Firme kredas mi kaj vere

Firme kredas mi kaj vere

Author: John Henry Newman; Translator: L. I. Gentle
Published in 3 hymnals

Audio files: MIDI

Representative Text

1. Firme kredas mi kaj vere
Dio estas Triunuo.
Kaj la Filo, eĉ surtere,
Enkarniĝis en Jesuo.

2. Fidas mi kun plenespero
Al la kruca sav-deklaro,
Mortu per la Di-mistero
Ĉiu peka penso, faro.

3. Venas lumo, vivo, forto
Nur per graco de l' Sinjoro.
Ĉiopova, Sankta Vorto,
Lin mi amas kun fervoro.

4. Ankaŭ, Sanktan Eklezion
Mi respektas, pro Jesuo.
Ŝi instruos, ĝis en Cion
Li mem estos mia ĝuo.

5. Ho adoru, terloĝanto,
Kun anĝeloj ĉe l' zenito
Nun al Dio, la Kreanto,
Patro, Filo, kaj Spirito.

Source: TTT-Himnaro Cigneta #142

Author: John Henry Newman

Newman, John Henry , D.D. The hymnological side of Cardinal Newman's life and work is so small when compared with the causes which have ruled, and the events which have accompanied his life as a whole, that the barest outline of biographical facts and summary of poetical works comprise all that properly belongs to this work. Cardinal Newman was the eldest son of John Newman, and was born in London, Feb. 21, 1801. He was educated at Ealing under Dr. John Nicholas, and at Trinity College, Oxford, where he graduated in honours in 1820, and became a Fellow of Oriel in 1822. Taking Holy Orders in 1824, he was for a short time Vice-Principal of St. Alban's Hall, and then Tutor of Oriel. His appointment to St. Mary's, Oxford, was in the spring of… Go to person page >

Translator: L. I. Gentle

Leonard Ivor Gentle, an Englishman, was for 26 years the organist of the Londona Esperanta Diservo, for many years the best known Esperanto Protestant worship meeting. Four of his works appear in Adoru, and many others are accessible at the archived versions of TTT-Himnaro Cigneta ( Leland Ross Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Firme kredas mi kaj vere
English Title: Firmly I believe and truly
Author: John Henry Newman
Translator: L. I. Gentle
Language: Esperanto



HALTON HOLGATE (also called SHARON) is a version of a psalm tune originally composed by William Boyce (b. London, England, 1710; d. Kensington, London, 1779) and published around 1765 in his Collection of Melodies, including tunes by various composers for Christopher Smart's paraphrases of the psalm…

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Instances (1 - 3 of 3)

TTT-Himnaro Cigneta #142


TTT-Himnaro Cigneta #142a


TTT-Himnaro Cigneta #142b

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