Founded our Lord has upon earth a realm of the Spirit
Wherein He fosters a people restored by His merit.
It shall remain
People its glory attain,
They shall the kingdom inherit.
Forward like light of the morning its message is speeding,
Millions receive and proclaim it with gladness exceeding
For with His word
God doth His Spirit accord,
Raising all barriers impeding.
Jesus, our Savior, with God in the highest residing,
And by the Spirit the wants of Thy people providing,
Be Thou our life,
Shield and defender in strife,
Always among us abiding.
Then shall Thy people as Lord of the nations restore Thee,
Even by us shall a pathway be straightened before Thee
Till everywhere,
Bending in worship and prayer,
All shall as Savior adore Thee.
Source: Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark #82