"Are you the one," they asked him,
"the one who is to come?
or must we go on waiting
for God's own promised one?"
He gave John's friends an answer,
so simple, yet profound.
"See for yourself," said Jesus,
"the signs are all around.
"A lame man's bed is empty,
he danced with joy today;
a beggar's cup unneeded,
for he can see his way;
the leper's bell discarded,
no longer cause for fear;
an ear long tuned to silence
now suddenly can hear!
"No sackcloth now or ashes,
the sinner's been redeemed;
and into mourners' tear cups
forgiving love has streamed.
An unused tomb goes begging,
a widow sings her praise,
a precious son is living,
and wondrous are God's ways!
"Tell John what you have witnessed;
go tell him what you've heard:
The sick and poor in spirit
accept God's living Word.
And blest are those who love me,
who doubt and yet believe,
who hope and wait, expecting
Love's blessings to receive."