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Tune Identifier:"^o_gott_du_frommer_gott_51712$"

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O Gott, du frommer Gott

Author: Johann Heermann Hymnal: Antwort Finden in alten und neuen Liedern, in Worten zum Nachdenken und Beten #495a (2014) Topics: Glaube - Liebe - Hoffnung Arbeit Languages: German Tune Title: [O Gott, du frommer Gott]

O Panie, Boże mój

Author: ks. Johann Heermann; Ludwik Jenike Hymnal: Śpiewnik Ewangelicki #873a (2002) Languages: Polish Tune Title: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT

Ach Gott, verlaß mich nicht

Author: Salomo Franck Hymnal: Evangelisches Kirchengesangbuch #301 (1969) Languages: German Tune Title: O GOTT DU FROMMER GOTT I
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O God, Forsake Me Not

Author: Salomo Franck, 1659-1725; August Crull, 1845-1923 Hymnal: Christian Worship (1993) #424 (1993) Meter: First Line: O God, forsake me not! Lyrics: 1 O God, forsake me not! Your gracious presence lend me; Lord, lead your helpless child; Your Holy Spirit send me That I my course may run. Oh, be my light, my lot, My staff, my rock, my shield -- O God, forsake me not! 2 O God, forsake me not! Take not your Spirit from me; Do not permit the might Of sin to overcome me. Increase my feeble faith, Which you alone have wrought. Oh, be my strength and pow'r -- O God, forsake me not! 3 O God, forsake me not! Lord, hear my supplication! In ev'ry evil hour Help me o'ercome temptation; And when the prince of hell My conscience seeks to blot, Be then not far from me -- O God, forsake me not! 4 O God, forsake me not! Lord, I am yours forever. Oh, keep me strong in faith That I may leave you never. Grant me a blessed end When my good fight is fought; Help me in life and death -- O God, forsake me not! Topics: Trust; Trust Languages: English Tune Title: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT (I)

Our God, to whom we turn

Hymnal: Sing! Hymnal for Youth and Adults #2 (1969) Tune Title: O Gott, du frommer Gott (Darmstadt)

Our God, to Whom We Turn

Author: Edward Grubb Hymnal: The New Century Hymnal #37 (1995) Meter: First Line: Our God to whom we turn Topics: Adoration and Praise God; Comfort and Assurance; God Works in Creation Languages: English Tune Title: STEADFAST (O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT, Hanover, 1646)
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O God, Our Faithful God

Author: Johann Heermann; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Presbyterian Hymnal #277 (1990) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O God, our faithful God, O fountain ever flowing, Without whom nothing is, All perfect gifts bestowing, Grant us a faithful life, And give us, Lord, within, Commitment free from strife, A soul unhurt by sin. 2 God, grant us strength to do With ready heart and willing, Whatever You command, Our calling here fulfilling; And do it when we ought, With zeal and joyfulness; And bless the work we’ve wrought, For You must give success. 3 If dangers gather round, Still keep us calm and fearless; Help us to bear the cross When life is bleek and cheerless, To overcome our foes With words and actions kind; O God, Your will disclose, Your counsel let us find. Scripture: Matthew 16:24-25 Languages: English Tune Title: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT
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Bóg wierny słowom swym

Author: Johann Christoph Wilhelmi, d. 1700 Hymnal: Śpiewnik Ewangelicki #661 (2002) Topics: Wiara, milość, nadzieja Lęk i zaufanie Languages: Polish Tune Title: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT
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Our God, to whom we turn

Author: Edward Grubb, 1854-1939 Hymnal: The Hymnal 1982 #681 (1985) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Our God, to whom we turn when weary with illusion, whose stars serenely burn above this earth’s confusion, thine is the mighty plan, the steadfast order sure in which the world began, endures, and will endure. 2 Thou art thyself the truth; though we who seek to find thee have tried, with thoughts uncouth, in feeble words to bind thee, it is because thou art we’re driven to the quest; till truth from falsehood part, our hearts can find no rest. 3 All beauty speaks of thee: the mountains and the rivers, the line of lifted sea, where spreading moonlight quivers, the hymns thy people raise, the psalms and anthems strong, hint at the glorious praise of thy eternal song. 4 Where goodness comes to light we glimpse thy plan unfolding; where justice wins its fight thou art the Kingdom molding; the blood of friend as sign of love for comrade spilt, reflects the vast design by which thy hose is built. 5 Thou hidden fount of love, of peace, and truth, and beauty, inspire us from above with joy and strength for duty. May thy fresh light arise with each clouded heart, and give us open eyes To see thee as thou art. Topics: The Christian Life Languages: English Tune Title: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT

Nie opuṡć, Boźe, mnie

Author: Salamo Franck; ks. Jerzy Heczko, d. 1907 Hymnal: Śpiewnik Ewangelicki #871 (2002) Topics: Wiara, milość, nadzieja Praca i podróż Languages: Polish Tune Title: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT

Mój Boże, jako chcesz

Author: ks. Benjamin Schmolck, d. 1737 Hymnal: Śpiewnik Ewangelicki #734 (2002) Topics: Wiara, milość, nadzieja Nawrócenie i naśladowanie Languages: Polish Tune Title: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT

O Gud, du fromme Gud

Author: Birg. Kaas; J. Heermann Hymnal: M. B. Landstads Kirkesalmebog og "Nokre Salmar" ved Professor Dr. E. Blix, samt følgende tillæg #526 (1897) Lyrics: 1 O Gud, du fromme Gud, Du Kilde til al Gave! Af dig er alt, hvad er, Af dig vi al ting have. Mit Legem Helbred giv, Og giv mig dertil med En ubesmittet Sjæl, Og god Samvittighed! 2 Giv, at jeg gjør med Flid Alt, hvad jeg bør at gjøre, Hvortil mig dine Bud Udi mit Kald kan føre; Giv, at jeg findes tro, Gjør altid Ret og Skjel, Og havd jeg gjør, saa giv, At det maa lykkes vel! 3 Hjælp, at jeg taler saa, At jeg det kan forsvare, Lad intet syndigt Ord Mig ud af Munden fare; Lad mig min Fiende Godt Af ganske Hjerte te, Lær mig, som raadvild er, De bedste Raad at se! 4 Lad mig og med enhver I Fred og Venskab blive, Og unde alle vel; Vil du mig noget give Af Rigdom, Penge, Gods, Saa giv mig og derved, At intet blandes maa Med Uretfærdighed! 5 Skal jeg i Verden her Maaske end leve længe, Med mange sure Trin Til Alderdom fremtrænge, Saa giv Taalmodighed, Vend Synd og Skam kun af, At med et ærligt Navn Jeg lægges i min Grav! 6 Lad mig paa Kristi Død I Naade herfra skilles, Tag Sjælen op til dig, I Glædens Sol at stilles, Og Legemet et Rum Hos fromme Kristne und, At det maa hvile stilt Hos dem til sidste Stund! 7 Naar du de Døde skal Paa Dommedag opvække, Saa vilde du din Haand Og til min Grav udrekke, Din Røst mig hore lad, Opvæk mit Legem med, Og før det herliggjort Til de Udvaltes Sted! Topics: Femtende Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday Evening; Opholdelsen; Helliggjørelse og Fornyelse; Sanctification and Renewal; Første Søndag i Advent Til Hoimesse; First Sunday in Advent High Mass; Tredie Søndag i Advent Til Aftensang; Third Sunday in Advent For Evening Languages: Norwegian Tune Title: [O Gud, du fromme Gud]
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O God, forsake me not!

Author: M. Woolsey Stryker; Salomon Franck Hymnal: Christian Chorals #166 (1885) Languages: English Tune Title: ACH GOTT VERLASS MICH NICHT
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O God, forsake me not!

Author: M. W. S.; Salomon Franck Hymnal: College Hymnal #226 (1897) Languages: English Tune Title: ACH GOTT VERLASS MICH NICHT
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O Jesu, süßes Licht

Author: Joachim Lange, 1670-1744 Hymnal: Schulgesangbuch für höhere Lehranstalten (Ausgabe für Rheinland und Westfalen) #89 (1898) Languages: German Tune Title: [O Jesu, süßes Licht]

Our God, to Whom We Turn

Author: Edward Grubb, 1854-1939 Hymnal: Songs of Light #22 (1977) Topics: Faith; Praise; Truth Languages: English Tune Title: [Our God, to whom we turn]

Our God, to Whom We Turn

Author: Edward Grubb, 1854-1939 Hymnal: Pilgrim Hymnal #86 (1958) Languages: English Tune Title: STEADFAST
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Why do the heathen rage?

Author: B. H. Kennedy Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #217 (1913) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Why do the heathen rage? What are the nations dreaming? In vain against the Lord And His Anointed scheming, Kings of the earth arise, And leaguéd rulers say: "Come, let us break their bands, And cast their cords away." 2 He who is throned in heaven Derides their preparation; The Lord upon them pours His scornful indignation: Soon shall His voice of wrath Their souls with terror thrill "Yet I have set my King On Zion's holy hill."-- 3 Now will I cry aloud And tell the Lord's great token: "Thou art My Son," He saith: To me the word was spoken: "Yea, Thee have I this day Begotten: ask of Me, And Thine the heathen, Thine Earth's utmost parts shall be: 4 Beneath Thine iron rod Thy foemen shall be shattered, As by the potter's hand The broken shreds lie scattered." Be wise, then, O ye kings, Ye earthly judges, hear; Serve ye the Lord with awe, Rejoice with trembling fear. 5 Bow down and kiss the Son, Lest, if His wrath awaken, Ye fail and fade away, For evermore forsaken. Soon may His anger burn, A lightly kindled flame; Then blessed are all they That trust His holy name. Topics: The Church Year Sunday after New Year; The Church Year Sunday after New Year; Afflcition Tune Title: [Why do the heathen rage?]
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Our God, to whom we turn

Author: Edward Grubb Hymnal: The Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America 1940 #283 (1940) Meter: Topics: Assurance; The Praise of God In himself; Truth Tune Title: STEADFAST
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Forsake me not, my God

Author: S. Franck Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #521 (1913) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Forsake me not, my God, Thou God of my salvation! Give me Thy light, to be My sure illumination. My soul to folly turns, Seeking she knows not what: O lead her to Thyself; My God, forsake me not! 2 Forsake me not, my God! Take not Thy Spirit from me, And suffer not the might Of sin to overcome me. A father pitieth The children be begot; My Father, pity me! My God, forsake me not! 3 Forsake me not, my God, Thou God of life and power! Enliven, strengthen me, In every evil hour: And when the sinful fire Within my heart is hot, Be not Thou far from me: My God, forsake me not! 4 Forsake me not, my God! Uphold me in my going, That evermore I may Please Thee in all well-doing; And that Thy will, O Lord, May never be forgot In all my works and ways: My God, forsake me not! 5 Forsake me not, my God! I would be Thine for ever: Confirm me mightily In every right endeavor: And when my hour is come, Cleansed from all stain and spot Of sin, receive my soul: My God, forsake me not! Topics: Various Occasions Day of Common Prayer; Various Occassions Day of Common Prayer; Trials and Conflicts Tune Title: [Forsake me not, my God]

Our God, to Whom We Turn

Author: Edward Grubb Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #4929 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Our God, to whom we turn When weary with illusion, Whose stars serenely burn Above this earth’s confusion, Thine is the mighty plan, The steadfast order sure In which the world began, Endures, and will endure. 2. Thou art Thyself the truth; Though we who fain would find Thee, Have tried, with thoughts uncouth, In feeble words to bind Thee, It is because Thou art We’re driven to the quest; Till truth from falsehood part, Our souls can find no rest. 3. All beauty speaks of Thee: The mountains and the rivers, The line of lifted sea, Where spreading moonlight quivers, The deep-toned organ blast That rolls through arches dim, Hints of the music vast Of Thine eternal hymn. 4. Wherever goodness lurks We catch Thy tones appealing; Where man for justice works Thou art Thyself revealing; The blood of man, for man On friendship’s altar spilt, Betrays the mystic plan On which Thy house is built. 5. Thou hidden fount of love, Of peace, and truth, and beauty, Inspire us from above With joy and strength for duty. May Thy fresh light arise Within each clouded heart, And give us open eyes To see Thou as Thou art. Languages: English Tune Title: STEADFAST
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Defend me, Lord, from shame

Hymnal: Carmina Sacra #153a (1841) Languages: English Tune Title: STOEL

Rise from Your Graves, Ye Dead

Author: Johann F. Starck, 1680-1756 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5795 Meter: First Line: Rise from your graves, ye dead! Lyrics: 1. Rise from your graves, ye dead! Thus shall the call be sounded, Which on the latter day shall find us all astounded; Which to the faithful flock shall promise rare delight, And fill the trembling hearts of sinners with affright. 2. Rise from your graves, ye dead! Your sleep at last is over, Ye blessèd of the Lord, no more without shall hover. The garments are prepared, the crowns for you are stored, Enter into the joy and comfort of your Lord! 3. Rise from your graves, ye dead! Come from your earthly cover; Ye wicked all the pangs of hell shall now discover. Ye once rejected Me, I hold you nothing worth; Wailing and gnashing teeth shall be your lot henceforth. 4. Rise from your graves, ye dead! Lo, here are bone and tissue Flesh, sinew, hands, eye, foot! from earth and air they issue. That wherewith you have served the Lord is glorified, That wherewith you have sinned, consumed and cast aside. 5. Rise from your graves, ye dead! Ye faithful now shall glory In halos like the sun, undimmed, untransitory. Immortal bodies with immortal souls shall blend, Ye shall enjoy the rest of saints that hath no end. Languages: English Tune Title: STEADFAST

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