1 Creator, Spirit, heav'nly Dove,
Descend upon us from above;
With graces manifold restore
Thy creatures as they were before.
2 What comfort lies in Thy sweet name,
O Gift that from the Highest came,
O precious Unction from above,
O living Fount, O Fire of love!
3 Illume our minds, our souls inspire,
Vouch-safe to us love's holy fire,
Thy wondrous pow'r on us bestow,
That we in grace and strength may grow.
4 In Thee, with graces seven-fold,
We God's almighty hand behold;
With tongues of fire dost Thou proclaim
To all the world His glorious name.
5 O bid the foe from us depart,
With grace and peace fill ev'ry heart,
That well our earthly course we run
And soul-destroying evil shun.
6 May we the Father know through Thee,
In Jesus Christ our Savior see.
And Thee, who dost from both proceed,
By faith confess as God indeed.
7 To God the Father we accord
All honor, and to Christ our Lord,
And Thee, our Comforter, extend
All laud and praise, world without end.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #464
First Line: | Creator Spirit, heavenly Dove |
Title: | Creator Spirit, Heavenly Dove |
Translator (from Latin): | Martin Luther |
Translator: | Richard Massie |
Source: | Latin, 8th Century |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |