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Meter: d

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I Was Filled with Joy and Gladness

Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Church As the Lord's House; Jerusalem; Peace and Joy; Worship Used With Tune: CWM RHONDDA Text Sources: OPC/URCNA 2016
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Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Author: William Williams, 1717-1791; Peter Williams Meter: D Appears in 1,833 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy pow'rful hand; Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more, feed me till I want no more. 2 Open now the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow; let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through; strong Deliv'rer, strong Deliv'rer, be thou still my strength and shield, be thou still my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside; Death of death, and hell's Destruction, land me safe on Canaan's side; songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to thee, I will ever give to thee. Topics: Death Conquered; Cast Out Fear; God Jehovah; Water of Life Scripture: Exodus 13:21 Used With Tune: CWM RHONDDA

God Is Coming

Author: Sue M. O. Hoffman Meter: D Appears in 23 hymnals First Line: God is coming! God is coming! shout aloud the glad refrain Refrain First Line: God is coming! pass the watchword all along the line today

Hark, we hear again the chorus

Author: Samuel Longfellow Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Out of every clime and people

O For the Tongue of an Angel

Author: Fanny Crosby Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals

Pentecostal Fire Is Falling

Author: George Bennard Meter: D Appears in 12 hymnals First Line: In the book of God so precious Lyrics: 1 In the book of God so precious We are told of Pentecost, How the blessed Lord’s disciples Tarried for the Holy Ghost. Pentecostal fire fell on them, Burning up their sin and dross, Filling them with power for service, Making them a mighty host. Refrain: Pentecostal fire is falling, Praise the Lord, it fell on me; Pentecostal fire is falling, Brother, it will fall on thee. 2 Pentecost can be repeated, For the Lord is just the same, Yesterday, today, forever, Glory to His precious name! Saints of God can be victorious Over sin and death and hell; Have a full and free salvation, And the blessed story tell. [Refrain] 3 When the Church of Jesus tarries, Pentecostal fire will fall, Sin and wrong will be defeated, Sinners on the Lord will call. She will march to glorious victory, Over every land and sea, Lifting high the bloodstained banner, Holiness her motto be. [Refrain] Used With Tune: GUANGXI Text Sources: Heart and Life Songs by Joseph H. Smith and George Bennard (Chicago: Evangelistic Institute Press, 1915)

The Angels' Story

Author: Robert Lowe Fletcher Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Angels tell the joyful story

In The Hollow Of His Hand

Author: Deloss Everett Meter: D Appears in 9 hymnals First Line: I am saved in Christ my Savior Refrain First Line: And I know, if I am faithful Lyrics: 1 I am saved in Christ my Savior, And my sins are all forgiven; Now by faith I’m traveling onward To my home in yonder Heav’n. Earthly cares may oft surround me, Trials come on every hand, But my Savior keeps me safely In the hollow of His hand. Refrain: And I know, if I am faithful, I shall see Him in that land, For His promise is He’ll keep me In the hollow of His hand. 2 I am saved in Christ my Savior; Tho’ the waves about me roll, I am on the Rock of Ages, And He saves my trusting soul; And I know, if I am faithful, I shall see Him in that land, For His promise is He’ll keep me In the hollow of His hand. [Refrain] 3 I am saved in Christ my Savior! Oh, what joy to me is given! For I’m thinking of the mansion He’s prepared for me in Heaven; There are many, many mansions For them in that happy land, Who will have the Savior keep them In the hollow of His Hand. [Refrain] Used With Tune: COACHELLA Text Sources: Our Sabbath Praise Book, by John R. Sweney and William J. Kirkpatrick (Philadelphia: John J. Hood, 1884)

Lend A Helping Hand

Author: Eben E. Rexford Meter: D Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: Lend a helping hand, my brother Refrain First Line: Lend a helping hand, my brother Lyrics: 1 Lend a helping hand, my brother To the weary by the way, Bowed beneath life’s heavy burdens ’Mid the toil and heat of day; Pass no comrade by in silence, Cheerful words and smiles bestow, Let them be as sunshine scattered All along their path below. Refrain: Lend a helping hand, my brother, This shall have its own reward, And the good you do another Is remembered by the Lord. 2 Lend a helping hand, my brother, Someone needs your help each day, Always someone needing comfort You will find along the way. Always hearts that hunger after Words of love, and hope, and cheer— Always faces we may brighten With the smile that dries the tear. [Refrain] 3 In the march of life, my brother, Many falter by the way, Often heart and courage fails them In the moment of the fray. Speak the word of cheer that’s needed, Bid them ask God’s help, and then, With a hand that’s strong but gentle, Lift them to their feet again. [Refrain] Used With Tune: LOS PADRES Text Sources: Young People's Songs of Praise, by I. Allan Sankey (Chicago: Biglow & Main, 1902)

Clinging and Resting

Author: L. B. Carpenter Meter: D Appears in 11 hymnals First Line: To the cross I long was clinging Refrain First Line: I was clinging, now I'm resting Lyrics: 1 To the cross I long was clinging, As a refuge from despair, Found relief from guilt of sinning, While I lingered, clinging there; Still life’s waves and storms assailed me, Doubts and fears my mind distressed, And with all the cross availed me, Clinging gave no perfect rest. Refrain: I was clinging, now I’m resting, Sweetly resting at the cross; I was clinging, now I’m resting, Sweetly resting at the cross. 2 To the cross I cling no longer, Doubts and fears no longer feel; Faith, and hope, and love are stronger, Jesus’ blood doth fully heal. Now my song is not, "I’m clinging"; That to me would now be loss, When mind, heart and soul are singing, "I am resting at the cross." [Refrain] 3 My salvation is completed, Christ, my hope, my life, my light; Sin, and death, and hell defeated, Can not now my soul affright. Heaven seems in blessèd nearness, And earth’s treasures are as dross, While, ’mid light of cloudless clearness, I am resting at the cross. [Refrain] Used With Tune: TUSCANY Text Sources: The Garner, by John R. Sweney (Philadelphia: John J. Hood, 1878)

Work On

Author: Mrs. E. J. Foster Meter: D Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: Workers in the Master’s vineyard Refrain First Line: Crowns and stars await thy coming Lyrics: 1 Workers in the Master’s vineyard, Toilsome though the way may be, Scatter, early morn and evening, Far and wide the precious seed. In the byways and the hedges, On the narrow, crowded street, You may drop a word of welcome, For the Savior’s coming feet. Refrain: Crowns and stars await thy coming, Over on the golden shore, Precious fruits of thine own sowing, When thine earthly work is o’er. 2 Smiling lips and tearful eyelids; Gentle words and simple song, Oft, perhaps, by thee unheeded, Fall in blessings on the throng. Hearts that pine in sin and sorrow, Blighted sore by care and want, May be led, by love and kindness, To the ever healing fount. [Refrain] 3 Heart and voice may ofttimes fail thee, Faith may waver, hope may die; God has promised to go with thee, Work and trust, He’s ever nigh. Crown and stars await thy coming, Over on the golden shore. Precious fruits of thine own sowing, When thine earthly work is o’er. [Refrain] Used With Tune: ENTRAMBASAGUAS Text Sources: Songs of Gratitude by James H. Fillmore (Cincinnati: Fillmore Brothers, 1887

Man The Life-Boat!

Author: M. Woolsey Stryker Meter: D Appears in 24 hymnals First Line: Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Refrain First Line: Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Lyrics: 1 Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Strong and short above the roar, Sounds the order to the watchers On the tempest beaten shore, Hark! again the guns appealing! Signals burn for swift relief; There are men and wives and children, Facing death, on yonder reef! Refrain: Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Help, for Christ’s sake, them that drown! In the peril of great waters, Let them not in sin go down! 2 Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Fog and night and cruel sea, All the odds of death against them, And eternal jeopardy. Thou, who bidd’st us dare the surges, Stay us at the struggling oar! Nay! go with us to the rescue! Shall they sink in sight of shore? [Refrain] 3 Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Courage, fellow men! ’Tis He, Guiding us to your deliverance, Once that trod the Galilee! Lo, the Church that carrieth Jesus, Not death’s flood-gates shall o’erwhelm; Scourging storms but urge us shoreward, Life and Love are at the helm! [Refrain] 4 Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Think how once on breaking deck Thou didst stand aghast, till Jesus Brought thee from the lurching wreck. To the oars then! O Redeemer Let Thy heart throb thro’ our hand, Till the souls in mortal danger, Find thro’ Thee the solid land. [Refrain] Used With Tune: CÓRDOBA

Be Active

Author: Luther Janes Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Look ye, brothers, time is rolling Refrain First Line: Hark! the bugle sounds the rally Lyrics: 1 Look ye, brothers, time is rolling, Rolling rapidly away; Vesper bells will soon be toiling, Toiling for the dying day; Rouse thee, comrades, nerve for labor, In life’s battle, dare and do! Boldly wield truth’s gleaming saber, Vanquish wrong and right pursue. Refrain: Hark! the bugle sounds the rally, Gird you, comrades, for the fight; Hark! the bugle sounds the rally, Gird you for the fight. 2 Plant your standard firm and fearless, On the citadel of might; Hard may seem the task and cheerless, But the promised crown is bright; Poor yourself, you have for others Wealth you may not, must not, keep: Words of cheer for drooping brothers, Tears to shed with those who weep. [Refrain] 3 Smiles to cheer the lone one’s labor, Toiling o’er life’s weary way, Bread to share with poorer neighbors, Hungering, starving every day; Go to hearts that pine and perish, Wipe the flowing tears away; Every smitten spirit nourish, Drooping sadly by the way. [Refrain] 4 Carry gladness to the sighing, Give your strength to bear the lame, Whisper comfort to the dying, Whisper softly Jesus’ name; Up some hill or down some valley, Seek the lost to guide aright, Hark! the bugle sounds the rally, Gird you, comrades, for the fight. [Refrain] Used With Tune: SUNNYVALE Text Sources: Good Will, by T. M. Towne & J. M. Stillman (Chicago, Illinois: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1878)

Mercy's Gate

Author: Samuel Callan Meter: D Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: There are joys we fondly cherish Refrain First Line: Let us ever strive to enter Lyrics: 1 There are joys we fondly cherish, While we tread this vale of earth; There are those that never perish, But in Heav’n they have their birth. All who share the bliss of Heaven, Entered in at mercy’s gate; Thro’ the grace by Jesus given, They have reached their high estate. Refrain: Let us ever strive to enter, Never for the morrow wait; Strive to enter, strive to enter, Enter in at mercy’s gate. 2 Earth may have its many pleasures, They are fleeting as a day; But above are dearest treasures That shall never pass away. In the path of right and duty Many ills may be our fate; But religion has a beauty— It is found at mercy’s gate. [Refrain] 3 Up the hill ascending ever, With our eyes upon the goal, Let the world’s allurements never Cause us to forget the soul. Soon our toil will here be ended, Bright rewards for us await, When to Him we are ascended, Who has opened mercy’s gate. [Refrain] Used With Tune: MARRAKESH Text Sources: Wreath of Praise, by Asa Hull (Philadelphia: Daniel W. Knowles, 1879)

We Are Going (Foster)

Author: John O. Foster Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: We are going, we are going Refrain First Line: We are going, we are going Lyrics: 1. We are going, we are going, Far beyond the setting sun: To a kingdom that is growing From the nations it has won; For the honor-covered sages Who have passed the vale of tears, Have been gathering for ages Where the throne of God appears. Refrain We are going, we are going Where the weary work is o’er, Where the morning light is glowing On the blessèd, sunny shore. 2. We are going where the fountains Of the healing waters flow, Where the valleys and the mountains Bathed in sunlight ever glow; Where the crystal streams are flowing In their bright and silvery sheen, And the tree of life is growing On the banks of living green. [Refrain] 3. We are going where the holy Enter joys they cannot tell, Where the meek and blessèd lowly With the pure in spirit dwell; Where no hungry hearts are aching For the bread of life to share, But forever are partaking Of the fullness over there. [Refrain] Used With Tune: HILLSDALE Text Sources: The Royal Fountain No. 4, by John R. Sweney (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John J. Hood, 1884)

The Near Tomorrow

Author: Fanny Crosby Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: O, the changes, constant changes Refrain First Line: O, the near and bright tomorrow Lyrics: 1 O, the changes, constant changes, In our pilgrim life below; Through the sunshine and the shadow, Ever trusting, we must go; But our faith beholds the gleaming, And we hail the blessèd ray Of a near and bright tomorrow, That will never pass away. Refrain: O, the near and bright tomorrow: What a meeting will be ours, When we clasp our hands forever In a vale of song and flowers. 2 Here are burdens we must carry For ourselves and others, too; But we have the Savior’s promise That our strength He will renew. Thro’ the many clouds that gather We can see the dawning ray Of a near and bright tomorrow, That will never pass away. [Refrain] 3 When our pilgrim life is ended, And we view the setting sun, When the labors of the harvest We have finished one by one, O, the rapture, holy rapture; O, the shout of glad surprise, In the near and bright tomorrow, When we ope our waking eyes. [Refrain] Used With Tune: NOTRE DAME Text Sources: Songs of Joy and Gladness by William McDonald, Joshua Gill, John R. Sweney and William Kirkpatrick (Boston: McDonald & Gill, 1885)

Mine The Cross

Author: Fanny Crosby Meter: D Appears in 11 hymnals First Line: Mine the cross, and Thine the glory Lyrics: 1 Mine the cross, and Thine the glory, Thou has suffered once for me; Let my life be calm or clouded, I can trust it, Lord, to Thee. Let me feel the sweet assurance Of Thy presence always near, Grant me only this, my Father, And my soul can never fear. Mine the cross, and Thine the glory, Thou has suffered once for me; Let my life be calm or clouded, I can trust it, Lord, to Thee. 2 All I am Thy grace has made me, All I am I owe to Thee, I can only thank and praise Thee, For a love so pure and free. Self denying, persevering, Where Thy blessèd feet have led, May I follow, daily growing Up to Thee, my living head. All I am Thy grace has made me, All I am I owe to Thee, I can only thank and praise Thee, For a love so pure and free. 3 Mine the cross, and Thine the glory, Thou hast borne it once for me; Help me bear with Christian meekness Every trial sent by Thee. On Thy strength alone relying, With Thy lamp to cheer my way, Leaning on the staff of mercy, I will labor, trust and pray. Mine the cross, and Thine the glory, Thou hast borne it once for me; Help me bear with Christian meekness Every trial sent by Thee. Used With Tune: RED HOOK Text Sources: Sabbath Carols by Theodore E. Perkins (New York: Brown & Perkins, 1868)


Author: Ellen L. Goreh Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Lo, the darkness gathers round us Refrain First Line: Let the beacon lights be burning Lyrics: 1 Lo, the darkness gathers round us: Christians, we must watch and pray; Many secret foes surround us, Dangers threaten night and day. While the enemy is keeping Careful vigil in his tower, Should the Church of Christ be sleeping At her ease in pleasure’s bower? Refrain: Let the beacon lights be burning With a clear and ruddy glow; Eager eyes to us are turning— Steady gleams toward them throw! 2 Quicken we the dying embers, And our watch lights let us trim: Who the Master’s love remembers, Must arise and shine for Him. ’Tis no time to be half-hearted, Wavering, faltering, blown about. In His service have we started? No one, then, must be in doubt! [Refrain] 3 Let the flames be shooting upward; Add as fuel faith and love: And sweet hope which beckons onward: And the graces of a dove: Patience, gentleness, uprightness, Joy, and true humility— Shining forth in golden brightness: Shining daily, hourly. [Refrain] 4 Lord, on Thee, the Rock of Ages, Low we lay each willing heart; Help us while the conflict rages, And to each Thy strength impart. Let our earnest prayers ascending Reach the King enthroned on high: Then shall seven-fold gifts descending All our seven-fold needs supply. [Refrain] Used With Tune: HYDERABAD Text Sources: From India's Coral Strand: Hymns of the Christian Faith (London: "Home Words" Publishing Office, 1883)

O Church of God Triumphant

Author: E. M. Bangs Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: O Church of God, triumphant Refrain First Line: O Church of God, triumphant Lyrics: 1. O Church of God, triumphant O’er human doubts and fears, Which in the faith of ages Comes marching thro’ the years; Baptized with blood of martyrs, With conflicts dearly won, Beset with persecutions, Yet ever marching on. Refrain O Church of God, triumphant, With conflicts dearly won, Beset with persecution, Yet ever marching on. 2. With backward look we see thee, Thy scattered members few; We see thee struggling ever Their courage to renew; Strong amid tribulation, Uprising from each fall, We see thee marching onward Triumphant over all. [Refrain] 3. O refuge of the nations, On thee our hope is stayed; Thy courage thro’ the ages Shall keep us unafraid; And with thy strength increasing Till earthly years are past, God help thee to march onward Triumphant to the last. [Refrain] Used With Tune: NIMS LAKE

He Is Surely Coming

Author: F. M. Atkinson Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Soon the night of gloom will vanish Refrain First Line: Yes, our Lord is surely coming Lyrics: 1 Soon the night of gloom will vanish, And the morning dawn appear; When the Lord of glory cometh, And His coming draweth near; With an upward gaze we’re watching For His coming back again: And with rapture we shall meet Him, Evermore with Him to reign. Refrain: Yes, our Lord is surely coming, And with joy we’ll gladly meet Him, And with rapture we shall greet Him, On that crowning day. 2 In that long expected hour, When He cleaves the vaulted sky, To immortal He will change us, In the twinkling of an eye; Then the graves of saints will open, And the dead in Christ shall rise; With the saints alive they’ll gather, Meet the Savior in the skies. [Refrain] 3 When this mortal flesh shall vanish, All immortal we shall be; Rise to worlds of light and beauty, Throughout all eternity; All the powers of hell defeated, Swallowed up in victory; We shall reign with Him in glory, Kings and priests forever be. [Refrain] Used With Tune: SINDH Text Sources: Sunday School and Revival, by Charles D. Tillman (Atlanta, Georgia: 1907), number 16

Mother's Grave

Author: Robert H. Washburne Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O the sweetest place in memory Refrain First Line: O the dearest place to memory Lyrics: 1 O the sweetest place in memory Is that lonely mound of earth, Where my mother softly slumbers, Mother dear, who gave me birth; Years have passed since she departed From our midst at set of sun Going to her home in Heaven, For her earthly race was run. Refrain: O the dearest place to memory Is that hillside far away, Where she, sleeping ’neath the flowers, Waits the resurrection day. 2 Oft I wander to the hillside, Sit beside that grave so dear, Where I hear the songs of angels And I feel their presence near; Scenes of earth fade in the distance, And a glorious host I see, There among the white robed seraphs, Mother dear, awaiting me. [Refrain] 3 So I journey on in sadness O’er life’s dreary, barren waste, Cheered by thoughts of blessèd meeting, As my steps toward Heaven haste; There some day I too shall enter, See my loved ones gone before, There shall greet again that mother, There abide forevermore. [Refrain] 4 So I think of that old churchyard On the hillside far away, And the form of that dear mother That we carried there one day; Guarded still by God’s bright angels, Who their solemn vigils keep, Watching o’er her silent slumber, Dearest mother’s gentle sleep. [Refrain] Used With Tune: ALDERSHOT Text Sources: The Revival No. 4 (Atlanta: Charlie Tillman, 1903)

Cristo vive, Aleluya

Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals

Christians, Sing the Incarnation

Author: Ernest E. Dugmore Meter: D Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Christians, sing the incarnation Of th’eternal Son of God, Who, to save us, took our nature, Soul and body, flesh and blood; God, He saw man’s cruel bondage, Who in death’s dark dungeon lay; Man, He came to fight man’s battle, And for man He won the day. Alleluia, Alleluia To th’incarnate Son of God, Who for man as Man hath conquered In our own true flesh and blood. 2. King of kings and Lord of angels, He put off His glory-crown, Had a stable-cave for palace, And a manger for His throne; Helpless lay, to whom creation All its life and being owed, And the lowly Hebrew maiden Was the mother of her God. Alleluia, Alleluia To th’incarnate Son of God, Who concealed His dazzling Godhead ’Neath the veil of flesh and blood. 3. Through a life of lowly labor He on earth was pleased to dwell, All our want and sorrow sharing; God with us, Emmanuel: Yet, a dearer, closer union Jesus in His love would frame; He, the Passover fulfilling, Gave Himself as paschal Lamb. Alleluia, Alleluia To th’incarnate Son of God, Who the heav’nly gifts bequeathed us Of His own true flesh and blood. 4. Then, by man refused and hated, God for man vouchsafed to die, Love divine its depth revealing On the heights of Calvary; Through His dying the dominion From the tyrant death was torn, When its Victim rose its Victor On the resurrection morn. Alleluia, Alleluia To th’incarnate Son of God, Who through His eternal Spirit Offers His own flesh and blood. 5. Forty days of mystic converse Lived on earth the Risen One, Speaking of His earthly kingdom, Ere He sought His heav’nly throne: Then, His latest words a blessing, He ascended up on high, And through rank on rank of angels Captive led captivity. Alleluia, Alleluia To th’incarnate Son of God, Who the holiest place hath entered In our flesh and by His blood. 6. Now upon the golden altar, In the midst before the throne, Incense of His intercession He is offering for His own. And on earth at all His altars His true presence we adore, And His sacrifice is pleaded, Yea, till time shall be no more. Alleluia, Alleluia To th’incarnate Son of God, Who, abiding Priest forever, Still imparts His flesh and blood. 7. Then, adored in highest Heaven, We shall see the virgin’s Son, All creation bowed before Him, Man upon th’eternal throne: Where, like sound of many waters In one ever rising flood, Myriad voices hymn His triumph, Victim, Priest, incarnate God. Worthy He all praise and blessing Who, by dying, death o’ercame; Glory be to God forever! Alleluia to the Lamb! Used With Tune: HERGA Text Sources: First published by Longhurst (London: circa 1870), then in Hymns and Litanies (Parkstone Press, 1885)

Are You Ready?

Author: Eben E. Rexford Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: "In a moment when ye know not" Refrain First Line: Are ye ready? are ye ready? Lyrics: 1 "In a moment when ye know not," Saith the Son of Man, I come; If ye are not ready, waiting, Awful fear will strike ye dumb. Ye will stand before Me trembling, Silent in your soul’s despair, Thinking of unheeded warnings That I gave you to prepare. Refrain: Are ye ready? are ye ready? O my soul, delay no more; Get ye ready for His coming Ere the Lord is at thy door. 2 Soul, if thou shouldst hear Him knocking Now, this moment, wouldst thou say, Lo, the Lord is come, and gladly Haste His summons to obey? Ah, I fear in bitter anguish Thou wouldst face a sinner’s fate, Thou wouldst plead that one day longer, Or an hour, the Lord would wait. [Refrain] 3 In a moment when ye know not! Soul of man, no more delay; Get ye ready for His coming, Lest that coming be today. Now—this hour—for when He cometh Vainly thou wilt bid Him wait; I have warned thee, He will answer, Thou repentest all too late. [Refrain] Used With Tune: TOULOUSE

No Room In the Inn

Author: James E. Hawes Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: A holy guest from Heaven’s gate Refrain First Line: No room for Jesus in the inn Lyrics: 1 A holy guest from Heaven’s gate One morn in days now olden, Came down to earth in lowly state Amid the starlight golden; Angelic messengers of peace Sang praise and welcome holy Unto the Prince who brought release To mighty and to lowly. Refrain: No room for Jesus in the inn, The King of earth and Heaven; Today He knocketh at thy heart, What answer shall be given? 2 Yet while He came with blessing sweet, With love and mercy’s story, No kingly courtiers thought it meet To show Him earthly glory; No room was found within the inn, No welcome for this stranger; The Christ, who suffered for our sin, Was cradled in a manger. [Refrain] 3 The message of this Holy One Still through the world is ringing; From eastern land to setting sun The earth His praise is singing; Oh, troubled heart, this message hear, Oh, list the wondrous story; The Babe, once born in Bethlehem, Is now the King of glory. [Refrain] 4 Come, lay thy burdens at His feet, Come, trust Him in thy sorrow; Come, while the Master bids thee come, Delay not till the tomorrow; Within thy heart, oh, give Him room, Prepare for His abiding; Sweet peace and comfort thou shalt know In Christ while safely hiding. [Refrain] Used With Tune: DOHA Text Sources: Chiming Voices by James H. Rosecrans and J. T. Toof (New York: Asa Hull, 1893)

The Chief Among Ten Thousand

Author: Fanny Crosby Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: He’s the Chief among ten thousand Lyrics: 1 "He’s the Chief among ten thousand," My Redeemer and my King! I shall worship and adore Him, And His praise forever sing. "He’s the lily of the valley," And the fairest of the fair! I shall see Him in His glory, Where the many mansions are. Refrain: "He’s the Chief among ten thousand," And the fairest of the fair; I shall see Him in His beauty, And His image I shall bear. 2 When my earthly course is finished, And the work of life is done, When the battle cry is over, And the victor’s crown is won; I shall cast my crown before Him, I shall walk with Him in white, Where the silver fountains sparkle, ’Mid the vales of endless light. [Refrain] 3 I shall see Him in His beauty, And His hand shall wipe away Every tear of pain and sorrow, While His gentle voice will say, "Come, ye blessèd of My Father," To the rest prepared above, Where the tree of life is blooming, In My home of peace and love. [Refrain] Used With Tune: MARYLEBONE Text Sources: Christian Endeavor Hymns, by Ira D. Sankey (Boston: United Society of Christian Endeavor, 1894)

The Invitation

Author: Lydia O. Baxter Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Jesus once lay in the manger Lyrics: Teachers: Jesus once lay in the manger, Little ones, for you and me; Holy angels stood in wonder, Thus the Lord of life to see. From the starry heights of Heaven Music floated all around; And the theme to man was given, Peace on earth! O joyful sound! Children: Joyful sound! our happy voices Gladly join the sweet refrain, Jesus came, and earth rejoices In the blessèd Savior’s name. Used With Tune: BELLEFONTAINE NEIGHBORS Text Sources: Sabbath Carols (New York: Brown & Perkins, 1868)

The Grand Old Ship Of Zion

Author: Fanny Crosby Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: In the grand old ship of Zion Refrain First Line: Soon we’ll anchor in the harbor Lyrics: 1 In the grand old ship of Zion That has never lost a soul, We are sailing o’er life’s ocean While the stormy billows roll; And we have the precious promise, That they shall not overwhelm— That no danger can befall us With our Savior at the helm. Refrain: Soon we’ll anchor in the harbor, Soon we’ll reach the golden shore; Then we’ll all sing, hallelujah! Safe at home forevermore. 2 In the grand old ship of Zion We are speeding o’er the wave, There are millions she has rescued, There are millions yet to save, For her life boats never fail her, And her sails will not be furled, Till among the saints in glory She has gathered in the world. [Refrain] 3 From that strong and stately vessel, When the skies are bright and clear, There are voices in the distance That our faith can sometimes hear; And when evening gathers round us, There are lights that we behold, From the watch towers on the mountains In that land of bliss untold. [Refrain] Used With Tune: KATHMANDU Text Sources: Young People's Songs of Praise, by I. Allan Sankey (Chicago: Biglow & Main, 1902)

Blessed Angels

Author: Leonard F. Bittle Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Look, dear father, see the angels Lyrics: 1 Look, dear father, see the angels, As around me now they glide! They have come, I know, to guide me Thro’ the Jordan’s rolling tide; See you not their golden tresses, And their trailing robes of snow? Hear you not their rustling pinions, And their voices sweet and low? Oh, the angels! blessèd angels! Lovely as the morning star! They have come, I know, to lead me To the land that lies afar. 2 I can see them bending o’er me, Feel them touch my pallid brow, As the border land I enter, And at Jordan’s brink I bow. Soon they’ll lead me to my Savior, Soon I’ll clasp His loving hand, Then, from every care and sorrow, Safe I’ll rest in Canaan’s land. Oh, the angels! blessèd angels! Lovely as the morning star! They have come, I know, to lead me To the land that lies afar. 3 Fare you well, dear father, mother! When I reach the sinless shore, I will watch beside the river, Till the angels bring you o’er; I will be the first to greet you, When you touch the blooming strand, I will be the first to welcome, When you gain the heav’nly land. For the angels, blessèd angels! Lovely as the morning star! They will come, I know, to lead you, To the land that lies afar. Used With Tune: MUSCAT Text Sources: Sparkling Jewels by Knowles Shaw (Cincinnati: John Church, 1871)

The Well Of Living Water

Author: W. V. Miller Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Oh this well of living water Refrain First Line: For this well of living water Lyrics: 1 Oh this well of living water Springing up within my soul, Gives me blessèd satisfaction While the changing seasons roll; And in Jesus’ love rejoicing, Still a song of praise I bring, For the blessèd gift of Heaven, For this ever-living spring. Refrain: For this well of living water That is flowing now for me, Songs of praise and adoration, Blessèd Lord, I bring to Thee. 2 From the depths unknown ’tis flowing, From the depths of Jesus’ love, It was purchased by the Savior, Gift divine from Heav’n above; He alone can give this water, Whosoever will may come, Quench his thirst from this pure fountain, And from Jesus never roam. [Refrain] 3 So the blessèd news I’m spreading Of this dear life-giving spring, Ever pure and free ’tis gushing As my Savior’s love I sing; It is flowing, ever flowing In this grateful heart of mine, And my tongue shall tell the gladness Of this matchless grace divine. [Refrain] Used With Tune: LOS FELIZ Text Sources: Spiritual Songs by John M. Harris et. al. (Chicago: Christian Witness Company, circa 1908)

Purple Shadows

Author: Mrs. E. C. Huckabee Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Purple shadows on the mountains Lyrics: 1 Purple shadows on the mountains, Drop a coverlet of rest, As a hand lets down night’s curtain O’er the rough and rugged breasts. Dark and murky are the outlines, Yet I know tomorrow’s sun Will again in beauty shineth, Till the shadows are all gone. Refrain: Wait until the morning breaketh, Fear no more the shadowy night; Lift your burdened heart that acheth, See the dawning rays of light. 2 Is your heart bowed down with burdens, Has the night passed o’er your soul? O then look beyond the mountains, Know that God in Heaven rules. Soon will rise the sun in splendor, And your path will all be plain, All the rough ways will be smoother, If the Christ in you shall reign. [Refrain] 3 Now has come the eve of lifetime, And the purple shadows fall; May the peace of God abideth, Till death’s angel sends his call. Look! the light of Heaven shineth! And the soul has found release From this shadowy world that lieth, Where the burdens never cease. [Refrain] Used With Tune: BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Text Sources: The World Evangel by Robert H. Coleman (Philadelphia: American Baptist Publishing Society, 1913)

A Royal Welcome

Author: Mrs. W. L. Wall Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: When this life of mine is ended Refrain First Line: Yes, there’ll be a royal welcome Lyrics: 1 When this life of mine is ended, And from earthly prison free, Will I find my Savior waiting, When I reach the crystal sea? Will there be a loved one watching? Will the Savior pilot me? Will there be a royal welcome? Will there be a crown for me? Refrain: Yes, there’ll be a royal welcome, And before throne I’ll stand; We will sing and shout together, Singing, "Glory to the Lamb." 2 When I enter those blest mansions And behold my Savior’s face, Will there be a royal welcome, For a sinner saved by grace? Will I join the angel harpers In their everlasting song? Will I hear the shout of glory, By the blood washed, mighty throng? [Refrain] 3 Yes, I’ll hear Him bid me welcome, Feel His kiss upon my brow; I shall hear His voice so tender, "Thou art safely landed now." I’ll shake hands with all my loved ones, And before the throne I’ll stand, And we’ll sing and shout together, Singing, "Glory to the Lamb." [Refrain] Used With Tune: AREQUIPA

The Coming King

Author: Eva O. B. Gilbert Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Lo, our king is surely coming Lyrics: 1 Lo, our king is surely coming, Cry the sentinels today; From their watch towers on the hilltops, They are looking far away, And they see the waving signals, And they hear the measured tread That shall soon arrest the living, And awake the sleeping dead. Refrain: For our king is surely coming; Angel hosts shall shout it then, But His heralds He has chosen From among the sons of men. 2 Let Him find you when He cometh, At your humble daily toil; At the sweeping of the kitchen, Or the tilling of the soil; Let Him find you by the wayside, Helping on some stumbling child, Let Him find you where the tempest Spreads it devastation wild. [Refrain] 3 Let Him find you telling heathen Of the unknown God they seek; Let Him find you in the sick room, Cheering up the faint and weak; Let Him find you in the city, Making straight the paths of youth, Let Him find you in the pulpit, Spreading forth the living truth. [Refrain] 4 But wherever He may find you, Let it be with tender hand; Guiding men to understanding Of His precept and command. For where’er our duty leads us, Be it humble work or fine, He will honor most the spirit That shows forth His love divine. [Refrain] Used With Tune: LA MESA

