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May the grace of Christ our Saviour

Hymnal: Methodist Hymn-Book #D7 (1884) Meter: Topics: Doxologies, Benedictions, and Chants Languages: English
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Let the voice of all creation

Hymnal: Methodist Hymn-Book #D9 (1884) Meter: Topics: Doxologies, Benedictions, and Chants Languages: English
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Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing

Hymnal: Methodist Hymn-Book #D12 (1884) Meter: Topics: Doxologies, Benedictions, and Chants Languages: English

Vem, Jesus nossa esperança

Author: Jaci C. Maraschin (1930-2009); Charles Wesley (1707-1788) Hymnal: Mil Vozes para Celebrar #II-2 (2019) Meter: Languages: Portuguese Tune Title: CRISTO É MAIS

I would sing Thy love, my Saviour

Author: Jospeh Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #1 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: I would sing Thy love, my Saviour, O, how can I silent be! Though more sweetly, more sublimely Many touch the chords to Thee. In thy mercy in abundance, Not a stream but boundless main: Let me but rehearse the riches JESUS doth for worlds contain! Languages: English

“Behold the Man.”

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #3 (1854) Meter: First Line: Jesus Christ is my Creator Lyrics: Jesus Christ is my Creator,— He formed sea and earth and air; Nature’s pillars stand unshaken On his power and constant care. By his fingers for a dwelling Was heaven’s vault sublime upreared: Jesus suffered when to save us He as man on earth appeared. Lofty Angels! God-like spirits, Clad in robes of ‘living light’: He who gave you all your glories, Him you worship day and night, Made his tent in human nature That in Him should man confide: Your Delight, your Source, and Centre Died—for man a Ransom died. Vast encircling Space! whose confines Stretch beyond creation’s pole! Worlds of magnitude appalling In thee unobstructed roll: 3 He in whom thou art containèd, Spread at first and peopled thee, Lay, an infant, in the manger, Died, a man, upon the tree. Countless Stars! through darkness peering; Silent sentinels of night! Worlds are ye of radiant brightness— Points to feeble human sight: He who spake and ye were kindled, And will be, when ye grow dim, Sun of souls, and Noon of heaven— Grief and death enshrouded HIM. Planets! with the Earth concentric, Speeding on your trackless ways,— Speeding in unbroken order From your distant primal days! He whose arm put you in motion— Who your orbits vast designed, Here was born a helpless infant, Here for sin his life resigned. Sun! the unexhausted fountain, Whence flow warmth and genial light, By whom Day to us is given Loaded with untold delight! He who hath with glory charged thee That we may not rudely gaze, Was on Calvary obscured— Well thou dark’nedst with amaze. Moon! who star-attended glidest Through the sky with queenly grace; Shining now in placid splendour, Veiling now with clouds thy face: He who hides thee—brings light to thee From that sun, whose Sun is He, Was eclipsed,—his beams were clouded, On the ignominious tree. Thunder! who within thy cradle Of the sable cloud dost rock: Rolling through expanse of heaven, Shaking earth with fearful shock! He who overawes the nations, In thy mighty noise confessed, Groaned and sighed with troubled spirit, By our guilt and sin oppressed. Lightning wild! thy child the Thunder, Thou dost wrap the world in fire: Sodom perished by thee stricken, Doomed by Heaven’s long-slumbering ire. He who formed thee—could command thee Earth to cleanse and man to slay, Gave Himself an expiation— Saved by death from Death his prey. Tempests! who disclose the caverns, Dungeons drear beneath the seas, Toying with the proudest navies, Hurling down the giant trees: He who curbs your wildest fury, Calms you like to infant’s breath, As a lamb Himself surrendered, Bowed his reverend head in death! Peer of Angels! space outreaching. Stars, sun, moon, thy grandeur show; Thunder, lightning, earthquake, tempest, Less in might sublime than THOU! For thy welfare, haughty Rebel, Thee from error back to bring, Jesus meekly bore thine insults: Weep—repent—believe—and sing! Languages: English

A Friend in Jordan.

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #8 (1854) Meter: First Line: Who amid the swelling billows Lyrics: Who amid the swelling billows Can sustain my sinking head? None but that divine Redeemer, Who upon the cross hath bled. If He through the stormy current O’er the wave my head will bear, If a gracious look vouchsafe me, I will praise Him even there. Languages: English
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O Jesus, thou art standing

Hymnal: Hymnal and Canticles of the Protestant Episcopal Church with Music (Gilbert & Goodrich) #10b (1883) Meter: Languages: English Tune Title: ENDSLEIGH

“It is Good to be Here.”

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #12 (1854) Meter: First Line: Here, behold the seat of mercy Lyrics: Here, behold the seat of mercy: Here, from doubt and fear release: Here a Refuge for the guilty: Here are joy and health and peace: Here a Covert near the Godhead, Where the vile may make their nest; Justice smiling fond approval, Honoured Law declares them blest. Languages: English


Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #14 (1854) Meter: First Line: Heedless Soul of mine, bethink thee Lyrics: Heedless soul of mine, bethink thee Ere thine hours on earth are past,— Ere thou fly to spirit-regions, If thou real treasure hast. Where will be thine endless dwelling? Where thine everlasting home? What thy portion, joy or mourning, In the world beyond the tomb? When these eyes shall lose their lustre,— Fading with the failing breath, And roll, lightless, in the conflict, With inexorable Death; How wilt thou survive the anguish— How sustain all earthly loss, If thou know not the Redeemer, If thou cling not to his cross? Languages: English


Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #15 (1854) Meter: First Line: O the weakness, O the folly Lyrics: O the weakness, O the folly, That my heart did e’er entwine Round a joy, or hope, or promise, Vain, unstable World, of thine! Thou with all thy proffered treasure Shalt ere long from me remove:— Turn, fond heart, with holy rapture, Unto God thy trust and love. Are there none of my companions, Will from life attend me forth, Or will fondly watch beside me In the cold and silent earth? All thy boasting this, O Friendship! Shedding tears and heaving sighs, When my need of thee is greatest, When thy doting votary dies? Languages: English

The Search.

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #17 (1854) Meter: First Line: I had sought throughout creation Lyrics: I had sought throughout creation, Searched its vast, amazing whole, For an object to delight in, Adequate to fill the soul. After turning nature’s pages Forward, backward, o’er and o’er, I attained not satisfaction, But my longings grew the more. Then amid angelic orders Asked I if there were not one, Willing to extend his friendship To a wretched soul undone: Soon a lofty spirit answered, “No; there is not one of us, Can hold friendship with a spirit Fallen, guilty, wandering thus.” Shame and grief now overwhelmed me,— My sad heart was nigh to break, All my frame with terror trembled, And my tongue no more could speak; Then gushed forth a briny torrent, Down unto the crystal floor, Nothing through unending ages, Can from memory blot that hour. Then a glance in helpless sorrow Turned I to the central throne,— There I saw the Mediator Who for my life gave his own. “There is He,” I faintly whispered, “Read I not upon His face, That his heart is full of pity, Full, to sinful worms, of grace?” Then I drew unto his footstool, Prostrate fell before his seat; And I pleaded for his favour; Pointing to his hands and feet: “I will pour,” I said, “my sorrow And my need into his ear, All my grief I will unbosom: It is Jesus, need I fear!” Then while I a bosom opened, Full of darkness, want and sin, He a bosom full of mercy Opened to receive me in: Those kind hands which once were piercèd, Reached he forth to raise my head:— From that all-transporting moment All my hopeless longings fled. Languages: English

A Farewell.

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #18 (1854) Meter: First Line: Fly, Earth's gaudy, fading trifles Lyrics: Fly, Earth’s gaudy, fading trifles; Empty joys, no longer stay: Stand aside, vain schemes of profit: Gay companions, speed away! I depart, the Bridegroom cometh; I dare sport with you no more, But would with the wise now ready Enter ere He close the door. Come, ye thoughtless, enter with me, Flee, while Mercy saith there’s room: Flee, before the storm o’ertake you: Flee, ere your destruction come: Swiftly speeds the dread avenger, Swiftly speeds the judgement hour; Speed we to the refuge swiftly, While we have an open door. Languages: English

The Unseen.

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #19 (1854) Meter: First Line: Though unseen, O Lord, I love Thee Lyrics: Though unseen, O Lord, I love Thee, Wondrous is thy saving might, Thus to wean my soul so sweetly From its sinful chief delight: More Thou didst in one short instant Than a world could e’er have done, Winning Thee a happy dwelling In this sterile heart of stone. Languages: English
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Los heraldos celestiales

Author: Pedro Castro; Charles Wesley, 1708-1788 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #22 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Los heraldos celestiales Cantan con sonora voz: "¡Gloria el rey recién nacido, Que del cielo descendió!" Paz, misericordia plena, Franca reconciliación Entre Dios, tan ultrajado, Y el mortal que le ofendió. 2 La divinidad sublime En la carne se veló; Ved a Dios morando en carne, Y adorad al Hombre Dios. Emmanuel, Dios con nosotros, A la tierra descendió; Y hecho hombre, con los hombres Tiene ya su habitación. 3 ¡Salve, principe glorioso De la paz y del perdón! ¡Salve a Ti que de justicia Eres el divino sol! Luz y vida resplandecen A tu grata aparición, Y en tus blancas alas traes La salud al pecador. 4 Naces manso, despojado De tu gloria y esplendor, Porque no muramos todos En fatal condenación; Naces para que ya el hombre Tenga en Ti resurrección, Naces para que renazca A la vida el pecador. Topics: El Año Cristiano Navidad; Christian Year Christmas Languages: Spanish Tune Title: O DURCHBRECHER (CONQUEROR)

Kissing the Rod.

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #23 (1854) Meter: First Line: Teach me Aaron's thoughtful silence Lyrics: Teach me Aaron’s thoughtful silence When corrected by thy rod; Teach me Eli’s acquiescence, Saying, “Do thy will, my God:” Teach me Job’s confiding patience, Dreading words from pride that flow; For Thou, Lord, alone exaltest, And Thou only layest low. Languages: English

Speaking unto God.

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #24 (1854) Meter: First Line: How shall I my case discover Lyrics: How shall I my case discover, Who can estimate my grief! If a cloud thy presence darken, Nought can give my soul relief. Through the clouds let my entreaty— Let these sighs to Thee ascend, Till new light break o’er my spirit— Till thy gracious ear attend. All my groans, my sighs, and weeping, All my best resolves are vain, My most watchful thoughts avail not, Victory o’er sin to gain. Lord, His name I plead who suffered For lost man thy holy frown: See the reed, the cross, the scourging; See the robe, the thorny crown! Through the sole atoning merit Of the blood by Jesus shed, Scatter all the sin that hinders Heaven from shining on my head. Pardon all the great transgressions, Which I cannot count to Thee: Look for merits in my Saviour, Not, my righteous God, in me. If for sin He was afflicted, If the spear did pierce His side, If His hands and feet were nailèd, If flowed forth His vital tide; Let the fruit of that deep anguish, Let the purchase of that pain, Be imparted to my spirit— Shall the plea be made in vain! Languages: English
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Earth, with all thy thousand voices

Author: Churton Hymnal: Methodist Hymn-Book #30 (1884) Meter: Topics: Adoration Scripture: Psalm 96 Languages: English
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Praise the Lord! ye heavens adore him

Author: J. Kempthorne Hymnal: Methodist Hymn-Book #31 (1884) Meter: Topics: Adoration Scripture: Psalm 148 Languages: English
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Raise the psalm: let earth adoring

Author: E. Churton Hymnal: Methodist Hymn-Book #32 (1884) Meter: Topics: Adoration Scripture: Psalm 96 Languages: English
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Para todo pergrino

Author: Pedro Castro Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #41 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Para todo peregrino Que camina con valor Por la senda que conduce A los brazos del Señor, Hay un faro luminoso Que le presta su fulgor: Es el santo Jesucristo, El bendito Salvador. 2 Par aquel a quien el mundo Desgarró su corazón, Deshojó sus ilusiones Y su alma marchitó, Hay un bálsamo divino Que da calma a su dolor: Es el santo Jesucristo, El bendito Salvador. 3 Para el hombre que, perdido Por el mal que practicó, De su suerte desespera Pereciendo de dolor, Hay un médico divino Que le brinda redención: Es el santo Jesucristo, El bendito Salvador. 4 Para el huérfano que solo En la tierra se quedó, Y suspira por una alma Que le cuide con amor, Un amigo hay cariñoso Que le muestra compasión: Es el santo Jesucristo, El bendito Salvador. Topics: El Año Cristiano Septuagésima a Cuaresma; Cuaresma; Invitación; Lent; Invitation Languages: Spanish Tune Title: SAINT HILARY

“Abide with Us.”

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #42 (1854) Meter: First Line: Fix a dwelling, Lord, in Goshen Lyrics: Fix a dwelling, Lord, in Goshen— Shall thine Israel be denied? From thy shining exaltation, Deign to bow, and here abide: Dwell among thy pilgrim people, Where the tribes to praise Thee come, Nor depart, Redeemer, from us, Till the final day of doom. Languages: English
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Tenebroso, mar undoso

Author: Miralles Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #43 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Tenebroso, mar undoso Vas surcando, pecador; Y el presagio del naufragio Acrecienta tu temor. ¿Ves no lejos los reflejos De una amiga y blanca luz? Ese bello, fiel destello Es el faro de la cruz. 2 Anhelado, puerto amado, Fuente viva de salud: En ti mi alma dulce calma Gozará sin inquietud. ¿Qué es el mundo? Foco inmundo; De él me quiero retirar, Y el tranquilo, grato asilo De los justos desfrutar. 3 ¡Cuánto ansío, Cristo mío, Revestirme de tu amor, Adorarte, siempre honrarte Cual tu humilde servidor! Roca fuerte, que ni muerte Ni los siglos destruirán; Y los fieles sus laureles De victoria lucirán. Topics: El Año Cristiano Septuagésima a Cuaresma; Lent Languages: Spanish Tune Title: O MEIN JESU

Commencement of Worship.

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #44 (1854) Meter: First Line: He who darts the wingèd lightning Lyrics: He who darts the wingèd lightning,— Walks upon the foaming wave,— Send forth arrows of conviction Here,—exert his power to save: Burst the bars of Satan’s prison: Snatch the firebrand from the flame, Fill the doubting with assurance: Teach the dumb to sing His name! Languages: English

Zion Asleep.

Author: Joseph Morris Hymnal: Favourite Welsh Hymns #45 (1854) Meter: First Line: O that now mine eyes were fountains Lyrics: O that now mine eyes were fountains, That I night and day might weep, To see Zion in the desert, On her journey gone asleep. In its sin the wide world lying, Zion halted—sleeping fast: With thy breath to wake the valley, Come, eternal Spirit, haste! Zion, wake! O hear the groaning Of the earth beneath her wrong; Time it is that thou wert stirring, Why, O why hast slept so long? Slumbered hast thou many ages, And thy Lord account hath kept: Shall thy foes say, Zion, Zion! “None, as thou, so long hath slept!” Languages: English

Afligido y castigado

Author: Andrés Meléndez, n. 1902; Thomas Kelly, 1769-1854 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #58 (1964) Meter: Topics: Cuaresma; El Año Cristiano Semana Santa; Lent; Christian Year Holy Week Languages: Spanish Tune Title: O MEIN JESU
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En el huerto, agonizante

Author: Desconocido Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #59 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 En el huerto agonizante, Contemplamos al Señor, Y postrado de su rostro Brota sangre por sudor. ¡Oh Jesús! Por mis delitos Padeciste tal dolor: A tus pies arrepentido, Mírame, buen Redentor. 2 Ved a Cristo en el pretorio Azotado con furor; Es de afrentas muy cubierto Por los hombres el Señor. Con ultrajes y blasfemias Ponen sin ningún temor Una vil y cruel corona En la frente de su Dios. 3 Al cordero manso cargan Con el leño del dolor; Su pesada cruz a cuestas Lleva Cristo el Salvador. A la cruz está clavado: ¡Reflexiona, pecador! ¡Mira al Hijo del eterno Perdonando al malhechor! Topics: El Año Cristiano Semana Santa; Christian Year Holy Week Languages: Spanish Tune Title: ALTA TRINITA BEATA
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Hail, thou once-despised Jesus

Hymnal: Hymnal and Canticles of the Protestant Episcopal Church with Music (Gilbert & Goodrich) #76 (1883) Meter: Topics: Palm Sunday and Passion Week Languages: English Tune Title: ST. HILARY
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Hail, thou once-despised Jesus

Hymnal: Hymnal and Canticles of the Protestant Episcopal Church with Music (Gilbert & Goodrich) #76b (1883) Meter: Topics: Palm Sunday and Passion Week Languages: English Tune Title: SMART

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Author: Robert Robinson Hymnal: Song and Service Book for Ship and Field #83 (1942) Meter:
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Call Jehovah thy salvation

Author: Montgomery Hymnal: Methodist Hymn-Book #95 (1884) Meter: Topics: Creation and Providence Scripture: Psalm 91 Languages: English
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Ven, oh todopoderoso

Author: H. G. Jackson, siglo XIX Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #103 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Ven, ¡oh todopoderoso, Adorable Creador! Padre santo, cariñoso, Manifiéstanos tu amor. A tu trono de clemencia Levantamos nuestra voz; Tu presencia te pedimos, Nuestro Padre, nuestro Dios. 2 Ven, ¡oh Salvador divino, Dios de nuestra salvación! En nosotros haz morada, Vive en nuestro corazón. Ven Tú, Cristo bondadoso, Que eres infinito amor; Óyenos, te suplicamos, Y bendícenos, Señor. 3 Ven, Espíritu divino, Danos tu precioso don; Dios Consolador, inspira Paz en todo corazón. De los santos grata herencia Hallaremos junto a Ti, Y la vida de los cielos Gozaremos desde aquí. Amén. Topics: El Año Cristiano La Santísima Trinidad; Christian Year The Holy Trinity Languages: Spanish Tune Title: BETHANY
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Luz brillante, dulce y pura

Author: Thomas M. Westrup, 1837-1909 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #110 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 ¡Luz brillante, dulce y pura, La Palabra del Señor! De las almas la más dura Salvará de grave error; Ella a todos ilumina, Instruyendo co bondad; Nos concede Dios al dicha De saber su voluntad. 2 Tus divinos juicios, Padre, Rectos y benignos son, Segurísima Palabra, Bálsamo del corazón, Sol que dora refulgente Todo templo de Señor, E ilumina toda mente Con divino resplandor. Topics: Los Medios de Gracia La Palabra; Means of Grace The Word Languages: Spanish Tune Title: BEECHER

¡Adelante, peregrinos!

Author: Leopoldo Cabán, n. 1904; Bernhard Severin Ingemann, 1789-1862 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #134 (1964) Meter: Topics: La Iglesia La Iglesia en General; Confirmación; Fe; Cruz y Consuelo; Comunión con Cristo; Communion with Christ; Confirmation; Cross and Comfort; Faith; The Church The Church in General Languages: Spanish Tune Title: SAINT ASAPH

사 랑 으 노 천 지 만 물 (God Who Created All)

Author: Won Yong Kang; Edward Poitras Hymnal: 찬송과 예배 = Chansong gwa yebae = Come, Let Us Worship #134 (2001) Meter: First Line: 사 랑 으 노 천 지 만 물 (God who created all by your Word) Topics: Adoration and Praise; Praise; 경배와 찬양; 찬미 Languages: English; Korean Tune Title: CREATED ALL
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De la iglesia el fundamento

Author: Juan Bautista Cabrera, 1837-1916; Samuel John Stone, 1839-1900 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #135 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 De la iglesia el fundamento Es Jesús el Salvador; Por la obra de su gracia Le dio vida su Señor; Para hacerla esposa quiso De los cielos descender, Y su sangre por limpiarla En la horrible cruz verter. 2 De entre todas las naciones Escogida en variedad, Al través de las edades Se presenta en unidad; Y los títulos que ostenta Son, tener sólo un Señor, Una fe, sólo un bautismo, Un constante y puro amor. 3 Aunque el mundo, combatida Del error por el vaivén, Y de cismas desgarrada, La contemple con desdén: En vigilia están los fieles Y jamás cesan de orar; Lo que es hoy tristeza, pronto Será júbilo y cantar. 4 Al través de sufrimientos Y fatigas y dolor, El glorioso día espera En que vuelva su Señor; Consumada su carrera Y perfecta su salud, Entrará libre y triunfante En la eterna beatitud. Amén. Topics: La Iglesia La Iglesia en General; El Santuario; La Iglesia Triumfante; Fe; Apertura; Opening; The Sanctuary; Faith; The Church The Church in General; The Church Triumphant Languages: Spanish Tune Title: WESTON
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Come, thou long-expected Jesus

Author: C. Wesley Hymnal: Methodist Hymn-Book #144 (1884) Meter: Topics: The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and Work Scripture: Haggai 2:7 Languages: English
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Cuánta dicha la del hombre

Author: William F. Rice Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #160 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 ¡Cuánta dicha la del hombre Perdonado por Jesús, Que por fe lavó su alma En la sangre de la cruz, El que es bienaventurado, Al que Dios no contará Ni el engaño ni el pecado, Mas su gracia le dará! 2 Triste, envuelto en el silencio Mis pecados escondi; ¡Qué pesares de conciencia, Qué miserias padecí! Mas, por fin desesperado, Descubríle mi aflicción; Mis pecados confesando, En Jesús busqué perdón. 3 El oyendo mis clamores, Mis pecados perdonó, Y de todas mis angustias Compasivo me libró. ¡Gloria a Ti, Señor eterno, Adorable Salvador! ¡Gloria a Ti por las edades, Dios de vida, Dios de amor! Amén. Topics: La Vida Cristiana La Vida Christiana en General; Acción de Gracias; Thanksgiving; The Christian Life in General The Christian Life in General Languages: Spanish Tune Title: REX GLORIAE
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Hail! thou once despised Jesus!

Author: J. Bakewell Hymnal: Methodist Hymn-Book #170 (1884) Meter: Topics: The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and Work Praise to the risen Saviour Languages: English
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Fuente de la vida eterna

Author: Thomas M. Westrup, 1837-1909; Robert Robinson, 1735-1790 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #172 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Fuente de la vida eterna Y de toda bendición, Ensalzar tu gracia tierna Debe cada corazón, Tu piedad inagotable, Abundante en perdonar; ¡Único SEr adorable! Gloria Ti debemos dar. 2 Como espíritus celestes Te quisieran hoy cantar Las agradecidas huestes Que lograste rescatar; Almas que a buscar viniste, Porque les tuviste amor; De ellas te compadeciste Con ternísimo favor. 3 Toma nuestros corazones: Llénalos de tu verdad, De tu Espíritu los dones Y de toda santidad. Guíanos en obediencia, Humildad, amor y fe; Nos ampare tu clemencia; Salvador, propicio sé. Topics: La Vida Cristiana Peticiones; The Christian Life Petitions Languages: Spanish Tune Title: RIPLEY
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Ven, ¡oh Dueño de mi vida

Author: Desconocido Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #178 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Ven, ¡oh Dueño de mi vida, Generoso bienhechor! Porque mi alma dolorida Clama ya por su pastor; No te tardes, te suplico, No te tardes, ¡oh Señor! Ven, ¡oh Dueño de mi vida, Mi Jesús mi Salvador! 2 A mi corazón, ¡oh Dueño!, Ven y llénalo de amor, Dale todo tu consuelo, No perezca de dolor. Cantaré yo cuando vuelvas A buscarme, Redentor: "Ven, ¡oh Dueño de mi vida, Mi Jesús mi Salvador!' Amén. Topics: La Vida Cristiana Peticiones; The Christian Life Petitions Languages: Spanish Tune Title: BALTIMORE
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Hark! the sound of holy voices

Hymnal: Hymnal and Canticles of the Protestant Episcopal Church with Music (Gilbert & Goodrich) #189 (1883) Meter: Topics: The Communion of Saints Languages: English Tune Title: LANGRAN'S
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Glorious things of thee are spoken

Hymnal: Hymnal and Canticles of the Protestant Episcopal Church with Music (Gilbert & Goodrich) #190a (1883) Meter: Languages: English Tune Title: AUSTRIA
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Preste oídos el humano

Author: Juan Bautista Cabrera, 1837-1916 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #198 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Preste oídos el humano A la voz del Salvador; Regocijese el que siente El pecado abrumador: Ya resuena el Evangelio De la tierra en la ancha faz. Y de gracia ofrece al hombre El perdón, consuelo y paz. 2 Vengan todos los que sufran, Los que sientan hambre o sed, Los que débiles se encuentren De este mundo a la merced: En Jesús hay pronto auxilio, Hay hartura y bienestar, Hay salud y fortaleza, Cual ninguno puede dar. 3 Vengan cuantos se acongojan Por lograr con que vestir, Y a su afán tan sólo rinden Servidumbre hasta el morir: Un vestido hay más precioso, Blanco, puro y eternal; Es Jesús quien da a las almas Ese manto celestial. 4 ¿Por qué en rumbo siempre incierto Vuestra vida recorréis? A Jesús venid, mortales, Que muy cerca le tenéis: Él es vida en tierra y cielo, Y el exceso de su amor Os mejora la presente Y os reserva otra mejor. Amén. Topics: La Vida Cristiana Invitación; Las Misiones; Apertura; Opening; The Christian Life Invitation; Missions Languages: Spanish Tune Title: SAINT ASAPH
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Oyes cómo el Evangelio

Author: Juan Bautista Cabrera, 1837-1916 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #203 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 ¿Oyes cómo el Evangelio Al cansado ofrece paz? Pues segura, ¡oh alma mía!, La promesa a ti se da. Bien alguno en mí no veo, Corrupción tan sólo hay; Yo cansado y afligido Busco alivio con afán. 2 En el arca la paloma Encontró do reposar: Para mi alma atribulada Arca Tú, Señor, serás Combatido vengo, y crece El diluvio sin cesar; Ábreme, Jesús, y en vano Rugirá la tempestad. 3 Amparada ya en tu seno, Puede el alma respirar; El reposo que prometes Siempre da segura paz. ¡Oh! ¡Cuán dulce en mis oídos Fue tu acento celestial: "Ven a Mí, ven; que el descanso Sólo en Mí podrás hallar!" Topics: La Vida Cristiana Invitación; The Christian Life Invitation Languages: Spanish Tune Title: FREU DICH SEHR
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Heme aquí, Jesús bendito

Author: Juan Bautista Cabrera, 1837-1916 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #209 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Heme aquí, Jesús bendito, Agobiado vengo a Ti, Y en mis males necesito Que te apiades Tú de mí. Ya no puedo con la carga Que me oprime sin cesar: Es mi vida tan amarga, Tan intenso mi penar. 2 Por auxilio clamo en vano, Aunque lo busqué doquier; Ni el amigo ni el hermano Me han podido socorrer; Pero Tú, Jesús, me invitas Con cordial solicitud, Tú me libras de mis cuitas Y me ofreces la salud. 3 Heme, pues, en tu presencia; Líbrame de mi ansiedad: Que es tan grande tu potencia Como es grande tu piedad; Y jamás ha recurrido Sin buen éxito a tu amor, Por consuelo el afligido, Por perdón el pecador. Topics: La Vida Cristiana Arrepentimiento y Confesión; The Christian Life Repentance and Confession Languages: Spanish Tune Title: HYFRODOL
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¡Oh Jesús, Señor divino!

Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #230 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 ¡Oh Jesús, Señor divino! Dame tu perdón y paz; Oye mi ferviente ruego En la gloria donde estás. Eres Tú la luz del mundo: Guíame, mi buen Jesús; Por mí, con amor profundo, Espiraste en una cruz. 2 Dulce paz y gozo eterno Voy al cielo a disfrutar; Que Jesús amante y tierno Me convida sin cesar. A mi patria yo, cristiano, Me dirijo con fervor, Con certeza que salvado Soy por Ti, mi buen Señor. 3 Por tu muerte victoriosa Me has abierto ¡oh Salvador!, Libre y único camino Al divino resplandor. En la gloria felizmente Al estar con mi Jesús De dolor y pena ausente Viviré en su dulce luz. Topics: La Vida Cristiana Fe; Cielo; Heaven; The Christian Life Faith Languages: Spanish Tune Title: SAINT HILARY
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Jesus, I my cross have taken

Hymnal: Hymnal and Canticles of the Protestant Episcopal Church with Music (Gilbert & Goodrich) #236 (1883) Meter: Languages: English Tune Title: BENEDICTION
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God her everlasting light

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns for the use of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America #238 (1872) Meter: First Line: Hear what God the Lord. hath spoken Topics: Institutions of the Gospel The Church Languages: English
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¡Oh, qué amigo nos es Cristo!

Author: L. Garza Mora, 1854-1938; Joseph Scriven, 1820-1886 Hymnal: Culto Cristiano #251 (1964) Meter: Lyrics: 1 ¡Oh, qué amigo nos es Cristo! Él llevó nuestro dolor, Y nos manda que llevemos Todo a Dios en oración ¿Vive el hombre desprovisto De paz, gozo y santo amor? Esto es porque no llevamos Todo a Dios en oración. 2 ¿Vives débil y cargado De cuidados y temor? A Jesús, refugio eterno, Dile todo en oración. ¿Te desprecian tus amigos? Dilo a Cristo en oración; En sus brazos gozo tierno Hallará tu corazón. 3 Jesucristo es nuestro amigo: De esto pruebas Él nos dio Al sufrir el cruel castigo Que el culpable mereció, Y su pueblo redimido Hallará seguridad Fiando en este amigo eterno Y esperando en su bondad. Topics: La Vida Cristiana Comunión con Cristo; Alabanzas; Invitación; Praise; Invitation; The Christian Life Communion with Christ Languages: Spanish Tune Title: CONVERSE (ERIE, FRIEND)


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