Raise Your Joys and Triumphs High (A Hymn Concertato on "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today")Downloadable File |
Mary McDonald is an impassioned champion of traditional hymnody. Envisioning a series of worship standards for choir and congregation, piano and organ accompaniment, and optional handbells and brass, she has created this definitive Easter hymn arrangement. The exciting opening instrumental prelude recalls the festive tolling of steeple carillons as they sound a joyous Easter wake-up call to choir and congregation alike. Next, a brief choral fanfare leads into four verses of "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today," each of which features a carefully nuanced accompaniment. A must for every church choir library, this hymn concertato is certain to become an annual tradition for Easter worship!
Voicing: SATB,Desc,O & P