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Text Identifier:"^far_from_mortal_cares_retreating$"

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Friedrich von Flotow

1812 - 1883 Person Name: Flotow Composer of "[Far from mortal cares retreating]" in Good-Will Songs Friedrich Adolf Ferdinand, Freiherr von Flotow

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

1712 - 1778 Person Name: J. J. Rousseau Composer of "[Far from mortal cares retreating,]" in Gospel Praise Book. Jean Jacques Rousseau; b. 1712, Geneva; d. 1778, Paris. Born in the city-state of Geneva in the Swiss Confederacy, his mother died whenhe was 9 days old. Rousseau's father was a watchmaker, but got into trouble with local officials and left the town, leaving his son with an uncle who had Rousseau and his own son board with a Calvinist minister for 2 years. He was later apprenticed to a notary and then to an engraver, who beat him. He ran away from Geneva at 16. In nearby Savoy, he sheltered with a Roman Catholic priest. He was sent to Italy to convert to Catholicism. He supported himself as a servant, secretary, and tutor. His life was filled with personal and political upheaval, and his writings infuriated many, to the point he had to leave several habitations. He had many friends and enemies due to his philosophies on life, religion, and God. He was concerned with decay of society (having experienced the French Revolution) and became a philosopher, writer, botanist, and composer, he influenced the Enlightenment period through his political philosophy, both in France and across Europe, including aspects of the French Revolution and overall development of modern political and educational thought. A member of the Jacobin Club, he was the most popular of philosophers. He believed that self-preservation was the highest virtue and that we should study to understand how society operates and where pitfalls lie. His personal family life was very chaotic as a result of his outspoken opinions and writings. He returned to his Calvinistic beliefs in later life, but digressed from them on several issues important to that church. John Perry

James Nares

1715 - 1783 Composer of "AMSTERDAM" in Jubilate Deo Born: April 19, 1715, Stanwell, Middlesex, England. Died: February 10, 1783. Buried: St. Margaret’s, Westminster, England. After his family moved to Oxford, Nares became a chorister in the Chapel Royal. He later became deputy organist at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor; organist in York Cathedral (1734); and organist in the Royal Chapel and composer to the king (1756). He received a doctorate of music degree from Cambridge University in 1756. In 1770, the Catch Club awarded him a prize for his glee To All Lovers of Harmony. Sources: Frost, p. 683 Nutter, p. 462 ====================


Person Name: Anon. Author of "Far from mortal cares retreating" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

1756 - 1791 Person Name: Johann C. W. A. Mozart Composer of "ELLESDIE" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Austria 1756-1791. Born at Salzburg, Austria, the son of Leopold Mozart, a minor composer and violinist, and youngest of seven children, he showed amazing ability on violin and keyboard from earliest childhood, even starting to compose music at age four when his father would play a piece and Mozart would play it exactly as did his father. At five, he composed some of his own music, which he played to his father, who wrote it down. When Mozart was eight, he wrote his first symphony, probably transcribed by his father. In his early years his father was his only teacher, teaching his children languages and academic subjects, as well as fundamentals of their strict Catholic faith. Some of his early compositions came as a surprise to his father, who eventually gave up composing himself when he realized how talented his son was. His family made several European journeys and he and his sister, Nanneri, performed as child prodigies, at the court of Prince-elector Maximillian II of Bavaria in Munich, and at the Imperial Courts in Vienna and Prague. A long concert tour followed, for 3.5 years, taking the family to courts in Munich, Mannheim, Paris, London, Dover, The Hague, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Mechelen, and again to Paris, and back home via Zurich, Donaueschingen, and Munich. During these trips Mozart met many musicians, acquainting himself with the works of other composers. He met Johann Christian Bach in London in 1764. Family trips were challenging, and travel conditions were primitive. They had to wait for invitations and reimbursements from nobility, and they endured long, near-fatal illnesses far from home. First Leopold (1764) got sick, then both children (1765). They traveled again to Vienna in 1767 and stayed there over a year. After a year back in Salzburg, Leopold and Wolfgang went to Italy (1769-1771), Leopold wished to display his son’s abilities as a performer and maturing composer. In Bologna, Italy, Wolfgang was accepted as a member of the famous Academia Filamonica. In Rome he heard Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere twice in performance. Back in the Sistine Chapel, Mozart wrote the whole performance out from memory, thus producing the first unauthorized copy of this closely guarded property of the Vatican. In the next few years Mozart wrote several operas performed with success in Italy, but his father’s hopes of securing a professional appointment for his son were not realized. At age 17 he was engaged as a musician at the Salzburg court, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position. After returning to Salzburg, Mozart was employed as a court musician by the ruler of Salzburg, Prince Archbishop Hieronymus Colloredo. This gave Mozart ample opportunity to develop relationships with other musicians and his admirers, resulting in his development of new symphonies, sonatas, string quartets, masses, serenades, and some minor operas. In 1775 he wrote his only violin concertos, five in all. Again, he was discontent with work in Salzburg and traveled to find more opportunity to write operas. He and his father again visited Munich and Vienna, but neither visit was successful with the exception of his opera ‘La finta giardiniera’ in Munich. In 1777 he resigned his Salzburg position and went to Augsburg, Mannheim, Paris, and Munich again. In Mannheim he met and fell in love with Aloysia Weber, one of four daughters of a musical family. He could find no real employment there and left for Paris in 1778. He might have had a position as organist at Versailles, but he was not interested in that. He fell into debt and started pawning valuables. During these events his mother died. Meanwhile his father was still trying to find him a position in Salzburg. After checking out several other European cities and Munich, he again encountered Aloysia, but she was no longer interested in him, so he returned to Salzburg, having written another symphony, concerto, and piano sonata, and took the new appointment his father had found. However, he was still in discontent. Visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He wrote another opera, ‘Idomeneo’, in 1781, that was successful in Munich. Two months later he was summoned to Vienna, where his employer, Archbishop Colloredo, wanted him around due to his notoriety. Mozart wished to meet the emperor and perform for him, and finally got that opportunity. It resulted in a part-time position and substantial commissions. Colloredo became a nemesis to Mozart’s career, finally releasing Mozart from his employ with a literal kick in the pants, much against his father’s wishes. However, he was now independent. Mozart then decided to settle in Vienna as a free lance performer and composer. He lived with the Fridolin Weber family, who had moved from Mannheim to Vienna. Fridolin, the father, had died, and they were taking in lodgers to make ends meet. His career there went well, and he performed as a pianist before the Emperor, establishing himself as the finest keyboard player in Vienna. He wrote another opera in 1782, again achieving success. Mozart had now become a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period and was known throughout Europe. Aloysia was now married to actor, Joseph Lange, and Mozart’s interest shifted to her sister, Constanze. In 1782 he married Constanze Weber Mozart Nissen. The marriage started out with a brief separation, and there was a problem getting Mozart’s father’s permission, which finally came. They had six children, but only two survived infancy: Carl and Franz. He lived in Vienna and achieved some notoriety, composing many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas. In 1782-83 he became intimately acquainted with Johann Sebastian Bach and George Friederic Handel, as his friend, Gottfried van Swieten, owned many manuscripts of the Baroque masters, which Mozart studied intently. He altered his style of composition as a result. That year Mozart and his wife visited his father and sister, and he composed a liturgical piece, a Mass, with a singing part for his wife. He also met Joseph Hadyn in Vienna in 1784 and they became friends. They even played together in a string quartet from time to time. Mozart wrote six quartets dedicated to Hadyn. In 1785 Hadyn told Leopold Mozart, “Your son is the greatest composer known to me by person and repute, he has taste, and what is more, the greatest skill in composition”. Over the next several years Mozart booked several piano concertos in various places as a sole performer to delighted audiences, making substantial remuneration for his work. He and his wife then adopted a more luxurious lifestyle. They moved to an expensive apartment and he bought a fine fortepiano and billiard table. They sent their son, Karl, to an expensive boarding school and also kept servants. In 1784 Mozart became a Freemason and even composed Masonic music. Over the next several years he did little operatic writing and focused on his career as a piano soloist and writer of concertos. He again began operatic collaboration in 1785, creating ‘The marriage of Figaro’, then ‘Don Giovanni’ in 1787. That year his father died. Also that year he obtained a steady post under Emperor Joseph II as his chamber composer. This was part-time employment that was important when hard times arrived. However, Joseph aimed at keeping Mozart from leaving Vienna for better work. The Austrio-Turkish War made life difficult for musicians, and his aristocracy support had declined. He moved to save on expenses, but that did not help much, and he was reduced to borrowing funds from his friends, and pleading for loans. During this period he produced his last three symphonies. In 1789 he then set up on a journey to Leipzig, Dresden, and Berlin hoping to improve his fortunes. In 1790 he was highly productive, producing concertos, an opera, ‘The magic flute’, a series of string quintets, a motet, and an (unfinished) Requiem. Finances began to improve and he begin paying back his debts. Public reaction to his works also brought him great satisfaction. In 1791, while in Prague for the premiere of his opera, ‘La clemenza di Tito’, he fell ill. He continued professional functions for a short time, but had to go home and be nursed by his wife over the next couple of months. He died at Vienna, Austria, at the age of 35, a small thin man with undistinguishing characteristics. He was buried in a modest grave, having had a small funeral. Beethoven composed his early works in the shadow of Mozart, and Joseph Hadyn wrote “posterity will not see such a talent (as Mozart) again in 100 years”. 600+ works. Side note: Mozart enjoyed billiards, dancing, and had a pet canary, a starling, a dog, and a horse for recreational riding. He liked off-color humor. He wore elegant clothing when performing and had a modest tenor voice. John Perry

John Taylor

1750 - 1826 Person Name: J. Taylor Author of "Far from Mortal Cares" in Gospel Praise Book. Taylor, John, born July 30, 1750, was the son of Richard Taylor, of Norwich, and grandson of Dr. John Taylor (1694-1761, the eminent Hebrew scholar, who was for many years minister of the Octagon Chapel, Norwich, and afterwards Divinity tutor at the Warrington Academy. Dr. Taylor published A Collection of Tunes in Various Airs, one of the first collections of its kind, and his grandson was one of the most musical of Unitarian hymn-writers). Young Taylor, after serving his apprenticeship in his native place, was for two years in a banking house in London, at which time he was an occasional poetical contributor to the Morning Chronicle. In 1773 he returned to Norwich, where he spent the rest of his life, first as a manufacturer, and afterwards as a wool and yarn factor. For nearly fifty years he was a deacon at the Octagon Chapel. At the time of the French Revolution he joined in the support of The Cabinet, a periodical brought out by the Liberals of Norwich, in conjunction with Dr. Enfield, William Taylor, Miss Alderson (Mrs. Opie), and others, and, as a "poet of the olden time," he contributed five poems thereto. These, and other political songs and poems relating to family events, &c, together with 50 hymns, were collected in Hymns and Miscellaneous Poems, Reprinted for Private Distribution, 1863, with a Memoir taken from the Monthly Repository of Sept. 1826, by his son, Edward Taylor, then Gresham Professor of Music. An earlier and less complete edition, containing 43 hymns, he had himself caused to be printed by his sons, Richard and Arthur Taylor, London, 1818. He died June 23, 1826. Of his hymns the following 9 were contributed to Dr. Enfield's Selection of Hymns for Social Worship, Norwich, 1795:— 1. Far from mortal cares retreating. Divine Worship. 2. Father divine, before Thy view. Divine Providence. 3. Father of our feeble race. Christian Love. This begins in Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884, and others, with st. ii., "Lord, what offering shall we bring?" 4. Glory be to God on high. Divine glories celebrated. The first stanza is by C. Wesley, and the rest are by Taylor. 5. God of mercy, God of love [grace], Hear our sad repentant song. Penitence. 6. 0 sing to the Lord a new song. Praise to the Supreme Ruler and Judge. 7. Praise to God, the great Creator. Praise to the Father. The hymn "Saints with pious zeal attending" in Hatfield's Church Hymns, &c.,N.Y., 1872, begins with line 4 of stanza i. of this hymn. 8. Raise your voice and joyful sing. Praise. 9. Rejoice, the Lord is King. Providence acknowledged in the Seasons. The first stanza and 11. 5 and 6 of all are by C. Wesley, and the rest are by Taylor. J. Taylor edited Hymns intended to be used at the Commencement of Social Worship, London, 1802. To that collection he contributed 10 hymns, including:— 10. At the portals of Thy house. Divine Worship. In a few American collections a cento from this hymn is given as, "Lord, before thy presence come." 11. Blessed Sabbath of our [the] Lord. Sunday. 12. 0 how delightful is the road. Divine Worship. 13. Supreme o'er all Jehovah reigns.. Divine Worship. All the foregoing, except No. 8, were re-published in the Norwich Collectionof 1814. That edition contained 33 of Taylor's hymns. To the 2nd ed., 1826, he added 9 more. To R. Aspland's Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Unitarian Worship, Hackney, 1810, he contributed 26 hymns, old and new, including :— 14. Like shadows gliding o'er the plain. Time and Eternity. 15. The Mighty God who rolls [rules] the spheres. God the Preserver of Man. These 15 are the best known of Taylor's hymns, and are largely found in Unitarian collections. See especially Dr. Martineau's Hymns, &c, of 1840, and of 1873. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Jane Taylor

1783 - 1824 Person Name: Miss Jane Taylor Author of "The Fount of Glory" in A Selection of Sacred Songs. 2nd ed. Taylor, Jane, the younger of two sisters, was born at London, Sept. 23, 1783. Her gift in writing verse displayed itself at an early age. Her first piece was printed in the Minor's Pocket Book for 1804. Her publications included Display, a tale, 1815; Essays in Rhymes, 1816; and the posthumous work edited by her brother, entitled The Contributions of Q. Q., 1824, being pieces in prose and verse from the Youth's Magazine, to which she had contributed under the signature of "Q. Q." She died at Ongar, Essex, April 13, 1824. Her Memoir and Poetical Remains, were published by her father in 1825. The joint productions of the two sisters, Ann Taylor Gilbert & Jane Taylor, were:-- (1) Original Poems, 1805; (2) Hymns for the Nursery, 1806; (3) Hymns for Infant Minds, 1809; 2nd edition 1810; 52nd edition 1877. To the 35th edition, 1844, Mrs. Gilbert interspersed 23 additional hymns by herself, thereby raising the total to 93. In 1886 Josiah Gilbert revised these hymns, added thereto from the works named above, supplied the initials "A." and "J." respectively, and published the same under the original title as the Authorized Edition." (4) Original Hymns for Sunday Schools, 1812. In addition to the hymns which are noted under their respective first lines, Miss Taylor is the authors of the following (the date in brackets indicates the book in which each hymn appeared):— 1. A sinner, Lord, behold I stand (1809). A Child's Humble Confession. 2. Almighty God, Who dwellest high (1809). Praise to God. 3. Come, my fond, fluttering heart (Collyer's Collection 1812). Renunciation of the World. 4. God is so good that He will hear (1809). Encouragement to Pray. 5. God!—What a great and awful name (1809). God's Condescension. 6. How dreadful to be turned away (1812). Expulsion from Sunday School. 7. Lord, I would own thy tender care (1809). Thanks for Daily Mercies. 8. Love and kindness we may measure (1809). Against Selfishness. 9. Now condescend, Almighty King (1809). Evening Hymn for a Small Family. 10. This is a precious book indeed (1809). Holy Scripture. 11. What is there, Lord, a child can do? Repentance. 12. When daily I kneel down to pray (1809). Against wandering thoughts in Prayer. 13. When for some little insult given (1809). Against Anger, &c. 14. When to the house of God we go (1809). Public Worship. Mr. Gilbert's edition of the Hymns for Infant Minds, 1886, together with manuscript notes, are our authorities for the foregoing ascriptions of authorship. Mr. Gilbert cannot distinguish the authorship of the following hymns by one or both sisters:— 1. Good David, whose Psalms have so often been sung (1812). Concerning David. 2. If Jesus Christ was sent (1812). Repentance. 3. King Solomon of old (1812). Concerning Solomon. In literary excellence Mrs. Gilbert's hymns surpass those of her sister. They are more elevated in style, ornate in character, broader in grasp, and better adapted for adults. The best are "Great God, and wilt Thou condescend?", "Jesus, Who lived above the sky," and "Lo! at noon 'tis sudden night." Miss Taylor's hymns are marked by great simplicity and directness. The most popular and one of the best is, "There is a path that leads to God." Taken as a whole, her hymns are somewhat depressing in tone. They lack brightness and warmth. --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

R. W. Thompson

Composer of "FOUNT OF GLORY" in The Southern Harmony, and Musical Companion (New ed. thoroughly rev. and much enl.)

Allie L. Smith

Composer of "HOLLAND" in Shook's Song Evangelist

S. M. Bixby

1833 - 1912 Composer of "[Far from mortal cares retreating]" in Evangel Songs Samuel M. Bixby was born on May 27, 1833 in Ha­ver­hill, New Hamp­shire. His com­pa­ny, S. M. Bixby & Company, man­u­factured shoe black­ings and shoe dress­ings, but mu­sic was his pas­sion. He was al­so a Sun­day school su­per­in­ten­dent and choir lead­er. He died on March 11, 1912 in Ford­ham, New York. His works in­clude: Church and Home Hym­nal, cir­ca 1893 Evangel Songs, cir­ca 1894 Gloria Deo: A Col­lec­tion of Hymns and Tunes for Pub­lic Wor­ship in All De­part­ments of the Church (New York: Funk & Wag­nalls Com­pa­ny, 1901) NN, Hymnary. Source:

Irving Emerson

1843 - 1903 Arranger of "WENDELL" in The Cyber Hymnal

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