1 Father of mercies, unto Thee
A penitent I come today;
The blood of Christ my only plea,
Thy precious word my hope and stay.
Out of the depths I cry unto Thee;
O God, be merciful,
O God, be merciful,
O God, be merciful unto me.
2 Perverse and wayward I have been,
A wanderer in forbidden ways;
Now would I turn away from sin,
And let my life proclaim Thy praise. [Refrain]
3 Thy work of grace, O Lord, complete,
By wondrous soul-transforming power;
Contrite I fall before Thy feet,
And look to Thee this sacred hour. [Refrain]
4 Help me to claim each promise mine;
My deep transgression far remove;
Make me, O Lord, entirely Thine,
And fill my soul with heavenly love. [Refrain]
Source: The Bright Array #57