1 Bless the Lord, O Soul of mine;
Bless Him for His love divine;
Bless Him for His gifts so free
Ev'ry day bestowed on thee.
Ransomed spirits, bless the Lord!
Ev'ry heart His love record!
Testify of grace so free,
Pardoning and healing Thee!
2 All thy sins are now for given,
And thy name enrolled in heav'n;
Tho' a rebel thou hast been
Christ hath ransomed thee from sin. [Refrain]
3 Hallelujah! sin and pain,
In me do no longer reign!
Faith in Christ doth set me free,
Daily giving victory. [Refrain]
4 Bless the Lord, O Soul of mine;
Trim thy light and let it shine!
Show to men this way of love,
And the pow'r of Jesus prove. [Refrain]
5 Bless the Lord, O Soul of mine;
Walking in God's light divine!
Praise Him for His grace so free,
Pardoning and healing thee. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #16