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Tune Identifier:"^meinen_jesum_lass_ich_hammerschmidt$"

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Jesus I Will Never Leave

Author: C. Keimann, 1607-62 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #362 (1996) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Jesus I will never leave, Who for me Himself hath given; Firmly unto Him I'll cleave, Nor from Him be ever driven. Life from Him doth light receive-- Jesus I will never leave. 2 Jesus I will never leave While on earth I am abiding; What I have to Him I give, In all cares in Him confiding. Naught shall me of Him bereave-- Jesus I will never leave. 3 Though my sight shall pass away, Hearing, taste, and feeling fail me; Though my life's last light of day Shall o'ertake and sore assail me; When His summons I receive, Jesus I will never leave. 4 Nor will I my Jesus leave When at last I shall come thither Where His saints He will receive, Where is bliss they live together. Endless joy to me He'll give-- Jesus I will never leave. 5 Nor for earth's vain joys I crave Nor, without Him, heaven's pleasure; Jesus, who my soul did save, Evermore shall be my Treasure. He redemption did achieve-- Jesus I will never leave. Topics: Easter 2 Languages: English Tune Title: MEINEN JESUM LASS ICH NICHT
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Glad Hosanna! David's Son

Author: Benjamin Schmolck; Rev. E. Cronenwett, D. D. Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #17 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Glad Hosanna! David's Son Comes to Zion; come, adore Him; O set up the regal throne, Raise a thousand arches o'er Him; Strew the palm, prepare His way, This is high reception day,. 2 Glad Hosanna! welcome Thou! We go forth with praise to meet Thee, Waiting hearts in homage now Lay we at thy feet to greet Thee; Enter Thou our portals, Lord, Welcomed by us and adored. 3 Glad Hosanna! King of Kings, Prince of Peace, Hero victorious! Thy achievement for us brings Spoils of warfare rich and glorious, Thy dominion will endure, And Thy realm alone stand sure. 4 Glad Hosanna! honored Guest, We too are Thy subjects royal, Chosen by Thee to be blest: May we e'er to Thee prove loyal, And Thy scepter ne'er disown; In us, Lord, rule Thou alone! 5 Glad hosanna! Nazarene, For Thy meekness we adore Thee. Though a servant's humble mien Would conceal Thine inner Glory Zion doth still know and own Thee as God's and David's Son. 6 Glad Hosanna! help, good Lord; Grant success and grace, we pray Thee. May we all with one accord With an upright heart obey Thee. Thou wilt every one receive Who will hear Thee and believe. 7 Glad Hosanna! let us here O'er low Olivet attend Thee, Till we shall for aye revere Thee on high; O thither wend we, There's our heavenly Bethpage; High Hosanna there to Thee! 8 Glad Hosanna! we accord Thee our welcome, and implore Thee: Come, thou blessed of the Lord! Joyous hearts are open for Thee. Glad Hosanna! art Thou near? Hallelujah! Thou art here! Topics: The Church Year Advent; First Sunday of Advent; Sixth Sunday in Lent Languages: English Tune Title: SAXONY (Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht)
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Jesus! shall our watch-word be

Author: Benjamin Schmolck; James Drummond Burns Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #43 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Jesus! shall our watchword be, As the New Year's dawn spreads o'er us; Jesus' Name alone will we As our standard bear before us; In His cov'nant grace we stand, Journeying to the promised land. 2 Jesus' Name and Jesus' Word Shall resound in fullest measure In our churches, and be heard. May we tread His courts with pleasure, That our hearts, through grace anew, Prove a holy temple too. 3 Thus our pathways would we tread, And in Jesus' Name confide us; While this Star guides over head, Nothing evil can betide us; In its light of grace and love Blessings come from heaven above. 4 Jesus' Name shall lighten pain, And in all our ills relieve us; Losses thus shall turn to gain, And to blessings what seemed grievous; Jesus' Name is Sun and Shield, Here must all our sorrows yield. Topics: New Year Festival of the Circumcision; The Church Year New Year; New Year's Day Languages: English Tune Title: SAXONY (Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht)
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"Jesus sinners doth receive"

Author: Erdmann Neumeister Hymnal: Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church #325 (1917) Lyrics: 1 "Jesus sinners doth receive:" Word of surest consolation! Word all sorrow to relieve, Word of pardon, peace, salvation! Naught like this can comfort give: "Jesus sinners doth receive." 2 On God's grace we have no claim, Yet to us His pledge is given; He hath sworn by His own Name, Open are the gates of heaven. Take to heart this word and live: "Jesus sinners doth receive." 3 When a helpless lamb doth stray, After it, the Shepherd, pressing Through each dark and dangerous way, Brings it back, his own possessing. Jesus seeks thee, O believe: "Jesus sinners doth receive." 4 Sorrowing, Lord, I yield to Thee, Weary of sin's heavy burden; Let Thy grace my portion be, All I crave for is Thy pardon, I, thy promise, I believe: "Jesus sinners doth receive." Amen. Topics: The Christian Life Faith Languages: English Tune Title: MEINEN JESUM LASS ICH NICHT
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Heavenward doth our journey tend

Author: Benjamin Schmolck; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #407 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Heavenward doth our journey tend, Here on earth we are but strangers, Towards our promised Land we wend, Thro' a wilderness of dangers; Here we roam a pilgrim band, Yonder is our native land. 2 Heavenward stretch, my soul, thy wings, Thou canst claim a heavenly nature; Cleave not to these earthly things, Thou canst rest not in the creature. Every soul that God inspires, Back to Him, its Source, aspires. 3 Heavenward! doth His Spirit cry, Oft as in His word I hear Him; Pointing to the rest on high Where I shall be ever near Him. When His Word fills all my thought, Oft to heaven my soul is caught. 4 Heavenward still I long to haste, When Thy Supper, Lord, is given; Heavenly strength on earth I taste, Feeding on the Bread of Heaven; Such is e'en on earth our fare, Who Thy marriage feast will share. 5 Heavenward! To that blessed home Death at last will surely lead me; All my trials overcome, Christ with life and joy will feed me; Who Himself hath gone before That we too might heavenward soar. 6 Heavenward! This shall be my cry While a pilgrim here I wander, Passing earth's allurements by For the love of what is yonder; Heavenward all my being tends, Till in Heaven my journey ends. Topics: Fourth Sunday after Trinity; Twenty Third Sunday after Trintiy; Third Sunday after Easter; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Christian Resolve and Holiness; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Christian Resolve and Holiness Languages: English Tune Title: SAXONY (Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht)
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Gentle Shepherd, Thou hast still'd

Author: Johann Wilhelm Meinhold, D. D.; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #447 (1908) Lyrics: 1 Gentle Shepherd, Thou hast still'd Now Thy little lamb’s last weeping; Ah! how peaceful, pale and mild In its narrow bed ’tis sleeping! And no sigh of anguish sore Heaves that little bosom more. 2 In this world of care and pain, Lord, Thou wouldst no longer leave it; To the sunny heavenly plain Dost Thou now in joy receive it; Clothed in robes of spotless white, Now it dwells with Thee in light. Topics: Christian Life and Hope The Consummation: Death and Burial; Christian Life and Hope The Consummation: Death and Burial Languages: English Tune Title: SAXONY (Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht)
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Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht

Hymnal: Vierstimmige Melodien #80 (1897) Languages: German Tune Title: [Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht]
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Sinners May To Christ Draw Near

Author: H. Brueckner; E. Neumeister Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #125 (1930) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Sinners may to Christ draw near: Let this word of consolation Be proclaimed to ev'ry soul Sore in need of God's salvation. Grace and peace are offered here: Sinners may to Christ draw near. 2 Naught but wrath have I deserved, Yet the pledge to me is given In His sure, prophetic Word That my home shall be in heaven. This allays all doubt and fear: Sinners may to Christ draw near. 3 When a sheep hath gone astray, After it the shepherd goeth; Jesus, loving all His own, On the lost His help bestoweth, Lest they be devoid of cheer: Sinners may to Christ draw near. 4 Come, ye sinners, one and all, Heavy-laden, sorely stricken; Jesus gives you sure relief, He your fainting hearts will quicken; When the way looks dark and drear, Sinners may to Christ draw near. 5 Sinners may to Christ draw near; I am not by Him rejected. He hath opened wide the gate And a throne of grace erected. For me, too, the way is clear: Sinners may to Christ draw near. Topics: The Means of Grace Faith and Justification Languages: English Tune Title: SAXONY

Jesus! Shall The Watchword Be

Author: Benjamin Schmolck; James D. Burns Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11657 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Jesus! shall the watchword be, For the year that is before us us; Jesus’ name the world shall see As the banner waving o’er us— Over all who Him obey, And are walking in His way. 2 Jesus’ name and Jesus’ grace We in Zion are confessing, And whene’er we seek the place Where that name commands the blessing, There we shall His glory see, There the heart His temple be. 3 With that name upon our lips, We will go where’er He guide us; With that star before our steps Nothing evil can betide us. Bright will be each hour and place With the sunshine of His grace. 4 Through that name our fiery pains Grow a purifying ordeal, And our bitterest cup contains, Through its power a wholesome cordial. Jesus’ name is sun and shield, And will endless solace yield! Languages: English Tune Title: SAXONY
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Jesus lives! no longer now

Author: Frances E. Cox Hymnal: Twenty-Four English Hymns #9 (1923) Languages: English Tune Title: [Jesus lives! no longer now]
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Light of light, enlighten me

Author: Catherine Winkworth; B. Schmolck Hymnal: The Bach Chorale Book #60 (1922) Languages: English Tune Title: [Light of light, enlighten me]

Cristo Sea la Señal

Author: Benjamin Schmolck, 1672-1737; Max G. H. Schmidt Hymnal: Cántico Nuevo #415 (1962) Languages: Spanish Tune Title: JESUS SOLL DIE LOSUNG SEIN

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