1 God will give grace and glory,
Thus doth his Word declare,
Unto his called and faithful,
Riches and blessings rare.
Grace and glory,
Poured on us from on high,
Will gladden our days and fill us with praise;
God give to us grace and glory.
2 Bounteous grace he giveth,
Grace over sin to reign,
Grace to obey and please him,
Life and a crown to gain. [Refrain]
3 Glory from heaven shineth
Into the lowly breast,
Glory of Christ’s own presence,
Richness and peace and rest. [Refrain]
4 Glory and grace refreshing
Fall as a summer rain,
Bringing to life full fruitage,
Harvests of golden grain. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Grace and Glory: A New and Inspiring Selection of Sacred Songs for Evangelical Use and General Worship #1