Behold the Bridegroom! Hark the cry,
The dead, awaking, rends the sky!
Go, virgins, He is near,
Your lamps all burning clear;
He enters where the rising light
Asunder bursts the gates of night.
In holy garb, with lamp aglow,
To meet the Bridegroom forth I go.
The smiles of earth that turn to tears,
Its empty joys and foolish fears
I leave, for Thou dost call—
Thou art my Life, my All;
I would Thy beauty ever see,
Then let me, Blessed, cling to Thee.
In holy garb, with lamp aglow,
To meet the Bridegroom forth I go.
For Thee I leave the world behind—
Thou art my Bliss, O Bridegroom kind;
My beauty’s not mine own—
’Tis Thine, O Christ, alone;
Thy bridal-chamber I would see,
In perfect happiness to be.
In holy garb, with lamp aglow,
To meet the Bridegroom forth I go.
O God, exalted on Thy throne,
Who dwell’st in purity unknown,
Lo, now we humbly wait,
Throw wide the Heavenly gate,
And with the Bridegroom, of Thy grace,
Give us at Thy right hand a place.
In holy garb, with lamp aglow,
To meet the Bridegroom forth I go.
Hymns of the Greek Church, 1900