1 Have you been converted? do you follow him
Who on Calv’ry’s mountain died to pardon sin?
Emulate the Master—take a noble stand;
When a brother needs it, lend a helping hand.
Lend a hand, a helping hand,
Show them how a Christian can for Jesus stand;
Lend a hand, a helping hand,
Lend a hand, a helping hand.
2 Millions now are waiting to receive God’s word;
Of our precious Savior they have never heard;
Send, O send the gospel to their native land—
To the souls in darkness lend a helping hand. [Chorus]
3 Oh, how many sinners meet us ev’ry day
Who might come to Jesus, if they knew the way!
Chains of sin surround them like an iron band;
To break off these fetters, lend a helping hand. [Chorus]
4 Oh, how much of sorrow ev’rywhere we find!
And the world so often seems to be unkind;
But tell those in trouble of a better land,
And to help them reach it lend a helping hand. [Chorus]
Source: Inspiring Songs No. 1: for the Sunday school #103