Display Title: Come, Let Us Praise the Lord First Line: Come, let us praise the Lord Tune Title: DARWALL'S 148TH Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Meter: Scripture: Psalm 95 Date: 2012 Subject: Biblical Names and Places | Massah; Biblical Names and Places | Meribah; Church Year | Christ the King; Daily Prayer | Morning Prayer; Disciples / Calling | ; Earth | ; Elements of Worship | Call to Worship; Elements of Worship | Gathering; Elements of Worship | Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship | Prayer for Illumination; Enthronement Psalms | ; Faith | ; God | Light from; God | Obedience to; God | Trust in; God as | Creator; God as | King; God as | Refuge; God as | Shepherd; God's | Anger; God's | People (flock, sheep); God's | Power; God's | Presence; God's | Promise of Redemption; God's | Reigning; God's | Sovereignty; God's | Strength; God's | Way; Grace | ; Hymns of Praise | ; Idols and Idolatry | ; Joy | ; Obedience | ; Occasional Services | Christian Marriage; Peace | ; Prayer | ; Processions | ; Remembering | ; Rest | ; Ten Commandments | 2nd Commandment (do not make graven emages); The Creation | ; Unity and Fellowship | ; Worship | ; Year A, Lent, 3rd Sunday | ; Year A, Reign of Christ, November 20-26 |
Psalms for All Seasons #95A