Christ taught us of a farmer who went out sowing seeds.
A few had trouble growing among the rocks and weeds.
But others grew till harvest in soil that was so good.
O God, you sow the gospel: The seed is your own word.
You sowed your word of love here so many years ago.*
Your message found a welcome; your word began to grow.
By grace, this church was built here by saints who followed you.
The seed took root and flourished: we hear and follow, too.
We thank you for each member who lives in loving ways,
For those who seek to serve you without expecting praise.
For hearts and songs uplifted, for work and sacrifice.
The seed you planted grows here: we grow in Jesus Christ.
In times of joy we praise you, in struggling times we search,
And always we are learning to be your faithful church.
Your Spirit gives us vision, and hearts and lives made new.
Your harvest is for sharing: sent out, we work for you.
*Original wording was “You sowed your word of love here one hundred years ago.”
Source: Songs of Grace: new hymns for God and neighbor #20