1 Hear the precious invitation,
Whosoever will may come;
In the Father’s many mansions,
For His children there is room.
Christ the Lord has gone before you,
To prepare a dwelling place
For the souls who do His bidding,
And accept His love and grace.
2 Come and taste the living water,
Flowing from the Father’s throne;
Come and share in joys more holy
Than your life has ever known.
Lay aside all fear and doubting,
Take the gifts He offers thee;
Hope and joy and full salvation,
Christ the Lord will give you free.
3 Seek ye first the heav’nly kingdom,
Putting worldly gain aside;
Find a place beside the Savior,
Where you may in peace abide.
Do not dread the cross He gives you,
He Himself will bear a part;
Strive each day to be more worthy
Of a place within His heart.
4 Hear the precious invitation
And accept your Lord today;
When He offers rest and pardon,
Can you longer stay away?
Endless life awaits your choosing;
Will you not decide aright,
In the way He sets before you,
Walk by faith instead of sight?
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16102