1 From a grateful heart I say,
God is good,
I can ne’er His love repay,
He’s so good.
Once He cleans’d my heart from sin,
Now He keeps me pure within,
Where shall I His praise begin,
He’s so good.
God is good,
God is good,
Evermore His name I’ll praise,
He’s so good.
2 When I go to Him in pray’r,
God is good,
He will hear me anywhere
He’s so good.
Tho’ sometimes my faith He’ll test,
Yet He’s sure to give the best,
And my soul is always blest,
He’s so good. [Chorus]
3 Tho’ at times I’ve gone astray,
God is good,
He has never said me “Nay,”
He’s so good.
When repentance true I’ve shown,
(Tho’ unto the depths I’ve gone,)
He had pard’ning grace unknown,
He’s so good. [Chorus]
4 Tho’ this life with death should end,
God is good,
Praise would evermore ascend,
He’s so good.
But when this short life is o’er,
Over on the “other shore”
I will live forevermore,
He’s so good. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #206