1 Be ye not discouraged, children of the King,
To the heav’nly breezes, wide your banners fling;
Though the foe be mighty and the struggle long,
Jesus shall be victor, right shall conquer wrong.
The cross leads on, the cross leads on!
To certain final victory the cross leads on;
Fear ye not to follow where Christ before has gone;
To certain final victory the cross leads on.
2 Desert places all shall blossom as the rose;
There’ll be joy and singing where salvation goes,
On the horses’ bridles there inscribed shall be,
Holiness unto the Lord eternally. [Chorus]
3 Yes the crowning day is swiftly drawing nigh;
Then shall lambs and lions down together lie,
Ev’ry knee shall bow, and ev’ry tongue confess,
To the pow’r and beauty of His Holiness. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #6