1 Behold the Rock, the smitten rock!
Within its rifted side
I’ve found a blessed refuge, where
I may securely hide.
O, the Rock, the Rock, the riven Rock!
My Saviour crucified;
No other shelter is secure
But Jesus’ wounded side.
2 Tho’ thund’ring Sinai’s terrors sound
Appalling to the ear,
Concealed within the cleft, I’m safe:
No danger will I fear. [Chorus]
3 Jesus, dear refuge of my soul!
My hope, my joy, my rest;
Confiding in Thy changeless love,
I am supremely blest. [Chorus]
4 My peace, unbroken by life’s storms,
While I in Christ abide,
My spirit rests in sweetest calm,
As in the Cleft I hide. [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #3