1 He will mention them no more forever,
My sins are all taken away;
For his royal promise changes never,
My sins are all taken away.
They are all taken away,
They are all taken away;
He will mention them no more forever;
Praise the Lord! sing it all day.
They are all taken away,
They are all taken away;
I am resting in the great Peace Giver,
My sins are all taken away.
2 Since I came by faith to Calv'ry's mountain,
My sins are all taken away;
Thro' the cleansing pow'r of that blest Fountain,
My sins are all taken away. [Chorus]
3 At the bottom of the sea they're lying,
My sins are all taken away;
Now the pow'rs of sin and self denying,
My sins are all taken away. [Chorus]
4 Once the "carnal mind" was all my pleasure,
My sins are all taken away;
Now the word of God is my chief treasure,
My sins are all taken away. [Chorus]
5 Doubt can never stay where Faith is singing,
"My sins are all taken away;"
"Praise the Lord" within my heart is ringing,
My sins are all taken away. [Chorus]
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #201