O how love I Thy law! Lyrics: 1 Most perfect is the law of God, Restoring those that stray; His testimony is most sure, Proclaiming wisdom's way. Refrain: O how love I Thy law! O how love I Thy law! It is my meditation all the day. O how love I Thy law! O how love I Thy law! It is my meditation all the day. (all the day) 2 The precepts of the Lord are right; With joy they fill the heart; The Lord's commandments all are pure, And clearest light impart. (Refrain) 3 The fear of God is undefiled And ever shall endure; The statutes of the Lord are truth And righteousness most pure. (Refrain) 4 They warn from ways of wickedness Displeasing to the Lord, And in the keeping of His Word There is a great reward. (Refrain) Topics: Aspirations For Holiness; Bible A Guide; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Perfect and Pure; Bible Precious; Bible Spirit's Aid in Study of; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Prophetic Office of; Godly Fear Described; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Law of God; Obedience; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God Languages: English Tune Title: KINSMAN
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Mutual Intercession

Hymnal: PS1912 #43 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 20 First Line: Jehovah hear thee in thy grief Lyrics: 1 Jehovah hear thee in thy grief, Our fathers' God defend thee still, Send from His holy place relief, And strengthen thee from Zion's hill. 2 Thy sacrifice may He regard, And all thy off'rings bear in mind; Thy heart's desire to thee accord, Fulfilling all thou hast designed. 3 In thy salvation we rejoice, And in God's Name our banners raise; Jehovah hearken to thy voice, Fulfill thy prayers thro' all thy days. 4 Salvation will the Lord command, And His anointed will defend; Yea, with the strength of His right hand From heav'n He will an answer send. 5 How vain their ev'ry confidence Who on mere human help rely; But we remember for defense The Name of God, the Lord Most High. 6 Now we arise and upright stand, While they, subdued and helpless fall; Jehovah, save us by Thy hand, The King give answer when we call. Topics: Christ Conqueror; Christians Believers; Christians Conquerors; Christians Saved by Grace; Church Triumph of; Comfort in Trials; Faith Blessedness of; Faith Confession of; Faith Confidence of; God Hearer of Prayer; Gospel Freeness of ; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Deliverance from Trouble; Prayer For Rulers; Prayer Intercession in; Safety Assured; Vanity Of Men and Riches; Worship Grace Needed for Languages: English Tune Title: WARD
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The Safeguards of Prayer

Hymnal: PS1912 #44 (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 20 First Line: Jehovah hear thee in the day Lyrics: 1 Jehovah hear thee in the day When trouble He doth send: And let our covenant-keeping God From ev'ry ill defend. 2 O let Him send His help to thee Forth from His holy place; Let Him from Zion, His own hill Sustain thee by His grace. 3 May He remember all thy gifts, Accept thy sacrifice: And, granting thee thy heart's desire Fulfill thy counsels wise. 4 In thy salvation we will joy; When thou to God dost pray, May he give answer, in Whose Name Our banners we display. Topics: Benediction; Christ Conqueror; Christians Believers; Christians Conquerors; Christians Saved by Grace; Church Triumph of; Comfort in Trials; Faith Blessedness of; Faith Confession of; Faith Confidence of; God Hearer of Prayer; Grace Sustaining; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Deliverance from Trouble; Prayer For Rulers; Prayer Intercession in; Safety Assured; Worship Grace Needed for Languages: English Tune Title: WIRTH
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Jesus Crowned and Triumphant

Hymnal: PS1912 #45 (1912) Scripture: Psalm 21 First Line: Now the King in Thy strength shall be joyful, O Lord Lyrics: 1 Now the King in Thy strength shall be joyful, O Lord, Thy salvation shall make Him rejoice; For the wish of His heart Thou didst freely accord, The request of His suppliant voice. 2 All the blessings of goodness Thou freely didst give; With the purest of gold he is crowned; When He asked of Thee life Thou hast made Him to live While the ages shall circle around. 3 Thro' salvation from Thee hath His fame spread abroad, Thou didst glory and honor impart; Thou hast made Him most blessed forever, O God, And Thy presence hath gladdened His heart. 4 For the King in the strength of Jehovah Most High Did unwavering confidence place; On the Name of Jehovah He still will rely, And shall stand evermore in His grace. 5 By the hand of Thy might and Thy anger destroyed, All Thy foes and their offspring shall fall; By the evil they planned and the craft they employed They shall never against Thee prevail. 6 Thou wilt speedily make them turn backward in flight, When Thy arrows are aimed to destroy. O Jehovah, be Thou far exalted in might, And Thy pow'r shall our praises employ. Topics: Anger of God Fearful; Anger of God Righteous; Christ Beauty of; Christ Exaltation of; Civil Magistracy; Enemies Destruction of; Faith Blessedness of; Glory of God In Providence; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; God Source of All Good; Joy Reasons for; Judgments On the Wicked; Missions Influence of; Nations Ultimate Subjection of; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer Answers to; Prayer Imprecations in; Retribution Threatened; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers in Relation to; Royalty of Christ Divinely Conferred; Royalty of Christ Reward of His Obedience; Rulers Duties of; Salvation God's Gift; Thanksgiving Declared; The Wicked Fate of Languages: English Tune Title: LATAKIA
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The Coronation of Jesus Christ

Hymnal: PS1912 #46a (1912) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 21 First Line: The King rejoiceth in Thy strength Lyrics: 1 The King rejoiceth in Thy strength, In Thy salvation, Lord Most High, For Thou hast filled His heart's desire, His prayer Thy love doth not deny. 2 A kingly crown Thou givest Him, Thy blessings meet Him on His ways; He asked for life, and unto Him Thou gavest endless length of days. 3 With majesty and honor crowned, How great His glory in Thy grace! Forever blest, Thou makest Him With joy to live before Thy face. 4 The King doth in Jehovah trust, His loving-kindness He hath proved; Confiding in the Lord Most High He standeth evermore unmoved. Topics: Christ Exaltation of; Civil Magistracy; Faith Blessedness of; Gospel Freeness of ; Joy Reasons for; Royalty of Christ Reward of His Obedience Languages: English Tune Title: FALCONER


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