Forgive my heart its vain regrets,
And, as I cast my eyes behind,
Subdue the spirit, Lord, that frets,
Because the light with dark is twined.
I cannot understand the way
By which unerring wisdom leads;
Nor do I know for what to pray,
Unconscious of my deepest needs.
Thou, Whose almighty power upholds
The stars that in their courses move,—
Whose eye creation’s need beholds
To prompt the outflow of Thy love;—
Teach me in calm content to live
’Mid all the changes life contains,
Assured that, love and wisdom give
The blessing that for aye remains.
And in the darkness and the light,
And in the gladness and the pain,
Make me to know that all is right,
And every loss my truest gain.
Hymns from the Morningland, 1911