Coming To Thee

Author: Eva Travers Poole Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: I am coming to Thee, Savior Refrain First Line: I am coming, simply coming Lyrics: 1 I am coming to Thee, Savior, Heavy laden and oppressed, For I need Thy saving mercy, And I want Thy heav’nly rest. Earth’s bright hopes have failed and faded, Earth’s dear love has passed away; I am burdened, weary hearted, As I come to Thee today. Refrain: I am coming, simply coming, In my sinfulness to Thee; I am sure Thou wilt receive me, For Thy promise is my plea. 2 I am coming to Thee, Savior, I have heard Thy loving call, And tho’ untold sins oppress me, Thou canst save me from them all. I am coming, sadly owning That I do not come aright; Yet believing that my darkness Will be changed to perfect light. [Refrain] 3 I am coming! tho’ the tempter Bids my trembling soul despair; If I reach Thy feet, O Jesus, I shall never perish there. If I do but touch Thy garment, Thou wilt surely make me whole; Lord, I come, I touch, I trust Thee Save, oh save my sinful soul. [Refrain] Used With Tune: CHECOTAH Text Sources: Pure Delight!, by George F. Root and Charles C. Case (Cincinnati: John Church, 1883)

He Is Coming By And By

Author: Laura C. Nourse Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: He is coming! swell the chorus! Refrain First Line: He is coming, coming, coming Lyrics: 1 He is coming! swell the chorus! Strike the loud exultant strain! He whose mercy hovers o’er us, Comes to earth her promised king. Earthly monarchs bow before Him, Saints and sinners bend the knee, Angels stooping low adore Him, Jesus comes and earth is free. Refrain: He is coming, coming, coming, See His chariot rends the sky. Hear His voice in notes of warning, He is coming by and by. 2 He is coming—pomp and glory— Angel hosts His regal train! Jesus born in Bethlehem lowly Comes His kingship to proclaim. Sinners quake with fear before Him, Satan’s minions all are fled; Death’s unnumbered hosts adore Him, Life and hope and joy are wed. [Refrain] 3 He is coming! Hail with gladness Every sign in earth and sky! Death is conquered with its sadness, Sin and sinners all must die. He is coming! Light and splendor, Perfect love and lasting peace; Bow, ye nations, low in wonder, Crown Him Prince, ye saved by grace. [Refrain] Used With Tune: PALAWAN Text Sources: Carols of Joy, by Frank M. Davis (Springfield, Ohio: J. L. Rust & Company, 1882)

Sound The Trumpet

Author: Maria A. West Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Hark! the wail of heathen nations Refrain First Line: Sound the trumpet! Wake God's people Lyrics: 1 Hark! the wail of heathen nations, List! the cry comes back again, With its solemn, sad reproaching, With its sorrowful refrain. "We are dying fast of hunger, Starving for the Bread of Life! Haste, O hasten ere we perish, Send the messengers of life!" Refrain: Sound the trumpet! Wake God’s people, Open, open, heart and hands! And so surely His best blessings Quickly shall o’erflow all lands. 2 "Send the Gospel faster, swifter, Ye who dwell in Christian lands! Care ye not that we are dying More in numbers than the sands? Heed ye not His words, your Master, 'Go ye forth to all the world?' Sound the Gospel faster, faster Let its banner be unfurled!" [Refrain] 3 Christian! can you sit in silence, While this cry fills all the air, Or content your soul with giving, Merely what you well "can spare"? For no gifts the Father craveth, When He asks you for "His own." Will you dole Him from your treasure, A poor pittance for a loan? [Refrain] Used With Tune: BIALYSTOK Text Sources: The Beacon Light, by John H. Tenney and Elisha A. Hoffman (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1881)

The King May Come Today

Author: Peter P. Bilhorn Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: He is coming! He is coming! Refrain First Line: He is coming! He is coming! Lyrics: 1 He is coming! He is coming! Shout aloud this glad refrain; Send the cry to every city, To the valleys, hills and plain; He is coming! He is coming! Have you never read nor heard? He will gather all His people, As He promised in His word. Refrain: He is coming! He is coming! Pass the news along the way. Be ye ready, watching, waiting, For the King may come today. 2 He is coming! He is coming! Pass the joyful news along; All the souls redeemed in Jesus, Sing aloud redemption’s song; He is coming! He is coming! Are your lamps all trimmed and bright? Oh, be ready, watching, working, For the Lord may come tonight. [Refrain] 3 He is coming! He is coming! Lift your heart in faith and pray; Soon the night of sin and darkness Shall forever pass away; He is coming! Are you ready? Are you washed in Jesus’ blood? We shall wear a crown of glory, In the kingdom of our God. [Refrain] Used With Tune: AGUASCALEINTES Text Sources: Hymns of the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Bailie Brown and Peter P. Bilhorn (Chicago: Bilhorn Brothers, 1911)

Look Beyond

Author: F. P. Luther Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Fellow voyager, cease complaining Refrain First Line: Cheer up, then, oh, fellow mortal Lyrics: 1 Fellow voyager, cease complaining, Look beyond this vale of tears; See the haven you are nearing, Quiet all your rising fears; Should this world prove dark and dreary, And you here no pleasure find, Look beyond the clouds that near thee, Look to God, who is so kind. Refrain: Cheer up, then, oh, fellow mortal, Never utter one complaint; Never will you pass the heav’nly portals, If you weary or grow faint. 2 Let not earthly care and sorrow Darken all life’s pathway o’er; There will dawn a brighter morrow, As you near the heav’nly shore; Hear ye not those angel voices, Calling you to follow on? See the happy throng rejoicing, As you tread the path alone. [Refrain] Used With Tune: FIUMICINO Text Sources: Songs of Gratitude by James Fillmore (Cincinnati: Fillmore Brothers, 1877)

We Shall Meet Our Friends Departed

Author: E. C. Howe Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Refrain First Line: We shall meet, yes, we shall meet them Lyrics: 1 We shall meet our friends departed, Though we left them long ago To their lone and dreamless slumbers, In the silent dust below; We shall meet them, O how glorious! When this weary life is o’er, In those bright, celestial regions, Blest and happy evermore. Refrain: We shall meet, yes, we shall meet them, When our journeyings are o’er, We shall meet them, Hallelujah! On that bright and shining shore. 2 We shall meet our friends departed, Who the promised land have won, Shining as the stars of Heaven, Round the everlasting throne; Onward, every soul, to duty Scatter wide the shades of gloom, All of life is in the future, Life is bliss beyond the tomb. [Refrain] 3 We shall meet our friends departed, Clothed in robes of heav’nly white, And with sainted voices greet them In a land of life and light; Lift no voice of grief or sorrow, That they molder in the dust; We shall meet them on the morrow At the rising of the just. [Refrain] Used With Tune: PHRAE Text Sources: Songs of Free Grace by Daniel B. Towner (Cincinnati: Cranston & stonew, 1883)

When The Pearly Gates Unfold

Author: Anonymous Meter: D Appears in 41 hymnals First Line: I have giv’n up all for Jesus— Lyrics: 1 I have giv’n up all for Jesus— This vain world is naught to me; All its pleasures are forgotten In remembering Calvary; Though my friends despise, forsake me, And on me the world looks cold, I’ve a Friend that will stand by me When the pearly gates unfold! Refrain: Yes, life’s morn will soon be waning, And its evening bells will toll— But my heart will know no sadness When the pearly gates unfold! 2 When the voice of Jesus calls me, And the angels whisper low, I will lean upon my Savior Through the valley as I go; I will claim His precious promise, More to me than world of gold, "Fear no evil, I’ll be with thee, When the pearly gates unfold." [Refrain] 3 Just beyond the verge of Jordan, Just beyond its chilling tide, Blooms the tree of life immortal, And the living waters glide; In that happy land of spirits Flowers bloom on hills of gold, And the angels are awaiting Where the pearly gates unfold. [Refrain] Used With Tune: LINCOLNSHIRE Text Sources: First Truths; or, Lessons and Hymns for Christian Children (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1843)

Not One Forgotten

Author: Eliza E. Hewitt Meter: D Appears in 41 hymnals First Line: There’s a word of tender beauty Refrain First Line: In my Father’s blessed keeping Lyrics: 1 There’s a word of tender beauty In the sayings of our Lord; How it stirs the heart to music, Waking gratitude’s sweet chord; For it tells me that our Father, From His throne of royal might, Bends to note a falling sparrow, For ’tis precious in His sight. Refrain: In my Father’s blessèd keeping I am happy, safe and free; While His eye is on the sparrow, I will not forgotten be. 2 Tho’ I’m least of all His children, So unworthy of His love, Yet, for me, there’s kind remembrance In the Father-heart above; He will ever save and keep me, He will guide me on the way, For my Savior gently whispers, Are ye not much more than they? [Refrain] 3 Oh, the wounded hands of Jesus All the springs of life control, Is there any ill can harm me While His blood is on my soul? Let me, like the little sparrow, Trust Him where I cannot see, In the sunshine and the shadow, Singing, "He will care for me." [Refrain] Used With Tune: THURLAND CASTLE Text Sources: Our Praise in Song by John Sweney, William J. Kirkpatrick and Henry L. Gilmour (Philadelphia: John J. Hood, 1893)
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Christ Is Risen! Alleluia!

Author: John S. B. Monsell, 1811-1875 Meter: D Appears in 55 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Christ is risen! Alleluia! Risen our victorious head! Sing his praises! Alleluia! Christ is risen from the dead! Gratefully our hearts adore him As his light once more appears; Bowing down in joy before him, Rising up from griefs and tears. Refrain: Christ is risen! Alleluia! Risen our victorious head! Sing his praises! Alleluia! Christ is risen from the dead! 2 Christ is risen! All the sadness Of our Lenten fast is o’er; Through the open gates of gladness He returns to life once more; Death and hell before him bending See him rise, the victor now, Angels on his steps attending, Glory round his wounded brow. [Refrain] 3 Christ is risen! All the sorrow That last evening round him lay Now has found a glorious morrow In the rising of today. See the grave its first-fruits giving, Springing up from holy ground; He was dead, but now is living; He was lost, but he is found. [Refrain] 4 Christ is risen! Henceforth never Death or hell shall us enthrall; Be we Christ’s, in him forever We have triumphed over all. All the doubting and dejection Of our trembling hearts have ceased; Hail the day of resurrection! Let us rise and keep the feast. [Refrain] Evangelical Lutheran Worship #382 Topics: Easter; Easter Used With Tune: MORGENLIED

The Rifted Rock

Author: Lewis T. Hartsough Meter: D Appears in 34 hymnals First Line: In the rifted rock I’m resting Refrain First Line: In the rifted rock I’m resting Lyrics: 1 In the rifted rock I’m resting, Safe and sure from all alarm; Storms and billows have united All in vain to do me harm; In the rifted rock I’m resting, Surf is dashing at my feet, Storm clouds dark are o’er me hovering, Yet my rest is all complete. Refrain: In the rifted rock I’m resting, Sure and safe from all alarm; Storms and billows have united All in vain to do me harm. 2 Many stormy seas I’ve traversed, Endless gale and squall have known, Have been driven without anchor, On the barren shores, and lone; Yet I now have found a haven, Never moved by tempest shock, Where my soul is safe forever, In the blessèd rifted rock. [Refrain] Used With Tune: OISE Text Sources: Pure Gold by Robert Lowry and W. Howard Doane (New York: Biglow & Main, 1871)

Praise The Lord

Author: Robert Walmsley, 1831-1905 Meter: D Appears in 9 hymnals First Line: Praise the Lord! His works exalt Him Lyrics: 1 Praise the Lord! His works exalt Him Everywhere o’er land and sea; Call from rock, and wave and mountain, Speak from bud and leaf and tree; Stars in silence, tell His glory, Tiny insects hum His praise; Birds of every song and plumage Trill His name in sweetest lays. Praise the Lord! O all ye people, Young and old in glad accord, Grateful hearts in song uplifting Swell the chorus—praise the Lord. 2 Praise the Lord! His tender mercy Broods o’er every living thing; Calling all the world to nestle Safe beneath His sheltering wing; Bruised and broken hearts He healeth, List’neth to the orphan’s prayer, Every cry and sigh He noteth, For His love is everywhere. Praise the Lord! O all ye people, Young and old in glad accord, Grateful hearts in song uplifting For His goodness—praise the Lord. 3 Praise the Lord! His great redemption Reaches where no thought can climb; Rebel man, restored, forgiven, Conquered by a love sublime! Who can sing that wondrous story? Vainly choicest notes I bring; Lend your golden harps, ye seraphs, While my Savior’s love I sing. Praise the Lord! O all ye people, Young and old in glad accord, Grateful hearts in song uplifting, For a Savior—praise the Lord. Used With Tune: MORGENLIED

The Future

Author: Jennie Stout Meter: D Appears in 22 hymnals First Line: Oh, I often sit and ponder Refrain First Line: Oh, the future lies before me Lyrics: 1. Oh, I often sit and ponder, When the sun is sinking low, Where shall yonder future find me: Does but God in Heaven know? Shall I be among the living? Shall I mingle with the free? Wheresoe’er my path be leading, Savior, keep my heart with Thee. Refrain Oh, the future lies before me, And I know not where I’ll be; But where’er my path be leading, Savior, keep my heart with Thee. 2. Shall I be at work for Jesus, Whilst He leads me by the hand, And to those around be saying, Come and join His happy band? Come, for all things now are ready, Come, His faithful follower be; Oh, where’er my path be leading, Savior, keep my heart with Thee. [Refrain] 3. But perhaps my work for Jesus Soon in future may be done, All my earthly trials ended, And my crown in Heaven won; Then, forever with the ransomed Thro’ eternity I’d be Chanting hymns to Him who bought me With His blood shed on the tree. [Refrain] Used With Tune: HYDERABAD Text Sources: Sabbath Home, 19th Century

Hark! A Burst Of Heavenly Music

Author: Mary N. Meigs Meter: D Appears in 22 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Hark! a burst of heavenly music, From a band of seraphs bright, Suddenly to earth descending, In the calm and silent night: To the shepherds of Judea, Watching in the earliest dawn, Lo, they bear the joyful tidings, Jesus, Prince of Peace, is born! Sweet and clear those angel voices, Echoing through the starry sky, As they chant the heavenly chorus, "Glory be to God on high!" 2 And this joyful Christmas morning Breaking o’er the world below, Tells again the wondrous story Shepherds heard so long ago. Who shall still our tuneful voices, Who the tide of praise shall stem, Which the blessèd angels taught us In the fields of Bethlehem? Hark, we hear again the chorus, Ringing through the starry sky; And we join the heavenly anthem, "Glory be to God on high!" Used With Tune: SCHILLING Text Sources: Hymn, Tune, and Service Book for Sunday Schools (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1869)

No Book Is Like the Bible

Author: Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby Meter: D Appears in 19 hymnals Lyrics: 1. No book is like the Bible, For childhood, youth and age; Our duty, plain and simple, We find on every page. It came by inspiration, A light to guide our way, A voice from Him who gave it, Reproving when we stray. Refrain No book is like the Bible, The blessèd book we love, The pilgrim’s chart of glory, It leads to God above. 2. It tells of man’s creation, His sad, primeval fall; It tells of man’s redemption, Through Christ, who died for all; In sacred words of wisdom It bids us watch and pray, And early come to Jesus, The Life, the Truth, the Way. [Refrain] 3. O, let us love the Bible, And praise it more and more; Our life is like a shadow, Our days will soon be o’er; But if we closely follow The counsel God has giv’n, We then may hope with angels To sing His praise in Heav’n. [Refrain] Used With Tune: HULL Text Sources: Gospel Praise Book, by Asa Hull (New York: D. W. Knowles, 1879), number 82

Now The Year Is Crowned With Blessing

Author: Ellen T. F. Felkin Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals Refrain First Line: To the Lord their first-fruits bringing Lyrics: 1 Now the year is crowned with blessing As we gather in the grain; And, our grateful thanks expressing, Loud we raise a joyous strain. Bygone days of toil and sadness Cannot now our peace destroy, For the hills are clothed with gladness And the valleys shout for joy. Refrain: To the Lord their first-fruits bringing, All His thankful people come, To the Father praises singing For the joy of Harvest-Home. 2 In the spring the smiling meadows Donned their robes of living green, As the sunshine chased the shadows Swiftly o’er the changing scene; In the summer time the story Of a riper hope was told; Then the rich autumnal glory Decked the fields in cloth of gold. [Refrain] 3 Shall not we, whose hearts are swelling With the thought of former days, Sing a joyous song foretelling Future gladness, fuller praise? For the cloud the bow retaineth With its covenant of peace, That, as long as earth remaineth, Harvest time shall never cease. [Refrain] 4 Though the fig tree may not flourish, Though the vine no fruit may yield, Though the earth no flocks may nourish In the fold or in the field, Still our hearts will trust His power Who the ravens stoops to feed, And the hand that clothes each flower Shall supply our utmost need. [Refrain] Used With Tune: MORGENLIED Text Sources: Verses Grave and Gay (London: Cassell & Company, Ltd., 1891

It Is Just a Step

Author: Arthur L. Tubbs Meter: D Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: It is just a step to Jesus Lyrics: 1. It is just a step to Jesus, won’t you take it, friend, tonight? He is waiting to receive you, won’t you walk into the light? With a tenderness eternal, that is deeper than the sea, He implores you and invites you, saying Come, oh, come to Me. Brother, do not slight His mercy, ’tis so beautiful and sweet, Take the step that leads to Jesus; let surrender be complete. 2. It is just a step to Jesus, if you’ll only take it now; Breathe a prayer, for He is listening, whisper silently your vow; Place your hand in His, confiding; let Him lead you where He will; Thro’ the meadows green with verdure, by the waters cool and still; Or upon the toilsome mountain, where the path is rough and steep, He will ever walk beside you, and your steps from faltering keep. 3. It is just a step to Jesus; sinner, won’t you cross the line? Won’t you let His love so precious in your life forever shine? Tho’ the world has charms alluring, they are like the fading leaf, And at last will fall and wither, leaving only pain and grief. While the joy of serving Jesus, if you cast your care on Him, Is a joy no time can tarnish, nor eternity bedim. 4. It is just a step to Jesus; do not tarry—come tonight; Put your hand in His, and follow in the blessedness of light; With a full and glad surrender, put your trust in Him and say, Where Thou leadest me, O Savior, I will go and never stray. Then, relying on His promise, to be with you evermore, Walk confidingly beside Him, till you reach the shining shore. Used With Tune: NU'UANU PALI Text Sources: The Gospel Hymn Book, by Daniel B. Towner (Dayton, Ohio: The Lorenz Publishing Company, 1903), number 90

Welcome, Blessed Jesus

Author: Lizzie DeArmond Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Sing again the blessed story Refrain First Line: Welcome, welcome, blessed Jesux Lyrics: 1 Sing again the blessèd story, Till with joy each heart shall glow, Angels bright, from realms of glory, Told to sinful man below; While the world is quiet sleeping, While the stars their light unfold, Let us hear the joyful anthem Angels sang to harps of gold. Refrain: Welcome, welcome, blessèd Jesus, Give Thy peace to us today; Glory, in the highest glory, Be unto Thy name alway! 2 Glory, in the highest glory! We would know the tidings sweet, Hasten onward, gladly onward, Like the shepherds Christ to greet; He has come, the blessèd Jesus, Born to us this happy day, In our hearts, most holy Stranger, We will welcome Thee alway. [Refrain] Used With Tune: ALDERSHOT Text Sources: World-Wide Hosannas by Adam Geibel and R. Frank Lehman (Philadelphia: Adam Geibel Music, 1904)


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