God's Way Is Best

God's way is best; if human wisdom

Author: Charles W. Naylor (1904)
Tune: [God's way is best; if human wisdom]
Published in 6 hymnals

Audio files: MIDI

Representative Text

1 God’s way is best; if human wisdom
A fairer way may seem to show,
’Tis only that our earth-dimmed vision
The truth can never clearly know.

God’s way is best, I will not murmur,
Although the end I may not see;
Where’er He leads I’ll meekly follow,
God’s way is best, is best for me.

2 Had I the choosing of my pathway,
In blindness I should go astray,
And wander far away in darkness,
Nor reach that land of endless day. [Refrain]

3 He leadeth true; I will not question,
Though through the valley I shall go;
Though I should pass through clouds of trial,
And drink the cup of human woe. [Refrain]

4 God’s way is best; heart, cease thy struggling
To see and know and understand;
Forsake thy fears and doubts, but trusting,
Submit thyself into His hand. [Refrain]

5 Thy way is best, so lead me onward,
My all I give to Thy control;
Thy loving hand will truly guide me,
And safe to glory bring my soul. [Refrain]

Source: Timeless Truths #941

Author: Charles W. Naylor

Naylor, Charles Wesley. (1874--1950). C. W. Naylor was born in southern Ohio and reared in Ohio and West Virginia by grandparents. At the age of nineteen he left the Methodist church for the Church of God. He worked for a while at the Gospel Trumpet Company in Grand Junction, Michigan and on some evangelistic tours. He was ordained in 1899 in Springfield, Ohio. He was first injured in 1908 in Florida while moving timbers from under a meeting tent. He suffered a dislocated kidney and other internal injuries. A year later he was in a bus accident that left him an invalid for the rest of his life. Naylor wrote eight books, many articles and pamphlets, many hymns and gospel songs, besides being a columnist in the Gospel Trumpet. --John W.… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: God's way is best; if human wisdom
Title: God's Way Is Best
Author: Charles W. Naylor (1904)
Meter: D
Language: English
Refrain First Line: God's way is best, I will not murmur
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 2 of 2)
Page Scan

Evening Light Songs #111


Timeless Truths #941

Include 4 pre-1979 instances
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