1 Are you weary, heavy laden, as you wander on in sin?
Come to Jesus, at his footstool humbly bow;
He will speak your sins forgiven, he will give you peace within,
You may have the blessing now.
Hear the message that we bring, hallelujah!
You may have the blessing now;
O repent and turn to God
Yield to him and trust the blood,
You may have the blessing now.
2 Are you longing that the Lord might work in you a double cure,
Set the seal of perfect love upon your brow?
He is able, he is willing, he will cleanse and make you pure,
You may have the blessing now. [Refrain]
3 Hear the blessed Spirit calling, “now is the accepted time;”
For a more convenient season waitest thou?
Full salvation is the pearl of greatest price, O make it thine!
You may have the blessing now. [Refrain]
4 Many millions in all ages have to him their guilt confess’d,
Just as sinful and unworthy they as thou;
He bestow’d the kiss of pardon and with full salvation bless’d,
You may have the blessing now. [Refrain]
Source: The Best of All: complete #92